THB's List of Suggestions for Fixing the Game!
Unsigned to all. I wouldn't support any of these.
Re: Indefensible/Unresistable Damage
It sounds to me like what you want is a massive nerf to Destiny powers. Because, IMO, were it not for the ability to rather easily hard cap resistance and defense with a few well-timed Barrier applications, NPCs like Marauder and Cole wouldn't need to have such "cheap trick" attacks.
Further, I think it is great that mechanics are included that force combatants in iTrials to actually move. Were one able to shrug off NPC nukes in iTrials, battles would be even more sedentary and boring. Playing a melee AT is easy... having no "gimmics," arguably, would make sure to keep it that way.
Re: Indefensible/Unresistable Damage
It sounds to me like what you want is a massive nerf to Destiny powers. Because, IMO, were it not for the ability to rather easily hard cap resistance and defense with a few well-timed Barrier applications, NPCs like Marauder and Cole wouldn't need to have such "cheap trick" attacks. Further, I think it is great that mechanics are included that force combatants in iTrials to actually move. Were one able to shrug off NPC nukes in iTrials, battles would be even more sedentary and boring. Playing a melee AT is easy... having no "gimmics," arguably, would make sure to keep it that way. |
It sounds like you are talking about Barrier specifically though, which only gives a few seconds of extremely impressive totals, but yes, could be staggered by well-coordinated leagues in an effective way. This would be more rewarding player cleverness than anything else though, and while that's not necessarily a bad thing it is largely too easy.
Still, players manage to die all the time, even with Barrier, and not always from unresistable attacks. Players die from pulling excess aggro and wandering away from their team. With Barrier. This is acceptable, and those players deserve to die since they messed up and played poorly. They did something wrong and they were defeated.
I still think moving should be encouraged- Nova Fist doing 50% Psi/50% Toxic damage would be reasonable, and since most players don't have the survivability to withstand an attack like that, they'd be best served to get out of the way.
There are definitely ways to use unresistable and/or autohit effects that are obnoxious and stupid, but I don't think that completely getting rid of all such effects is a good idea, either. Nova Fist is a textbook fight mechanic - when the boss does this, everyone is supposed to move. Making it resistable, even as an exotic damage type, would dilute that (even further than it is already diluted by the one-shot code and healing powers) and make the fight more boring. Similar for Keyes Disintegration, Apex patches, etc.
I also don't agree about the mez/debuff stuff - when you find yourself in a situation where you cannot possibly win due to debuffs or mez, regardless of your actions, it's IMX almost always because you/your team already passed the Bad Decision Point Of No Return and/or are doing things so difficult that you have forfeited the privilege of complaining about difficulty. When you get yourself into a nasty situation without the tools to deal with it, you are supposed to lose. There are things I don't like about the mez system, but this isn't one of them.
Personally, I'm indifferent on the first two suggestions; what "animation penalty" is the second one referring to? Do you just mean playing the whole animation for the missed attack?
Am I reading this right? You don't have an issue with the game exploiting natural areas where characters don't usually have protection, but don't like the use of unresistable damage... which would end up accomplishing the same thing?
(Also, it would make no sense thematically for Marauder's attack to do Psi... he doesn't have that power... or Toxic since he has no venom, poison, or biological toxin... or anything corrosive. Before you say it: "But does Marauder have access to a damge type that, essentially, doesn't exist?" Yes, due to his empowerment from the Well (via Cole) he is far more powerful than any single PC... so why should their conventional abilities protect them from him?)
Am I reading this right? You don't have an issue with the game exploiting natural areas where characters don't usually have protection, but don't like the use of unresistable damage... which would end up accomplishing the same thing?
Re: Unresistable damage. Because I misread what you said but I still want to leave that rant there for historical purposes:
Not all characters/builds have strong psi/toxic resistance. In fact, quite a few don't even have strong Energy resistance. I think those that do have exotic resistance have it for a reason, and they should be able to leverage it against exotic damage types, which exist in rare but lethal situations. Like, oh, I don't know.. Incarnate trials?

