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  1. Come on Witty.. I want a Shard race. First team to do all 4 back to back
  2. scatterpack

    Hamidon Raid

    Originally Posted by Neutrio View Post
    Evening all! I was just reflecting on the "old days" and recalled the good times taking down Hamidon. So, thanks to Amygdala & Cobalt Azurean's suggestions, I'm proposing to roust him out of his hiding place in The Hive (with your help of course) & remind him that he isn't untouchable. :-)

    Since the 7/8/2012 raid went so well (and my lack of remembering to post a 7/15 raid on this forum), I am proposing 7/22/2012 @ 6:30PM EST -- meet at the center of The Hive (that way some folks can get the exploration badge sitting there where Hami's butt used to be). I'll be on Neutrio (Emp/Rad) though I have every other AT to bring to the fun.

    We'll need a 7 tanks, lots of melee & ranged dmg, a good showing of holds/mez & healz.

    So, here is a sign-up for those interested:

    1. @Neutrio
    2. @Scatterpack
    What the heck.
  3. Deception Pass, WA

    Mt. Erie, WA
  4. I kinda miss those olympic games that were run for a few years in a row there... i forget who was the lead on those. I'm thinking about organizing some stuff since we are coming up on the summer games and whatnot. Anyone be up for that type of thing?
  5. scatterpack

    CoX Bucket List?


    A few things I would still like to do.

    1. make a really great AE arc backstory for my original character.
    2. See the return (and some needed use) of the Taxibots.
    3. Run another shard-a-thon race. (all shard TFs back to back)
  6. scatterpack

    emp useful?

    Just wondering if anyone was feeling kinda "blah" about their emp with the new incarnate stuff. It seems emps are one of the sets that really took a beating on being useful due to the various Rebirths, Clarion, etc. Also with the hospital right in zone it makes rez pretty useless as well. Also kin gets mass buff on ID, but no emp CM? Just was kinda bugging me as my emp is also a taxibot which of course died once temp travel powers flowed like water.
  7. Ooo.. I would love to get in on these. Reminds me of base raids when I was pushing for a team of 8 Ill, dressed like PA with toon names made up of "I"s and "l". (i.e. IllIlIllIIl) Would have been impossible for people to target anyone. Anyway, got an ill/kin that would like to join. I may poke you Sun.
  8. scatterpack

    After 7 years

    Drat.. I was trying to find my old submissions for "make Dinah an avatar contest" some years ago, but no go. GL Dinah, hope it turns into a break instead of a goodbye.
  9. SG Meltdown! SG MELTDOWN!??!!... this is a stupid @!$ thread!!!!!!! All your SGs are smelly!!!!! Mine is the BESTEST of ALL!!!
  10. The Hollows, but only for sentimental reasons as I used to Taxibot there for hours and hours. It was the zone all the lowbies went through and there was always some good conversation to be had.
  11. Well what the heck. I attempt some magic tricks now and then. My filming is not great, but here you go:
  12. scatterpack


    Sorry I didn't get up a post sooner, but I did want to say was a great raid. I haven't been to a "new" one except once or twice. It was quite fun, and you guys did a great job. (And I'm not just saying that cause I won one of the GREAT trivia prizes). I would recommend not being so efficient at taking down hami however as that just seems to piss devs off.

    I had a good time, and thanks again.

    - Scatter (aka Taxibot 69)
  13. I was kind of hoping for IoPs. Has this just been permanently shelved? I can stop worrying about base prestige if this is the case.
  14. This is a great guide, but it actually reinforces my already "IO stuff is just too complicated to mess with" frame of mind. I just know I'll be missing out on cool stuff with IOs. I wish there was a way to respec more often with IOs coming out since the number of slots in a power will be such a large concern, if you mess up all the sudden want that 5th slot to complete a set you are SOL.
  15. teleport. Because it was my first travel power and I can still remember porting up to a ledge on a tall building going: "OMG!! This is great!" Plus, sadly I played so much with it when I was up in a tall building in RL looking down I would think: "Ooo, I could port right over to that location on top of that building."
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Per account or per character?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    First off. Grats. Second, don't you (not "you" specific, but "you" general) think it is a little unfair to even be able to get HOs in an 8 man team on the villain side when it isn't even possible to do such a thing on the hero side? At least I don't think an 8 man has taken down hami (I didn't read though 15 pages, so this might have been mentioned)

    Oh, yeah, is the 24 hours from the start time or finish time? (i.e. if I start it at 6pm every night will that work?)

    Also I haven't done the SF, so I'm just kinda BSing here, but I think you may be overstating that you HAVE to have the specific builds. Only because how many 45+ levs are even out there right now to run it? (much less 50s) You obviously had a smaller "pool" of powersets to work with than say 2 or 3 months from now when there are more 50s running around, so you probably don't want to discount various teams being able to complete it with different powersets.
  17. Hmmm.... I'm thinking Crickets with laser beams on their heads?

    Anyway, welcome!
  18. Great! More cool stuff that our SG won't be able to afford
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Something else that is kind of funny is that this post had next to no views until Castle posted here. Suddenly, everyone is interested in Poison

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think mostly people get to the thread via dev digest, thus the views going up when a red name posts.
  20. scatterpack

    Is it confirmed?

    [ QUOTE ]
    of course the question is why would you take a tank or a scrapper over to CoV and after the ED nerf why would you even play these classes. Tanks will be nothing more than brutes that dont havea damage bonus if that good and scrappers will be going down so fast they wont be any use to any one

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just give them time to figure out what powersets on CoV are too good and they will be nerfing them in line soon. So then it would make sense.
  21. This just seems odd. Is this just being done to fix the fact that stamina 6 slotted will be worse? Why make it worse with ED, then turn around and make it better unless you are focusing on that single power? If you are focusing on that single power, why not focus on all single enhancable powers? It just seem to me like you guys are WAY overthinking things here and a complete redesign / simplification is needed in order to achieve what you seemingly want which is less powerful powers.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't feel bad if it's difficult - this gets confusing real quick, which is one real downside to this system - I happen to agree with Arcana. Defense (if specific numbers are not going to be provided for us) should be intuitive. I should know, without doing any math, that turning on hover will help my defense (as long as the tohit floor hasn't been reached). At this point, we don't know that (at least not intuitively).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Excellent observation. Why not either A: put some hard numbers in a fairly easy chart form from the Devs to the players. OR B: simplify the system so it is intuitive. I would think that not having to check def against a certain type of dmg in the programming code would just be one less process.
  23. Thanks for the update. My question is in the way character information is stored. Are the devs then taking a look at reworking how this data is stored. You mentioned "what seemed like a simple query.." and to the "know enough to get you in trouble crowd" it would seem you should have a "flag" set in the character data that said the TF has been done and a "flag" set in the data that said the character does or does not have X badge. Query on the flag about the TF being done, flip flag on the badge to "on".

    It must not be that easy, but I'm sure that the Devs now realize that is probably should be. Once again, I'm not a programmer in any league close to game designers, (and I'm amazed with COH and love he game) however it seems on the surface that there must be a better way to code character data if you can't tell who has completed a TF in an easy way.