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  1. To quote Liam Neeson in "Batman Begins":

    "If someone stands in the way of true justice, simply walk up behind them, and stab them in the heart.
  2. Thanks guys.

    Lol Kulty...

    This is my FB Zekiran.
  3. Hello Protectorites,

    Some of you may remember my recalcitrant relationship with you and the rest of the community here.

    I have already apologized before for my indiscretions in the past. I will not bore you with more of the same.

    I have always looked up to you. You were ALWAYS my mentors. The only thing I ever wanted was to be like you, to be liked by you. I was impetuous, I burned bridges and hurt feelings of people who I respected. There was a time when you made me feel welcome, made me feel like I belonged. I want to thank all of you who helped me realize my foolishness, all of your who were true friends, and all of you who tolerated my mad schemes. I learned from you all and I have grown a little wiser as a result.

    I entered this world as a seventeen year old child. Thanks to you, I leave it as a man.

    Special thanks to:
    Sooner (For patiently trying to steer me in the right direction.)
    Zekiran Immortal (For being a truly interesting person, I'm sad I never got to reconnect with you.)
    Steampunk Charlie (For some truly awesome tunes, some great times, and a great radio station)
    Miss Kyo (For being a good friend and a great DJ.)
    Froggeh (For always being a true friend, and making me your Duke.)
    Archiviste (For saving my truly awful fanfic, and for being there when I needed it.)
    Nylonus (For never deleting me from your friends list after all these years.)
    Sterling Steele (For being a worthy adversary and never holding our disagreements against me.)

    And to everyone else I forgot, you people affected me in more ways than you can ever imagine.

    Thanks everyone. You taught me valuable life lessons that I will carry with me forever.
  4. I've been with CoX off and on since '07. It's been a love/hate relationship for the last couple years, I'll admit it, but I never wanted it to end. CoX has always been my contingency, my home away from home. Reading the forums, I know I wasn't alone. Others have between CoX and other MMOs just as I have. In our own way, we loved CoX VERY VERY much. It has been hard on us.

    And then there was those who stayed. Those who were faithful. This is their home. If it is painful for us, I can't even imagine their anguish.

    It was never about the game. CoX isn't state-of-the-art. "Greater" MMOs have come and gone, and still CoX endured when the others fell. When it came down to it, CoX was about community, it was about sharing, it was about hope. Together, we built a home in this "City of Heroes." It is here we fought evil, fell in love, and endured unbearable sacrifice, both inside the game and out. We watched friends come and go, we helped great causes rise, we kept our world safe, in more ways than one.

    War, disease, a crumbling economy and an uncertain future have plagued the last decade. Paragon City sheltered us, kept us safe from the coming storm. It is upon us now, and each of us must find the hero inside, and meet the future with the same certainty we tackled all of our other "Missions."

    This was never just a game, it was our home, an idea. An idea that a City, no, a world could be full of heroes. That WE could be heroes.

    I entered this world as a seventeen year old boy. I knew very little of the way of things. I leave this world a man, I've never thought I could learn so much, yet still know so little. I will take my lessons with me as I leave. I will keep this "City of Heroes" and all of you, in my heart forever.

    I can never forgive NCSoft for what they took from us, what this place meant to me and others is more powerful than any words could ever hope to express.

    Thank you.

  5. Rorschach's quotes (From Watchmen) Stick in my mind most right now.

    I shall go and tell the indestructible man that someone plans to murder him.

    Suddenly you discover humanity...convenient. If you cared from the start, none of this would of happened!

    Of course you must protect Veidt's new utopia. What's one more body amongst foundations... Well what are you waiting for? Do it... DO IT!
  6. Well by now you've all heard the awful news, Paragon Studios is gone and NCSoft is PURPOSELY destroying CoH. They refuse to sell the beloved franchise out of fear of creating competition for their other titles, specifically the cosmic disappointment Guild Wars 2. They're hoping we'll migrate passively to GW2 as they change direction.


