Adjusting Super Strength.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
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If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
I'll accept any change that removes the damage crash but still keeps it in some way better/different then build up.
Devs wont touch the tank/brute version tho. Which is pretty lame. Kinda like how ice tanks arent going to ever get icy bastion and hibernate.
I know this will be an unpopular suggestion, but I'm going to post it in the hopes of getting some feedback from reasonable people.
I propose the following: 1) Increase the base damage of Super Strength across the board. and 2) Reduce the buff from Rage to be more in line with other sustainable damage boost powers (such as Follow Up). 3) When reducing the buff from Rage, also remove the crash entirely. And also possibly reduce the base recharge to make it easier to double-stack without needing huge amounts of recharge from set bonuses. It has long been known that the ability to double-stack Rage is somewhat overpowered when it is applied to powers that are not balanced to take Rage into account like Super Strength powers are. My proposal would eliminate some of that overpoweredness while not gimping Super Strength itself. Such a change would be necessary if we ever want to see Super Strength ported to Scrappers. If Scrapper Rage followed the same pattern as Build Up when ported between ATs, it would end up being a stackable 100% damage boost. I can understand the devs' reluctance to give Scrappers something that powerful when their damage scalar is already so high. |
Consider SS nerfed to EM lvls..KO blow as a slooow comparasion to ET/TF, but without that extra damage and to hit. All the other attacks arent much, and what if the animation on FS was more in line with say..Tremor? I wonder how many people would play the set.
Note that I do NOT want that to happen..but I'd like to see a change. I have long long thought that Rage, apart from being awesome, makes no sense at all. Your mad, furious, crazy angry..and you hit..more accurately? What the?
I like Claws ideas. A all round damage boost would make MORE sense conisdering the whole..super strong thing. No crash on rage (after its tweaked) is also much better..and MUCH fairer to defence based builds. Id only allow Rage to be double stacked..if the buff from it was near follow up lvls..if it was still 80% damage, limit it to one activation at a time.
What I was thinking, numbers wise, was whatever is reduced from Rage should be added to the base damage.
So, if Rage were reduced from 80% to, say, 50%, you would then add 30% to the base damage of the SS attacks. That may be too strong at the high end, but at least the majority of what is removed from Rage should be added to the base.
What I was thinking in terms of recharge tweaking was to make the duration and recharge of the power the same. So, using just SOs a player could have double-stacked Rage 50% of the time or so. This would be in line with the uptime of Follow Up and Blinding Feint using just SO slotting. (Both have a base recharge of 12 seconds and a duration of 10 seconds)
The end result of this would be to:
A) Make SS less painful to play in the levels before you get Rage. That is basically half the game for a Tanker.
B) Make it easier for those players who choose not to use IOs (or don't have the option) to do decent amounts of damage with SS on only SOs.
C) It would reduce how overpowered attacks not in SS are when the Rage buff is applied to them.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Would probably be easier to just replace rage with buildup when porting the set to scrappers.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
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Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
So, if Rage were reduced from 80% to, say, 50%, you would then add 30% to the base damage of the SS attacks. That may be too strong at the high end, but at least the majority of what is removed from Rage should be added to the base.
Quick example. Tanker Jab does 30.25 base damage currently. Assuming 95% damage enhancement and 80% Rage you get a final damage of 83.19.
If you increase the base damage to 39.33 (a 30% increase) then assuming 95% damage enhancement and 50% Rage you get a final damage of 96.35.
To maintain the same damage with one stack of Rage then you'd need to increase the base damage by about half the amount that you take off Rage. That would maintain about the same damage at one stack while bringing the double-stack damage value down.
This concept looks strangely familiar...
I would like to say I don't think Rage breaks the game and I am not pushing for a change. The designer in me agrees with this proposal, however, for a few reasons.
