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I met you at Gencon 2004, when I was wearing a bright green hat and walking with a cane. My first impression of you was: "What a cool guy. He's the kind of guy I'd sit around and do one of those all-day Champions pen-n-paper sessions with."
In a way, I did. I'm not well known, but I've been here the whole time, ever since it was announced back in the fall of 2000. I waited 4 years for CoH, and was amazed. I've tried several MMOs, but none are like this one, and I suspect that none will ever be like this one, again. I made friends here and forged friendships that have transcended this game and which will continue after the shutdown. I never stopped subbing or playing.
Matt, it was a great honor and a huge ball of fun to sit at your table for the past 8+ years. I hope to one day sit again with you. -
I will miss this game, and our characters. I will not miss you. Why? Because I will still be in touch with you, and the friendship we built during our 8 years on this game will continue on.
I am thankful for the day that you were under the tram station and overheard our RP. You joined Project Rebirth, and from that moment on, added RP, fun and insight to my life. -
In 2007, I got a lifetime sub to Lord of the Rings Online. It's Tolkien. It's pretty. Landroval is a little like Virtue.
But CoH was my first MMO, and I stayed with it the whole time, from beta, and I will be here until the shutdown. -
*hugs* I'll always remember you for the Master Saturday STF runs.
Thank you, Paladin. And thank you, Virtue.
8 excellent years of RP and fun superheroing. -
Thanks for coordinating this, Hyperstrike! It was a blast. And thank you to Clockwork, for the swag.
That makes no sense, for Gencon to make the restaurants not take reservations. Anyway, worse comes to worst, we can get takeout from many places and just eat it in some lobby.
My husband just informed me that this year, his schedule will allow him to come to the M&G. So +1 person.
That's probably the best bet, since it's near impossible to get into a restaurant on Saturday night during Gencon.
I miss just about all of Project Rebirth (who nobody on these boards will probably remember.)
I don't miss Capt Valor, Plasmastream and Sea Hawk, though, since they aren't gone and I see them when Guardian Force gets together. With the advent of the AE, we just about stopped RPing in public places and focus on custom-made plots and missions. That has its upsides and downsides, obviously. -
I'll be there again.
Beautiful costume set, but I don't buy anything random. It's bad enough that being a subscriber here gets you so little vs being a points-buying player for the same $15, but no, I'm not about to spend points on wishes for something.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Thorgar, and to everyone who was blessed to know her in the too short of a time that was allotted.
Add me to the zone crashers, too.
Virtue Server.
Crashed 2 out of 3 times trying to enter sg base.
Crashed 4 out of 5 times, entering a mission in the AE.
I didn't try zoning everywhere, though. This alone made it nearly unplayable for me. Prior to Thursday, I had no issues with crashing in CoH. -
I couldn't check on the 23rd through the 25th, but I do seem to have my reward token now. I guess it caught up, and I will check on December 23rd for the next one.
I received a response from GM Alura that, while all the tickets are being closed, they are still working on fixing it and haven't forgotten us.
So, yeah, they are working on it. -
If it's allowing Rockin' Robin, then it might be that the server hadn't let go of your deleted character's name by the time you tried to remake.
My two arcs, which both had worked prior to August 2011, were suddenly broken, due to the Copyright/Profane filter.
For the first arc, the "invalid" names are not even showing up as errors, so I can't fix them. To make the arc playable again, I would have to re-do the whole thing from scratch and cut and paste all dialogue, etc.
For the second arc, I had named the villains "automatons" (which is a very generic term) and two of the names I had chosen for minions and an EB, Sentinel and Eradictor, were decided to be copyright/profane by the filter. Thankfully, all I had to do was rename the group "Machines" and pick 2 new adjectives for the mobs. The annoying thing was that I had to delete and redo the custom characters, instead of just renaming them.
An extremely unusual side-effect of the invalid mobs was that my arc was still playable... but it had someone else's custom critters inserted into my arc. Very very odd.
While I do agree that an automated filter is needed, to a degree, I feel that it should be programmed a tad better: To allow for fixing of the arc.
Also, thank you to the one who wrote about checking all the ambushes. Apparently, my copyright/profane word was Rogues in a Crey vs Rogues ambush. -
RPing the kind of thing the OP is talking about is very difficult to pull off well. If it's to the point where the people you're RPing with can't understand the pose, then you may want to turn a few notches down on the frequency of the Ye Olde Englishe.
The same goes with writing out words in full accent or talking in a Yoda-like way: Find that sweet spot where you can impart the effect you need without making it difficult to understand the pose. -
Based on his "lmao" reply, I'm willing to bet that Gale's assumption was right on the money. If we assume a certain normalized social interaction, someone simply looking to team would have sent a /tell of "Would you like to team up?" or some variant thereof.
Someone looking for the name would have sent a /tell of "Hi, I couldn't help but notice that name and I wondered if I could have it?"
I can think of a few applicable reasons for wanting to know "are you going to play that character a lot?" They would be:
1) Join my sg and make us prestige
2) Level pact me so I can be PL'd.
Neither of those is particularly altruistic, so Gale is not being rude (or rudeeeeee) in assuming the worst of the player asking, IMO. -
My prefs in order from most important to least:
1) Action RP ... RP in missions, TFs and in AE story-based arcs.
2) Heavy RP ... RP in /sg, /c, /team and local. OOC in globals, broadcast. Use of brackets when not RPing. -
I remember the great Gemini Park days, but it's been a long time since then. Maybe, right before the issue goes live, we have one last free-for-all RP there.
Meanwhile, I'm not sure what I'll do about one of my characters. Her home is in Galaxy City.. -
There are so many ways to enjoy RP on CoH that it's not necessary to make a new server for it. Unlike other MMOs, we can even use the AE to custom create stuff and go inside. I've been here all 7+ years and not had troubles with non-RPers. If you're speaking of griefers, well, those types of folks will grief wherever they go.
I doubt that Paragon or NCSoft can enforce RP any better than we have, as a community. -
So far, myself and everyone I play with on Virtue plan to stay.
I usually put on a Classic Rock station. While some of the modern music is ok, a lot of it is "too noisy" for me.