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  1. Hey sorry My internet crashed. Sorry about that. You can find me on facebook.

    Please contact me also check out the site in my signature.

    Hopefully, I might get involved with RP again. However tonight is all about Doctor Who table top RP, and this weekend is for TOR.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    "Please continue the petty bickering, I find it most intriguing."

    I do find this thread is interesting since I usually avoid teams unless it is something I have to do. So when I see this kind of drama it makes me wonder if I have ever caused someone this much aggro. I hope not but I am sure I have.
  3. I'd never pick sides since we have two people pointing the stink finger at each other, The best we can hope for is that Someone did something wrong. Either the Team leader or the Tank. Party Aggro happened. Drama hit the Forum.

    All in all I say feed the Trolls some tea and biscuits and hope they can forget the bad day next week.

    p.s. you can swap tea and biscuits with Egg Rolls a'la rule grammar 34 .

    Honestly really going to point out Roll, Role. get a life people.

    Frome thise pointe forwarde Ie wille spelle alle wordse withe addede E'se.
  4. Mariel_Martog

    Out of curiosity

    That is a very good question, I use to do tons of RP pre-Villains now I sort of just play when I have time. I'll be in character, but I haven't the time for story telling RP. Granted back then I did more drinking IRL while RP'g than today, maybe if I had some rum I would RP more.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Sixy_ View Post
    Hey! I'm so glad you brought this on to the forums and decided to completely ignore your roll in the situation.

    You started of the mission by joining the team and making demands. Anyone want to talk about rude? Let's talk about the way that you behaved. Generally speaking I don't boss other people around when I'm not the leader.

    It was the leader's desire to fight through (as we had done in the SSA run previous to you joining us. Primarily the same team makeup. YOU were the glaring change in the lineup). We fought on the same difficulty and intended to employ the same tactic. It worked well without a tank, it should work even better with a tank, right? Wrong.

    You claim to have been swapping targets and trying to maintain aggro, which would've been awesome if you had actually been doing any of this. You were hitting 1, maybe 2 targets at a time. Aggro cap doesn't mean you're simply standing in the middle of a large group of enemies. It means you are actually maintaining the aggro.

    As for saying "sure! let's do it!" after the team leader said we were going to fight through, hahahahahah. ha. ha. He said we were going to fight through, at which point you said 'seriously, go find the piles'. If I remember correctly (and I can consult the chatlogs if you wish) you stated 3 seperate times to run off and find the piles. It was clearly stated that this was a steamroll run. You must've been pretty serious because you even went out of character for that one. That was when I grew irritated.

    I'm also calling bull on you receiving tells from the team because they all said in team chat after you left that they were glad to be rid of you. You have also been 1-star and global channels have been made aware to team with you cautiously.

    Was I rude? Maybe my language was a little coarse, but I bluntly stated how I felt. If that was rude to you, thats fine. What is truly rude to me is ignoring the requests of an entire team because your head is stuck too far up in the RP clouds.

    Glad to read both sides, it is sad to see this kind of thing in City since generally we have a friendlier group of people than the other MMOs.
  6. Mariel_Martog


    Hunted Mansion sounds fun, I always did like that ride.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    ***Rock and a Hard place***

    Ok, that makes a whole lot more sense as to why you are posting. I have to say some people are just well,.... Human. Humans tend to be rude and uncaring. Odds where they are WOW Newbs.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    People have always been rude, nothing new here. Personally SSA's can be solo'd so next time unless you are playing a Defender try it solo.


    To be able to post we have to have a V.I.P account, why are only a few people getting the gold V.I.P tag?
  9. Mariel_Martog

    Exalted Intros

    Hello I'm 'Sharky' from Los Angeles, I'm an over 40 long term (Pick two: Geek/Nerd/Gamer/Gay/Trans/Goth/Fat/Bald/Ugly/Chaotic) player of COH who has been on again off again for years. I was there when a bunch of Virtue players all met up in OC

    See old picture of Virtuans

    I'm in there somewhere.

    So I will have Alts here which I will play once in a while. Such as Marcy Dragon who I moved over to make room on Virtue, I still have fun with my Fire/Bubble Controller.

    ((hint the picture was taken long before World Of Warcarft, well not that long before but long enough for me... Well actually it had released about the same time really but no one was playing it yet.))
  10. So here is a picture worth a Thousand words, I blacked out my username.

    So what did I type my stuff into, if that was not the Username and Password field?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_Woot View Post
    This song always put me in mind of Gomez Adams for some reason. I think it's the gentleman-ish villain style of it. Very joyous and embracing of the darker side in a friendly way.
    Yes it has that nature, but for me it hits well with Invader Zim, and since the Irken started life out inspired by invader zim, it fits him as well.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
    Short version? Rocks fall, (nearly) everyone dies.

