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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    As a Devices blaster, your gameplay is basically "plant 50 trip mines, lure enemies into them, repeat forever" which is stupid both in concept and practice.
    Funny. I play /Devices by, you know, blasting them to hell and never missing because of Targeting Drone.

    Here's a tip: If your entire powerset revolves around one gimmicky and ugly power that's only taken by min/maxers without any thought to the appearance or function of the power, then maybe it's time to fix it. Replace it with something that actually better fits the theme of the powerset and has more utility to a Blaster than "extra damage" (which is what their PRIMARY powerset should be doing) like a flashbang or concussion grenade, or hell, even a build-up.

    The idea here is to make Devices a powerset that an actual hero would take, rather than some kind of field engineer that carries around a giant sack of landmines. Again, think Batman.
    Frankly, based on this, I think the person with the unhealthy fascination with Trip Mine is... well, you. You're the one going on and on and on about how awful it is, while the rest of your suggestions lend credence to you never really playind /Devices (or quitting at an early level from frustration).
  2. This is the main beef I have with Sonic...

    Earth Control - Earthquake
    Recharge: 90s
    End Cost: 10.4
    Def Debuff: -10%
    ToHit Debuff: -10%

    Sonic Resonance - Liquefy
    Recharge: 300s
    End Cost: 23.7
    Def Debuff: -25%
    ToHit Debuff: -25%

    (The above values are for Controllers from Mids)

    I know that Earthquake is a T7 and Liquefy is the T9, but... doesn't the recharge on Liqeufy seem a little extreme when they do almost the same thing?

    If, to use a literal and probably non-supported comparison, Liquefy does 2.5x the debuffing of Earthquake, why doesn't it have 2.5x the recharge? By my admittedly shoddy math, that would be a 225s recharge. There's nearly a minute and a half of (in my opinion) unnecessary recharge time on Liquefy.

    I never presume to speak for everyone, but I'd be willing to take slightly reduced debuff values if the recharge was made less inane.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
    P.P.S. Most clocks have a AM and/or PM indicator.
    Most analog clocks do not.
  4. I can see merit with most of your suggestions, but... a QTE anti-mez?


    Not only no, but hell no. I play this game to relax, not deal with freaking quicktime events. If I'm playing a squishy without mez protection, I generally wait it out, or I press one button and use a Break Free if I don't think it's safe.

    I don't mean to be abrupt, but I really, really don't want to see QTE's in my CoX.

    Edited to add: It's not like it's a gamepad with, say 6-10 buttons. We're (in most cases I assume) talking about a QWERTY or full keyboard. How many random buttons could it be, and could you find that one random key in time?
  5. Kazz

    Dire Polar Bear!

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    i'd promply play a beast MM if that thing was the pet instead of another wolf. 4 wolves two lions, I wouldsettled for a male lion even or tiger, saber tooth cat.
    See, this is where I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I, personally, don't like the cats in the set. I'd rather they find some other animal, since the lions look... well, rather ugly as-is. Again, just my opinion, but can we please have something besides almost-but-not-quite-cats?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I like her costume. It seems in part what a teen would toss together and call her super hero outfit.

    Then again I like Penny and don't really see where all the hate comes from
    My stance on it too.

    If you grew up looking up to real-life heroes, and then got the chance to actually be a Phalanx member, which would you do?

    A) Design your costume yourself, to express yourself and try to make your own style
    B) Run a poll on the masses to decide what you should wear
    C) Pick Spandex Outfit #98,247 from the Icon premade bin?

    I'd go with A.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
    I would be happy enough if the Vault Exchange buildings became the designated place to do merit reward purchases. I don't think we really need one in every zone, and that seems as logical of a place to relocate them to as any.
    Makes sense to me. They're in... random places, sometimes.

    Maybe while we're at it we can get them into something a bit more dignified than those godawful yellow-and maroon things they wear right now.
    I cringe every time I have to look at them for a prolonged period.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    If you want another PoV...