    We will not go silently into the eternal night, our heroes, villains, rogues and vigilantes will live forever in our hearts and minds. It is time we gave them a fitting end. It is fitting we honor their sacrifice.

    My contemporaries urge a boycott of all NCSoft products. This is a very good start and I urge you all to do just that. But we can take this further, any of you who have stock in NCSoft, I urge you to sell sell sell! Bankrupt these morally bankrupt monsters. Encourage a market boycott of NCSoft. As their shares drop harder than a lead balloon, they will rue the day they ran afoul of us, the prodigal children of Paragon Studios.

    If we're going out, we're taking NCSoft with us.
  7. Well by now you've all heard the awful news, Paragon Studios is gone and NCSoft is PURPOSELY destroying CoH. They refuse to sell the beloved franchise out of fear of creating competition for their other titles, specifically the cosmic disappointment Guild Wars 2. They're hoping we'll migrate passively to GW2 as they change direction.


    We will not go silently into the eternal night, our heroes, villains, rogues and vigilantes will live forever in our hearts and minds. It is time we gave them a fitting end. It is fitting we honor their sacrifice.

    My contemporaries urge a boycott of all NCSoft products. This is a very good start and I urge you all to do just that. But we can take this further, any of you who have stock in NCSoft, I urge you to sell sell sell! Bankrupt these morally bankrupt monsters. Encourage a market boycott of NCSoft. As their shares drop harder than a lead balloon, they will rue the day they ran afoul of us, the prodigal children of Paragon Studios.

    If we're going out, we're taking NCSoft with us.
  8. Well by now you've all heard the awful news, Paragon Studios is gone and NCSoft is PURPOSELY destroying CoH. They refuse to sell the beloved franchise out of fear of creating competition for their other titles, specifically the cosmic disappointment Guild Wars 2. They're hoping we'll migrate passively to GW2 as they change direction.


    We will not go silently into the eternal night, our heroes, villains, rogues and vigilantes will live forever in our hearts and minds. It is time we gave them a fitting end. It is fitting we honor their sacrifice.

    My contemporaries urge a boycott of all NCSoft products. This is a very good start and I urge you all to do just that. But we can take this further, any of you who have stock in NCSoft, I urge you to sell sell sell! Bankrupt these morally bankrupt monsters. Encourage a market boycott of NCSoft. As their shares drop harder than a lead balloon, they will rue the day they ran afoul of us, the prodigal children of Paragon Studios.

    If we're going out, we're taking NCSoft with us.
  9. Well by now you've all heard the awful news, Paragon Studios is gone and NCSoft is PURPOSELY destroying CoH. They refuse to sell the beloved franchise out of fear of creating competition for their other titles, specifically the cosmic disappointment Guild Wars 2. They're hoping we'll migrate passively to GW2 as they change direction.


    We will not go silently into the eternal night, our heroes, villains, rogues and vigilantes will live forever in our hearts and minds. It is time we gave them a fitting end. It is fitting we honor their sacrifice.

    My contemporaries urge a boycott of all NCSoft products. This is a very good start and I urge you all to do just that. But we can take this further, any of you who have stock in NCSoft, I urge you to sell sell sell! Bankrupt these morally bankrupt monsters. Encourage a market boycott of NCSoft. As their shares drop harder than a lead balloon, they will rue the day they ran afoul of us, the prodigal children of Paragon Studios.

    If we're going out, we're taking NCSoft with us.
  10. Well by now you've all heard the awful news, Paragon Studios is gone and NCSoft is PURPOSELY destroying CoH. They refuse to sell the beloved franchise out of fear of creating competition for their other titles, specifically the cosmic disappointment Guild Wars 2. They're hoping we'll migrate passively to GW2 as they change direction.


    We will not go silently into the eternal night, our heroes, villains, rogues and vigilantes will live forever in our hearts and minds. It is time we gave them a fitting end. It is fitting we honor their sacrifice.

