Favorite Travel Power




Flight. It's just iconic for one thing, and I like being able to precising control my movement. Teleport is close, but still not quite.

Let's Dance!




I don't care if it's the slowest, or "FTL" or whatever! I love flying!

Also, it has it strategical uses. In PvP my little Blaster can escape almost any foe, and I can drop down on enemies from above. *insert evil-face emoticon which this forum doesn't have but needs. *



Superjump may be my most used, but Superspeed is my favorite (and in my opinion, the best way to train how to use superspeed in enclosed spaces is in cave maps and Orenbega), followed closely by Teleport. Flight is last, though with wings coming up that may make Flight restructure itself much higher in my hierarchy - possibly second favorite if I like the wings enough.



Hrm. For my theme on Doc Turg, I gotta say "Teleport". Why?

1. For a sorcerous professional, flight or SJ is too undignified. Why travel, when you can simply "be" there?
2. Fastest travel power, and in his jaunts, he does a LOT of traveling.
3. In PvP, it gives him the "here I am, now I'm not" edge. With 3 ranges in there, I can TP outta sight before anyone can really get an ambush going on me (unless a stalker alphastuns me and I'm outta BFs), and I can TP right back in.
4. Chaos is Turg's thing. TPing in and out of a fight, like the Nebulon B Frigate "Warspite" in the original X-Wing game, dumping pets and PBAoE effects constantly, while jumping out before the enemy can react. Keeping them on their toes, focusing on you while your effects and teammates wear them down - Priceless.



Teleport + 3-slotted Hover

It's just the bestest!



SJ and Fly
a couple have TP because it fits them better (like my dark/dark defender) but not cause I really like it
one had SS, ONCE, then the first time I went to Sky and Terra V, I got rid of SS real quick like, but now that I have the GvE jump jet, I MIGHT give SS another try.



I am a flier personally. It can be a little slow at times though, especially after playing my Fire/Fire brute who had to take SJ to fill that *long stream of curses* mezz hole.




I've thought of gravity as my own, personal AV since first seeing Superman: The Movie in 1979. CoH is the only video game I've ever played that lets me live out my childhood fantasy of defying gravity, and I bought the game based solely on that premise.

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I was loving SS because of flurry and hasten that i already had on my blaster, but after clunking into my billionth wall, i looked up and saw 5 or 6 toons zooming overhead and i got so envious. Now i have flight, but i only use it when i don't want to be bothered with were i'm going, sometimes i use them both just for the trail of light i leave behind. I'm trying to get better at using both SS and fly in combat, but for some reason i have issues with the camera. So in closing i would have to say that my fave is superspeed.



I love SuperSpeed... up until I go into the big Orangebagel rooms... or Terra Volta... or the Shadow Shard.

It is an awesome power. I just wish I didn't have to get an additional power (Hover) to make it a truly viable travel power.

Fly is pretty fun too. SuperJump is okay. Teleport... *shudders* I've taken two characters to 45+ with that as their travel power. There are times that I Sprint across zones because I'm so tired of porting... And yes, I do have a bind. I will say though, you do love the power when you're immobilized or on Caltrops/Quicksand.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



Nothing looks as "super" as flight.

Super Jump would be my favorite if the jump animation was more interesting (more like the Hulk's flailing arms), and if you couldn't turn so much in the air. You really shouldn't be able to turn after you've leapt.



I like them all for different reasons.

Telporting is the best because if you're good at it, you can be anywhere fast, and also very precise. I happen to be good at it, even with the reticle problems we had... I really like to TP near to a mob, but just before I "leave" I pre-fire my mass domination. Arrive and hold, all in one. Nice. Usually a team thing though. (Ruby Dawn)

Fly is pretty. It's not fast, it's end killer, but there's something majestic about flying. Soaring about instead of being tethered to the ground. Awesome. (Pyrotank)

Super Jump: Lighthouse said it best. I can't add anything else to that. The ability to jump about rooftop to rooftop, and able to land exactly where you meant to... Just a neat feeling. (Nuclear Tigress)

Super Speed: Nuthin' like running like a crazed demon about the city. Except when you get into Faultline or something like that. :P The skill of missing things at warp speed is a nice challenge. (BattleBrat)

Those heroes are all on Pinnacle by the way.

And that's my take on it. TP is my fav, but not all characters fit with that.

/Walking as a level 6 in the Hollows going across a map is TOO fun... And I love it when I make it across... every time.. "you gonna die!" and I don't.
// but any of the above beats walkin'

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I like Super Jump for pretty much all the reasons Lighthouse gave. Surgical accuracy of landing is a fun way to challenge myself when I'm bouncing across a zone. Super Speed is fun just for the raw ZOOMZOOM feel of it. Teleport is cool just cuz it's Teleport. However my overall favorite "travel power" is a combination of Super Speed and Combat Jumping! The pure raw adrenaline rush of SS and CJ gives you just enough vertical mobility to avoid running face-first into most obstacles AND you still get that bouncy feel of SJ. If you've never played with this combo I suggest you do it just for giggles it's a total blast!

