Retro SciFi SG?




I was just wondering if any Retro SciFi RP SGs exist? If not, would anyone like to start one up with me?

By Retro SciFi, I mean shows like Star Trek (Classic or Generation), Lost in Space, Classic Battlestar, Buck Rogers and so on.

Basically the SG base will be the ship the crew serves on. Anyone in a red shirt is automatically canonfodder. I'll even be up to making AE missions about it and I think it would be fun for a group to get together and write up the backstory of the crew and what they're doing on Earth and the various alien races that may be among the crew.



I want one for either Space 1999, Barbarella, or the Muppets, specifically, Pigs In Space.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I seem to remember a small group that had a starship theme. I forget the name, and I'm not sure which server it was on, although I suspect it was Virtue. I saw them around for a short while then they tapered off -- Not sure how active they are now. I think I saw a recruit broadcast a couple months back...

I'd be interested -- The Teleport room would have to be VERY cleverly designed to pull it off well though. Depends on whether it is orbiting ship, space station, or maybe Lunar base.

I would think something like that could catch on -- Kind of a United Federation of Planets, only it was already around when it finally became necessary to contact earth (Like the Star League from the Last Starfighter?). Perhaps Earth has become such a trouble magnet, setting up a local division would be needed. Then you can get aliens from other worlds visiting, along side the Terran heroes hoping to see the Galaxy.

You could easily have a costume slot as a SG outfit -- but if you do that have some divisional coloration, rank (certain shoulder pieces), and give people leeway to do heads, hands, etc. as needed. I keep thinking of the way the LEGION OF SUPER HEROES does it -- striped outfits with a common color, with unique secondary colors and emblem. Cultural or racial stuff would come into play at some point. Even Worf got to wear his sash.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



I'd be interested in joining such a thing... In a blue shirt!

"Think! It's not illegal yet."



Id roll a new toon for something like this



Alright, maybe we should start planing?

Personally, I was thinking uniforms like this:

Basically, a full jumpsuit with a specific pattern. The standard will be pure black (standard crew members), with costumes having the secondary color being for people who fill certain roles. If we use tights, then that leaves belt, shoulders, chest detail and gloves open for anything that would be unique to the culture of that alien.

What do you guys think of this ranking system:
Black/Black = Standard Crew (generic NPCs for any AE missions we wish to make)
Black/Grey = Apprentices/Trainees
Black/White = Medics/Healers
Black/Bronze = Engineers/Technicians/Pilots
Black/Silver = Security/Soldiers/Law Enforcers
Black/Gold = Commanders/Leaders

The legs would have to be pants though, of course.



Works for me, I loved that movie =)



I can dig it. Which server are we looking at?

"Think! It's not illegal yet."



Well, Virtue. It's my home server. First server I played on. I only have characters on one other server and that's Exalted. I prefer people on Virtue anyway, tend to be more friendly in most cases.

So, we just need to work together and think up a backstory. I think the SG base should be the organization's forward outpost on Earth story wise.



A forward outpost in the back waters of space where the unmentioned powers that may be have chosen the few troublesome members of the organization to be station where we can stay out of trouble?

But then something always happens and despite our orders to only observe the locals we somehow find ourselves in the mist of their problems trying to fix thing so HQ dosn't have us all shot? =)



Hmmm, that works. I've already made the captain. I'll post pics of him soonish.

Which outfit do you guys like more? Keep in mind that head detaisl, chest details, shoulders, belts, gloves and boots can be changed depending on your character's culture.

A. Defense top of bottom (tights) with Pattern 2 as the design.

B. Defense Top (tight) with Sharp design and Slacks (pants) with the Tuxedo Design.



I like the 1st one but I would go with the 2nd's patterns.

Ill make up a toon later when I get home from work



Now I have to get busy...Need to come up with something really alien.

Q: What are we going to call this group? There have been many names in fiction, so we have to watch out there. I think star should be part of the name so that it can be the team emblem as well. Star Union? Stellar Confederation?

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



I made 3 aliens tonight, just because they ideas just keeped comming so I think Im pretty much ready to join once I figure which one I want to play =P



Can I play Wesley Crusher?



Originally Posted by CentralNexus View Post
Now I have to get busy...Need to come up with something really alien.

Q: What are we going to call this group? There have been many names in fiction, so we have to watch out there. I think star should be part of the name so that it can be the team emblem as well. Star Union? Stellar Confederation?
The parts in ( ) would be the Guild Name.

A. Galactic Alliance of Intelligent Planets (G.A.I.P)
B. Stellar Federation of Sapient Beings (S.F.S.B)
C. United Galaxy Federation (U.G.F)
D. Galactic Alliance Planetary Defense League (G.A.P.D.L)


Captain Gromgar

Hails from a race of warrior people who live for the glory of battle and close quarters combat. They are almost completely invulnerable due to very thick skin. They have a third eye which is always open, even when sleeping. All members of Gromgar's race, know as the Ralthulians, are able to channel the spirits of their ancestor's in combat, gaining centuries of knowledge in mere seconds.



Totally down for this look me up @Masters with more details as the group starts.



I like the 3rd one also



U.G.F. it is. Working on leveling up the Captain to make the SG right now.

Our Website:

Need a better background image, my only complaint. Maybe get us a logo too if any of you are artistic. Would like to get a 'theme music' for the Home page and any suggestions on overall appearance is nice. Keep in mind that is pretty limited on what I can do with the website.



Originally Posted by CentralNexus View Post
Zaylex is now registered on the website.

And for a logo how about...
Erm, we have a uniform that your character will need to wear to be a part of the UGF. >_<

Tights Defense (For legs and torso) with the torso having the Sharp Pattern. Anything else can be changed to match your race's culture, so long as you keep the chest and legs the same. Boots, Gloves, Chest Details, Shoulders, Belts, Auras, Back Details and off course any head options can be done as you see fit.



That is what I did. Breather and harness are my custom, and I treat them as a single unit. The shoulder pads I'm treating as a cultural warning ("Beware - Telepath"). They had a war decades ago brought on by early telepaths and their power grab.. The trait is all but dead in the species now, and anyone showing telepathic , empathic, telekinetics etc., are shunned outcasts, not to be trusted.

I did take blue since I was a doctor/scientist with healing abilities.

I was wondering if we were going to do one color, or stop at the Trek Gold/Blue/Red colors. We could do different colors for roles -- melee versus ranged versus healing versus crowd control, etc. I could see some advantages if the healers , tanks, etc. would stand out in a group team. Some roles would overlap on the elite archetypes, but if you knew your peacebringer would be ONLY ranged (or mostly so) you could suit up accordingly.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track