Every time the devs add an attack to a power pool or epic pool or even a secondary they risk making SS even more powerful. Since the normal SS attacks are so pathetic to make up for Rage, these addition attacks can easily out pace them. Boxing is already on par with Jab for example. With the updated power pools the Boxing attacks might replace a couple of the SS attacks.
Personally I hate the Rage crash even though I know the set is over performing. I think a Super Strength that got slightly less effect from stacked rage, particularly on attacks outside the primary, but didn't crash at all would be slightly more fun for me.
50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD
First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563
The problem I see there is that when you factor in damage enhancements that makes for a pretty substantial increase in SS's damage at one stack of Rage.
Quick example. Tanker Jab does 30.25 base damage currently. Assuming 95% damage enhancement and 80% Rage you get a final damage of 83.19. If you increase the base damage to 39.33 (a 30% increase) then assuming 95% damage enhancement and 50% Rage you get a final damage of 96.35. To maintain the same damage with one stack of Rage then you'd need to increase the base damage by about half the amount that you take off Rage. That would maintain about the same damage at one stack while bringing the double-stack damage value down. |
And if you notice, I alluded to the possibility that it may be overpowered to just give what was taken from Rage directly to SS in the last sentence of the post you quoted.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
IF Rage gets changed. The first thing to go out the door will be the ability to double stack it.
So... carefully what you wish for.
Rage, crash and all, is one of the defining items of Super Strength. Get rid of it, and - well, why not just take Street Justice instead? Or Martial Arts? It turns it into more "just punch stuff."
I play a fair amount of SS, but I don't think anyone would refer to me as a min/maxer (or even really caring about the numbers.) And yet I think this would just make the set more... bland for me.
Yes, I actually *like* the rage crash. It's kind of a mini-game for me when I've got a pile of enemies burying me and I see that icon start flashing. No crash? It's like build up. Boring. With it? It's "Can I finish these before I'm down to doing 1 pt of damage or not?"
Rage, crash and all, is one of the defining items of Super Strength. Get rid of it, and - well, why not just take Street Justice instead? Or Martial Arts? It turns it into more "just punch stuff." I play a fair amount of SS, but I don't think anyone would refer to me as a min/maxer (or even really caring about the numbers.) And yet I think this would just make the set more... bland for me. Yes, I actually *like* the rage crash. It's kind of a mini-game for me when I've got a pile of enemies burying me and I see that icon start flashing. No crash? It's like build up. Boring. With it? It's "Can I finish these before I'm down to doing 1 pt of damage or not?" |
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
I was just thinking about this tonight, and was about to make a new thread before I saw this one. But how about this:
Rage becomes a power that cannot be recharge enhanced, with a set recharge that stops it from being stackable, allows for a 10 second crash time, gets rid of the terrible defence crash, and slowly brings back damage and to-hit from low (maybe starting at 20% damage) back to normal within the crash period (in stages, using the incarnate tech), with the existing endurance crash.
Maybe the first 2 seconds you can only do 20% of your regular damage (and a corresponding penalty to to-hit), the next 4 seconds you can only do maybe 50% of your regular damage, and the last 4 seconds you do 80% of your regular damage before, at the 10 second mark, you're back to doing your regular damage. It would be an overall boon to people who do not stack Rage, but stops Super Strength from going into crazy territory like it does now due to being unable to stack.
That solves the issue of Super Strength's overpowered-ness while keeping within theme and having a penalty that still allows you to attack.
We've had multiple powers now that are not recharge-affected, and we now have powers that scale down in effect over time, so the tech is all there, and for this suggestion, it really is just a matter of balancing the numbers so that it fits. No cottage rules have to be broken, it brings Super Strength back in line with other sets, gets rid of a QoL issue and an unfair penalty, and still stays within theme. Yes?
