CoX Bucket List?
1. Have fun playing with friends and on pick up groups.
2. Have every possible badge on my dominator (Not very close)
3. Play every archetype to 50 (Haven't gotten a warshade, peacebringer, widow, or scrapper that high)
4. Play every powerset in the game until accessing all powers. (Not close)
5. Play every mission in the game on my dominator. (Redside completed, blueside still needs work, goldside is tricky.)
6. Min/Max my favorite characters' builds to correctly reflect their concepts.
7. Unlock and slot all character-correct incarnate abilities on all 50's. (Not close)
8. Finish all AE arcs to satisfactorily tell the stories I have in mind, while being fun to play. (Only two finished, 6 still neglected.)
9. Find new, fun characters and powerset combos.
10. Have fun playing with friends and on pick up groups.
Be Silas - done
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Earn the Bug Hunter Badge.
1) Get a character to 50 (done)
2) Get a W.S and P.B to 50 ( only a Shade so far)
3) Make and level a Tank to 20 (done many times)
4) Not delete said Tanks ( incomplete)
5) Solo a character to 50 ( done)
6) Hit 50 on 2 characters *level pacted, solo (done)
7) Get all Accolades ongame (done)
8) Shard Task Force ( with Witty's help completed, only on my main tho)
9) Not be Silas (done)
10) Stick around long enough to see my complete Global friends list light up again
( still hoping)
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
But now I expect a Guide to Being Silas, including the "How Silas Be Doin It" section.
Maybe narrated by John Malkovich.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
6 posters with no Bucket lists....
Come on...
*makes me miss Tribal Axe and Moonbear a lot more,they were truly threadjack masters.
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
1. Made some great freinds
2. Accomplish all Master Badges, (Still Missing Keyes)
3. Leveld a toon by TF's only.
4. Solo'd a toon to 50.
5. Making 999,999,999 Influence for the first time
6. Made some great friends
7. Made Stryker's Banned list.
8. Making a retirement toon, (Not yet)
9. Wormholed Hami, (did it in a LGTF, not Hami raid)
10. Used no SO' or IO's from lvl 1-50, (My first toon I didn't know any better :P)
1 Subscribe until service is no longer available at which point wait to see if another company takes over and hosts the game servers
2 Update the important links directory thread
3 Hit forum cartel someday without having camped daily in Forum Games
4 Write game code that causes Super Group Base Turrets to attack Villains and Heroes
5 Take someone's clothes away from a public shower and leave them with only a funny costume to wear
6 Switch all Maruts current binds with my outdated 04 hami raid instructions
7 Find out what that green healy aura is and why anyone plays toons it emanates from
8 Tell your mom I'm pregnant
9 Type out a bucket list while not under the influence
10 Frog tipping

Are you implying that at some point prior to this accomplishment, you once WERE Silas?

In seriousness:
- Write guides for all support sets
- t3 Incarnate out all my main dudes
- Kit out my solo SG base
- Get seen rollin', get hated
I dunno, I'll give it some thought and try to come up with some more.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
1 through 6) Play Co* and have fun.
7) Roll a completely team dependent character and level it to 50. One that has no business soloing anything, 'cause it only has ONE damage power beyond the inherents.
8) Play with a Big Red Ball in Atlas Park. Talos would be ok, as long as it stayed on the main island.
9) See the Moon Base zone.
10) Somehow, someway, get Aeon to fix AE fixed for outdoors missions to be *right* and finish my arc about the Dawn sisters, just so I can say I did it.
11) Win the Lottery. Which reminds me... I forgot to buy a ticket.
Pretty much all I got.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
7) Roll a completely team dependent character and level it to 50. One that has no business soloing anything, 'cause it only has ONE damage power beyond the inherents.

