Where will your characters be?

Agent White



Arbiter Azazel simply went back to his Ghost widow and remained by her side, my other characters kept fighting and died protecting primal earth, Azazel was my fav character. I like too think as a one off he freed Ghost Widow from Arachnos's grasp and they just vanished from the world never to be seen again spending thier remaining days in whatever peacefull world they went too.

*Union* Dark lord of mercs and cookies!

@EU Great Cthulhu



My technology Time/Fire Defender, a stalwart anti-theist and scientist, will go out shaking his fist at the sky.

As he always has and will.



Dalan Dzodagad will be in the bar in Pocket D, drinking himself to death together with the rest of the Dzodagads.



I guess Lady Arete will have prepared a ritual (and since I almost cannot see Cyrene or Lady Arete away from each other) with Cyrene in the room.
The reason, the Lady searches for more answers on the multiverse, so when the portal opens, she and Cyrene will go through.
Where the portal goes to... well that can be written later.

If Cy would not be there, I guess Cyrene would prefer to drink some orange juice in Founders falls, then head into the forest, as it calls to her.

Well thats storywise.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Other than screenshotting all my characters I can I'll be playing my main and first character Lightslinger when the lights go out. I really really hope they unlock VIP for everyone so I can get into all my alts for better pics though.

I'd always figured Lightslinger would be hanging out in Atlas Park, but I really hope I'm able to go down fighting. So, new plan; Lightslinger will probably be in PI patrolling the skies when the world ends, seems fitting enough.



Doctor Delaware will be feverishly working on his own device that will destroy the universe before the shutdown gets its chance.

What? He's a mad scientist.

Total Characters: 120
Lowest Level: 1, Luke Johnson (Staff/WP Brute, Virtue)



I still remember my first day on CoH, when Polaric arrived at Atlas Park before an incredible collection of characters.

There were dancers, jokers, and wanderers. Workers and idlers. Prima-donnas and wallflowers of every shape colors... some leaping, some sitting, some floating above it all. I had no idea it was possible to gather such people in one place, and I was thrilled.

Polaric will be there, of course, as part of him - and me - never left.



I'll be writing an epilogue about most of my characters in the weeks to come. If the forums are still here when I'm finished, I'll post it here.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Originally Posted by KritikalMass View Post
Doctor Delaware will be feverishly working on his own device that will destroy the universe before the shutdown gets its chance.

What? He's a mad scientist.
I don't know why, but this actually made me feel good for a sec.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



As the news broke, my favorite characters were reunited for the first time since Atshen stepped foot in Paragon back in 2004.


When the end comes, they will be where a family should be, standing together, awaiting whatever comes next.

As the captions are a bit hard to read, they say
Atshen: "This world no longer needs me. Can you forgive?"
Vindictive Wife: "You are forgiven. I will always stand by you."
Axing Questions: "A family, finally reunited."


