Staff Fighting: Great Set, or the Greatest Set?




Early Tuesday morning I spent my accumulated points to buy Staff Fighting then proceeded to make a Staff/SR Scrapper, and have found that I'm enjoying the combination more than any I've played in a long time. While I'm not wild about the sound effects, the animations and performance are great.

At level 23 I'm impressed with the set so far. With Form of the Soul I've been able to run Focused Fighting and Focused Senses while fighting non-stop with zero endurance problems, something most of my other /SR Scrappers have had to deal with from levels 1-20.

On a Positron TF, the versatility of Staff Mastery was nice: Soul for extra recovery vs. Clockwork, Mind for extra recharge vs. Vahzilok, Body for extra damage to kill the Circle Ruin Mages ASAP. I like having a power that I don't have to worry about slotting, as it frees up slots for when I eventually IO the build.

Overall I'm just having a lot of fun with Staff Fighting, and thought I'd say as much.



Also made a Staff/SR and loving it so far, though only 18.
Nice set, probably not overpowered though.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Not sure what to think of it yet. I also paired Staff with SR and it's certainly interesting and that combo seems to work well together but I'll hold off on judgement until I get somewhere around the mid levels as to whether I think this is a keeper.

I do wish there were a few more variations of the staff in the character creation. It took me a while to choose one and make a themed costume around it and I'm sure I'll end up changing it a few more times before I'm through.

I look forward to more levels and powers so I can make a more educated deduction as to Staffs hierarchy on my favorites list.



Haven't used my Staff toon much yet, sitting at level 2. Staff/WP. Planning to make it Staff/WP/Lev. Atlantis style toon.



I made a staff/Day handsome far I'm ha ing a similar experience. It has been very for flavor. smooth and fun. I especially like the forms, giving a chance to tailor your outlet based on current needs.

Most exciting was running DFB with 7 (!) Staff scrappers and 1 mastermind. Tended up making a (insert exceptionally popular fantasy epic title here)- based character. "Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass!"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
...[I]t would be more proper to say this game is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly dying.



I've barely had a chance to play with the set given the simultaneous release of a certain other game. Shazbot! Shazbot! No. I am the greatest! Shazbot!

Ahem. From what I have played, it seems like a blast. The animations are something else, the forms give you something to think about at a point when most sets' main decision is whether to fire tier 1 -> tier 2 -> cone or tier 1 -> cone -> tier 2, and the relative endurance lightness of it even without the forms is a relief early on. My one complaint about staff is that if you use the new battle fury aura with it, whenever your left hand lets go of the staff a little bit of your battle fury remains stuck to it. One might say that this simply demonstrates the extent to which your staff means business, but I find it alarming that it implies that one of your bones is in the staff.



I have sailed through content which gave other characters. . .well, if not problems at least they had to work at it. Doing the 20 costume mission I leapt into a group of 8 Tsoo and walked away fresh. It is wonderful being able to punish Tsoo Sorcerers so effectively. Soloing the first portion of the Duplicate/Clone arc in Faultline, I tried to run it as quickly as I could, not pausing between battles but just charging forward. Again, no problem.

This may change of course and no doubt some of this has to do with choice of secondary (never played Willpower before).

Under construction



I am enjoying the powerset as well, almost as much as street justice. It lets me pretend to be the street level vigilante, who protects the streets of Paragon from the lowbie villains while everyone else is roaming around fighting the cosmic level stuff..

"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense; Close Encounters is obscurantist drivel; "Star Trek" can turn your brains to puree of bat guano; and the greatest science fiction series of all time is Dr. Who! "
Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Green_Watch View Post
I am enjoying the powerset as well, almost as much as street justice. It lets me pretend to be the street level vigilante, who protects the streets of Paragon from the lowbie villains while everyone else is roaming around fighting the cosmic level stuff..
Street level?

"Ha! She can't get to us in this tank. We're safe."

*dink dink dink*

"What's that sound?"