The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
1) Get one of those nifty special forum titles - Not done
2) Get one of every main AT, except stalkers, to 50 - Mostly done, missing Corrs and Brutes
3) Make a CoH video without finding any mistakes in it after its on youtube - Hahaha, not gonna happen
4) Laugh at Silas - Done
5) Make the Devs laugh with a video of mine - done
6) Make an AE arc that remains at 5 stars - not done
7) Give Ashcraft an actual IO build -not done
8) Run a sucessful SG - Done, many years ago.
9) Sit down and actually find an SG that doesn't devolve into drama - Surprisingly, Done
10) Make a squirrel character - Done, Dr. Squirrelpants is the best!
5/10, not bad.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
1. To create an Architect Entertainment story to explain and share the great Super group Lore created by an excellent team of writers and story tellers in the Pillars of Might.
- This remains outstanding. I feel so "overwhelmed" by the talents of my teammates that I'm slightly embarrassed to create. I'm still going to do it, but I'm procrastinating.
2. To complete my SG base.
- I have already put a lot of work into our base, and recently we decided to change the focus of the look so sections will need to be redone. Waiting for the new update that will help with base creation.
3. To play a character other then a Tank or a Brute past level 20.
- Failed. Failed. and Failed. I just CAN'T play anything but a Tanker. (Proving I'm not Silas.)
4. To contribute to a third party "support" website or group.
- I want to offer my services to a group like Titan Network, Paragon Wiki, or any other 3rd party group who is making this game better for us. I have yet to approach any of them, but I plan to.
5. Contribute something to the permanent "Lore" in the game.
- I have always wanted to do something that will remain IN GAME. Had we successfully lobbied for a Tanker Tuesday Plaque, I would have fullfilled this wish. If they ever have a "create a NPC contest" or something, I'm going to be all over it.
6. Start an "Allstars" Supergroup or Organization.
- People in this game are VERY loyal to their SG's, even if those SG's have only 2 members left. It is my goal to create a network of sorts to tie these players together. My thought was to create a global channel instead of asking people to leave their SG's. I have been talking to people about it. Worse case scenario, more people to play with, how can it be a bad thing?
7. Start a themed group, Such as "Atlantians" or "Golden Aged".
- Tried several times, they never lasted. I still haven't given up. FYI Contact me if your interested!
8. Start a "who's who" or "Official Handbook of the Dinah Might universe"
- I have a lot of characters in my head, but I'm only successful at playing one type of character (see point #3). I'd love to write them all down somewhere.
9. Contribute to others enjoyment in this game.
- This is an ongoing desire. I want to do something to increase the enjoyment of another player's experience in this game. For them to think "Thanks to Dinah, I have had a great time or experience playing this game"
10. Meet great people.
- Done and done. I've met such great people in this game. In my SG and out! I'll never regret my time in this game.
The only thing I can think of that I've want to and not done is solo a character to 50, I've come close but always end up teaming with whatever character I try. Highest I've gotten solo is 43 on a dark/dark Corr when CoV was first released.
I've never been too much of a badger unfortunately, highest I ever managed was in the 500s and that was mainly because I had the character so long I ended up stumbling over most of them by chance without actually badging.
My single main regret is that I didn't discover just how wowawesomeCorruptors and redside ATs in general were until GR came out. But then it as game on
(Yes I am aware that I didn't add numbers and make it a 'list' format. Thanks)
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
What I consider a Bucket List is a list o' things that I haven't done yet, versus some things I've accomplished and some things that I haven't. The vast majority o' the accomplishments in this game for me are levelin' up a character, IOin' it out, and gettin' its accolades and Incarnates. With that in mind, my next items are:
* Finish my Elec/Storm controller to 50, IO, accolade, and Incarnate out with at least T4 Musculature.
* Play a TW/WP brute.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
- Play one of each archetype to 50. Blaster, controller, defender, mastermind, peacebringer, scrapper, tanker, and warshade done. Dominator 24, brute 16, widow 12, stalker 8, corruptor and soldier 3.
