Favorite Travel Power
Sj For building hopping and fly for some Ariel combat, PvP Aerial fights are fun but so are Pve.
Flight all the way, it just seems the most "super". Teleport is pretty cool too, and very fast. I rarely use the other two.
I really like Super Jump. It's pretty active, although you don't have flights nifty, set your course and go get snacks, ability. I like to jump and try and land right on the top of things just "so". You know, catching that wall top just right, or hitting the skylight on a warehouse building, or bouncing off the power lines - so much fun!
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Well I usually pick the travel power that best suits my characters background and origin, but my favorite is Fly and Super Jump. They both have vertical movement but Fly is just easier to get to some places like in Grandvile. Even some of those mission doors are a pain to get to with Super Jump. Since the Good vs Evil upgrade though I can suppliment my super jump with that jump pack and get anywhere someone with Fly now. So to make a long story short... Super Jump and Fly are a tie in my book =D
you don't have flights nifty, set your course and go get snacks, ability.
[/ QUOTE ]
/autorun 1$$up 1
I've thought of gravity as my own, personal AV since first seeing Superman: The Movie in 1979. CoH is the only video game I've ever played that lets me live out my childhood fantasy of defying gravity, and I bought the game based solely on that premise.
My favorite travel power is Flight. In rl I'm deathly afraid of heights and there are moment in CoH/V where I'm hit with vertigo (happens especially if I get the arms flailing plummeting animation).... but since it's a game it's safe controlled semi-exciting vertigo adrenalin-rushyness.
I love being able to leap off buildings, and often try to time my fly just right so it activates at the last minute and I hopefully don't take damage...
Super Speed is almost too fast for my tastes most of the time and SJ too uncontrolled (though better than when the game first came out). Teleport is like a high maintenance friend... I like to visit but don't want to stay around too long. Fly is somehow just right (though a bit more speed would be nice : ).
Depends on what I'm up to at the time.
If I want to get somewhere in a hurry, teleport is the right choice.
If I want to get somewhere with no effort, such as if I'm watching TV or going to get a snack or something, fly is the right choice.
If I want to just plain have fun zipping around, Superspeed plus Hurdle and Combat Jumping is the right choice.
Another Flier here. I've tried them all. SuperSpeed is of course fast, but I don't like needing to take other powers to make up for its lack of vertical "oomph". Teleport is a bit unwieldy for me since I'm too lazy to get a good bind going. I'm also not fond of the end cost or the lack of safety when that end starts running out and I'm really high up someplace. SuperJump is generally something I take if I'm going to want Combat Jumping and/or Acrobatics. Sometimes theme calls for it as well but usually, there's a pratical purpose.
That just leaves Fly. Total movement control, minimal end issues, if any at all (thanks for the changes, Devs! ^_^), decent speed and it's just plain fun to use. I also enjoy the "can go grab a snack" aspect of it as well. Air Superiority is also pure gold on a stick and makes taking Fly just that much easier. =o]
my fave is superjump for the same reasons as Lighthouse, I turn travelling into a mini game and try to hit rooftops only and when I land I aim to land right in the middle of my team who are standing outside of the door. No one ever says "whoah" though when I do make it.../sob.
BUT I also like to build pretty tight chars so I rarely take superjump because of the usefulness of the preceding power, so AS or RF means fly and teleport for me or somtimes superspeed as a result of hasten.
My favorite is superjump. But places like the zulu base, takes the fun out of it :P
Flight ftw!
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on [Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage |
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle
Good old superspeed with the stealth component remains one of my favorite pick
And with little jump pack i got when buying CvsE , no need anymore to get the Leaping pool unless i want to make a PvP build
I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
I hate superjump, but it is, hands down, the best all around travel power there is.
I do however, love flight.
I have never known any other travel power BUT flight.
I think I'm afraid to try the others because my computer is bunk and the last thing I need is a laggy travel power.
Fly for me, is safe, albiet slow, and easy enough for me to get from A to B.
Stealth/Rooted= best travel power
Always healing and Defense can't be beat.
I like Teleport for most of my Controllers
/bind lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport"
As often as I'll pick Super Jump, or in some cases flight...
Super Speed remains my favorite. I currently only have it on Su-Lin(because IMO *every* MA/SR should be taking the speed pool for travel, Hasten is IMPORTANT), but it still remains my favorite. Nothing quite like streaking along on a flaming trail like a DeLorean, and when you stack in quickness and Swift like I've got... DAMN that's some fast travel.
Sure, the vertical travel issue is sometimes a problem, but not so much for travel as combat. Almost every zone, the vertical movement problem can be solved by the simple expedient of knowing the zone. They all have ways up and down and fast ways through the trees-- you just have to learn them. And spend a year tooling around on your own two feet at 80mph or whatever it is... you'll learn to traverse zones *very* fast.
Plus, as a bonus, you'll never again be that one guy that gets speed boost and goes careening off into the 8-man spawn by mistake.
Heh, my favorite travel power is Fly too, for the exact opposite reason as Amadan. I LOVE heights, and regularly cruise to the top of skyscrapers or precipitous cliffs, just so I can look down. The only characters that don't take flight are my melees.
Next in rank is SJ, then SS, then TP. Maybe 75% of my characters fly, 22% or so SJ, 3% (i.e. one) with SS, and zero TP. I really don't like TP.
Flight. Like it in-game. Love it in the real-world.
Super Jump is, for all practical reasons, the best travel power there is....which is why I have it on my tank.
However my Blaster has Teleport, if for no other reason than the "Appear out of nowhere and scrare the [censored] out of everybody" factor.
Fly is by far my favorite travel power. I have a couple characters who have Super Jump for concept reasons, but if they get to high level they'll be switching to Fly.
you don't have flights nifty, set your course and go get snacks, ability.
[/ QUOTE ]
/autorun 1$$up 1
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Works great until you jump under an awning.
Fly for the win. Especially after wings show up. (Although I really hope they flap with SJ, too.)
Be well, people of CoH.

I agree with the OP. Super Speed and Fly are my favorites, but Super Speed is my very favorite travel power. It is just so zippy, it "feels" right. Fly is cool, Super Speed is the best.
In fact, Super Speed is my favorite overall power in the game, not just my favorite travel power.
Curse you, Suppression, curse you.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
What is your favorite travel power and why?
There are two travel powers I like, fly and superspeed. For my favorite, though, I have to go with superspeed. While aerial battles are fun, they are kind of rare, and travelling from point a to b with fly is usually uneventful. With superspeed, it's a hectic and fun race over, under, and around from mission to mission.