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  1. MajorDecoy


    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    I keep reading "Mistformed Squirrel" as "Misinformed Squirrel."
    I tend to read it as Misformed Squirrel, which is blatantly wrong. It would have to be Malformed Squirrel.
  2. MajorDecoy


    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    They dodged answering what would the new incarnate powers would have been (sans genesis)

    Yes, because that's not a lore question.

    It'd be like asking Hawkward "So, were there plans to make customizable weapon auras?"
  3. MajorDecoy


    One thing I miss about the old hamidon raids was all the "mistells"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    You want to market it to our current population.

    It should be World of G Gundam.

    Of course, the pace of combat slows down a little.
    God, now I'm imagining a combination of City of Heroes with Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor.

    Knock-out Blow queued, now type "Evil-doer face my fist of JUSTICE!" to activate Knock-out Blow. Power Customization would allow you to change the phrase, but it has a minimum number of spaces and characters required, so you can't just have it as "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
  5. MajorDecoy


    Originally Posted by Nanook View Post
    This made me LOL so hard.

    Confession, I made a character named Super Nanook on Virtue (Due to full character slots on Justice back in the day) Huge body style narrow shoulders big waist in an attempt to make a "fat" superman, then dressed him in Superman's exact colors with a big N on his chest. That costume was reported 5 times on Virtue and generic'd just to be remade and played again. 6th time it was gen'd I moved it to Justice remade the costume and the Generic's stopped. Love Justice server.
    I think we can all agree that Justice is the best server.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Not only doesn't a Brute play like a Defender, but a Storm/Fire Defender doesn't play like an Empathy/Ice Defender.
    Yeah, but an Invulnerability/Battle Axe Tank plays an awful lot like a Willpower/War Mace tank. Not exactly the same, but close.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    The game: Rifts Online
    • The concept: Palladium's pen and paper RPG as an MMO
    • What we keep: all our ridiculous powers
    • What we lose: all semblance of power and class balance
    • What we add: even more ridiculous powers
    • Why it would be like City of Heroes: the Rifts IP is the only pen and paper RPG property that has a worse sense of powers balance than City of Heroes, so we'd feel right at home.
    • The upside: you can import characters from any other game into Rifts.
    • The downside: most characters characters imported from other games would have to rely on huge amounts of gear to survive. Then again so would many native characters. Also the Devs could import enemies from any other game. And would buff them
    • The other downside: past level 2 the game would consist of an endlessly spiraling inflation of gear, stats, damage, and armor numbers. the same would apply to most new content. Think Dragonball Z and beyond. Only more so
    • The other other downside: The game mechanics would be relatively simple except for being arbitrary, confusing, and inconsistently applied
    • Why I would play this: If anything could kill my inner [min/maxer]/[munchkin] through overfeeding and make it stay dead it would be Rifts
    I can see it now. Tankers would be MDC doing SDC damage and Blasters would be SDC doing MDC damage.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    You are saying there is a 62% chance that COH will survive?
    Not even with a literal reading of that. She's saying that, at most, there's a 62% chance.

    However, what we need is a one in a million chance that City of Heroes will survive, because one in a million chances always turn up.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    So what is the continuing justification of making the taunt duration in Willpower so short?
    I don't know that there ever was any justification. They just decided to make the taunt aura weaker for Willpower.

    I mean, why do Shield Defense and Willpower have Fear and Confuse protection when most the other sets don't?
  10. There's precedence for dimensional travel. If I find a new game to play, some of the characters are likely to find their way there, concept permitting. Major Decoy (and Major Distraction) started in other games, though it's a bit harder imagining moving them to other games now.

    Just after the launch of Issue 3, there was a discussion "If your character was going to die, how would he go out?"

    Secular Energy was going to go out fighting Leughebu (I am too lazy to look up that spelling right now). He was going to chase leughebu right back to where he/she was trapped and have the portal close behind him. I need to finish running him through the Dark Astoria mission to finish his character arc.

    Admiral Whiskers will find a nice, sunny spot to sleep in.
  11. I don't know. I'll still want to play a game while I watch the Maddow show, and I don't really have anything else to play.

    On the other hand, I've just been playing my 50s, doing incarnate content recently, and if all the Paragon people are gone, I don't want to keep paying for incarnate content.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Invulnerability losing it's Unyielding self -Def at the expense of minimally reducing the +def in Invincibility.
    Well, to be fair, we lost more than 5% defense in Invincibility if you had it slotted and saturated.

    That said, I remember those threads pretty well.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MissKyo View Post
    The community, devs and players. I feel like I'm losing my family.
  14. Thanks for everything Dink. I hope to see your work again sometime.
  15. Whatever projects you start working on next, it'd be nice to know. I've been thoroughly impressed by all of you.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    Better kept secret than Tic-Toc being BABs, at least
    Wait, really? I didn't know that.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Don't worry, we're just talking about giving Nemesis a mullet.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Of course, now that you said that, I'm sure some will be green with horns and mullets.
    I don't know how or why, but this is what I read.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I'd be more interested in getting Ninjitsu for Tankers, personally.
    I'm looking forward to getting Illusion for Tankers. (concept: replace most control powers with positional defense powers and a status protection power)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    looks like with issue 24 I will need to pick up Power Boost and Energize so I will have to drop a power. I have one of the -KB IO's and I am debating which of the AoE's to drop.

    Which one would you drop and why ??
    I'm going to drop both because I hate myself.

    (That said, I did take my Energy/Energy blaster to level 47 without taking any AoE attacks.)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    If rains already make a separate check for each tick, Shadow Maul and other multi-striking attacks should do the same.
    What would that do for stalkers?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Another thing that just came to mind here is Rain of Fire, and similar powers.

    *Use RoF against a single target.*
    "Ha! You missed me!"
    "...But you're right in front of me. I saw the fire hit you in the head. The fire is STILL hitting you in the head. I'm looking right at it."
    "Nope! You missed!"
    Why is using Rain of Fire against a group of enemies and having it miss one of them any less silly? I mean, everything you said can be applied to that one enemy in the group that you missed. That and defense represents everything from dodging to resisting damage to healing the damage as fast as you take it. It's been pointed out that Moment of Glory provides massive defense because it's supposed to be "Yes, you hit me, but I've healed already." Invincibility can be "Yes, the fire hit me in the head, but it didn't hurt at all." or "Yes, it looked like it hit me, but it was just a glancing blow."

    So with that in mind, if I use knock-out blow, and it misses an invulnerability tank, should it play the animation or not? It's not an "Oh crap, she dodged it." it's an "Oh crap, that hurt my fist more than it hurt her!"

    Why would it make any sense at all to cancel any animation just because the attack missed?

    Sure, meta-gaming, Shadow Maul, if you miss, you miss, and you do no damage. However, in game, who is to say that you expect every single blow to miss after your first one misses? It's entirely reasonable for a character to believe "Oh, sure, that first one missed, but I'll get him with the next one." Well, unless Shadow Maul is a combo that uses the each hit to get the enemy into position for the next hit.
  23. MajorDecoy

    Reworking Mez

    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    Immobilization and fear could surely stay as they are because they still allow you to do something
    Yes, fear allows you to hit buttons frantically, hoping that eventually an attack will land just at the right time to allow you to use a power or an inspiration.

    Fear is damn annoying, because you're supposed to be able to do stuff, but in practice, it's doesn't seem that much different from being held.

    If you could actually queue powers that would activate when an opportunity arose, that'd be different.