    Long Version? Meteors fall. Stuff happens. (nearly) everyone dies.
    Um, long Version?
  13. Wonderful question. So here is a list of my characters and the current music themes:

    Mariel Martog: Combichrist - Get Your Body Beat

    Tiburon Ordo Malleus: And One - Military Fashion Show (original Swing Version)

    Irken - Voltaire - When Your Evil

    Marcy Dragon - The Electric Hellfire Club - Hellflower
    (NSFW Warning: EHFC is a Satan Pop Band and not safe for people afraid of pop-Evil music)

    Bhump - Alice Cooper - Space Pirates

    Stan Steamer - Icon of Coil - Android
    (note: this song is hard to find in a usable version, so I used the Combichrist remix on myspace, I think someone needs to do an AMV of this one.)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
    Back-Fire's TOP 5 rejected server themes for Exalted:
    (with regards to Steelclaw)
    5. The Sober server (Pinnacle's unfun cousin)

    4. The United Server of Benetton (too 80's)

    3. The Hip Hop server (too 90's)

    2. The AE Story server (people play AE for the story?!?)

    1. The Adult server (nobody wants to stand around Atlas in kahki pants chatting about their 401k and parenting issues)

    ((um, yah that was good, I chuckled a bit))
  15. Mariel_Martog

    Beam-Time Alts

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    No such thing as a Beam/Time Dominator, Mariel.


    There's my new Corruptor focus, Beam Time.

    Oh yes, I went there.
    OK, Brian fart, I mean sometime I type when I am 1/2 sleeping. So I say one thing mean another, people should know this about me, when I do post.

    I also type weird things like Brian fart instead of brain fart.
  16. As I sit at my Coffee house smoking on the side walk*, drinking my Dirty Chai** I wonder why people have to bring their computers to the coffee shop when they can enjoy a beautiful day with coffee, tea, and smokes***.

    *California law requires me to be 10 feet away from the door and side of the building, or on the side walk, when I am smoking.
    ** Dirty Chai = Chai tea with added espresso shot, I usually do it with 2 espresso shots.
    ***Smoking can cause serious health risks and or death. Don't smoke, if you do, stop. unless you are like me and want to smoke until death.
  17. Mariel_Martog

    Beam-Time Alts

    With the new powers (Beam, Time). I was wonder what new alts people came up with?

    I'll start with Stan Steamer. He is defiantly a Nemesis plot.

    He's a Beam-Time Corrupter. With all his powers colored white.

    ((edit: Because of Brian fart... Brain fart I mean.))
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I'm an RP player, and I sagged some names last night that I'been dying to get on Virtue for years. I don't plan to abandon Virtue, but hopefully Exalted won't become a wasteland, and it will develop a decent RP community.

    I did the Same, I was so Glad I finally got a name I was going to use on a second main.
  19. I got the ones I needed to control. as for the rest, whatever.
  20. Since the early days of COH, there have been 'unofficial _(RP)_(PVP)_(Whatever)__ Servers'. What Will Exalted(VIP) become, granted you have to maintain your monthly which many people currently playing will do.

    Will Exalted become RP, PVP, PVE, Something new and not yet defined?
  21. Well I re-worked Marcy Dragon to be able to hang out with you guys, I went simple she's a Warden. Got the grey cloak and everything. I gave her a Mostly Steampunk look, that should mesh well with Dresden lore and COH lore. Granted most younger mages are into jeans and tee-shirts, but I figure she likes Steampunk. After all it doesn't brake down as easy.
  22. You see I could be tempted to bring Marcy Dragon over she is a Fire Bubble Controller who I have had since 2004 and still haven't gotten to 50.

    Originally she was a tribute character called the Irken, which got renamed so I could make my Spider into the Irken. I think Marcy Dragon could fit in the Dresden universe, only Jim Butcher has yet to expand on Dragon Mythos. I could however re-costume her to fit the Mage motif a bit better, I could even make her look like a Warden. With out a sword.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
    I thought Paul Blackthorne was perfectly cast in the role myself
    He had the perfect voice and temperament for the part, in fact I saw the show with out knowing about the books years ago. I also use some of the TV actors as basis for character's ie bob's voice, Morgan (I know he's white with a beard, but the actor had the right stuff)

    I have a temporary roommate who is a fan of the books and RPG, and since I can normally down a book in a day, I have just started 'Turn coat' waiting on 'Changes' to come in the mail. I think I read too fast honestly. because I lent 'storm front' to my other roommate when I finished reading it last month and he hasn't finished it, meanwhile I have a large stack of books I just finished.

    As for character types, since I have a full inventory of characters already, if I considered it I only have a small handful of alts open to new ideas. I would have to sit and really think about it.