Rage, crash and all, is one of the defining items of Super Strength. Get rid of it, and - well, why not just take Street Justice instead? Or Martial Arts? It turns it into more "just punch stuff." I play a fair amount of SS, but I don't think anyone would refer to me as a min/maxer (or even really caring about the numbers.) And yet I think this would just make the set more... bland for me. Yes, I actually *like* the rage crash. It's kind of a mini-game for me when I've got a pile of enemies burying me and I see that icon start flashing. No crash? It's like build up. Boring. With it? It's "Can I finish these before I'm down to doing 1 pt of damage or not?" |
I am Hyperstrike and I endorse this post!
Mess with my Super Strength at your own peril!

Mess with YOUR super strength. Yours huh? Not the games, or the devs? Or ours? Just yours?
I'd prefer Rage to be made utterly unstackable. How do you fly into a Rage (when your already FURIOUS, in a brutes case) then get...even more angry?
I like the idea of a scaling debuff, as you cool off, from spaz mode, as it were.
ALso see Bills point about the crash being 'In' theme, and fitting the set. I just dont think that is a full argument for NOT tweaking/fixing/balancing the set. How far do you take the 'punch stuff' argument? To me, ma, stj and ss feel nothing alike ( is). Are you saying they are alike because its hitting stuff? Hand to hand? In which case, arent Kat, Bs axe and mace..all just 'hitting with objects?' They even share a lot MORE animations than the HtH sets.
They already tweaked the set so that brutes could keep aggro during the crash they obviuously don't feel the set needs balancing.
I'd prefer Rage to be made utterly unstackable. How do you fly into a Rage (when your already FURIOUS, in a brutes case) then get...even more angry?
What can I say, there are things I *like* old-school. You want to double or triple stack Rage? You get to deal with the crash 2-3x as often too. YOU decide if it's worth it. My tanks usually get a fair bit of overlap - and there are times I don't use it. ET - I like having a HP loss for a fast attack. Nukes - yes, I *like* "self generated" nukes causing a crash.
As far as "punch stuff" - I know this is going to sound a little... snobbish? Can't think of a good way to put it, and it's not my intent in the first place - but really. Turn rage into basically build up and what thinking has to go into it? "Click when up." 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 6 for Footstomp when starting new group 123412361234 oh, rage, boring.
See, it's like me and masterminds. I like having stuff to pay attention to. My first mastermind? Bots/FF. It's... finally... 38. Maybe 39. I play it for 1-2 missions every few months, keeping it only because I like the character - but *hate* the sets. Bots is ok. FF is completely inactive, aside from maybe whacking something with force bolt to knock it away from a bot. Nearly turned me off masterminds completely - no real thinking involved. Talked to the MM forums, was pointed towards a thugs/poison, that rapidly became a favourite character - it definitely kept me busy, without feeling like I was "playing the gimmick." (see DB: Combos.)
That, for me, is the crashing Rage. Do I use it now, or pop a red and yellow? Do I stack it? Do I have the time to finish the spawn and jump into the next before it crashes? Admittedly the -def hasn't affected me as much on *most* of my SS characters - I think I have one Stone/SS tank, the others (tanks and brutes) tend to be Fire, Dark (both versions of MB, at 50,) willpower, etc. But it's something to be aware of and watch. It's an aspect of playstyle some of us enjoy.
Now, yes, I'll be (re)rolling a new version as Bio/SJ, quite likely. Just to see how it fits the character. I do think SJ is fun - but it doesn't really require me to do much more than roll my fingers over the keys, and I don't get as into characters like that.
I know we are talking about things that cross from theme to performance and back again here Bill are saying the buff needs to be MORE than 80% damage, if it inst stackable? Be serious. Constant 80% damage, from yourself, is HUGE. Just huge. Never mind that before SOs, no one COULD (well, alone, maybe with hasten you could stack in now and then, im not sure?) stack it..If it was fine back then, with no stacking, why would tweaking it to be NOW no stacking suddenly make it require a bigger buff?
Not attacking your opinion..I find your points interesting.