    I much prefer Brutes to Scrappers primarily for Pokevoke and the Taunt Auras in the secondaries, not because of the numbers. In other words, my problem with Scrappers is not that they do X more (or less) damage or have X less (or more) defense or anything of the sort, it's that enemies run away from them, and I have to either run up and down the map chasing them down (hoping I don't drag even more aggro to me in the process) or patiently wait for them to come back (and hope they haven't regenned half their health by the time they do).
    This pretty much sums up my take on it. I do think I prefer scrappers, if the given secondary for my concept has a taunt aura in it, but otherwise I'll roll a brute.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    I just want to point out that I've actually never been hit by Marauder's special attack even though I don't run travel powers during that point of the trial. (I have a bind to quickly turn it on and off when he hops around.)

    Sssoooooo it's certainly fast enough to get out of range of at least his special attack. You just have to be paying attention.
    I've been hit exactly once by it on my SS/Elec, the very first time I ran a Lambda. I was sent into the red, but a quick energize and skittles scarfing brought me back up, and ever since I've made damn well sure to get the hell out of the way.
  10. To be honest, I wouldn't mind SS getting looked at. As it stands now, I'm seriously thinking about dropping a few of the first-tier punch attacks for the Fighting pool, just because they're AT LEAST about the same, if not a little better once Rage boosts them.

    Also, I never notice the end crash, but... my brute is SS/Elec, so...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I'd love to see options like this:

    I had a friend who played this game pretty seriously several years ago who wanted boots like these so much that I think the lack of them ended up being one of the main reasons she finally quit the game.

    Another example that could be available to both males and females could be this:

    Seems like it would not be that hard to get things like this eventually. *shrugs*
    These two options get all of my yes. The current "work boots" look rather silly.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
    Well I did play a Electric Blast defender and the damage was pretty miserable. I really did notice the difference, especially solo when I changed the toon to a Rad blast defender instead.
    Funny. I, personally, can't stand Rad Blast at all. Elec is oodles more fun, and my Kin/Elec will move from broken to some new level of awesome with i24. Instasnipe to let me kill bosses easier, with S/L/E softcap and saturated Fulcrum Shift?

    Me like.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    Based on EvilGeko's suggestion here

    Instead of putting all IO's to an attuned system (which some are opposed to), how about we get the option to make an IO attuned with enhancement converters? For three converters, we can change an IO to an attuned version of itself.
    I'm not against this idea, but this would be A) a huge pain to code (i assume) and B) probably cost more than three, which is the cost for an in-set conversion. Maybe five?
  14. The OP and this:

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    I wonder why we can't have invisible bodyparts and heads.
    Get all of my YES.

    Believe it or not, I have a character idea in mind without arms that I would make in a second (I'm weird).
  15. Kazz

    Ninjitsu Control

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Summon Dragon.
    I've been reading too much Lovecraft and I read that as "Summon Dagon".

    I'a-stop that.

  16. I would SO spend points on this if I needed to. In a heartbeat.
  17. This would require the base code to be in workable condition. If they tried such a drastic overhaul they might explode the whole game, not just bases.
  18. I'm throwing my money and Paragon Points at the screen but nothing is happening!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Just curious: would a random drawing be a better idea? For example: take all comers for 12 hours, then pick 100 folks to receive a code? That at least relieves the need to constantly refresh.
    I'd much prefer it. At least then it's left to random chance and not who has the fastest internet connection and fingers.
  20. Hey guys, I've got a suggestion and I don't know how feasible it would be. Could we do the retweet message with a forum handle or email address? That way you wouldn't have to hit your DM limit on twitter but could PM or email us a code.

    Just a suggestion!
  21. I entered all of them within two minutes, and they'd all been used or were "invalid" (yes, I used the right region codes).

    I guess it's a good thing it wasn't something I wanted this week.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    Sad little level 50 Stone Armor tanker. Never gets played.

    Big changes to the set might be too much to ask for, so how about a very small change.

    Leave it all as is except for one thing.

    Allow us to Jump when in Rooted and Granite, but with penalties to height and speed.

    Then I would play my stone tanker.
    You want to jump when your feet are part of the ground?

    Serious answer: I could think of a few QOLs for /Stone before this, but I wouldn't be against it.