(Also, it would make no sense thematically for Marauder's attack to do Psi... he doesn't have that power... or Toxic since he has no venom, poison, or biological toxin... or anything corrosive. Before you say it: "But does Marauder have access to a damge type that, essentially, doesn't exist?" Yes, due to his empowerment from the Well (via Cole) he is far more powerful than any single PC... so why should their conventional abilities protect them from him?) |

An alternate way to look at that is that perhaps Tanks should just be buffed to include +res and/or +def to the otherwise unresistable/indefensible types.
Still, players manage to die all the time, even with Barrier, and not always from unresistable attacks. Players die from pulling excess aggro and wandering away from their team. With Barrier. This is acceptable, and those players deserve to die since they messed up and played poorly. They did something wrong and they were defeated. |
I still think moving should be encouraged- Nova Fist doing 50% Psi/50% Toxic damage would be reasonable, and since most players don't have the survivability to withstand an attack like that, they'd be best served to get out of the way. |
If you want people to move, this type of unresitable damage equally encourages ALL players to do so, even Tanks.
I can see merit with most of your suggestions, but... a QTE anti-mez?
Not only no, but hell no. I play this game to relax, not deal with freaking quicktime events. If I'm playing a squishy without mez protection, I generally wait it out, or I press one button and use a Break Free if I don't think it's safe.
I don't mean to be abrupt, but I really, really don't want to see QTE's in my CoX.
Edited to add: It's not like it's a gamepad with, say 6-10 buttons. We're (in most cases I assume) talking about a QWERTY or full keyboard. How many random buttons could it be, and could you find that one random key in time?
I'm not seeing a logical why to this... aside from you think it would be better or more fun, somehow.
Sounds to me like you agree with me. If a Tank doesn't move for Nova Fist he "did something wrong" and therefore by your own logic "deserves to die." |
I can see merit with most of your suggestions, but... a QTE anti-mez?
No. Not only no, but hell no. I play this game to relax, not deal with freaking quicktime events. If I'm playing a squishy without mez protection, I generally wait it out, or I press one button and use a Break Free if I don't think it's safe. I don't mean to be abrupt, but I really, really don't want to see QTE's in my CoX. Edited to add: It's not like it's a gamepad with, say 6-10 buttons. We're (in most cases I assume) talking about a QWERTY or full keyboard. How many random buttons could it be, and could you find that one random key in time? |
Re: Your edit. For my suggestion, which would work great for me personally, finding the key in time would be the entire challenge of the system. It's not meant to be an "Instant left click, bam, no more mez" kind of thing. It's meant to be an earned means of mez/debuff removal through active and attentive play, which in this particular system would mean finding the correct key in the predefined window of time.
Agreed, Kazz... a lot. Also, there are a lot of people who play this game becaquse it doesn't have twitchy gameplay. I recall several posts by folks with disabilities who love this game: a victim of a stroke, a guy sans one arm, I think there was a person with some type of coordination disorder as well. Let us not forget about those folks.
Will try to be constructive.
I do think though, that a lot of these problems come down to how challenging YOU (us) think they are. I know people who go utterly mad at the blue patches in apex, because for some reason they refuse to adapt to a new challenge, accept that the game can and should evolve, find it hard to move that fast, etc etc.
Idea 1.
100% AGREE with the below 20/50% end red cost. Simply can not say it enough. Maybe a lot of us power though DFB/get farmed to 22 or whatever, but whenever I play those low arcs, even solo, I find myself going dry.
As you say..nothing at all fun here, and for new potential players, even WITH inherent stamina, I think it is a terrible indication for how fun the game can be.
Idea 2.
Like that too. Neat idea. And it makes sense (to me). You load up your big multipunch attack and then..MISS with the first, so you not go ahead and use the other hits.
Again, new players would like it. I would be careful removing the animation totally from shorter attacks.
Idea 3.
Mmm here..comes back to what we see as a challenge, personally.
The trouble with a key seq to break that not everyone is a super speeder at the keyboard..or even USES a keyboard. And if they went twitchy, the time taken to 'break' the mez, would most likely get them just the same way as if they were caught without a brk.
