813 -
Sigh, no, CoH owns *the exact appearance of the character as created in game*. If you publish a book with your original character, you aren't giving up the rights to them by making them in game. PS owns the image on your screen so they can like....slap them on advertising should they so desire and you can't do anything about it. The couldn't claim ownership of the IP of the character, sell the rights to use them to anyone, or generally do anything about what you do with a character you own the IP for.
The one character of mine who generated a decent doppleganger is the one character that it was established in RP was an oddity of this dimension and has no counterparts elsewhere way back in the first year of CoH, figures :P
Virtue RP Revival is out there too, one assumes its more active during eastern timezone prime time than other times.
Updated to include the Imperial Dynasty shoulders to the things guys should have. I decided not to add the bolero itself as its clearly a reskin of the magic bolero, and what is desired is more a new costume piece, fancy trenchcoats.
Anyone want to check the Imperial Dynasty set for anything else missing between male/female that would be a straight port? -
Everyone has their limits for RP, and what they want to be involved with, but really, you can say things in a channel like 'I was thinking about <SG/person/thing>, if anyone has any personal opinions, please PM me'. I don't play with certain types of RPers, I think everyone does to some degree, but there's no reason to drag a public channel through that, ******** about the RP that drives you insane is why you have a global friends list and personal channels
I miss a lot of people that quietly played the game outside the fanfare, great RPers and just funny sorts who if they saw me mention them would tell me to stop trying to embarrass them or name drop. Some of them were old friends long before the game, some of them new friends. Lost touch with many of them, keep in touch elsewhere with a few.
Crawling back to civilization.... I have a lot of art to choose from but this one looks best
Well The Ares Syndicate is an empty SG right now with my one unpowered broadsword wielding vigilante left in it
I'd be willing to cede it over to its former and intended use as a haven for unpowered sorts to train and be trained to take on superpowered forces.
Tom T-Bone Stankus - Existential Blues
Martin Mull - Dueling Tubas
Monty Python - Camelot
Wierd Al - albuquerque
Of course number one is The Frantics - Tae Kwon Leap -
Updated! Dink fixed some things! Shower him or her with presents!
I'd be willing to bet at least half the 'pony' names were taken for characters long before the new pony cartoon stuff existed :7
Will add the Ascension boots!
Never played a male widow, I sort of assumed the buttcape was a baked in part of the widow outfit for both genders, will add that too. -
I haven't been around for a few, anyone noticed anything else for the list?
The is a Cape global channel, all you have to do is ask a DJ for an invite and follow the rules!
Females don't get any real buttcapes anyways, just bows, so not really a gender equality issue. I will add the barbarian skirt for males though as it would make a good loincloth, and the shorts to females.
Just a bit
I do find it a bit suspect that that I have never once seen a poll about female MM minions, or about female costumes, yet the Devs claim to know what the player base wants. Asking instead of assuming might get some surprising answers. -
A little link for a lot of people here, come add your feedback to the Gender Inequality thread about all the missing parts for females and males in the game that can be easily fixed
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=279146 -
That is the one nice thing about being able to preview costume parts in the character creator, I didn't waste the points on packs and bits I have no use for. I intend to keep this thread active until we get some sort of specific response, so feel free to keep posting!
If it makes you feel better I read Fred's post like 3 times trying to figure out what he was fixing? I don't get hung up on the whole gender on the internet thing, product of wanting to reach out and smack every girl who ever said that to get free stuff in a game likely
But yes, thigh high flat soled boots would be awesome for everyone, lots of silver agey guys in boots, but concentrating in this thread on things that already exist and could be ported/allowed easily, there is a whole ton of things from hair bows without veils to open collar dress shirts without jackets that would be nice adjustments of things. -
Hey, look, suddenly we have resources to make new costume packs! Why are we continuing the trend of locking pieces to genders indiscriminately? How about we take some of those lovely resources and fix all the wonderfully, sorry to say, stupid omissions over the years?
(Psst, mods, this means please sticky)
Costume Issues
Might as well start with the big one.
Things Females should have but don't:
Tattoo options like guys
Renegade hat
Mars chest symbol
Male Resistance style hair
Male Barbarian belt
Male Barbarian shoulder rings
Male Barbarian shorts
Male chest straps
Syndicate pants pattern
Male Resistance/Aviator hat
Skull mask
Thing Males should have but don't:
Bracers (Martial Arts pack?)
Shoulder pets
Venus chest symbol
Witch hat(Magic pack)
Female Resistance hair styles
Headband and tiaras under detail 1
Female Barbarian belt
Female Barbarian shoulder rings
Female Barbarian skirt (aka loincloth)
Bolero fur (Magic pack)
Bolero shoulders (Imperial Dynasty pack)
Female High and Low Ponytails
Buttcapes for widows
Acension boots with above knee plats
Thigh high boots
Carnie sash
Females should have the same sit animation options as males
Female Mastermind minions
Things Fixed!
Baron coat (Magic pack) Fixed by Dink!
Steampunk jacket (Steampunk pack) Fixed by Dink
Gunslinger jacket (Gunslinger pack) Fixed by Dink!
Chaps (Gunslinger pack) Fixed by Dink!
Please add the things you've noticed and I'll add them to this post and hopefully someone dev wise will pay attention and these things might get fixed -
I don't create too much art of my own, but I commission a fair bit. In the interest of promoting those artists that do lots of CoH commission or have been players, I'll give you these three, and can provide larger images upon request.
Hugo Dourado (hugohugo on deviantArt) has done a lot of stuff for me and others, this particular image is the most detailed one, Ultramage and Rakkshasi on Virtue
Avionetca(on deviantArt) has been doing a recent rash of excellent commissions, many CoH based, and did this one for me of Blackstar II and Black Symphony of Virtue
The duo Jamie Fay(windriderx23 on deviantArt) and David Delanty(vest on deviantArt) do amazing lines and color work and have been maintaining full queues for months. I have actually been waiting for an opening for a second commission for quite some time. This is Kai.
Just an FYI, there is an SG called Soldality on Virtue so if you get any confused Comments on your arc you'll know why