Where will your characters be?

Agent White



All my 'little people' will fade away in Atlas Park, where they started.I will make them face the flag with a salute, heads held high anf they will leave with dignity.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I have been playing since the very beginning. I stopped a couple of years ago due to a stupid argument I had with customer support. I came back once it went free to play. I took my main and favorite character to play, Clawrice down the path to become a villain. Once I made her one, I stopped playing again.

With the news of the shut down, I cannot have her go out as a baddie. I just don't feel that would be right. I am having her head down the path to retribution. I plan on having her watch the sunset from the top of City Hall in Atlas right next to the flag.



Sylver Bayne will reaffirm his pledge to Recluse and stand at his side to face the end.

Throw-Down Kid, his sister Eagle Eyes and their ward Vertebreak will face it from atop the PPD HQ in King's Row

Pops Holmes will reconcile with all his surviving children and they'll go out in battle somewhere.

The other dozens of alts? Probably on the john.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
When the lights go out on November 30th, where will your characters be and what will they be doing? I just have six of them, but here goes...

Twilight Detective - He's an occult detective from Salamanca, and he'll be leaning against a restaurant wall along the main street, trenchcoat and fedora fluttering in the wind as he watches the sunrise and ponders his next case.

Sparkly Soldier Yuki - Having gone through high school as a magical-girl heroine, she'll be wearing her last costume slot, jeans and a brown jacket, and walking to the university in Steel Canyon as she starts her first day of college.

Astorian Shade - Returning to Dark Astoria would make sense, but she's grown so much since then that that she'll more likely be at City Hall, leafing through the books in the MAGI office as she helps Gregor and Azuria research a case.

Tenebrous Sun - He and Phoenix Blaze are an ice/fire mutant duo with a fondness for Faultline, so they'll both probably be shopping at Yin's Market, getting ready to go out for a movie with Jim, Annette and young Penelope Yin.

New World Daughter - She'll be on Sunset Ridge helping the rest of the Cabal rebuild their village, stopping for just a moment and using her cell phone to call the Midnight Squad and let them know that Salamanca's safe now.

Shadow Ecliptic - My lowest level character, he'll probably be standing on the balcony above City Hall as the sun rises, looking across the skyscrapers of Atlas Park and marveling at how new everything seems as a Warshade.

And that'll be the end of their stories.

Barring any big invasions or server-wide parties on that last day, where would like your characters to be?
Murcielago is going to lay in his coffin and stab himself with a silver spike.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



this really makes parking my main all over the city for 21days at a time seem even that much more silly. :-/

but not as much as I feel like all the lowbie toons are being sent to the death camps before they can get a chance to live life.



My girl Hurricane Circe will be somewhere in Croatoa. Probably on Jack's throne.

If the Vikings were around today, they would probably be amazed at how much glow-in-the-dark stuff we have, and how we take so much of it for granted.



Paying a visit to a certain office in Korea.



Assuming the worst does happen...

There is a certain street corner in Atlas Park where, on the day the world comes to an end, a certain gypsy will be making one last performance.

Although you won't be able to see them, there will be tears in her eyes as balls of fire whirl through the air in front of her. The tears are not just for herself but for all the people around her. She knows that she will, most likely, never see them again.

As for herself, she knows she is immortal. Sure her face and name may change as she walks between worlds, but she will always be there, somewhere. Wherever there are people to entertain.

A sad smile will cross her face at the memory of those people, the ones she'll miss. They were the reason for her existance, and her reward.

On the day the world ends...

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



There's precedence for dimensional travel. If I find a new game to play, some of the characters are likely to find their way there, concept permitting. Major Decoy (and Major Distraction) started in other games, though it's a bit harder imagining moving them to other games now.

Just after the launch of Issue 3, there was a discussion "If your character was going to die, how would he go out?"

Secular Energy was going to go out fighting Leughebu (I am too lazy to look up that spelling right now). He was going to chase leughebu right back to where he/she was trapped and have the portal close behind him. I need to finish running him through the Dark Astoria mission to finish his character arc.

Admiral Whiskers will find a nice, sunny spot to sleep in.



They'll be doing whatever they normally do, only without me guiding them.

They still live, in my imagination. Some may get reprised in other games, whether that is online or tabletop RPGs.

One note, though:
Sienna Fox: an alien, one of many that survived their spaceship crash, will finally get to go home when another of their spaceships finally finds them stranded here on Earth. (I've already written her up in Traveller RPG terms as she isn't a super but uses high-tech gear).



Y'know what? I changed my mind. Delgran and his mercs will go find the biggest target they can, and go down fighting. When the servers go down every rifle in the squad will be going off in unison. I WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THAT DARK NIGHT!

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Some of my alts will be exiting as the world collapses behind them. City of Heroes wasn't their first dimension/incarnation, and it probably won't be their last.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Eva Destruction will be in the Storm Palace. Standing right on top of my badge. That's right, my badge. They named it after me.

