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  1. 1. Enhancement Diversification was a disaster. Of PR and mechanics.

    2. Separating the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. Crippled red side from the get go.

    3. Reward Merits. While the devs realized their error in later content (like Incarnates) reward merits killed vast swathes of content obsolete while doing nothing to help the content no one liked anyway.

    Those are the big three for me. There are many other things I might have done differently, but the devs did a great job all things considered.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    No, it's more like:

    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    So it goes likes this humans<heroes<incarnate<ascendant<Dimensionless<De us ex machina<Chuck Norris<Wesley Crusher<Penny Yin
  3. EvilGeko

    Refund Day

    I took advantage of their holiday 14 months for 12 deal...twice (2011 and 2010). Hence my sub was up in May of 2013. Even if they don't count the bonus time, they owe me for two months. No emails for me though.

    Just done with this company.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Last time I played WoW I'd noticed a CoH clan/guild. Can't recall what their name was, though.

    I've considered giving Pandaria a try, but every time I give WoW a chance I find I can't play it for very long without getting annoyed by the tedium. Back near launch I couldn't play for more than 14 levels or so. When I went back some time after the New Elf and Other Tauren (whatever they were called) were released I found I could get up to 27 or so before getting fed up. Maybe with the new expansion I'd find I could get up to the 40s...
    Had a similar experience. When they did that thing where a subscriber could get you auto-leveled to 80, I jumped on it.....and uninstalled after a day of tedium.

    I am trying hard to stay strong and never go back.
  5. EvilGeko


    Thanks Positron. Took a while to get through this. Even sadder now that I knew what was coming.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    It's not that I think I can do better than a computer running at its best.

    It's an issue of control for me. And I quite simply don't trust it "enough" to cede that level of control. Even with the very real possibility of several orders of magnitude increase in overall driver safety.

    Computerized ABS, engine control, parking, etc? I can handle that. Actual driver control of the car on a roadway someplace? No.

    Computers are capable of amazing things, I love 'em (most of the time) and wouldn't have a job right now without them. But they're not intelligent (not that everyone behind the wheel is either), and are subject to Garbage-In-Garbage-Out.

    Maybe this makes me an anachronism. But hey, I can live with it.
    At some point, if the technology advances far enough (which it will), I could see the choice being taken away. If computer drivers saved thousands of lives per year, I could see many legislatures mandating that everyone use them.

    They'll probably start with young drivers and very old drivers, but I can see a day when a car will take you anywhere you want to go. But it won't let you take it anywhere!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    To me, that's the most depressing part about something like Guild Wars 2 - that an ostensibly good game with a creative development team willing to take chances still ends up adhering to MMO dogma pretty much to the letter.

    Which is why no other game will ever hold my heart like this game. I'm glad too. I'll get more done!
  8. Titan Network, Unleashed and a few other boards have already taken up this mantle. I'm just waiting to hear what Zwillinger has heard regarding our subs and such and then I'm going to move on.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    dear everyone who keeps popping into these thread to lecture and finger-wag players expressing their dismay and anger at the corporate execution of the game they love with the excuse that you're just being "realistic":

    Go pancake yourselves.

    This x1000

    It's trolling plain and simple. If you really are just being 'realistic' then you would stay out of these threads. The ONLY reason to keep harping on the same point is that you're trying to antagonize people.
  10. That was an interesting article, but I think the lack of authority in support weakens its impact considerably. Really, it could have been written by a fan of the game and it appears that it was.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    I have to wonder at the thought processes of people in those high-level business seats. Are they seriously that set in their ways, and that blind to the *actual* fun of playing different games that they don't comprehend that people DO want "different" and not just "more"?
    I think they do, but listen you can't quantify 'fun'. Artistic businesses like video games are all about risk. You can burn a lot of money, think something is 'fun' and see it crash and burn. So they try to go with what's safe. Copying successful games actually works with console games. In MMOs where people tend to stick to 1-2 sub games, it works quite a bit less well.
  12. They don't care. I believe the only reason they didn't shut the game down immediately was to make it harder for people to dispute charges, by saying they are still using the service. Also it clears out 3 month and 1 month subscribers so they have no recourse. I suspect it also lets quite a few 6/12 month subbers run out of time.

    For the small group who has time beyond that. "#*%@ 'em!!" Without doubt some will just not want to go through the hassle (e.g. me). For the remaining, they can just deal with it as it comes. Customer service is not their goal.
  13. I haven't been playing much since the announcement. In fact, I think I've only played about a hour since then. I'm sad and miss the game and logging in is just amplifying those feelings. It's not really fun if you're depressed while playing.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Man, I was thinking the SAME thing.
    Me too. Ah well, can't even muster a /facepalm for this level of stupidity.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Uninstall the launcher if you want, but I'm keeping City of Heroes on my computer forever and ever and ever.