- Build a "complete" supergroup base. My blueside base is pretty well done unless they add more beacons or I decide I just can't live without an Oracle so I can run one-team CoPs. Redside could use more in the workshop but is also otherwise done.
- Play every misison. Largely abandoned due to intensifying dislike of redside. Mostly done blueside, and about half done goldside.
- Have all blueside Ouroboros arcs starred off on my blaster. Mostly done; still need to do Long Jack's arc again (ugh; don't know why the first time didn't count) plus First Ward and the revamped Tina Mac arc.
- Earn all the badges I can get on my blaster. Two short: News Flash and Master of TPN Campus. (Edit: Long overdue update.)
- Help someone get a badge I don't need, just to help. Done several times. Hopefully will be done many more.
- Lead a successful Master of... Task Force. Done, Lady Grey.
- Lead a mothership raid. Not done.
- Host a regular event that lasts beyond a couple runs. I started Sunday afternoon badging back in August, and it's still going. (Largely thanks to continued frustration with MoKeyes.) I hope to keep it going (or resume in January, at least) even after I'm done with Keyes, but we'll see.
- Host a social event. Maybe someday...
A few things I would still like to do.
1. make a really great AE arc backstory for my original character.
2. See the return (and some needed use) of the Taxibots.
3. Run another shard-a-thon race. (all shard TFs back to back)
Scatterpack Rad/Rad
~ Earthguard ~
1) Defeat all the Freedom Phalanx Heroes and Arachnos Arch-Villains in Recluse's Victory.
2) Defeat every Giant Monster (legit...not in a TF or SF).
3) Do every Task Force, Strike Force, and Trial (except iTrials) I can with one toon.
4) MoITF, MoSTF.
5) Solo a Pylon.
6) 1000 Badges on one toon. (1150!)
Check, check, check, check, check, and czech.
7) Have a moderately, decent, kinda, sorta, meaningful time PvPing where I didn't feel like I was wasting my time...
Bucket list = things youve not done, but would like to. With that being said..
1. Hitch a ride on the blimp
2. Take the pink speed boat for a ride around IP
3. Get a pair of boots that dont make it look like you have cankles
4. Garter's
5. Costume choices from the Carnies
6. See and participate in an "old school hami" raid ()
7. See it snow in Paragon city, you know, like, actual seasons
8. Meet all my Favortie people ive met in game in Vegas (in the works...)
9. Pull the stick out of a few ppls butts in this game
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
So I've been around for awhile although admittedly I do not frequent the boards as much I used to. I'm curious if any of you have a CoX bucket list ? Perhaps the only reason I am thinking about it is I'll be turning 21 again for the last time tomorrow. So after thinking about it here's a list of what I came up with in no particular order.
) - Not Done though I think I've participated in a 64 event way way back in the day.
1) Tried every AT in the game up to Level 12 - Done
2) Lead a Hamidon Raid - Done - the old school way big thanks to everyone who joined in on the many raids the old school way (too many to name you know who you are)
3) Solo'd a TF - Done - I finished Positron on my namesake Blaster (post IO environment he was 47 at the time - I used a boatload of inspirations but I was able to do it). I should probably try one of the harder TFs with one of my pimped out builds...
4) Won a costume contest - Done - I had participated in a lot of costume contests but never won any (mostly for the good company) and was shocked when I won at POM's recent Zombie costume contest.
5) Shard Task Force - Not Done - I dont know if I have enough attention span to sit down for one of these.
6) Earned 400 Rep in PVP - Done - I'd have to check for the badge but I am pretty sure I have it on my stalker (I used to zone pvp alot before Travel Suppression and Heal Decay)
7) Written a Guide - Done - Holy Frak is that old! I am working on new project however which I hope will be more helpful to everyone.
8) Roleplayed an event or task force - Not Done. I think it'd be fun to do for a couple of hours.
9) Designed a worthy AE arc - Not Done.
10) Hosted a large scale PvP Event (like a 64 person FFA
What's 10 items on your CoX Bucket List?