Whatever Happened to Golden/Silver Age Costume Parts?
It seems almost like we become pariahs for asking for things that make our characters in a super-powered concept game look more like, well, superpowered comic book characters.
Sure, Lobo's cool and evil and metal and PANCAKE, but you know what? I prefer Green Lantern and Superman and Captain Marvel and Nova and HEROES and I'm not ashamed or afraid to admit it.
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
"More Golden and Silver Age comic book costume parts for our characters" has been a frequent request by the playerbase for years. People always have been, and still do, ask for more heroic costume parts to help portray their more classic comic-book inspired heroes. These requests became so frequent and heated that, back in January of this year, former CoH developer Noble Savage created two threads dedicated to ironing out precisely what it was we wanted to see. These threads can be found here and here. We worked closely, kept it civil, and expressed a multitude of great ideas we'd love to see to help improve our costume creator. Things were going very smoothly and we were hopeful for great things to come.
It's been seven months since this discussion, with Noble Savage no longer working on City of Heroes. And since then, we haven't seen much of anything that shows our devs are working with our requests and ideas. The only hint that we may get something someday was a Work in Progress picture of two possible tights designs, which was shown very briefly at the recent Player Summit. Meanwhile, those attending the Player Summit only a few months ago got to decide on a new costume set themed around Post Apocalypse. We are now already beginning to see the results of this. In addition, we've had finished sets for Cybertech and Cosmic Corsair, two other sets revealed at the same Player Summit, in beta for weeks. But nothing about those few new tights options, nor any statements at least hinting at things to come in the way of the Golden/Silver Age. When we poured our ideas out to Noble Savage were they completely dropped once he was reassigned? Zwillinger had this to say about the issue when I brought it up. This is what he had to say on the matter before he asked us all to not speak another word of the subject in that thread. The beginning comment wasn't necessary at all, for starters, and made me feel like these requests aren't taken seriously in their eyes. But it's the bolded part that makes me a bit suspicious. If the devs actually took in our ideas we discussed so thoroughly with Noble Savage seven months ago, wouldn't there be more than just a chance we'll see them implemented? Like maybe a "We're working on something you'll like" or a "You'll see" or even a "We can't discuss that right now"? They give out vague hints every other time someone mentions something they have in the pipeline. But they didn't this time. Zwill specifically said there may be a chance these parts will be created. Whatever happened to our Golden and Silver Age costume parts? Will we ever see proper domino masks with optional white eyes? Or classic high collar cape options? Or even simple designs like trims to put on our capes, gloves, boots, etc.? Or has the design team decided it's just not worth the time, or that they just aren't interested and don't care about our ideas and requests unless we shell out the money to make them in person? TL;DR We asked for Golden/Silver Age parts. Seven months ago Noble Savage worked with us and took in our ideas. All we've seen since is a small WiP picture. Meanwhile we're seeing Cybertech and Cosmic Corsair already, while Post Apoc is made in far less time because it was requested by some people in person at a Player Summit. Whatever happened to our Golden/Silver Age parts? |
- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)
I bet you can make very good clones of Green Lantern and Superman and Captain Marvel and Nova with the existing costume pieces.
Anyway. I don't want CLONES. I want more costume options in that vein, if we're getting new costume options on a regular basis. It's the idea, the theme. Buck Rodgers? Not for me. Mad Max? Are you serious? Cybertech or whatever might be good.
Otherwise, I'm a Silver/Golden Age guy. I want my heroes to look, talk, and act like PANCAKING SUPERHEROES.
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
I'd like to think the leather armor pieces were at least a partially an outgrowth from the silver/golden age discussions and trying to get the tights look some texture.
So I hold out hope.
But I agree with the OP that, right or wrong, it feels like invested effort and enthusiasm may have been passed over.
I bet you can make very good clones of Green Lantern and Superman and Captain Marvel and Nova with the existing costume pieces.