I see what you mean about perma holds..and agree..sorta. I really did not like that in the old pvp. But I saw WHY it did actually work..cause a dom or troller 'should' be able to lockdown something else in pvp, assuming they can stay alive to do it.
I know you are talking about pve but dont forget how the mez changes in new pvp work now. It basically makes them meaningless, apart from a few broken of gimmicky powers, and leaves a 'support' toon with click and stay debuffs at a huge advantage over say..toggle debuffs.
The debuff aspect. Hmmm. I do HATE lowbie cot, and their debuffs...but part of the reason they suck is cause YOU are a lowbie, not the debuffs (as much). Fight cot later on with slotted powers..much less nasty.
I think enemies NEED other ways than 9damage, damage and damage) to actually CHALLENGE us..and debuffs are one of these. Yes, Mask of Vititation is utterly the npc bosses cry when we hit them with Benumb and HeatEx?
The only thing I would change about debuffs, is some of the crazy values AVs have..just because they are AVs. Things like Posi and his -1200% (yes, 1200) % recharge Lingering Rad, etc etc.
Oh, and ADD a resist debuffing resist stat.
Idea 4.
Again..what is a challenge to you. I don't see them as 'bad' but I can understand why others hate them. The unresistable bit I attack may just be TOO powerful not to hurt us. Likewise for teh defence..and we DO have a defence too them (I think) cause they all have a mechanic that allows you too get out of the way.
If a person is too silly to get out the way of huge pink patches (granted, some times you just cant) then how are they gonna remember to input the Konami code every time a sleep hits them?
In regard to the first idea, I posted a similar thread a few days ago. My suggestion, based on how awful end use is pre20, was that we get a 5th Fitness power, selectable, that mimics physical perfection. Or perhaps gave a global end red.
Note to play down your idea, but I think this would be a little more..creative? (maybe not the right word) solution, and not just suddenly award everyone a big end red at no cost as it were.
I'm not really into the key-matching idea.
I didn't really enjoy it that much in the other superhero MMO I played, which did selll itself as more "twitch", or action-oriented, and relied a lot more on realtime response than CoX does. Hammering the Z key wasn't difficult, just annoying, and no fun.
Like it or not, THB, one of CoX 's appeals for many players is the lack of fast reaction time involved. This could be because of the player, or their computer, or their connection. Its still present, sure, you need to be on your toes to play most characters at a moderate challenge level. But its not a core requirement, the games more build-strategy RPG and resource management (eg insps)
1.) Cut endurance costs on all powers before level 20 by 50%.
2.) Cut the endurance cost in half, and remove the animation penalty from all powers that miss. There's nothing sillier than watching a low level character use Shadow Maul, have them know that they missed already, and then just keep punching. |
3.) Make the mez and debuff systems more reasonable. I believe that all mezzes and debuffs should be able to be actively removed- My personal choice would be an intuitive pop up text that states exactly what debuff/mez you are afflicted by, and allows you to press a random key or sequence of keys in order to break the negative effect on your character. |
I'd prefer non-binary mezzing. As a mez builds up, the character is afflicted by a slow, -rech, or similarly gradual-magnitude effect, which results in brief periods of immob/daze/hold, until it builds up to the point where the mez effect is overwhelming. This would still be highly frustrating in solo play (death spiral), so I wouldn't mind an inherent click power that allows players to drop mezzes and be immune for a few seconds to escape (yes, it works a lot like a mini-Breakfree, but I feel like that's an area where the game could use more options; we have Build Ups and click heals and so on and so forth, but I feel like Blasters, Khelds, and some other characters would really really thematically benefit from a Build Up Breakfree). I have no idea how this would work in PvP but I think it preserves the feel of the game a bit better.
The point is that this is a very dated and unintelligent aspect of the game. It's not fun or challenging to be told that you can't do anything, better luck next time, you lose. An active mez/debuff removal system is necessary in order to keep the game challenging while rewarding player skill and character strength. |
4.) No more unresistable, indefensible damage. |
I do find it amusing however that you argue in favor of player reaction over mechanical preparedness through most of this post, but all of the situations with irresistible damage I can think of are the ones that currently do prompt players to react rather than relying on their build.