*dink dink DINK*

"What the hell?! Did she just puncture through the tank?! I thought she wasn't super strong!"

"She's not!"

"Oh ****!"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Street level?

"Ha! She can't get to us in this tank. We're safe."

*dink dink dink*

"What's that sound?"

*dink dink DINK*

"What the hell?! Did she just puncture through the tank?! I thought she wasn't super strong!"

"She's not!"

"Oh ****!"
Paper tanks or adamantium staves, take your pick.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Paper tanks or adamantium staves, take your pick.
Well, I wouldnt have thought adamantium (in CoH case Impervium) could do that in a blunt fashion. o.O Can it?

But I no I have a concept reason my main can. Buuut...I just liked that, when said street level

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Well, I wouldnt have thought adamantium (in CoH case Impervium) could do that in a blunt fashion. o.O Can it?

But I no I have a concept reason my main can. Buuut...I just liked that, when said street level
It could, would just take a long time. Would never break, but eventually the tank would.



Average. It's one major strength, however, is being a smooth ride, 1-50.

Other than that? No growth potential. AoEs are pretty weak. EotS does very little damage, and honestly needed to be Radius 15.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
EotS does very little damage, and honestly needed to be Radius 15.
I prefer the higher damage the 10 foot radius allows and I am one to almost always favor larger radius; maybe its because 10 foot is larger than some other PBAoEs or maybe it is my long use of Lotus Drops and Fire Sword Circle that make me happy at 10.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I prefer the higher damage the 10 foot radius allows and I am one to almost always favor larger radius; maybe its because 10 foot is larger than some other PBAoEs or maybe it is my long use of Lotus Drops and Fire Sword Circle that make me happy at 10.
Doesn't really do that much damage, though. For it's damage, Radius 15 would not have been unheard of.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Doesn't really do that much damage, though. For it's damage, Radius 15 would not have been unheard of.
Does it obey the dam/rech/end formula?

Foot Stomp supports your assertion, it deals slightly (15%) higher damage and pays for that with 3 seconds longer recharge and 2.5 more endurance (which is part of the lack of growth thing, since those drawbacks will be wiped away, leaving only the bigger radius, higher damage, and guaranteed knock). Staff has other things going for it beyond those, but I get what you are saying.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Like any powerset it is certainly not for everyone. Especially for those looking for high burst damage or strong AV killing ST damage or any other kind of min/maxer type of performance. It's total AOE is excellent not poor.

Just go away and back to your min/max set of choice, Staff is not for you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Like any powerset it is certainly not for everyone. Especially for those looking for high burst damage or strong AV killing ST damage or any other kind of min/maxer type of performance. It's total AOE is excellent not poor.

Just go away and back to your min/max set of choice, Staff is not for you.
Or just play it on Stalkers and get the best of both worlds.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Or just play it on Stalkers and get the best of both worlds.
I would if I could, but my OCD necessitates me A) either having a taunt aura or B) having the devs fix the buggy fleeing AI.

A is the option I have to take right now.



I feel it lacks ... "Thwak" (for a lack of a better term)

Meaning... it sounds strange, but more importantly doesn't do the dmg one would expect.

I wasn't looking for: zomg! best set ever!

The set feels moderate, it's fun overall...

Other than the lack of DMG feeling in mostly the AoEs and definitely the t9, I have grown to hate I. Strikes the t8...

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Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
Meaning... it sounds strange, but more importantly doesn't do the dmg one would expect.
How are you quanitifying that, if I may ask?

Under construction



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Average. It's one major strength, however, is being a smooth ride, 1-50.

Other than that? No growth potential. AoEs are pretty weak. EotS does very little damage, and honestly needed to be Radius 15.
Seeing as how Eye of the Storm does more damage than Spine Burst and Dragon's tail without form bonus damage, and with form bonus damage it also outdamages burst and the lotus drops, I find the use of the phrase "very little damage" to be inconsistent with the definitions of all three words.

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