I believe that the other reason we see so many of the non-superhero/heavy armor/etc. types of pieces, and are likely to continue seeing them, is that they're popular. People buy those costume parts and use them on characters because those parts are well-made. If I were a dev choosing what to develop next, I'd want to develop more of what sells, i.e., more of the sets mentioned in the OP, rather than more of what's being ignored by players, i.e., tights. Yes, there is a flaw in this thinking (mightn't people like anything made to the standard of new costume parts), but I'm not sure it's apparent from the development end.
With regard to the Post-Apocalyptic parts in particular, to be fair, they have been requested in forum-land a fair number of times. I haven't kept count of how many compared to anything else, including tights, etc. Ultimately, they were requested by a player respected by the devs and dovetailed with the devs' own desires.
We know the devs wanted to create such a set. That is probably because, according to several forumites and several in-game friends, it resembles costume designs from another game. I've said many times that the devs are game mechanics engineers and game people first and foremost; the fact that this game is superhero-themed is a secondary issue to them, in much the same way that it's completely ignored by a lot of players. This isn't necessarily good or bad; it just is. However, it means that players who want something else may have to wait a good, long time for it.
I'm ultimately reminded of any number of other costume complaints, which have a tendency to sway quickly into very ugly arguments. The OCR folks have undoubtedly passed on the fact that players are never satisfied with costumes to the costume development folks, so the devs have been preconditioned to disregard complaints and requests. In the end, we, players, no matter how invested in the game, are not the ones creating the game. That is not our role. We will get what the devs give us; our sole role in all this is to like or dislike it as we see fit.
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
Look, man, again you vastly misunderstand what I'm trying to say. I'm trying so hard to not call you a pancake...oh, well, that worked.
Anyway. I don't want CLONES. I want more costume options in that vein, if we're getting new costume options on a regular basis. It's the idea, the theme. Buck Rodgers? Not for me. Mad Max? Are you serious? Cybertech or whatever might be good. Otherwise, I'm a Silver/Golden Age guy. I want my heroes to look, talk, and act like PANCAKING SUPERHEROES. |
it must be hard having what you want and being unable to deny others what they want.
Well, there are these, coming in the not too distant future:
Aside from those, I really do agree that we could use some more classic pieces. However, I really don't like the attitude of some of the folks who seem to want these the most. They seem wholly dismissive of CoV players as well as anyone who really really likes the direction recent costume packs have been going. Personally, I don't have any issue at all creating characters that I feel are evocative of comic book characters... then again, I am a child of the 90s (grew up on characters like Cable) and love to play redside.
Those are kind of not what I'd hope for in a Silver-Age Golden Age look. That's very Modern, and ultimately doesn't fill any holes we don't already have.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Sam. This isn't really your area of expertise. This type of thing is not your thing.
But the excessive lining, patterning, and piping on that image resembles the "New 52" approach to design
Edit: Also, Golden Age and Silver age have some distinctions and shouldn't be Lumped together as they still are, even in this thread. Pulp, Golden Age, and Silver age are different styles.
Edit: Compare Golden Age Flash and Green Lantern
Who I'm honestly not too fond of, to
silver age Flash and Green Lantern
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
so what your saying is that you can already make your characters look like superheroes and this upsets you for some reason?
it must be hard having what you want and being unable to deny others what they want. |
This, right here, is one of two reasons we haven't seen something along the lines of a "superheroes" costume bundle. The idea keeps getting shelved because someone in a meeting says, "We already have that stuff, and people use it, and we know players throw fits when we replace existing stuff, so why make more?"
Specifically, in a related topic, I suggested on G+ the other day that maybe some new organic pieces be considered (in the same vein of getting some newer quality choices out there) in conjunction with the bio armor set - synergy of appearnace and all that. The formal response from the dev group was essentially "we already have a lot of organic pieces". I didn't bother citing a comparison count of organic to tech choices, etc., etc. or the relative ages of the best pieces (Mecha, space pirate, biotech, scifi...) because it wouldn't have really helped the discussion along. But it is the same thing, I'd rather see more variety in the current excellent quality output, rather than the original implementation pieces for classic superhero, organic, and all manner of costume selections.
