So rude!

Adeon Hawkwood



*Creating name-holder for my I21 Time Manipulator, gotta grab those names early.*

*Load costume from file, get name, zone into Atlas!*

Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: you gonna be playing that character alot?
Me [Tell]: This is a placeholder for a character I'll make next Issue. I am not level pacting with you.
Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: so rudeeeeee
Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: lmao

I didn't realise it was rude to refuse to level pact with random strangers! Sorry, level 1 Warshade!

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Ummmm.... maybe I'm missing something but I don't see him actually asking to level pact with you.



He is a level 1 character asking a complete stranger how often they'll play a level 1 character. What else could this possibly be about?

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Maybe he was looking for someone of a similar level to setup a semi-regular team with (this would in fact be my first assumption on getting the question). Perhaps he was just making conversation. Or maybe (and this is stretching it) he was hoping that you weren't going to play them much (meaning the character was not important to you) and that therefore he could convince you to give him the name.



You were rude.



Yeaaah, Gale, you're normally fairly cool, but jumping him about level pacting if he didn't even ask about it is kind of rude. He could have been a new player even.

Everyone should get an initial benefit of the doubt and not be assumed to leap to the worst possible action. (Even if 99 percent of the time, they do.)



Yeah not sure where you got level pacting from. You jumping on the dude doesn't make him look like the rude one.



Could have been commenting about the default character costume.

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Shadewing - Defender



I don't know what level pacting is.



Yeah, that was a tad rude but I can sympathise.

I have an RP character who happens to be an SS/Fire Brute (created in all innocence I assure you, long before they became FotM) and yes, I've taken him to level 50. Every time I get a tell from a random stranger, 99% of the time there's some assumption in their message that a) I'm a farmer, b) I'm going to PL them or c) I have oodles of inf to throw in their general direction.*

I try to reply politely to them but the temptation to reply "NO! I'm not going to PL you!" is ever present. But then those kind of assumptions reflect poorly on me really so I try to restrain myself.

*The answers to the above: a) Nope, I find it dull, b) No and c) Much, much less than you'd expect for a six year veteran.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
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Based on his "lmao" reply, I'm willing to bet that Gale's assumption was right on the money. If we assume a certain normalized social interaction, someone simply looking to team would have sent a /tell of "Would you like to team up?" or some variant thereof.

Someone looking for the name would have sent a /tell of "Hi, I couldn't help but notice that name and I wondered if I could have it?"

I can think of a few applicable reasons for wanting to know "are you going to play that character a lot?" They would be:
1) Join my sg and make us prestige
2) Level pact me so I can be PL'd.

Neither of those is particularly altruistic, so Gale is not being rude (or rudeeeeee) in assuming the worst of the player asking, IMO.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
*Creating name-holder for my I21 Time Manipulator, gotta grab those names early.*

*Load costume from file, get name, zone into Atlas!*

Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: you gonna be playing that character alot?
Me [Tell]: This is a placeholder for a character I'll make next Issue. I am not level pacting with you.
Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: so rudeeeeee
Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: lmao

I didn't realise it was rude to refuse to level pact with random strangers! Sorry, level 1 Warshade!
My first thought was that the he was going to ask for your name.



Yeah, you were rude.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by Encharger View Post
I don't know what level pacting is.
Characters below level 5 (or around there somewhere) can enter into a level pact. While the pact is active any experience either character earns is split between the two characters.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Maybe he was looking for someone of a similar level to setup a semi-regular team with (this would in fact be my first assumption on getting the question). Perhaps he was just making conversation. Or maybe (and this is stretching it) he was hoping that you weren't going to play them much (meaning the character was not important to you) and that therefore he could convince you to give him the name.
That's not really any better.

Yeah, okay, maybe I was a little hasty. Next time I get asked something similar, I'll at least wait to hear what exactly they want from me before I tell them "no".

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Originally Posted by Encharger View Post
I don't know what level pacting is.
omg nub!!

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
That's not really any better.

Yeah, okay, maybe I was a little hasty. Next time I get asked something similar, I'll at least wait to hear what exactly they want from me before I tell them "no".
I thought you were to nice.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
That's not really any better.

Yeah, okay, maybe I was a little hasty. Next time I get asked something similar, I'll at least wait to hear what exactly they want from me before I tell them "no".
((This is why you're one of the growniest grown-ups on these boards. ))



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
*Creating name-holder for my I21 Time Manipulator, gotta grab those names early.*

*Load costume from file, get name, zone into Atlas!*

Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: you gonna be playing that character alot?
Me [Tell]: This is a placeholder for a character I'll make next Issue. I am not level pacting with you.
Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: so rudeeeeee
Tell [a level 1 Warshade]: lmao

I didn't realise it was rude to refuse to level pact with random strangers! Sorry, level 1 Warshade!
If I actually replied to random tells in Atlas when zoning, I could see myself saying close to the same thing - especially when the first message is "you gonna be playing that character a lot?"

I mean really... not a Hi, Hello, How ya doing, etc? A question from a random level 1 without a greeting in that context, to me, is rude.

But then again, I just don't bother responding to them period but that's just me

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Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
I love random nonsensible banter with complete strangers. Sometimes it can be alot of fun. You should have just went with it.
One time some random dude in Praetoria sent me a tell saying Emperor Cole was an evil tyrant.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You were rude.
I'ma save this one for posterity.

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

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Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((This is why you're one of the growniest grown-ups on these boards. ))
Encharger occupies the other end of this spectrum.



Looked like no hard feelings were felt, little hastey sure but considering the second reply "lmao", not to mention the, "...rudeeeeee." spelling, doubt the person would remember it the next day.

Honestly I've never been asked that before when making a new char, so you should feel happy you got that attention :P Most of the time I get blind invites to SGs =/