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  1. Hehe. Should've expected that.

    There are worse things in this world (such as Sandy smashing the east coast there) to concern ourselves with rather than the shutdown of this game. I do wish sometimes people had the passion for the real world stuff as much as they did their leisure time activities.

  2. As I recall, the nebulous plans for 7, 8 and 9 were to continue the rebuilding of the Jedi legacy by Luke (and possibly Leia; and given that Hamill and Fisher are both on good terms with Lucas, this makes it feasible for them to appear) and for Luke to fill the Obi-Wan mentor role just as Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Yoda had done. To make that a constant anchor of the 'wise magician' role would be a very good starting point.

    I believe anything else would involve preventing a new Sith Empire from rising, rather than some 'hidden Sith threat'. None of this automatically has to address any of the subsequent novels or media works, because Disney/Lucasfilm is not obliged to.

  3. Honestly, trying to influence/boycott/bring down NCSoft/Nexon for what happened with CoH is about the equivalent of what happened with Galaxies and the NGE.


    Unsurprisingly, Sony wasn't impacted by people leaving Galaxies in numbers and the game continued for several years until it was shut down.

    You can personally choose to boycott a company's product, but it's entirely unrealistic to think you or any player movement of under a million people (at least) will remotely garner their attention. The G20 summits go ahead every year and affect financial policy around the world, replete with equally worldwide protests.

    I don't mean to downplay a decision to dislike a corporation, but the reality such actions rarely if ever affect the machine.

  4. There are 'generic hero' type stores online that will let you build from scratch, but beyond that, customising existing figures are the way to go. I've built five myself, including a War Witch for the actual War Witch, Melissa Bianco.

    Best thing you can do, really. Or ask a pro customiser to do it for you.

  5. SuperOz

    My SaveCOH Video

    If this isn't the single best PR video for the entire campaign out there to save the game, I don't know what is.

    That's an incredible piece of work, VG. Seriously. I make my own share of small films, but you encapsulated everything, and I mean everything, that needed to be said.


  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
    I don't see the contraction. He understands why some people aren't upset, but he doesn't understand why they need to advertise that fact to those who are. You can respect someone's feelings and still think that there are times and places where it may not be appropriate to express those feelings. I may have good reason to dislike my neighbor, but that doesn't mean I have to show up at his funeral and tell his grieving family exactly why I didnt' like him.

    Personally, it didn't bother me to see this thread. I know not everyone was crushed by the news and many are moving on and I'm fine with that. But I can see why certain people here would take offense. I would never to go a forum where people were sad or angry about something and start a thread telling everyone how much I didn't care. Seems kind of tactless, even mean-spirited. I'm not sure what the OP's purpose was here.
    Perhaps he did intend to be mean-spirited and perhaps he didn't. To me, the more important factor is what those of us invested emotionally in either direction is what's fuelling things here. I can read that post and go 'okay, this person didn't think so much of the game and he just wanted to say so.' You may look at it and consider it an attack on the game.

    That interpretitve factor has as much basis for concern now as it did when the game was running with NCSoft's support. Which is to say, very little. If the open exchange of opinions (and this is all that any thread is really) can't be tolerated by one group because they're offended by the other, then noone should be using the forums because that very ability to have free speech becomes meaningless. And that applies even now.

    I know I would want the reassurance of my basic right to be heard even if it's something you don't want to hear as opposed to a system that allows only one group to be heard over another. That existed before when the boards were moderated, and should exist now that they are not.

  7. A great man (even if he is fictional) to me left my sphere of seeing them regularly just as you are, and a simple phrase summed up where he was going and how I felt about him.

    I know wherever you go, you'll bring great positivity and your usual quirky approach (and hats, let's not forget the hats) to entertaining and informing another player community, and perhaps one day it'll be another City of Heroes forum in another form.

    So, that phrase. It was simply this.

    Vale, Zwillinger.

    Vale, Andy Belford.

    May wherever your journey takes you next, I hope it's somewhere exciting.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    I'm with Tony on this one.

