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  1. I have seen this several times for different reasons.

    1). Antivirus software decided to start scanning the hard drive.
    2). Other software decided to do an update.
    3). iTunes decided to pull down podcasts
    4). My wife is sucking bandwidth watching Netflix
    5). Comcrash has "problems" in my area
    Just a sample of what might be going on. Also, being in a busy zone in game can do it too, whether from a Rikti invasion or a Costume contest.
  2. CentralNexus

    why is "Sue" ...

    Perhaps someone tried to name their characters "So Sue Me" while having dressed as Superman or Captain America?
  3. CentralNexus

    Save Sally!

    Sally as a GM fight? That could get awkward with her going into islands sometimes.

    Perhaps they could put a Hydra spell on her -- One head is knocked out -- two more grow back? Any fight with her would have the head(s) doing the tentacle attack as a bite of some kind. Unless she breathes fire or spits out mass quantities of water...
  4. For anyone going to Dragon*Con 2012 , there will be a Meet & Greet event at 4 PM Saturday in the Hilton Grand Salon E, according to the latest schedule. The MMO track is NOT in the same hotel as it usually is so double check where you're going.

    And spread the word for me. I've been working with the MMO track for several years now, and hope to see you there.
  5. CentralNexus

    Dragon*Con COH

    For anyone going to Dragon*Con 2012 , there will be a Meet & Greet event at 4 PM Saturday in the Hilton Grand Salon E, according to the latest schedule. You will have to be at least a Saturday member of the convention to attend. The MMO track is NOT in the same hotel as it usually is so double check where you're going.

    And spread the word for me. I've been working with the MMO track for several years now, and hope to see you there.
  6. I never have understood why we can have cybernetics, flying boards, jetpacks and the like, when the cellphone emote depicts a huge brick of a phone, and the camera emote has a camera from decades ago. Where are the cellphone cameras, the video cameras?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    What people want is still the classic tights but with a less painted on look.

    You can make tights but still give them some details to look like they're wearing something. Body hugging spandex but you see the difference between the neck and head. The sleeves and the hands.

    Also face masks would be nice that werent painted on.
    Sounds like someone DOESN'T want the usual Hero-Grade spandex any more
  8. COH players are always willing to help -- sometimes a question will get half a dozen answers. Its been that way for years. I've tried a couple other games -- but the same doesn't apply. In most games I've tried -- the players barely talk, and the upper level characters just whiz past you.

    Even in person every CoH player wants to talk about the game.

    Nothing compares to the CoH community.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Wait, waitwaitwait WAIT...

    Are you saying this new one is worse than Vista? D= Because that's a whole new level of evil...
    You know the old line... The next version of Windows takes the best of Windows CE, Windows ME and Windows NT --- Of course that gets them Windows CEMENT.
  10. I've always thought we could use a jewelry set of costume add ons... RINGS for one thing, although that could lead to a flush of lantern wannabes...

    I'd love to see several amulets and or pendants. You could hit several cultures with those as well, not just Egyptian. For some concepts, such could replace their chest detail insignia quite easily. That and something smaller and similar to the Ring/Jewel chest detail, hanging from a chain. Toons of Magical characters would probably love that -- but you could probably come up with some high tech examples as well. Even some less gaudy neck options than the current gold chain could prove advantageous for secret identities and street clothes variations.

    We've got BASIC earrings, but they are buried in other options.
  11. Similar here -- Error code 13 -- effectively blocking any uninstall reinstall repair attempts I can come up with.

    Anyone else feel that "The Launcher" sounds like a good VILLAIN name now?
  12. UGH -- It happened last night. FPS dropped done under 5. So I shut down and rebooted.

    NOW the launcher gives me "Error Code: 13 (ProductConfigurationLoadError):" or some variation every attempt. I've tried uninstalling, repairing, reinstalling the launcher and it doesn't change it. Of course since this happens immediately I can't get to a point to even select a game let alone launch it.

    The last time something with the launcher happened i had to do a complete reinstall of the game. Renaming folders slightly to make sure it was a separate install.

    Has anyone got a better trick to do? Something to bypass this? I'll be spending all bloody weekend getting this back IF I can even do it.

    I personally have a VERY LOW REGARD for the Launcher and think it is the WORST thing NCSOFT ever came up with.
  13. I know I first started reading various Superman books in the mid 60s -- I remember books being 10 cents then -- so i could get 2 for my quarter allowance. That didn't last long before they went up to 12 cents. That trend left me scrounging a lot.

    I've a cover in mind -- with Superman seated on the right and maybe Lois Lane on the left. I don't know if it is Superman, Action, or Lois Lane, but I haven't been able to ID a cover that fits. Not every cover is scanned and on the net. I do know I received several such comics in my stocking one Christmas and loved them -- all Superman. Whether the issue I remember is one of them or indeed the FIRST one I got, I don't know.