1.) Cut endurance costs on all powers before level 20 by 50%.
I'm not saying that the endurance costs of the actual powers should be increased that drastically, just that all characters below level 20 should be granted a 50% global endurance cost reduction on every power they use. There's nothing fun about having to use rest every third or fourth group because your endurance is running out, and with hardly any inspiration slots to speak of at that point, pre-buying blues isn't an option- Not to mention most new players wouldn't even think that far ahead. |
P.S. I was a new player once, I figured it out. Am pretty sure you were new at one point too... Also, I find that championing the new player while deriding those with less ability are quite contrasting points of view.
2.) Cut the endurance cost in half, and remove the animation penalty from all powers that miss. There's nothing sillier than watching a low level character use Shadow Maul, have them know that they missed already, and then just keep punching. This is another part of the game that's just frustrating, and not fun or engaging in any way. I can't see it having a positive effect on any new players. |
When you miss, you still excert at least the same amount of energy, yet need to spend more in order to compensate for the miss. Often that same compensation leaves one open to counterattack.
3.) Make the mez and debuff systems more reasonable. I believe that all mezzes and debuffs should be able to be actively removed- My personal choice would be an intuitive pop up text that states exactly what debuff/mez you are afflicted by, and allows you to press a random key or sequence of keys in order to break the negative effect on your character. This would mean that there would be no more "perma held" situations- If there's nothing you can do about a mez but click a break free, it's not challenging. It's not fun. It just comes down to a random generator that in no way reflects player skill or character ability. The same thing applies to massive stacked debuffs- If you're fighting enemies with a lot of -tohit and you don't have Aim, or 20 yellows sitting in your tray, you can't hit your enemies. Forget all the global accuracy slotting you have, forget trying to fight through it. Once the game decides you can't hit your enemies, you just lose. This works in reverse too via defense debuffs. The point is that this is a very dated and unintelligent aspect of the game. It's not fun or challenging to be told that you can't do anything, better luck next time, you lose. An active mez/debuff removal system is necessary in order to keep the game challenging while rewarding player skill and character strength. |
4.) No more unresistable, indefensible damage. We have exotic damage types for a reason- Toxic and Psionic damage should be doing plenty for Dev's to have options to design challenging content. If you think everything you can think of is too easy, that doesn't give you license to stop being creative and start cheating. It's not fun to build a high end Tank, only to have it trivialized by a type of damage that doesn't even exist in the game for players. This goes for defense too- No more "unpositioned non-existent-because it's-special" attacks. If I have 45% defense to melee, ranged and AOE attacks, I don't care if the attack is Psionic, Lethal or Gubbly-Gobbly-Marauder-Chugged-A-Beer. I don't expect it to have more than a 5% chance to hit me. It's just illogical, and it goes against everything that we've learned by playing the game. No attack from an NPC should be indefensible. That's not intuitive or challenging, it's just a cheap trick. When explaining how defense and resistance works to new players, should I be saying, "Building defense is awesome! Until you get attacked 3 times, and all your defense is gone!" Or, "Tanks are really survivable, they can protect their team by being on the front lines! Until a damage type that doesn't exist one shots them!" Or, "This Scrapper will do awesome damage! Until he gets hit with a certain kind of power that makes it so he can't even HIT anything, and then he'll just die!" None of these things are good. Please fix them. |
Since they are all easily avoided though, I have to admit I am confused as to why these mechanics are too much a pain to avoid, yet you want to make things more complicated for dropping mez.
It's not like the tank has to drop aggro entirely in order to avoid a nova fist or anything... They can still tank the big bad for the 5 seconds he is not in melee right up its ***.
If they were completely unavoidable, I could maybe see your point of view.
Also, what about people who have lots and lots of keybinds.
"The game wants me to press P... but on P I have [Self Destruct]"
IMHO none of your suggestions is really that good;
50% end below lvl 20...we already got inherent fitness, that has to be good enough.