I don't mention flight simply because I found it disappointing. It's slow...it feels slow, it looks slow, there's no excitement to it at all. I expected it to be like SS for the mile high club but it's not and I doubt it ever will be so I don't take it.



Being a Sonic the Hedgehog fan since 1991, Super Speed is naturally my favorite travel power. It's also the ONLY travel power on my villain, and I can guarantee every one of you I know Grandville's layout more than you people with vertical travel!



SUPER JUMP! man when my first toon got to 14 i spent like 2 hours seing how high i could get in steel canyon. going from building to building. Now a couple years later after trying all the other travels....i am still a SJ man. plus for squishies/fire armor/dark armor/elec armor/ninjitsu/ect it covers many holes in def. in the leaping set you get immob res, +def, good air control, res to hold, and res to knockback. plus you get a great outa the box, doesn't need slotting travel power.

uh oh, i am saying to many good things about leaping.....er leaping sucks and is working as intended....no need of adjustments here devs



Superjump. It's a metagame all on it's own - no other travel power takes as much skill to master and no other travel power can be as dangerous when you screw up. I was hooked when I hit L14 back in may 2004, and I've never looked back since. That said, I think as many of my chars have Fly as SJ, for thematic reasons. But SJ is something I will return to the game for, time and time again. It's the best travel power I've ever seen in any game, ever. And it's probably my favourite power in the game. I will actually miss old Faultline, because I used to go there to hone my precision with SJ landing and spatial awareness.



uh oh, i am saying to many good things about leaping.....er leaping sucks and is working as intended....no need of adjustments here devs

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lol, no SJ nerfs!



Super Jump is the most fun for me, followed by super speed. Fly is handy, slow, better in CoX. Tp is very effective, but clunky and not much fun.

I do like to play the SJ game of crossing zones without ever touching street level...

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



teleport and still waiting for supergroup car or plane (come on dont tell me no one thoughtof this before)



I am a definite fly person. Even my scrapper and tank fly. The "go get a snack" is nice, but there are some very great moments I have, in-game, when I get to fight a flying opponent. Then, it's very superhero.. my flying tanker and a Paragon Protector duking it out in the sky.. My scrapper and a Wing Sky Raider or Sky Skiff.

I suck with the other travel power controls, too. SS is cool, but I tend to slam into stuff. SJ and lag is killer. Teleport is ok, but I wind up taking hover with it.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



Fly is pretty. It's not fast, it's end killer, but there's something majestic about flying. Soaring about instead of being tethered to the ground. Awesome.

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One End Reducer SO in Fly... and End is... NOT a problem here.



or alternatively 3 slotted stamina w/o the end reducer in fly and end is not a problem even with toggles going

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



What is your favorite travel power and why?

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I don't think I have a favorite; I like them all.

Teleport - it's just a neat idea; I do could wish the animation time was shorter, or that the built-in Hover was longer (say, "10 seconds or until you try to move, whichever ocmes first"). But ... it's damned fun, plain and simple. ^_^

Superspeed - it's just such a RUSH, to be able to *zoooooooooooom* down a long street at superhigh rates of speed. A lot less practical than the more-vertically-enabled powers, but just so much fun to use!

Superjump - probably the "best" travel power, as it gives a good ocmpromise between Fly's "go really high" and superspeed's "go really fast".

Fly - okay, everyone who DOESN'T want to fly in real life, but ISN'T afraid of heights, please put your hands up. Right - the one guy who's hand is up? Put it down, you LIAR. ^_^


And yes, there's the "Un-Travel POower" to consdier too: Swift+Hurdle+Sprint. Slowest, lowest, and least-able of the ways to get around town. BUT it does have advantages. First, for a build planning on Stamina, you spend no extra powers getting to Stamina. Second, you can have your travel power at level EIGHT.

Triple-slot Swift and Sprint for run-speed (costing four enhancement slots from levelling), and you're going about as fast as unslotted fly. Not great, but functional. ^_^



Fly is pretty. It's not fast, it's end killer, but there's something majestic about flying. Soaring about instead of being tethered to the ground. Awesome.

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One End Reducer SO in Fly... and End is... NOT a problem here.

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Fly shouldn't need it now. They reduced the end-cost of Fly a couple of months back, now costs the same as SJ/SS to run. Sure, if you're fighting and Flying at the same time, the endurance use will be harsher, but it's the same for SJ/SS. But then, that's what Micro HOs are for



I don't have a travel power on my scrapper. It works fine. Once vet rewards come out, I'll have my samurai costume to go along with my scrapper and I can RP as much as my heart desires.
