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I haven't really seen any SG/VG's like this but I mean if you really want to play like that, why not make one? I'm sure it would get interest.
So I have a character called Blind Luck who is a blind female leprechaun, at the moment she's got mental/psych powers that are colored gold, I'm trying to envision it as some gold leprechaun magic powder.
I'm not sure if I'm happy with the power set on a roleplaying basis though, any idea's on what else I could use? -
Thanks Chris, I Thought maybe I'd done them a little small and last night when I looked back on it I released that D.J wears googles? or at least it's not part of the mask, soo his right eye should of been rounded..bah!
Anyway, Here's Thor's Assassin...I hope you like it!
Okie Dokie, So I think I'm done with Dynamite Jack! ...now I know he doesn't really look as buff as the reference but I just couldn't get it without making him look fat >.<...I hope it's okay! and I hope you like it!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Haymaker Hannah as well!
This is what I have of Dynamite Jack so far...Now I was wondering, what is on the side of his head? are they fins or horns? I couldn't quite tell so didn't know how to draw them...
Ahhh so many males....my weakness(not in the bowchikawoway)
I'll do my best guys! >___<
Anyone else is welcome to chuck up a reference, no promises! but if something pops out to me that I like, I'll do it! -
Okay so because I am an awfully broke university student I'm gonna offer something a little different. Instead of getting commissioned art (cause I can't anymore D=) I'm offering the first hmmmmmm 5 people artwork.
So you show me your character and I'll draw(and color) them for you!. Of course it depends on my mood(my laziness really) as to whether it's full body, 3/4 or bust..or what..but still, free art...=D
post away.... -
Quote:These are simple yet great!
and I actually saw him running around today
The Angry Mod!
...I hope you like it! (and sorry i didn't do it quicker, was playing the game)
I've pulled myself away from swtor and come back to coh cause i love it and miss it <3 and in coming back I've done a quick atomic flux to celebrate my return?
oh and if anyone wants a free quicky of their character like this one, let me know! =D -
Ah sorry I've been a **** SG mate lately guy's, I keep getting distracted with drawing and stuff.
I am going to try my very hardest to be on more from now on, promise!! -
I'll be loggin' on in about 15-20 minutes guys
. ..finally ALL christmas shenanigans are over
at the moment just the captain but if myself and grom can get on at the same time i'll have the ability to as well, i just havent been active over the past week due to holiday stuff
Finally actually coh related..sort of, well atomic flux anyway. Don't ask me who she's kissing I don't know, I Just REALLY wanted to try and draw a guy that actually looked like a guy and not a lesbian(not that there is anything wrong with lesbians) >.< -
not city of heroes related but maybe best coloring yet? -
I know I've been AWOL this week but I will be on more I promise!. the only time I won't be is christmas, that's it. Promise! =D
Well I'm getting on now and I'll be on most of the night so I'll add you to the group
we are definitely a friendly bunch, you are more than welcome too!
oh i understand now, so we need to be online at the same time lol
Drawing and playing games is so hard when a kitty is all over you and your cords.