    Its the only way to replay demorecords. Plus I have 9 terabytes of disk.
    I guess I could move it to one my secondary disks. My main HD is a SSD, and the thought of having 9TB of SSD sounds like a Star Trek fantasy. So I'm sure we'll have it by the end of the decade!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Sure, but if it's realism we're going for, you should have to track down someone interested in Nexus Claws, instead of just selling them to the nearest baker.

    I mean, I get the core idea of "trash loot". Really. It's much more realistic for a wolf to drop a 'wolf tooth' worth six coppers, than it is for the wolf to drop six coppers. But... that wolf also dropped a full set of magical platemail, so I think we're already beating 'realism' in the face with a shovel as it is.
    In general, I find it problematic when non-intelligent creatures drop magical items. No problem when a dragon (or similar intelligent creature) does it, because hoarding treasure is their bag. But otherwise, no.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    That's one thing I dislike in other games: having to repair gear. Replacing is one thing but repairing is a pain.
    For me it depends on how convenient they make it. If I have to go find some special NPC to do it, I get really annoyed, but when every vendor can do it, it's fine.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I might have dozed off during that part of the movie, but I don't recall Luke heading into town to sell all the bantha ears and tusken raider gall bladders he'd been collecting in the Jundland Wastes.

    Then again, I've also never seen a D&D group do this. Valuable stuff like magic items? Sure. Wolf teeth and troll phlegm? Not so much. I'm very happy I didn't play in the D&D group of the Developer who thought that was the norm.
    A lot of the junk loot in SWTOR does appear to have a use. Not to the player, but in the secondhand market sure. Exotic animal parts fetch high prices here in the real world. I can't imagine what uses there could be for a Nexu Claw!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Sad to say, but it's become apparent that this is NCSoft's preferred approach to dealing with this issue. I've written off my remaining sub time as lost. I never wanted a refund for my remaining points, but they can have that too.

    Since it seems that NCSoft isn't doing anything to see the game off, I'm getting close to uninstalling. Hate looking at their logo now.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    This seems to be a problem in non-MMO games too. "Less story and lore, more PEW PEW PEW!"
    It's sad, because it seems that MMO gamers have become conditioned to only want rewards coming at them constantly. I love my loot too, but without a story, it's not satisfying to have the rewards.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Still no clue why it even exists in TOR, though. Even with companions taking care of it... it still is a chore that has no room in the Star Wars universe.
    Didn't Anakin sell his loot (pod racer) before heading off for Jedi training? He gave the proceeds to his mom, but still.

    Didn't Luke sell his speeder and other junk to buy passage on the Millenium Falcom?

    I don't know that I agree that selling your salvaged goods has no place in Star Wars. It's not the main activity of the heroes, but it happens.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    proof there are far too many bean counters and lawyers in the world.

    EDIT: When I was in business school, we were taught something that has always bothered me, but it is true. A public company's managers are not necessarily interested in profits. They are interested in maximizing shareholder value through stock price. Think about that line. The goal isn't to be a strong successful company. The goal is to get people to pay the maximum amount for a share of your company's stock.

    Normally, that's through making a profit. But that's only part of the equation, and not necessarily the most important part. Dropping small, low ROE (return on equity) business lines is often rewarded by the markets. It leads to short-term thinking that is a plague on businesses. But it's not going away.

    I don't know what happened to our beloved CoH, but I suspect that's part of it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    On beta, respeced my warshade into air superiority and the sorcery power pool. He's now as he should have been 7 years ago. A chaos mage.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    If you bought the game as a digital download you cannot return it/get a refund.
    If you bought a physical copy of the game, then you can.
    In the USA, that assumes you haven't opened it. I pre-purchased the game and then picked up the physical copy. Then opened it. Sigh....
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    1. As an attorney, you're held to a higher standard when it comes to legal advice or statements. You know, as a matter of law.
    I don't know that I would use the word, 'higher'. Different, perhaps.


    What copyright law says about what NCSoft can and cannot legally assert is pretty black letter.
    What a courtroom would decide is another matter, because they could interpret the law in a novel matter or they could attempt to in effect create new law by setting a legal precedent which modifies the interpretation of the law in a way that would be upheld by higher courts.
    Is it? You may be right. Most practicing lawyers don't use the term 'black letter' law a lot. That was my point.

    I could sue you for mental anguish for using too many smileys in your forum post. I'm sure most lawyers would say that was ridiculous. I'm sure almost no lawyer would bet their lives on the result of the suit.
    I wouldn't bet my life that 2×2=4.

    Going to miss you Arcana.