Out of curiosity
I don't have solid/concise answers for you, but I think what has gone on for a long while is that most RPers are somewhat locked into their group of RPers (often times SGs and/or coalitions) and difficult to find, locate, interact with.
The "roleplayers" and "Virtue RP" (I think) are two global channels to join to hopefully OOCly hook up and meet people to RP with.
Of course, none of this is absolute.
As the population on this server increased, the amount of nonRPers seemed to increase a bit more (as far as in-team PuG RP and/or out-and-about/free-form interactive RP).
I'd guess that there are more blueside RPers, but it is also possible that the concentration of redside RPers are higher percentage.
I hope that my non-answers may help you figure out how to find what you're looking for, hehe.
RP got a bit segmented into cliques... although, I don't think people refuse outsiders... there are just so many places/zones to be in and go to... including bases!
Atlas Park is a place people sometimes go to try and bump into others.
Pocket D is there for both sides to do the same, but carries the nightclub connotation (and I never seem to have characters that have any interest in such places).
Every Thursday night, one of my SG mates runs an RP mission event that begins with open RP in the Midnighter Club on the Steel Canyon side.
I just recently attended a nice RP event at an orchestral concert that someone posted on the forums. A few people have been trying to get events up and running to initiate more RP interactions and help the RP community connect and have fun.
As always, I suggest...
Be the RP that you wish to see in the game.
Best of luck and I hope to see you around!
(Feel free to check out the Paragon Universe... although, we have indeed shrunk in size and activity... we still have some great people... and more have been returning recently too... and we're always welcoming more)
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Ahh I was afraid it would be cliquey. It felt cliquey when i used to play but I always assumed it was my shyness that was thinking that. Perhaps if I put myself out there more I'll have better luck then when I previously played.
I don't think its clique-y so much as its hard to find RPers you click with, and see more than once, at random. I have a server friends list of cool people I have run into and RPed with but have never seen more than once. Its a lot more being introduced to friends of friends than showing up someplace and there regularly being the same cast of characters.
Kai, I think I agree with you on that. I have a rather lengthy list of fellow RPers and now that I think about it I may have played with them twice, maybe three time's if I were lucky and then we never seemed to be on at the same time or we were off in different places, on different characters ect.
Even with SG though, the ones that have been around for lengthy periods of time seem to already have their stories formed, their connections(friends,enemies ect) made up and everything already well constructed.
I'd like to have regular RPers to hang with, I'd like for my heroes to have connections with other heroes, to have enemies and to actually build a story for them rather than their back stories.
out of curiousity, yeah RP can be pretty hit or miss depending not just on where, but with who. In curiousity, the cat is neither dead, nor alive... but I'm still trying to figure out how it turned the isotope into a reactor for it's own computer to play CoH on...
Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality
Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM
RP can be quite the tricky muskrat to sniff out. My most successful RP has been over MSN, in one on one RPs about long term storylines. I think my longest is a non-CoH zombie apocalypse story that lasted about three years IRL time.
CoH I've had some luck with, but again, mostly in a one on one setting. A few years ago I was in a coalition that had a fair amount of RP supergroups, but with a few exceptions most people still tended to RP within their cliques. (Not that there's anything wrong with that; there's more of a comfort level with RPing with people you know, rather than trying to click with strangers.) I've been looking for a good active RP both red and blueside for weeks, but haven't yet sniffed out one that I'd be a good fit for.
Keeping an eye on the forums is probably the best advice. There's a lot of great roleplayers here dedicated to getting the community pumping. The Beethoven concert and then Sadie Hawkins dance last week are two good examples. There's also Formspring, which a lot of people use to get in some IC time when they're not ingame. (Good way to make friends at least.)
Feel free to drop me a line sometime, I'm always looking to make new friends!
I don't think its clique-y so much as its hard to find RPers you click with, and see more than once, at random. I have a server friends list of cool people I have run into and RPed with but have never seen more than once. Its a lot more being introduced to friends of friends than showing up someplace and there regularly being the same cast of characters.
And then, indeed, it can be difficult to sustain it when you've not formed a bit of a connection and share playing times and such.
Another aspect, the whole "these characters already have set connections and stories and new people won't fit in", is completely understandable and it does work that way with some players/characters, but I know that me and my friends always try to be inclusive and, honestly, I much prefer to focus on stories that every and all characters can feel a part of.
Then let each and everyone find their own facets of these stories that they may want to delve into deeper and such.
I don't know, I guess that is one reason why I enjoy sticking to super hero stuff with blueside (although, with the proper set ups and right approach, it works for any morality). The group responds to an emergency, they piece together some clues, they discover some diabolical plot (sometimes it will involve greater ramifications/connections with certain individuals and that can fracture off into sub-plots involving one, more, all the characters and their relationships), they encounter the main villain behind the plot... yada yada... Not like there is a strict formula to adhere to, but -more so- just some solid tie-ins for heroes to get involved in.
Then it is mostly up to the individual players to pull more out of it with (and for) each other.
We've had a history in our SG, but it never stopped others from joining in, because the history was just there, but not in the way of new, continued and more stuff to get involved in.
EDIT: I guess what I am trying to say is...
So long as everyone involved is trying and willing to be open, include others and be there for open RP that involves everyone, having history between some of the characters really only helps to provide a greater backdrop to continued RP.
To me, it is somewhat like Star Wars: A New Hope. We are shoved into a story/world with a ton of history that we don't have force-fed/explained to us at all. Yet, it is just that which makes it a marvelous experience... to be thrown into the middle of things that has such depth and history, yet is still moving forward.
I guess that is the trick... people who have history and such have to make sure to keep pushing it forward and being active with new characters and new stories.
Of course, I haven't been playing a lot nor making any RP events/AE stuff in a while, so I'm a bad one to look to in order to pull things together these days.

My apologies if my rambling is not on-topic nor helpful, hehe.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
That is a very good question, I use to do tons of RP pre-Villains now I sort of just play when I have time. I'll be in character, but I haven't the time for story telling RP. Granted back then I did more drinking IRL while RP'g than today, maybe if I had some rum I would RP more.
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I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug
You might also try the City of Formspring channel on Virtue and the in-character Formspring. There's a post about is somewhere around here. I'm on it and I've been on several absolutely epic in-character teams and missions and such. It's been great so far.
Sounds to me like he's saying all the Cool Kids have moved to the new subscriber-only server (not true, IMO).
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Wait, hold up. Exalted is a sub only server?.........Aww man, i didn't know that! i figured it was just a new server.
don't i feel silly.
If you happen to have a character hanging around the Atlas statue, look for members of the Golden Age Heroes SGs. We have folks around there fairly often. A couple of us had our mains standing next to Ms. Lib the other day when a stranger came up and started totally cold contact IC roleplaying. It was great. Eventually a member of one of our coalition partner SGs came up as well as another member of our SG and we had quite a time. Before we finished, we ended up giving two heroes who were new to Paragon City guided tours of our base and lots of (IC) helpful hints on getting settled in.
Golden Age Heroes SGs are: Gods of the Golden Age, Young Gods of the Golden Age, and New Gods of the Golden Age
You can see our website at the link in my .sig. We're always looking for new friends.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet
Where would you find the most Rpers now? Blue Side? Red side? Rogue/praetorian? because while I've always been on Virtue I seem to struggle to find active rpers.