Darkfire Avenger will be in the RWZ, staring down a pylon, as she has many times in her relentless pursuit of 300 DPS (before Incarnates). Apocalyptika will be right there with her, pointing and laughing because she cracked it first.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Paying a visit to a certain office in Korea.
I wonder what they'd think if they saw what looked like a group from Comicon walk up with Real edges and scopes?

What? (General Term)You know you were thinking it to! O



Years ago, they'd post the Paragon City Times bit with a picture of a building acting as the paper's origin. I know where that building is in Steel Canyon, I've been there plenty of times on my main character who works there as his secret identity. I plan to be there at the end. It's not as dramatic or heroic as others', but for me I think it suits him well.



Of the three characters that I played the most:

Midnight Shield will do a 1-man invasion of the Rogue Isles, battling villains until the last.

Brass Reactor will enter his lab one last time and remove his power armor so he can go out without the armor that's he needed to protect others from the radiation he emits.

The Sundown Man will be walking the dark alleys of Paragon City, stopping looters and keeping the peace, because even in the face of destruction, order must be maintained.



I have to many to mention, but for my main, Aisynia.. she will be returning to her homeworld of Auberean, and though a Viamontian, she will gladly take her place in the New Aluvian Kingdom led by Elysa Strathelar..

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



My characters will probably be wherever they currently are. I doubt I'll be able to bring myself to log into the game before it finally shuts down. But if I do, I might spend my couple-thousand points on ridiculous things like Super Packs.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



My characters are mostly split between 2 RP groups that own, respectively, a large sailing vessel and an airship. Both those vessels are capable of dimensional travel, using a combination of magic and Portal tech.

When CoX goes down, they will sail away to parts and adventure unknown.

-OOCly, I'm going to park them all next to Back Alley Brawler. I'm only sad I can't park them in Galaxy City, where they were "born," but at least I can log them off next to their first trainer.



Agent Whitefox will remain patrolling the streets of Dark Astoria, probably taking a final rest at First Light.

The Dragon Of Mists will return to Nova Praetoria and stand at the heart of the Magisterium where he first walked into the new dimension he would go on to help liberate.

Mister Lebool... probably find somewhere to relax until his next job, perhaps one of the park lands in Atlas Park.

Lord Vrosk likewise will remain in Dark Astoria, working his magics to draw what power he can from Mot and the broken forces of the Banished Pantheon, probably before Mot's own maw to enact one last ritual.

Dr. Obseqious will return to Neutropolis and Neuron's tower, where he formerly worked before turning to the Resistance and escaping Praetoria with his stolen tech.

The others.. I'll have to think about. Hard to think of where they'll spend their last days in Paragon.




My main character, Angel of Retribution(Magic/Scrapper/Longsword), real name Amber Mitchell. She was a US government research technician working on artifacts that Doc Delilah found, but while taking an ancient stone tablet to be tested, the lights of her facility blew out and she fell, shattering the tablet. Turned out that the essence of Nemesis, the Greek goddess of retribution, had been trapped in the tablet, and she gifted Amber with her powers. Amber then got hired by M.A.G.I. as a full-time hero, and threw herself headlong into the work, with a particular emphasis on batlling the Circle of Thorns and the Banished Pantheon. So I think she'll head to Faultline and just hang out next to her old boss.

My second character, Pale Fallen Angel(Natural/Peacebringer), was an FBSA Special Agent named AnnaSophia Shepard. She had just gone back to work after her son was born, and then watched her husband and son both killed in a Nictus attack. There was also a Peacebringer there, fatally injured, and the grief-stricken AnnaSophia offered to become his new host. After that, she went on an anti-Nictus tear, and became regarded as particularly ruthless by her fellow PB's. A perfect way for her to go out would be in the middle of a battle against the Council, but of course there's almost no way to time that right. So instead, she'll head up to her 'perch', which is where I always go to log her out. I have no idea what the coordinates are, but it's a medium-height building just across from the statue of Atlas, with several air-conditioning units on the top. She goes up there, sits on the wall surrounding the roof, and looks down at Atlas Park.



Kiret: Finally satisfied with bringing balance to Paragon City and Rogue Isles, he will be opening up a portal to return to his homeworld of Erinn.

The Last Destroyer: he'll be on top of a high building in Mercy Island, admiring all he's done to bring chaos to the world.

*becomes teary* :<



I've already taken most of my Elysion back "home"... I took them all to the Chantry. They're parked where they need to be. Where they, as a species, started. With Faathim. Only my favorites are still flying around at-large, currently, waiting to be parked when the end is a little closer.

There are a few exceptions, though... Birds who didn't want to return to the roost for one reason or another. Mei'jen, my very first stalker, was logged off for the last time yesterday beside Vernon von Grun, in Grandville. She's always had a bit of a thing for that goofball. She planned someday, when her Lord Nemesis finally took over the world, to ask him if she could keep Vernon as a pet. That was her way of showing affection for him.

Anteros, who joined the Carnival of War, was left on the top of the Westerman building in First Ward, along with Semnai, his partner. A human and former seer. He went through too much to find her and get her back... No way he'd leave her behind now.