50% end and shorter animations on a miss...why? you exhaust yourself wether you hit or not; and we would need new animations for every power that can miss.
no unresistable auto-hits... meh, boring

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
1. cut endurance for <20 characters
While I can see the reason for this suggestion and I appreciate the argument that having to rest isnt fun I dotn agree that the endurance costs need to be cut. Especialyl because once a player hits level 21 their endurance consumption is suddenly 200% what it was up to then, which means requiring a re-jig of the character make-up either active toggles, or enhancement slotting or even not using certian powers together anymore. So the character would hit 20 and then drop in power?
an alternative could be:
leave it as is and let players learn as they go. <--my preferred solution
introduce two new modes, "conservative" and "overburn": conservative mode lets a character save endurance by reducing the effect their powers have (lower durations, less damage, lower mag/duration secondaries) and the opposite for overburn.
2. cut end costs in half and remove animations for powers that miss:
I dont understand the reasoning behind this. The endurance cost is paid up front. its how you decide if its worth using a power or not. sure, an end discount would be a bonus but that wouldnt be offset by the disappointment of missing
removing about the notification of hit or miss is delayed until the animation finishes? I do agree though, it is frustrating to miss and then have to sit through the motions of sands of mu / shadow maul but before I click the power I know that its a lengthy animation and I know it'll cost endurance and so, I choose to take that risk.
3. Guitar-hero mez break Mez is mez. Why should my character be held longer than your equally built character just because I cant type as fast or I dotn want to risk knocking something over...
If you're perma mezzed and you find it happens enough to wish there was a magical de-mez key, then its your lucky day, there is! power choice and slotting can help reduce mez durations and increase defenses. If you *choose* to not slot with mez mitigation in mind and instead opt to do more damage or reduce endurance costs then thats your choice and you have to live with it, or find a team with a helpful defender
I do think it shoud be easier for defenders to remove or reduce mez effects on team mates but thats a different kettle of monkeys.
also, how are the random keys delivered? I'm pretty sure someone could writ e a macro to detect character status effects and listen for Mezzes then listen for the key sequence and input them instantly thus making that character immune to all mez effects! A lot of trouble to go to? yes, but to some it would be worth it and it only takes one person to come up with the macro and share it for the damage to become widescale.
4. no more unresistable / indefensible damage types
have to agree with your points on this. If you build a character thats designed to be the perfect martial artist that doesnt get hit because of his incredible reflexes then you should not get your build completely bypassed because of a game mechanic that does not make sense. All damage has a type (except for Dev damage).
so take away non-typed damage and compensate the AV/GM in some other , non-immersion-breaking way like:
Big robot loses untyped energy canon attack. Gains, targetting laser that buffs to-hit + cannon does more than one type of damage and/or built in analyse weakness power based on teh fact htat they've been gathering data on your character as the missions have progressed allowing them to test your defenses and arm themselves with appropriate firepower to counteract your strengths. Web grenades to remove your super mobility followed by poinonous darts that cause slow + toxic DoT (unresisted because while your toon may have high defense thats just been negated by the web granade, he doesnt have high resistance to internal toxins that have already hit him).
Imho: just doing away with untyped damage is not good enough as it would make the game too easy. More intelligent enemies would balance things up nicely
I like CoH becauseof its PvE non-twitch based mechanics. I also like the battlefield series because of its twitch based PvP mechanics. That doesnt make me inept at CoH, it just means different strokes for different foks (I would like to see some form of hybrid of the standard CoH and the twitch-based PvP game mechanic used for PvP in City of heroes but I've posted on that before and it didnt get a warm welcome from the community so I'll keep quiet on that one
Try these options.