    If you don't care, then why are you even still here? Why bother to post? Why not just move on?

    It seems like some people just like to troll because they want attention, or they do it to bring everyone down.

    But....for every troll, there are a lot of people who *do* care and *are* working to get CoH under another publisher and Paragon Studios employed by same.

    So...hooray. A few trolls have tried their best to drag everyone else down.

    It didn't work.

    Nothing else to see here, move along.

    Because saying that we're not as invested as the passionately commited doesn't mean we're trolls or downers or anything else. We're expressing why we feel the way we feel and are not demeaning your experience. You have come into this thread and interpreted (without bothering to ask or even apparently even consider, it seems) that these expressions are baiting in the worst way arguments and trying to elicit argument.

    Show me where those things occur. Show me where anyone is heaping derision or scorn upon the game. Show me anything where people are expressing anything other than a great fondness for a game that they play, and I will publicly support you.

    The problem is they do not, and you wish to find conflict where there is none. Would that not make you a troll, sir?

  9. TonyV,

    I'm really only going to say this in the most polite and dignified manner that I can because you're doing a lot for the community and I don't think anyone here would think of you as anything less than as a dedicated crusader for a noble cause.

    But it's grossly and unjustly unfair to come onto a thread where people are just not simply as emotionally invested as you are and then say that those people (which include myself) are apathetic and therefore become a waste of space that should move on.

    Is that not precisely the indemic 'us vs. them' culture that you yourself want to avoid? It's impossible for myself to look into your mind and gauge the true depth of your emotional commitment to this game save to say that it is more than mine.

    But does that invalidate the amount of emotional investment that I do have in the game? I've signed petitions, I've written letters. I've done what I feel I can do in my position, with my time and what I feel I'm personally capable of to support the cause.

    NO. It does not.

    You can't come onto this thread with a judgemental 'well, you don't care about the game as much as I do' attitude and therefore through that line of thinking invalidate our opinions and feelings. Because if you do that, you demonstrate a fundamental hypocrisy of the very first paragraph of what you said where you said and I QUOTE:

    I get it, I really do. To some people, this is "just a game." It shuts down, you move on to something else, ho hum. I've never demanded anything else from people who really don't care that much.

    And then at the end you say:

    So are you the only one who's not upset? Of course not. But please, I see no purpose in advertising your apathy to us. If you want to go, then go, and let those of us who are continuing to fight continue to fight. If you're right, come December, it's no skin off your teeth. But if you're wrong and there is a way to save this game but you convinced the people we need to stop supporting our effort, then you've needlessly done a heinous disservice to our community.

    Which is it at that point, Tony? Are you the reasonable man who says we're entitled to feel as we feel and you want nothing less or are you the more unreasonable man who has done an about face and demands of us to not 'advertise our apathy'?

    Is that a fair and reasonable viewpoint? You sir, are not the moral arbiter of my investiture and ongoing interest of this game. You sir, are not in a position to dictate to me my fondness, support, positive attitude and general like for this game simply because I am in a position in my own life where I am not as emotionally as invested as you are.

    I cannot manufacture that interest, I cannot manufacture that commitment and nor would I want to because that in turn would make me the hypocrite.

    I would urge you to reconsider the statements you've made here in the fair view of the experiences of everyone here not being equal in both emotion and commitment. Because those things are the very things are the cornerstone of your very own cause.

  10. SuperOz

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    When someone is dying you focus on saving their life first, not dwelling on the medical bills and recuperative therapy. There will be plenty of time to give thought to what happens after the game is saved, if its saved.

    If you want people to think realistically, then realistically the odds of the game being saved in any manner whatsoever are pretty low. But then again, the odds of actually saving someone's life through CPR are pretty low also.
    There's a very personal reason to me why I disagree with your statement save to say that I've been pretty much directly in the example you stated. The single most important thing ever is what you make of the time you have left over anything else.

    That's my realistic take on things. I have no problems with people trying to save the CPR patient, administer whatever care they can. But if you don't stop to appreciate the moment for what it is, who that person is and ultimately confront what you might do even to the point of not coping should that person no longer be around, any outcome that follows will come as a blow that you aren't prepared for.

