The Vault As An Exchange Market




Okay, I don't know if anyone else came up with this idea, but I'm going to go ahead and suggest it anyway.

I realize that between the email system and the trading system, the whole idea of having the Vault Reserve for storage is sort of redundant. Okay, it's a nice Day Job location, but it's not exactly universal like the AE buildings are, or the hospitals and infirmary stations.

So my thought was... why not give the Vault a new purpose besides just a Day Job location?

I kept on thinking about all of those Vanguard Merits and Reward Merits some of my characters have accrued over the various missions, and some of them are really useless. For instance, the Vanguard Merits... they're nice for buying the Vanguard armor pieces, unless you already have all of them. Then there's not too much you can do with them.

We can't SELL these Merits. We can't TRADE them with other people. We can't EMAIL them. All we can do is hold on to them and maybe use them.

So my thought was, why NOT be able to exchange it?

This is where the Vault Reserve would come in. In addition to providing storage services, why not have the Vault officials serve as Exchange Agents for Merits? Go to a Vault Reserve (or Imperial Bank or Storage Assistant in Praetoria) and talk to that person, and they can offer to exchange a Merit or a Tailor Coupon for either another Merit/Coupon that the character would have access to. So if they accumulated Reward Merits but need a few Vanguard Merits to buy that costume piece, they could exchange Merits at the Vault Reserve. But if they're not Incarnates, they wouldn't be able to exchange Reward Merits or Vanguard Merits for Incarnate Merits.

Right now I'm thinking it would be a Merits-for-Merits exchange. I don't think the Devs would be willing to do an exchange for Inf or Prestige. PLUS it would give actual meaning to the whole "Banker" Day Job position for the Vault!

What do you guys think?

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



Not the worst idea I've ever heard. Different Merits would be of different values of course. I imagine Vanguard would actually be the lowest tier, for example, since it's actually rather easy to get tons of them. I mean, consider that you can get hundreds in a single mothership raid, but killing the rikti Gm there gets you what, 4 reward merits? So something like, 100 Vanguard Merits to 1 Reward Merit would be a likely rate of exchange.

Exchanging the coupons for other coupons would be nice too, though I personally don't use them.



I would be happy enough if the Vault Exchange buildings became the designated place to do merit reward purchases. I don't think we really need one in every zone, and that seems as logical of a place to relocate them to as any. Maybe while we're at it we can get them into something a bit more dignified than those godawful yellow-and maroon things they wear right now.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I would be happy enough if the Vault Exchange buildings became the designated place to do merit reward purchases. I don't think we really need one in every zone, and that seems as logical of a place to relocate them to as any.
Makes sense to me. They're in... random places, sometimes.

Maybe while we're at it we can get them into something a bit more dignified than those godawful yellow-and maroon things they wear right now.
I cringe every time I have to look at them for a prolonged period.