P.S. I was a new player once, I figured it out. Am pretty sure you were new at one point too... Also, I find that championing the new player while deriding those with less ability are quite contrasting points of view. |
Sure, remove the animation. However, since you are apparently looking for something that is a more true representation of life, the endurance should cost more, and there should be a defence debuff. When you miss, you still excert at least the same amount of energy, yet need to spend more in order to compensate for the miss. Often that same compensation leaves one open to counterattack. |
No. I am sure that this will make me one of those you deride, however, there is enough **** happening on the screen these days, no need to add a sequence of buttons to press in order to drop my mez. |
It's a direct consequence of how powerfull we have become. However, maybe if there weren't so many patches and crap that I need to look out for, I could pay attention enough to pick out a sequence of buttons I need to push in order to drop mez. Since they are all easily avoided though, I have to admit I am confused as to why these mechanics are too much a pain to avoid, yet you want to make things more complicated for dropping mez. |
Let's also not forget about us folks who don't use a QWERTY...mine is QWERTZ for example. I have ä, ö, ü and such stuff; what am I supposed to do if the game wants me to press a key I don't even have?
Also, what about people who have lots and lots of keybinds. "The game wants me to press P... but on P I have [Self Destruct]" |
IMHO none of your suggestions is really that good; 50% end below lvl 20...we already got inherent fitness, that has to be good enough. |
3. Guitar-hero mez break Mez is mez. Why should my character be held longer than your equally built character just because I cant type as fast or I dotn want to risk knocking something over... |
If you're perma mezzed and you find it happens enough to wish there was a magical de-mez key, then its your lucky day, there is! power choice and slotting can help reduce mez durations and increase defenses. If you *choose* to not slot with mez mitigation in mind and instead opt to do more damage or reduce endurance costs then thats your choice and you have to live with it, or find a team with a helpful defender ![]() |
also, how are the random keys delivered? I'm pretty sure someone could writ e a macro to detect character status effects and listen for Mezzes then listen for the key sequence and input them instantly thus making that character immune to all mez effects! A lot of trouble to go to? yes, but to some it would be worth it and it only takes one person to come up with the macro and share it for the damage to become widescale. |
I would argue that instead of fiddling with the numbers and possibly confusing some people after they ding 20 by the suddenly increased endurance drain, that they should change the power [Rest] to have zero recharge, and make it instantly start to work*. The way it is now seems to be designed for a slower paced game than what we currently have, and it should be updated to reflect the nature of the game. As for the pointless animation on a is what it is. It looks dumb, but I doubt it will be changed.
*They can keep the debuffs on it though, for all I care.
I don't like the way they went willy nilly with mezzes, but instead of adding some kind of gimmick to lose it, I'd rather they just take a long look at the enemy types, and cut back on some of them. I think they went overboard on it for some balancing reasons, and they should probably start looking at that to see if the reasoning still applies.
Special Damage
It's going to happen more and more on incarnate content, because frankly the Dev's are limited to either tacking on a +1 or giving the boss unresistable damage and/or gimmick attacks to artificially pump up the difficulty. The alternative is that we get battles that require more team coordination as the difficulty barrier, like the Abandoned Sewer trial.
I would argue that instead of fiddling with the numbers and possibly confusing some people after they ding 20 by the suddenly increased endurance drain, that they should change the power [Rest] to have zero recharge, and make it instantly start to work*. The way it is now seems to be designed for a slower paced game than what we currently have, and it should be updated to reflect the nature of the game. |
As for the pointless animation on a is what it is. It looks dumb, but I doubt it will be changed. |
*Use RoF against a single target.*
"Ha! You missed me!"
"...But you're right in front of me. I saw the fire hit you in the head. The fire is STILL hitting you in the head. I'm looking right at it."
"Nope! You missed!"
Mezzes I don't like the way they went willy nilly with mezzes, but instead of adding some kind of gimmick to lose it, I'd rather they just take a long look at the enemy types, and cut back on some of them. I think they went overboard on it for some balancing reasons, and they should probably start looking at that to see if the reasoning still applies. |
Special Damage It's going to happen more and more on incarnate content, because frankly the Dev's are limited to either tacking on a +1 or giving the boss unresistable damage and/or gimmick attacks to artificially pump up the difficulty. The alternative is that we get battles that require more team coordination as the difficulty barrier, like the Abandoned Sewer trial. |
*Use RoF against a single target.*
"Ha! You missed me!" "...But you're right in front of me. I saw the fire hit you in the head. The fire is STILL hitting you in the head. I'm looking right at it." "Nope! You missed!" |
"Damn you box, quit moving! I'm trying to punch you!"
