Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe - Now Extra Shiny





About VirtueVerse:

The Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe (, also known as "UHVU" or "VirtueVerse", is a library of fan created original content for the Virtue server. This original content includes player created character biographies, character stories, supergroups, locations, equipment, and more. VirtueVerse is a collaborative fan created and edited project developed by volunteers. It is an ongoing project and anyone who is a part of the Virtue server is welcome to contribute.

VirtueVerse Server Migration

VirtueVerse has recently moved to a brand new server! We're inviting all users to the new site.

Please Note: You will need to re-register on the new server, however if you use the same user name your user page has been migrated for you.
New Server:
Old Server:
We will be leaving the old server up for a month or two using the .com address to give people time to access any content that wasn't migrated. After that time period the .com URL will be pointed to the new server and adjusted so that old links to the site are still honored.

Talk pages, images over 150 KB and some very old short pages were not automatically transfered.

New Features:
VirtueVerse Team:
  • Kadekawa - Graciously provided the hosting and domain for the original wiki. He still provides plenty of support and guidance to site.
  • Ransim - Provides the current server and hosting for the wiki along with some technical back end work.
  • the Admin - A mysterious figure who has stepped in to help with the administration of the wiki.
  • Volunteer Sysops- A dedicated team of volunteers who graciously donate their time to keep the wiki running.

For up to date VirtueVerse news check out our homepage.

VirtueVerse Twitter:

VirtueVerse now has its own twitter feed. We'll be using this as well for updating the community.

You'll find recently edited pages, new pages and new posted here as well. For the moment it'll be posting the most recent three updates and new pages every so often. We'll look into other feeds we can set up as time goes on.

Please note, this is not meant to be a replacement for the news posted here or on the VirtueVerse main page, merely a supplement.

VirtueVerse Global Channel:

Virtue Verse is a new global channel for all VirtueVerse users. Its OOC and open to all for discussion on VirtueVerse pages and RP.

/chan_join 'Virtue Verse'



I just wanna' say thanks to all you guys for your hard work!



Yes, a big thank you for everything you guys do!



Another "Thank you!" for what you guys provide. Looking forward to using the new tools



sweet, this will fix an issue i had with the last wiki, I never was able to get my picture to work



Ransim: Thank you for updating this, and for addressing every issue I had with the old site. (Not that you did it for me personally, obviously, but you know what I mean.)

Where do we go from here?



Originally Posted by Hero Prime View Post
Ransim: Thank you for updating this, and for addressing every issue I had with the old site. (Not that you did it for me personally, obviously, but you know what I mean.)
Well, we had a pretty heated "discussion" about whether to enable some of these items for everyone. But at the end of the day we decided that given the very low amount of past incidents where people added Terms violating content and the general community nature of the site we figured you guys would do a good job of policing yourself.



A question!

If I understand correctly the tos on coh and cov, they own all elements of the character I create including all bio content inside the bio filed past or present. If I link to vv in my bio do they own all that content in the link ? I'm just wondering if I should link or just put "ask me for link"?

Come to think of it, if I sent a tell do they own that and it's contents too since it's ont their system 0_@

Can't wait to get home and look at the new site!




Legally speaking, if you link to an outside server not owned by NCSoft, their "we own all content" clause does not apply. Information on Virtueverse is not owned by NCSoft, even if you link to it in game.

Practically speaking, their "we own all content" clause is very, very, very unlikely to ever be enforced, even if you get a job at Marvel/DC and turn your City of Heroes character into a character in their universe (now, if you took that character and the game world it was originally created in, you'd have a problem.)



They only own rights to server access technically speaking. Characters you create and design, the info that you jot down, is completely your own. Grant it, as Eiko says, copywriting a trademarked character is a completely different story. IE: Do not take Statesman and put him in DC thinking you're free to do so, the character is owned by NCSoft therefore trademarked.



Just to add a bit more info to the pot: it's very difficult to turn over rights to your own personal intellectual property. You most certainly cannot do it by clicking a button in a video game. If you created it, it takes a lot more than clicking "Accept" on a EULA to turn over those rights to someone else.

NCSoft is really only claiming ownership of the specific iteration of your character and its information that exists in the City of Heroes video game. You can't demand they delete your character and give you a digital copy (even if such a thing were technically possible, which I doubt it is) when you leave the game, but that's really about all that clause really means.