    I've been primarily a DC reader every since. I do remember a few Fantastic Four issues I got along the way around that time -- everything got from either the Grocery Store or the Drug store. I never even HEARD of a "comic book shop" until the Eighties...
  14. Panther has my eye -- but I'm still waiting on Mecha/ Sci Fi Retro , etc. The longer they hold on to that the less I'm likely to jump on anything else...
  15. I got the usual 8 year badge (Rhapsodic?) but not the literal "8 Year Veteran" badge. By all rights that should hit around the 28th of April.

    I do use those badges on occasion while on new characters to punch home & Role playing, showing that I'm not a new player, and have been here a while.
  16. CentralNexus

    Alttitis Disease

    For me A week without making a new character means either my computer has gone belly up or my wife has drug me off on a vacation....
  17. At least we didn't get Will Smith as Nick Fury

    http://youtu.be/Xl3aMFVf14M (Youtube -- Avengers (Save the Day) music video)
  18. Don't you remember when they got the Mexicano signs replacing all the magic shops signs in Paragon City?

    I think one of the radio stations has a commercial based on this... Introducing the Nachonomicon...
  19. Let me get this straight. You want to penalize people using a reward? What next? Have travel powers before level 14 cost extra endurance? Limit my supergroup or Pocket D transporter to a certain number of charges a day? Maybe limit the number of epic characters I have based on how long it's been since I last had a character hit 50?

    Penalizing any players use of a reward devalues it. I oppose such vehemently, unless said reward has been proven to be game-breaking. Auction house now is limited since you can no longer sell during missions. I can see the reasons behind that.

    As far as Wentworth is concerned, I enter the building now only to see Merit vendors. I enjoy NOT going there, especially if it means I don't have to listen to an influence peddler several times a minute trying to promote his site. Since it came into existence, I can think of a handful of times I had conversations there. It is not a "gathering" area in the sense you mean.
  20. I rarely pay THAT much attention to the numbers -- and usually go by feel.

    It's the balance -- number and frequency of cone & area powers, and how soon they are available, versus length of the animation.

    This one gives a lot of fair multi-target powers early on, as it should. You do pay for that a bit with some of the longer animations. The trade-off.

    Frankly I think some of the animations could use some alternates. Its fine if you go in for the Martial arts style staff fighting. But I could see some users of staffs going for just POWER and reach, and NEVER breakdancing on the ground. Given some terrain elements -- thinking all those nasty caltrop users, putting my back into is NOT a good idea. (Why do I see a cartoon with some staff wielder moaning as someone else is picking caltrops out of his back....? Insert QUIP here ) With the eventual spear and trident variations , I'd expect some variant animations that would stress the jab and slash of those weapons rather than the basic spinning of the stick staff. This is the first version -- look at how much some of the other weapons have changed along the way.

    It's good -- its new -- it adds to the game. Its fun. Which is good enough for me.
  21. I just bought them with rewards since there was nothing else to spend them on. THAT has got to inflate their total -- If people have all the costume sets they want, what ELSE are they going to do. Bank them HOPING eventually to have a new costume set ? Or go ahead and use them now?

    Personally with all the reward merits I got, I'd suspect that the market saw a flush of recipes that otherwise it might not have gotten cashing those in on reward rolls.

    Even if I keep 3 for Mecha costume sets, I've still got 2 or 3 left over now. And I still haven't gotten that elemental order chest piece... *sigh*
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I would assume it is a direct reference to the movie-themed Summer Blockbuster event that will be added to the game. Finally we will have a yearly event that occurs in the summer!
    Like what? Take the fictional movie posters that people made and have missions that occur at some new premiere event theatre ? An ultra fancy one like the Chinese Grauman Theater? We've got the old drab one done up in floodlights in Atlas. Maybe with some sort of cement signatures from heroes done up around it as well as actors ? Imagine a more elaborate one with those lights. Think Atlas Park Tourist Trap.

    Protect the stars? Retrieve the movie from digital pirates?

    And here I thought the whole movie thing was to give them a few films to put on the marquee so we wouldn't have the same ones held over for another 8 years...
  23. I recently rewatched Classic Star Trek episode "The Tholian's Web". I half hope these new suits sparkle as much as those did...
  24. Yeah I've seen Ascendant around only a month ago. Though I've not seen many from the Liberty League these days...

    I'm remembering several names... Randomus comes to mind...
  25. The only problem with a weekend like this is when you are an altitus sufferer WHERE do you spread the love?

    I'm probably going to bounce between a half dozen toons or so -- depending upon how much action the respective supergroups are giving.