Please change Penny Yin's costume.

Agent White



There's some serious dissonance going when I see the little girl whose dad I used to rescue in impractically heeled thigh-highs and a collar. I realize that in real life, this happens. In the game, it's just weird.

(I also think parts of her costume are plain ugly -- or well, disproportionate and unmatching. The thing on her head needs to either be bigger and extend out of her hair, or smaller and with less metal eyebrow going on. I like the action-girl-jacket look but it doesn't really connect with the more silver age-y tights and hose on her legs. Dazzler is not the model for a *successful* heroine costume.)



People grow up and change and she is trying to shed that 'kid' aspect of it all, seems like she is trying to do that through her costume.

Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
I used to rescue in impractically heeled thigh-highs and a collar
That is how I read your post the first time and thought, Well he should just change his foot wear if he doesn't like them!

I got it the second time around which made me laugh at how wrong I was the first time, but still had to share.



Originally Posted by Dugbo View Post
That is how I read your post the first time and thought, Well he should just change his foot wear if he doesn't like them!

I got it the second time around which made me laugh at how wrong I was the first time, but still had to share.
Actually, the ambiguity can go further -- is Jack referring to Penny's dad or his own hero? ( ' ;




I think Penny Yin needs a new costume. But only because her current one sucks and is inconsistent with itself.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I think Penny Yin needs a new costume. But only because her current one sucks and is inconsistent with itself.
Yeah I'm not an extreme fan of Penny's new outfit, but don't think it's really worth anyone's effort to change it. There are far too many other things I'd rather have the Devs work on right now.

After thinking about it for a minute I wonder if Penny's new outfit was inspired by any artwork leftover from the Korean "City of Hero" game. It does sort of look more like the kind of outfit you'd see in an Asian inspired MMO. *shrugs*

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Oxford, comma, Bond.


And uh... I'm pretty sure the splash art isn't being done by a dev. ;p I'd be happy with jeans, a t-shirt, and biker gloves for her in-game costume.



I just don't like the face-plate-mask...thing. I keep thinking she has grey/metal eyebrows. It looks daft. The rest of the costume looks 'meh' but I can live with it.

Edit: I mean, how does that thing even stay on? Does it have clips? Statesman's Mask was one thing, I always assumed it was attached to his spandex hood, but this thing looks like it's held on with double sided tape or something. It's daft!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The thing that gets me isn't the cheesecake (we know by now what our, thank you Mother Mayhem), but it's belts. The belts! Okay, fine, bare Penny's midriff, sure, but tighten a bunch of leather (or worse, maybe they're metal!?) belts straight across it.




Personally I adore her costume and wish we could have pieces for ourselves like the jacket!

I read a blog article abut her costume where the author compared it to.. some kind of Dominatrix outfit...I am sorry but I just don't see it.. you say collar I see a buckle you say thigh high boots and we have like four pair off thigh high boots to choose from for our own characters.

The other comments about it mismatching I can at least understand, for you it's aesthetics. I For one feel it matches just fine.

I can see it is not Golden aged.. or standard comic book styled it is modern, techy, sexy and fun and yes with a hint of anime. It also reminds me of a costume from GI Joe.

Was there this much of a fuss over Sister's costume?



The main issue with Psyche's costume is that the in-game one looked nothing like ANY of the Renders of her. There was so much wrong with the in-game one that anything else got sidelined.

And I just hate the face-plate thing Penny has. Lose that and I can live with it. It looks stupid =/

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Don't we have that face-plate as an option now?

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And I'm expressing my dislike*, which is the main purpose of forums.

*of the character development thereby expressed.

There are cheek options kind of like that in the Cybertech set on beta, but I didn't think Penny was supposed to be a cyborg (yet?). They haven't gone full Dresden Codak on her afaik. Also, the metal eyebrows appear to be part of the same head-piece that the cheekguards are from, but the lack of extension of the piece through her hair really fails to convey a unified element.



My objection isn't based on any perceived character dissonance, it's based on the costume looking like something from Rob Liefeld's 'rejected concepts' folder from his X-Force run.

I've seen Hero Corps contacts with better outfits.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I've seen Hero Corps contacts with better outfits.
I've seen Merit Vendors with better outfits.

And that's saying something. Purple and yellow.... really? Eeek.

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Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
And I'm expressing my dislike*, which is the main purpose of forums.

^You have no idea how much that explains!



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I've seen Merit Vendors with better outfits.

And that's saying something. Purple and yellow.... really? Eeek.
The all attended Arizona State University. What would you expect, fashion sense?

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Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
And I'm expressing my dislike*, which is the main purpose of forums.
Is that what these things are for?

Huh, and here I thought it was for interactions with the Devs and CoH Community. Man, I must be doing this all wrong.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Huh, and here I thought it was *snark* Man, I must be doing this all wrong.
Nope. Looks good to me.



I like her costume. It seems in part what a teen would toss together and call her super hero outfit.

Then again I like Penny and don't really see where all the hate comes from



I'm fine with the costume - it's her in-game face that I don't like. It looks ... "mannish", for lack of a better descriptor.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I like her costume. It seems in part what a teen would toss together and call her super hero outfit.
Indeed. I think the ugliness of her costume is deliberate. It's something that a teenager or young adult would throw together in an attempt to find their own identity. So... it makes sense!

Penny will develop a better sense of fashion and style eventually, one that is all her own. That sort of thing doesn't come right away for everyone!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Indeed. I think the ugliness of her costume is deliberate. It's something that a teenager or young adult would throw together in an attempt to find their own identity. So... it makes sense!

Penny will develop a better sense of fashion and style eventually, one that is all her own. That sort of thing doesn't come right away for everyone!
Given that this is a superhero MMO I can almost buy the "first-time superhero outfit is a bit unpolished" excuse for Penny. But she's really pushing that excuse to its limits in this case.

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Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Indeed. I think the ugliness of her costume is deliberate. It's something that a teenager or young adult would throw together in an attempt to find their own identity. So... it makes sense!

Penny will develop a better sense of fashion and style eventually, one that is all her own. That sort of thing doesn't come right away for everyone!
Unless a dev comes out and says it's deliberate, I'm not buying it. This is a world with Icon. I'm sure Serge would've popped in and been like "No, you're not going outside in that. Let me find you something better."

Honestly, it wouldn't be so bad if she just lost the face dealies and if the midriff/white leg tights were replaced with the same black design her top half used. It's like her bottom half is doing one thing, her top half another, and someone decided after it was finished to slap on a midriff just for the helluvit. It's just not consistent.