Thanks heaps, Ransim, for taking the time to migrate this awesome resource.

With regards to the question of copyright, how many have cretaed the same character in CoX and Champions? Who owns them then, Cryptic or NCSoft? Is it like the time Constantine sold his soul to three different lords of Hell?

I wouldn't worry about any games company making claims on your character as IP. It would be a great way for them to lose customers.



Yeah...Uploading images on the new server isn't working for me. I'm trying to upload the very same image I have on my profile, yet the .net servers get stuck on "waiting for ..." and then eventually give me a "page cannot be found" page. Afterwards if I try and go to the main .net site, the whole thing is down for me for a few minutes.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
Yeah...Uploading images on the new server isn't working for me. I'm trying to upload the very same image I have on my profile, yet the .net servers get stuck on "waiting for ..." and then eventually give me a "page cannot be found" page. Afterwards if I try and go to the main .net site, the whole thing is down for me for a few minutes.
How big is the file?

If its over 150 KB thats exactly what will happen, the server will refuse the request. Its not pretty but its unfortunately the only way we can keep people from uploading gigantic images like before.

If it is over 150 KB you can now use offsite linking so you could upload it to flickr or photobucket.

It is a very possible that if the image didn't come over from the .com site that its over 150 KB. We didn't transfer any of the large images.



Looks like the pages associated with images didn't come with the files themselves, so if you were using those pages to credit artists or include any additional information on images, be sure to remake them. Recommend doing the former whenever possible, both as a matter of courtesy to the artist and to help others who like it and might want to commission find them.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
How big is the file?

If its over 150 KB thats exactly what will happen, the server will refuse the request. Its not pretty but its unfortunately the only way we can keep people from uploading gigantic images like before.

If it is over 150 KB you can now use offsite linking so you could upload it to flickr or photobucket.

It is a very possible that if the image didn't come over from the .com site that its over 150 KB. We didn't transfer any of the large images.
So then you're saying that the .com has a larger restriction than the .net one?

That's pretty dumb, if you ask me. I happen to like Pinny's picture.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
So then you're saying that the .com has a larger restriction than the .net one?

That's pretty dumb, if you ask me. I happen to like Pinny's picture.

...just change the settings when you save it to make it under 150kb..seriously, it's not that hard and the picture you're talking about wont have any changes in quality.



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
So then you're saying that the .com has a larger restriction than the .net one?

That's pretty dumb, if you ask me. I happen to like Pinny's picture.
The old server had absolutely no restrictions, and people abused it. There were over 4 GB of image files alone and that was after the first round of culling. We decided to open up offsite linking to allow people to use larger images but while try to keep the space on the server down.

I'm sorry that you feed its "dumb" or overly restrictive, but please remember VirtueVerse has always been offered to the community for free, we don't take donations and the hosting is paid for by private parties. The new server has plenty of space, but we'd rather not see that immediately taken up again by people abusing the ability to upload images.

I'm not trying to be harsh, just realistic, no server is going to provide infinite disk space and we want to make sure we can keep this available to everyone for a long long time.

Note: People had been uploading image files that were several MB in size. Way to large to ever place on a website.



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
So then you're saying that the .com has a larger restriction than the .net one?

That's pretty dumb, if you ask me. I happen to like Pinny's picture.
The .com didn't have one at all. Getting that forced size restriction in place was one of the main reasons VirtueVerse needed the upgrade, because of the performance hits the old site suffered as it was bogged down with oversized images despite the often-ignored request on the upload form that files not be over 150kb. Offsite linking is enabled on the new wiki however, so if a file is too large for upload to, now you can upload it to any website whose actual service is free image hosting (photobucket, imageshack, etc.) and still display it on a page by putting the full URL to the image on the page without any wiki markup.

Also I went and resaved this particular image to upload it to the new site for you, so it will now show up -- no idea why it was oversized in the first place unless it wasn't actually a .jpg, since I just resaved it in GIMP and at 100% quality it was only 131kb.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
...just change the settings when you save it to make it under 150kb..seriously, it's not that hard and the picture you're talking about wont have any changes in quality.
It's JPG. Unless there is a way to save it as something else with a lower size, which I don't think there is, it's staying above 150kb

And honestly, the hostility is not needed.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Embedded supports and feeds? Great.

So when are you guys changing this old thing?