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  1. How do the BLASTER changes effect DOMINATORS?

    Not much. The snipe thing is really a residual benefit of them changing how all snipe powers work instead of making brand new snipe powers exclusive for blasters.
  2. Pinny

    Extra Power Tray

    I'd much rather wait until the devs change it themselves, honestly. Still using the "old school" kheldian binds, and having an extra power tray above a functional one doesn't really bother me all that much, especially since it's only for one character out of many.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bada_boooom View Post
    Thanks everyone for the feedback; it has been really useful. I wish they had done dark assault a lot different and made it more ranged instead of this half & half thing. That's one thing that I liked a lot about earth assault; it was mostly melee and very little ranged. I think they should've focused more on range then going half way in-between.

    Now will be the hard decision on whether to lvl this toon past 30 (where she's at now). Maybe I'll get to 32 and see how the Umbral pet is and then make my final decision then!

    Thanks again all!
    This is City of Heroes you're talking about. It really doesn't matter what everyone else thinks about a powerset. Do you like it? If yes, then that's all that matters.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by saviour123 View Post
    Also from reading these posts, it is interesting to see some people love the doggy, while others absolutly hate it. I guess this would sway your experience either way.
    Some people are irrational to the point of hating the ENTIRE set regardless of how good it is (it is really freaking good) just because the pet, which is a very good pet in itself, is a dog.

    It's basically the complete opposite of the number crunchers who hate on a set because it has 2.3 instead of 2.4.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bonnes View Post
    I don't care for the way it acts, but I find the wolf VERY appropriate for the set.
    that's probably what they were going for.

    Sadly, unless the pet is some big bad 50 foot tall demon with glowy red eyes and horns and spikes everywhere nobody will be happy :P
  6. The pet is insanely useful, does decent damage, and tanks pretty well. Not to mention you also have haunt for a couple other pets to stack even more damage.

    Dark Control, like Dark Miasma, focuses on -tohit debuffs primarily and more "soft" controls such as fear instead of overpowering everything with holds like Earth does. It does its job very well and can also put out respectable damage on it's own.

    Dark Assault, on the other hand, is the same old boring and bland dark blast/dark melee abilities we've had for years. It adds even more -tohit into the mix, so chances are most stuff you fight will be debuffed to the point where they can't even hit you. Or they'll be busy dealing with your doggy, who floors their tohit as well. Or they'll be distracted by your haunt pets. And then you can confuse one guy, fear the rest of the group, and hold the rest.

    It's a great set, but if you're expecting a earth control or whatever the FotM perma-dom build is then you won't be happy. Then again, if you're looking for TEH UB0RZ BUILD you wouldn't be happy with anything other than a FotM perma-dom build in the first place.
  7. Praetorian arcs aren't the only arcs in the game. Some things you just have to team up for: you can't really expect to solo EVERYTHING as a support type character.

    Though, for the record, my Dark/Time soloed all of dark astoria's content and only had trouble on one mission. So Dark Control/Dark Affinity isn't weak, it's just that specific group of enemies.

    Why do I know Dark/Dark isn't weak? One, I'm playing a Dark/Time who had no issues ever. Two, my main defender is Dark Miasma, which is pretty much Dark Affinity with a few tweeks, and she's one of my stronger characters.
  8. I can understand the reasoning behind putting the proc in shadowfield when you're all maxed out with soft-capped defenses and permaeverything levels of recharge, but I'm not using that as "the norm" when I look at slot choices.

    One thing fearsome stare has over shadow field even after you perma everything is that You aren't going to be getting the full 45 seconds from shadow field on ANYTHING but an arch villain, and then you're using shadow field on a single enemy. Fearsome Stare is up enough with or without perma everything that you can reliably use it against groups of enemies or a single target.
  9. Once you get fearsome stare, slot the controller ATO set in it right now the proc has a 100% chance of activating, so you're hitting everyone you hit with FS for around 70(normal version)-120(with the superior version) psionic damage.
  10. Oh noes! 90% instead of 100% That just means occasionally you won't be able to get two crits off before the fight starts. Boo hoo.
  11. Pinny

    Which Kin?

    Originally Posted by Beauregard View Post
    Kinetics runs afoul of two major difficulties:
    1. You don't have much time for your other power set.
    2. Your team only needs one.
    Yeaaaah. As someone who has played both a Kin/Rad Defender and a Rad/Kin Corruptor both of these are completely and 100% false.

    You spend just as much time using your other set as everyone else does, and there's this nifty little thing in the game called stacking buffs.
  12. Pinny

    Eye of the Storm

    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    I don't mean to be snarky, but a build without EotS is pretty simple: don't select EotS.
    I think this guy is onto something here!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fugacity View Post
    How can you say that you know?