    My contemporaries urge a boycott of all NCSoft products. This is a very good start and I urge you all to do just that. But we can take this further, any of you who have stock in NCSoft, I urge you to sell sell sell! Bankrupt these morally bankrupt monsters. Encourage a market boycott of NCSoft. As their shares drop harder than a lead balloon, they will rue the day they ran afoul of us, the prodigal children of Paragon Studios.

    If we're going out, we're taking NCSoft with us.
  11. You may find a now find a group titled "CoH Survivors" on Facebook, its express purpose is to keep the prodigal sons and daughters of the "City Of" franchise in contact with each other. Join today.

    That being said. I'm leading an exodus to DCUO. The game has greatly improved over the last year with several new expansions and new content including an auction house, global chat channels and the like. Feel free to join me. We can keep the spirit of CoH alive, and hopefully make DCUO better in the process. To quote a DC Comics character: "Death is never the end, and lightning ALWAYS strikes twice"

    See you in game.

    P.S. you may contact me any time on my Facebook as Robert Francis Mader.
    This is me
  12. Silas_Gray

    CoH Survivors

    You may find a now find a group titled "CoH Survivors" on Facebook, its express purpose is to keep the prodigal sons and daughters of the "City Of" franchise in contact with each other. Join today.

    That being said. I'm leading an exodus to DCUO. The game has greatly improved over the last year with several new expansions and new content including an auction house, global chat channels and the like. Feel free to join me. We can keep the spirit of CoH alive, and hopefully make DCUO better in the process. To quote a DC Comics character: "Death is never the end, and lightning ALWAYS strikes twice"

    See you in game.

    P.S. you may contact me any time on my Facebook as Robert Francis Mader.
    This is me
  13. Silas_Gray

    CoH Survivors

    You may find a now find a group titled "CoH Survivors" on Facebook, its express purpose is to keep the prodigal sons and daughters of the "City Of" franchise in contact with each other. Join today.

    That being said. I'm leading an exodus to DCUO. The game has greatly improved over the last year with several new expansions and new content including an auction house, global chat channels and the like. Feel free to join me. We can keep the spirit of CoH alive, and hopefully make DCUO better in the process. To quote a DC Comics character: "Death is never the end, and lightning ALWAYS strikes twice"

    See you in game.

    P.S. you may contact me any time on my Facebook as Robert Francis Mader.
    This is me
  14. Oh Dasher, they were VERY resolute in this decision. The Dev team is gone, the rest of Paragon Studios will follow suit, there is nothing left to salvage. I admire your tenacity, but this wound is fatal. I'm sorry, it's over.
  15. I'll be heading over to DCUO to get my superhero fix.

    Then I'll probably end up going back to WoW or SWTOR.

    Just saying NCSoft, this is a big farking slap in the face, I hope you're ashamed. To all the Devs who made a point to get to know us and listen to us, thank you so much, you made this game great. To all the Customer services reps I've told to Fark off, I'm sorry. And finally, to Niviene, I'm sorry I bad mouthed you to Lighthouse constantly.

    Thanks to Protector, Guardian and Virtue for containing the craziness that is Silas Gray.

    It is a dark day indeed in Paragon City...
  16. Lot's of RP to be had, especially in the Magisterium, which has no mobs.
  17. I tried this years ago as "The Mystic Society" I got about ten people only partially interested in it, and at the time, the only other Magic SG around was Empire of Atlantis. I ended up dissolving itt after a couple months.

    I wish you luck, but with The Strange forming, you may have a hard time finding magical based people interested in joining.
  18. WTF?!?!?!

    I forget that there are other Johnny Turbos....
  19. I has a VirtueVerse! My first ever entry

    Introducing Virtue-Man!

    Linkies Here.
  20. This sounds like a fantastic SG, and an even better comic. I was wondering, would you mind having "Guest Stars" at some of your RPs. I'd love to see the way my character interacts with yours.

    Something like: Tales of the weird! Virtue-Man meets "The Strange!"
  21. Looking for people redside and blueside to hang out and chill. RP friendly a must....
  22. Dragonbone Great sword is the best!
  23. Silas_Gray

    Today I turn 30!

    Thank you for being 30!