I like all our costume options, and I want every genre to benefit from the best the game has to offer in appearance.
I never got this, myself. Solver/Golden age looks are pretty much patterned tights, are they not? We already have tights, we already have patterns. What else is there left to do? I remember David's thread on the matter but for the life of me, I can't remember something that's not either "modern" or already in the game.
These are just some quick examples of things that could be done. As noted elsewhere, though, the many variety of eras/genres/styles within the broad silver/golden age label blurs what is really wanted for some people.
I remember another thread with David where he was talking the overall art style that he personally preferred being expressed in modern superhero movies and how he liked the textured look of costumes from the original Spider-Man films onwards. You can see that influence in his art for the first SSA. Statesman's costume is shown to have that texturing.
And yes, it's visually interesting and you're not just looking at some spandex or cloth. However, some of the most iconic and visually recognised superhero costumes are from the Golden and Silver Ages. The Shadow. Doc Savage. The Spirit. Captain Marvel, even. Their design is compelling and even groundbreaking in capturing the visual essence of a character.
For good or bad, films like the Avengers and Batman are the modern reinterpretations of their classic origins and they're very popular. Even the big blue boyscout has gotten a modern makeover, whether we older fans like that fact or not. And I can understand that.
But I think it's a salient point to remember that City of Heroes is definitively rooted in Golden Age mythology and tradition to the point of capes, that seemingly ridiculous and anachronistic costume accessory, is treated as important and integral to a character's story should they pursue it. Capes even have a backstory connected to City Hall's flag, for goodness' sake.
It would be a very good thing for the Dev team to swallow the bitter pill and get such a set out there. This game has prided itself on being the 'cottage industry' game of fans first and players and developers second. Isn't it a little beyond time to act like it?
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
I remember another thread with David where he was talking the overall art style that he personally preferred being expressed in modern superhero movies and how he liked the textured look of costumes from the original Spider-Man films onwards. You can see that influence in his art for the first SSA. Statesman's costume is shown to have that texturing. |

These characters are more pulp and are pretty much Coat-hat-Mask.

Captain Marvel, even. |
Captain Marvel is Pretty Golden Age and we could use a lot of what he has.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
I think the general consensus was for tights and masks that don't look like they're painted on, as well as a few more styles not completely represented in the game (for example, the shorts-over-tights look - again, with the shorts standing out, not being painted on - common in the Golden Age)
Edit: whoa, ninja'd repeatedly while I was typing up this short paragraph.
Well, there are these, coming in the not too distant future:
But that's not only a "Work in Progress" picture, which means nothing's set in stone or possibly even really started on beyond a general idea, but it's very modern age as opposed to Silver Age. It's also kind of busy looking, which is the opposite of what we talked about with Noble Savage. And, to top it all of? That picture came out at the same time as the reveal for Cybertech, Cosmic Corsair, and Post Apoc. And we're seeing or have seen all three either finished or in progress now. No updates at all on the tights, though.
So is everything we discussed being flat out neglected or what?
Something simple like that is most likely going to be free with i24, like the Chainmail/Leather and the Olympian set.
However, I really don't like the attitude of some of the folks who seem to want these the most. They seem wholly dismissive of CoV players...
Redside doesn't equal "grunge and spikes" all the time. I play primarily redside myself and not only do I see more villains in tights than not, I would KILL for more tights/masks. So don't even try to speak for "redside"
How? They're asking for golden/silver age tights and costumes, not just "hero tights"
*Pack get's released*
"Ugh this is horrible this kind of thing(and by extension the types of characters it is based on and/or their players) Don't belong in this game. it's Supposed to be about superheroes Who would ever want to be such a horrible thing? "
After which the poster will proceed to
1: Pigeonhole many potential ideas and goes on at length to use terms like "weaboo" "generic geek stuff" and anything of that nature to insult the people who might like this sort of thing and these sort of characters.
2: Talk about "taking our game away from us the true fans" or anything else to make one sound like a grumpy old person talking about "the True Americans" e.t.c.