    You've not yet reached endgame and already you doubt it's ability to keep up, even though you don't yet have endgame experiences(with Staff) to base your opinion on. Until we get a larger sample of actual endgame opinions from different builds it's unknown as to how well Staff will do, and I'm betting it will exceed the expectations of the naysaying skeptics.
    Wow, I never thought I'd say this in CoH, but....Endgame is not the only part of CoH that matters.

    For the record, the set does just fine in places like ITFs, LGTFs, etc etc. Or is that not "endgame" enough for people?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Unless the procs aren't available at all on the market - which is something that can happen for high demand items that you can't earn through farming minions or AE tickets.

    Note that I haven't checked anything on the market in the past three weeks, so for all I know there could be hundreds posted that people are simply charging a ton for. I'm just playing devil's advocate.
    Procs are about 100mil on the market or so, and there are only about 10-20 being sold last I checked.

    So yeah, I'd much rather spend the 25mil + 500 merits on an ATO proc I need. That way I've saved 75mil.
  15. Staff/Dark Armor seems like it would have amazing synergy. Dark Armor is endurance hungry, and Staff's Form of the Soul makes endurance a no issue.

    Scrapper or Brute, so take your pick between higher offense and better defense.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
    Yeah, WITHOUT spending REAL money. :P
    you get a reward token every month for being VIP

    Aside from that, I think you can also get them for 25mil inf + 55 astrals or 25mil + 100 astrals
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
    Way higher than 25 Million. Can't find them like before on the Black Market, they're disappearing quick! If you do find the set, expect to pay around 100 million or more.
    You're spending too much money.

    Talk to the merit reward vendors. You can buy ANY ATO for 25million + 400/500 reward merits.

    Unless there's an even better set of them not available with reward merits. But even if there is, the +hide effect is the same.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CelticFist View Post
    What are people's experience with "Hide" ATO?
    Love at first sight.

    I'm not kidding. I don't really play stalkers, but now I'm leveling a Staff/Nin at level 20 and slotted the +hide proc in AS. I have to say, enemies die VERY quickly when you can AS one then instantly get off another huge crit on someone else.

    Though, there is a bit of wonkyness to it in that it takes a moment for the effect to trigger, meaning the enemies are still aggroed to you and will attack you, so you need to hope you don't get hit (or in the case of defense sets, don't worry because you won't get hit anyway) in order to stay in hide long enough to get another crit off.

    Oh, and the proc also works with the in-combat AS. 3 stacks of assassin's focus + AS = hidden.

    Stalkers are literally beasts with this proc. Well worth the 25mil + 500 merits if you don't have it already.
  19. Just so you know, you NEVER played a stalker like this: AS, run away to rehide, AS, run away to rehide, AS. Whoever told you so had no idea what they were talking about at all.

    Now then...How you play a stalker today: You play them like a scrapper, as always. With Assassin's Focus you can choose who to throw a nasty crit to, as well as starting off a fight taking out a particularly nasty boss/lieutenant enemy. Which, as it turns out, is what everyone else is saying.

    Oh well, repetition is a good thing!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I didn't think you could replicate the level of crazy involved with the original hate on Willpower, but clearly I underestimated crazy.
    People ALWAYS have to complain about something. -Always-. It doesn't matter if Staff Fighting was the best set in the entire world. People would still find SOMETHING to complain about. It would literally get to the point where people would complain about the animation for guarding spin not spinning fast enough, or spinning to the left instead of the right (or vice versa).

    It's just weird.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post

    WTB Dark Affinity for Corrs, Defenders, and MMs.
    All three of those ATs already have it. It's called Dark Miasma, and it's equally good, but in different ways :P
  22. This sounds like an amazing idea! I'm going to have to get in contact with you one of these days to help me flesh out an idea for the group!
  23. Dark/Time controller - 31 to 44.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    my dark dark is pretty heavy dmg, for one i dont use procs so heavily i use them if i have a set bonus to get in specific set but i usually dont use procs all that much

    i still need to find some time to make a build for him this week but his dmg output will be pretty awesome if i throw in a dom ATO into midnight grasp
    Well yes, of course a dark/dark dominator, whose secondary is all about doing damage, does more damage than a dark/dark controller, whose secondary is all about debuffs and stuff.
  25. Yeah...NEVER skip Fearsome Stare. One of the best powers in the game against enemies that can be feared. I also would never skip Haunt, because that's where a lot of your personal damage comes from.