Song of Autumn, who never left Praetoria and never would have, is with her friend Raymond Kang in Imperial City. After everything, tank that she is, she's still trying to protect him.

Pamina and Tamino, who were supposed to be Menders, are in Oro with Silos. They agreed that he needs their particular talents at this point in time more than Faathim and the other Elysion do. Tamino is never wrong about that kind of thing.

... and when the time comes, Grey Kestrel isn't going to be anywhere but where she belongs. Right beside Scirocco. The guy she'll always grin and call "Boss" in my mind, no matter what happens to either of them or the world around them. She's nothing if not devoted. Ferociously so, right to the end. Cardinal, of course, is with her. He'd follow her to hell and back if she asked him to, so staying in Grandville isn't an issue.

The non-Elysion are scattered... Beans, my little radioactive stinkbug, who was always very proud of "being made of SCIENCE!" took up a position on one of the glowing, green smokestacks of Antimatter's reactors. He'll watch over them as long as he can.

I left Kephren, my Siren, beside Marcus in Cimerora. She's sitting on the edge of the fountain, and will never tell him what she knows his future will be. She's too fond of him for that.

Mister Bibbles and Mister Mistoffolees, my two cat familiars using their arcane masters' purloined magic to look human, are in the Midnighter's Club. They'll probably never sort out their differences. Cats don't forget or forgive very easily.

Anu, the guardian bull and the avatar of an ancient a sky god, is standing next to Imperious, in his full Roman armor... Ready as ever to pound the snot out of Romulus, or anyone else who threatens the city.

Tao Tiger and its pilot are hanging around Fort Trident. Steam Monk is in the rooftop garden of my favorite building in Atlas. Star Dasher, a child's imaginary friend made real, is at the Mother of Mercy hospital in First Ward. It's the last place he can remember seeing the little girl he belonged to.

Hanano, my ninja mastermind, I'll leave in the dojo of her base, with Akuram and her brothers.

Nuwisha, my beast mastermind, will be staying with Woodsman in Eden, because that's where Grandfather Coyote would tell her she was needed.

Alshain, my warshade, is on Striga with Toby Hansen.

... and I don't know where I'm going to leave Nemissary, my death mage, and his Unquiet Bride yet. I'd take them to Thorn Island if they had access to red-side, but they're both heroes... The Bride did manage to redeem that grumpy old ghost in the end... so that's a no-go. Both being dead, maybe I'll leave them in the graveyard in the echo of Dark Astoria. They both belong to the court of the underworld now, after all. Courtiers of the Queen of the Dead. Maybe that's fitting...

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I will find an appropriate high standing place, face them towards the setting sun, with a salute, snap a pic, and log them out for a final time.

Unless I don't like them. In which case, they're gettin' a jetpack, I'mma take them up to the highest point in the map with the lowest fall possible, then I'm gonna set them on autofly 'thatway'. Take a snap, and begin the logout process. About 3 seconds before that logout happens, I will turn off the jetpack.

I will have logged, but... that character will have splatted upon the earth. In my mind actually. I know that it just faded out before it hit but it's the imagery that's important.


/Thankfully, I don't have any I hate. So this won't happen.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



A good many of the characters I've been playing have been Avatars of some of New York City's skyscrapers. I've got 55 Water st, One and Two New York Plaza, One Liberty Plaza One Battery Park Plaza and even the young Freedom Tower representing Lower Manhattan. From Midtown, I've got One Penn Plaza, 30 Rock, and all three of the XYZ Buildings, as well as Solow of w57th street. Oh, and San Remo of Central Park West. Having been called in as reinforcements to protect Paragon- (Paragon City lost of a lot of their own Skyscraper guardians in the Rikti wars and other events) They've been fighting the good fight along with Paragon's Steel People. Now, the threats have been contained to a manageable level, where the Skyscrapers of Paragon feel that they can hold things on their own. So all of NYC's finest-and-tallest who have been recruited for the fight would be preparing to return home. Some of them will be going home with vastly expanded powers (incarnate). They'll be planning to share this knowledge with the others back home. Others have walked some pretty supernatural paths during their time in Paragon (first and night ward), and this has brought them an increased knowledge of at least one more plane of the spirit world. This too, shall be added to the vast body of knowledge contained within their people's collective consciousness.
New York's skyscrapers were not the only ones who joined the fight- Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge came along for the ride as well. They will return to their regular jobs, playing in traffic, as well as teaching their newly acquired skills to NYC's latest generation of Tall Ones, as good elders do.

Now, what of the Skyscrapers of Paragon? Perhaps the first to manifest and join the fight was one who went by the name Anlek'Toh (In her language, that translates as "Spirit in Steel") With things calming down, she'll be spending more time at her day job, as one of Steel Canyon's office towers. But ever vigilant, she'll keep her eyes open for trouble, a city guardswoman always.

Cole Tower's a praetorian transplant- she has no home to go back to, not after what happened there. However, she did sneak a little something out from Praetoria- a complete set of her blueprints, enough to recreate her steel form pretty much anywhere.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!