I am rereading what you said about turning Rage in a click when up power. And trying to word my replies not to seemingly insult How is this ANY different to right now, assuming your toon has the ability to stack rage, you ARE already clicking it 'when its up', every time. To stack rage! And if you arent, if you hold of clicking, cause you dont want the double would that be any different to a non stacking Rage Mk2? It would be the both cases.
I can understand why you like that feeling of being involved in the set, of choice. Can you, or do you, agree that Rage as it is now, is in NEED of a change? As is SS as a set. Again, not being rude..but if you cant admit that, there isnt much point arguing why it should be (as I see it). Your opinions are fine, I see why you like it as is..but just because you like it, does not make the set suddenly fine (which it seems most people can agree on). Not changing something just cause it works great not a good reason.
. Not changing something just cause it works great not a good reason.
I mean, if it works great currently, why does it need change? Stalkers didn't work "great" - I found them fun, but agreed they needed change. They got changed. They're much more fun now. (And more in line with how I played them anyway, I tended to stay and scrap.)
Going to jump around a bit.
. Constant 80% damage, from yourself, is HUGE. |
How is this ANY different to right now, assuming your toon has the ability to stack rage, you ARE already clicking it 'when its up', every time. To stack rage! And if you arent, if you hold of clicking, cause you dont want the double would that be any different to a non stacking Rage Mk2? It would be the both cases. |
Remove the debuff window, and what do I need to do? Stick it on auto and don't think about it again.
Heck, you want a suggestion people would *really* hate? Have the stacked crashes *be worse and last longer.* I'd actually enjoy that. If you stack it, you get that extra damage/tohit for, oh, 30 seconds or what have you - then your defense is unresistably floored and -damage is taking you for the full double-length debuff at the end. Really make you think about if you want to do it. Maximum 3 stacks, and the crash WILL happen... I'd even have the second and third, when they crash, cost some HP.
Because I am stupid and apparently can't math to save my life, how much recharge does it take to perma double stack rage?
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Going to try multiquote you Bill..fingers crossed!
You seem to be answering some of your questions... and - isn't the above quote basically saying "Change it for the sake of change?"
I mean, if it works great currently, why does it need change? Stalkers didn't work "great" - I found them fun, but agreed they needed change. They got changed. They're much more fun now. (And more in line with how I played them anyway, I tended to stay and scrap.) |
(Edit, for new thoughts. It now occurs to me that saying its indsane performance may not be true..I am not sure on the numbers or anything, but I have no doubt someone could give a firm Yes it is a great outlier, or a No it isnt. Especially since the best SS case, pairs it with FA. But even so..I still think it offers far to much compared to other sets.)
But it *isn't* constant 80% damage. It's 80% damage... then -9999% damage and a defense buff. Do you want to deal with that drop while facing an AV? Do you want - especially as a defense based character, and I am speaking mostly on the part of tanks - want that drop to happen with a x8 stack of enemies piled on you? Sure, footstomp - try to keep some of them knocked down. But you've got that window of "burnout" to deal with.
I know this will be an unpopular suggestion, but I'm going to post it in the hopes of getting some feedback from reasonable people.
I propose the following:
1) Increase the base damage of Super Strength across the board.
2) Reduce the buff from Rage to be more in line with other sustainable damage boost powers (such as Follow Up).
3) When reducing the buff from Rage, also remove the crash entirely. And also possibly reduce the base recharge to make it easier to double-stack without needing huge amounts of recharge from set bonuses.
It has long been known that the ability to double-stack Rage is somewhat overpowered when it is applied to powers that are not balanced to take Rage into account like Super Strength powers are. My proposal would eliminate some of that overpoweredness while not gimping Super Strength itself.
Such a change would be necessary if we ever want to see Super Strength ported to Scrappers. If Scrapper Rage followed the same pattern as Build Up when ported between ATs, it would end up being a stackable 100% damage boost. I can understand the devs' reluctance to give Scrappers something that powerful when their damage scalar is already so high.
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.