3: Do either of these while also playing the victim
"I'mma just go ahead and be unhelpful and sarcastic about this any time it comes up."
*proceeds to do any of the above.*
I am very sympathetic and would love pretty much anything a Golden Age, Silver Age, or Pulp pack would bring. It's just very hard not to treat the people attempting to give it it's deserved attention any kind of respect when they refuse to come with any.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
I Cried a little bit when he dismissed Power Rangers in that thread.
![]() These characters are more pulp and are pretty much Coat-hat-Mask. ![]() This is probably a better example of Golden Age Captain Marvel is Pretty Golden Age and we could use a lot of what he has. |
The people that want footie pajamas I just don't get. But whatever. Everybody likes different things.
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
That cape, the sash and the Tights with the button up shirt aren't in the game at the moment.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
We can make Captain Marvel in game now. We can even have him change back into Billy.
The people that want footie pajamas I just don't get. But whatever. Everybody likes different things. |
We got a male sash, and rolled down fabric boots? Or capes that cover one shoulder? (not just hang off one side of our back) And, while not used on CM, do we have masks that aren't face paint?
It's true that we can make anything if we squint our eyes hard enough. But isn't that the point of getting new pieces? Getting parts we need that look like what we want so we don't have to squint our eyes?
Hence why I said I don't get it and asked for examples. And you're right, I'd completely forgotten about the baggy costumes of older heroes. I don't think I've even seen heroes in these outside of example picture, but I know what you mean... I think.
Silver age tends to have more dynamic and unique patterning to them.

Compare the Original Batman and Superman

With Spider-man

There's exceptions as with anything but those tend to be more unique, and even then there's a marked difference if those characters get a "Reboot"
Golden Age Wonder Woman

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
"More Golden and Silver Age comic book costume parts for our characters" has been a frequent request by the playerbase for years. People always have been, and still do, ask for more heroic costume parts to help portray their more classic comic-book inspired heroes. These requests became so frequent and heated that, back in January of this year, former CoH developer Noble Savage created two threads dedicated to ironing out precisely what it was we wanted to see. These threads can be found here and here. We worked closely, kept it civil, and expressed a multitude of great ideas we'd love to see to help improve our costume creator. Things were going very smoothly and we were hopeful for great things to come.
It's been seven months since this discussion, with Noble Savage no longer working on City of Heroes. And since then, we haven't seen much of anything that shows our devs are working with our requests and ideas. The only hint that we may get something someday was a Work in Progress picture of two possible tights designs, which was shown very briefly at the recent Player Summit.
Meanwhile, those attending the Player Summit only a few months ago got to decide on a new costume set themed around Post Apocalypse. We are now already beginning to see the results of this. In addition, we've had finished sets for Cybertech and Cosmic Corsair, two other sets revealed at the same Player Summit, in beta for weeks. But nothing about those few new tights options, nor any statements at least hinting at things to come in the way of the Golden/Silver Age. When we poured our ideas out to Noble Savage were they completely dropped once he was reassigned? Zwillinger had this to say about the issue when I brought it up.
Both requests are valid, this is just the way we decided to go out of the Pummit.
I do understand that many people want certain themes to make their way into the game, Golden/Silver Age being one of them, and over time, there's always the chance it will happen. In this particular case, the development team grokked this theme and had some great inspiration presented to them by the players.
Whatever happened to our Golden and Silver Age costume parts? Will we ever see proper domino masks with optional white eyes? Or classic high collar cape options? Or even simple designs like trims to put on our capes, gloves, boots, etc.? Or has the design team decided it's just not worth the time, or that they just aren't interested and don't care about our ideas and requests unless we shell out the money to make them in person?
TL;DR We asked for Golden/Silver Age parts. Seven months ago Noble Savage worked with us and took in our ideas. All we've seen since is a small WiP picture. Meanwhile we're seeing Cybertech and Cosmic Corsair already, while Post Apoc is made in far less time because it was requested by some people in person at a Player Summit. Whatever happened to our Golden/Silver Age parts?