"Well maybe if you quit drinking before eight in the morning you could!"
"Wait, did you just talk to me?"
"Yeah, what of it?"
"OMG! You're not supposed to talk!"
"You heroes and your stereotyping. And I thought I had problems."
*Use RoF against a single target.*
"Ha! You missed me!" "...But you're right in front of me. I saw the fire hit you in the head. The fire is STILL hitting you in the head. I'm looking right at it." "Nope! You missed!" |
In general, while I agree that the punching animation for Shadow Maul looks really stupid when you miss, I think your solution is overly elaborate. It seems a lot more complicated to start building a whole new system that can change one power activation into another depending on whether the first power hit or missed, than to just change the animations for the handful of silly-looking powers.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
First of all, I know a lot of these issues boil down to the fact that COH is just old. Given the assumed interest in modernizing the game and competing in a market that isn't just people who already like COH anyways though, here are my top suggestions for improving the gameplay experience.
1.) Cut endurance costs on all powers before level 20 by 50%.
I'm not saying that the endurance costs of the actual powers should be increased that drastically, just that all characters below level 20 should be granted a 50% global endurance cost reduction on every power they use.
There's nothing fun about having to use rest every third or fourth group because your endurance is running out, and with hardly any inspiration slots to speak of at that point, pre-buying blues isn't an option- Not to mention most new players wouldn't even think that far ahead.
2.) Cut the endurance cost in half, and remove the animation penalty from all powers that miss.
There's nothing sillier than watching a low level character use Shadow Maul, have them know that they missed already, and then just keep punching. This is another part of the game that's just frustrating, and not fun or engaging in any way. I can't see it having a positive effect on any new players.
3.) Make the mez and debuff systems more reasonable.
I believe that all mezzes and debuffs should be able to be actively removed- My personal choice would be an intuitive pop up text that states exactly what debuff/mez you are afflicted by, and allows you to press a random key or sequence of keys in order to break the negative effect on your character.
This would mean that there would be no more "perma held" situations- If there's nothing you can do about a mez but click a break free, it's not challenging. It's not fun. It just comes down to a random generator that in no way reflects player skill or character ability.
The same thing applies to massive stacked debuffs- If you're fighting enemies with a lot of -tohit and you don't have Aim, or 20 yellows sitting in your tray, you can't hit your enemies. Forget all the global accuracy slotting you have, forget trying to fight through it. Once the game decides you can't hit your enemies, you just lose. This works in reverse too via defense debuffs.
The point is that this is a very dated and unintelligent aspect of the game. It's not fun or challenging to be told that you can't do anything, better luck next time, you lose. An active mez/debuff removal system is necessary in order to keep the game challenging while rewarding player skill and character strength.
4.) No more unresistable, indefensible damage.
We have exotic damage types for a reason- Toxic and Psionic damage should be doing plenty for Dev's to have options to design challenging content. If you think everything you can think of is too easy, that doesn't give you license to stop being creative and start cheating. It's not fun to build a high end Tank, only to have it trivialized by a type of damage that doesn't even exist in the game for players. This goes for defense too- No more "unpositioned non-existent-because it's-special" attacks.
If I have 45% defense to melee, ranged and AOE attacks, I don't care if the attack is Psionic, Lethal or Gubbly-Gobbly-Marauder-Chugged-A-Beer. I don't expect it to have more than a 5% chance to hit me. It's just illogical, and it goes against everything that we've learned by playing the game. No attack from an NPC should be indefensible. That's not intuitive or challenging, it's just a cheap trick.
When explaining how defense and resistance works to new players, should I be saying, "Building defense is awesome! Until you get attacked 3 times, and all your defense is gone!" Or, "Tanks are really survivable, they can protect their team by being on the front lines! Until a damage type that doesn't exist one shots them!" Or, "This Scrapper will do awesome damage! Until he gets hit with a certain kind of power that makes it so he can't even HIT anything, and then he'll just die!"
None of these things are good. Please fix them.