Where will your characters be?

Agent White



When the lights go out on November 30th, where will your characters be and what will they be doing? I just have six of them, but here goes...

Twilight Detective - He's an occult detective from Salamanca, and he'll be leaning against a restaurant wall along the main street, trenchcoat and fedora fluttering in the wind as he watches the sunrise and ponders his next case.

Sparkly Soldier Yuki - Having gone through high school as a magical-girl heroine, she'll be wearing her last costume slot, jeans and a brown jacket, and walking to the university in Steel Canyon as she starts her first day of college.

Astorian Shade - Returning to Dark Astoria would make sense, but she's grown so much since then that that she'll more likely be at City Hall, leafing through the books in the MAGI office as she helps Gregor and Azuria research a case.

Tenebrous Sun - He and Phoenix Blaze are an ice/fire mutant duo with a fondness for Faultline, so they'll both probably be shopping at Yin's Market, getting ready to go out for a movie with Jim, Annette and young Penelope Yin.

New World Daughter - She'll be on Sunset Ridge helping the rest of the Cabal rebuild their village, stopping for just a moment and using her cell phone to call the Midnight Squad and let them know that Salamanca's safe now.

Shadow Ecliptic - My lowest level character, he'll probably be standing on the balcony above City Hall as the sun rises, looking across the skyscrapers of Atlas Park and marveling at how new everything seems as a Warshade.

And that'll be the end of their stories.

Barring any big invasions or server-wide parties on that last day, where would like your characters to be?

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."




Therra Arcson: Somehow DA called to her. If the world's going to burn, she's going to go back to (old) DA and let the dead stay at peace - instead of being destroyed.

Other than that... not sure.



Got acouple of lowbies that will be doorsitting in AE trying to make it to 50.



Delgran will be beside his office in Talos Island, staring up at the sky waiting for the end to come with his crew.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



War's Herald will be at the HQ of E.G.A.D, looking for other worlds to protect.

Shadow of Kronos will descend as if a storm upon those responsible for the destruction.



When the lights go out on the servers, Zortel will be standing in the Echo of Galaxy City, at the spot she stood on when the Galaxy Girl RP meet first happened in March 2005, dressed in the first outfit she ever had.



Pure Inferno will remain with the UU. Always coming up with dastardly plots. He'll either continue far beyond the deaths of his fellow UUers due to age, or will eventually cool down and retire. Its ambiguous.

He can be seen the base, plotting his next plans.

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