    As I say, I've been in that example, some details being different. The moment never ever comes back. And there's more than enough times I've wanted it to. I want City of Heroes to continue as much as anyone....saying that I have a possibly more pragmatic view about it doesn't mean I can't still be positive and hopeful.


  11. SuperOz

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by GreyScribe View Post
    All your points are quite valid, I guess where our viewpoints diverge is your impression that people expressing their support of CoH and Paragon Studios are ignoring reality and expecting an instant reprieve for the game with no interruption of services. I know I don't and I'm pretty sure that anyone following this situation isn't expecting Brian Clayton to walk out the front doors of NCSoft tomorrow with a big smile and announce to a horde of reporters that NCSoft have reversed their decision, reinstated all Paragon staff, doubled their budget and pledged a minimum of 10 years support for CoH.

    In the discussions over at the Titan Network regarding 'Plans A-Z' that option was never really considered and that really is the only option that allows for uninterrupted service. I feel that most people involved with the fight for CoH understand that the miracle they are fighting for is not an instant reprieve, but just the chance for the game to continue in some meaningful form in the future.

    Most of the legal 'nitty-gritty' regarding changeover dates, licenses, engines, IP, etc. are parts of the negotiation we'll never be privy too and can't really influence in any case, which is why they are not high-profile factors in our fight for CoH. What we have to focus on is the fact that Paragon Studios had customers lining up to buy their products right up until they were shut down. That even after the closure, a significant number of those customers are publicly and positively displaying their support through various means including letters and emails, social media and in-game events. These factors can only improve Paragon's bargaining position with NCSoft and any possible investors.

    Personally, I'd be happy to invest my upcoming refund and continue paying the equivalent of my monthly subscription into the coffers of a reborn Paragon Studios (whatever it might be called) that had the stated goal of restarting CoH from Issue 24 some time in the future (the 'short term' option) or I would contribute to crowdsourced funding for a CoH2 project or spiritual successor to CoH with a new engine, IP etc. (the 'long term' option).

    Also, I don't think I've ever seen anyone asking former Paragon team members to wait for a miraculous reprieve. I've only seen an outpouring of sympathy and best wishes for their future. I certainly don't expect them to put their personal and professional lives on hold just on the off chance that CoH can be saved.

    On the other hand, I think you might be underestimating the team spirit that was obviously part of Paragon Studios. Everything we've seen involving their reactions to the closure emphasises how much they loved working on City of Heroes and working together. Whatever happens to Paragon Studios as a corporate entity, I doubt that will change.

    I agree that rebuilding the entire team to work on a reborn CoH would be very difficult, but the team has lost members before and carried on. Sometimes even recruiting new staff members from players and fans. I see no reason why this process wouldn't continue if Paragon Studios reboots itself. I wish all former Paragon staff the best of luck in their pursuit of employment, but I'd be more than happy to welcome them back to Paragon Studios if that opportunity presents itself.

    In my own life I am lucky enough to love what I do for a living. If some (unthinkable) circumstance caused me to lose my job, I'd be very sad but of course I would look for other employment. However, if some miracle offered me the opportunity to return to my dream job? I would move heaven and earth to do it. I suspect many of our devs feel the same way about CoH and Paragon.

    I need to clarify my standpoint somewhat. Whilst I may not be radiating hope , I am cautiously optimistic. I'm not underestimating the team camraderie at Paragon Studios and the individuals within it. I'm not even thinking that the individuals working both within the game without it to achieve some long-term goal for the game are anything less than dedicated genuine individuals.

    However. What I am doing is my best to walk a middle ground between optimism and expectation. I've mentioned this in one other thread, but if anything needs to be made clear here, it's just what will be involved should negotiations go well so people aren't belaboring under false impressions, a lot of which seem to be doing the rounds here. I really don't expect to pick up where I left off with any of my characters; if there's a CoH 2.0, then my character, even my playstyle might be different. Or it may be a game I for whatever reason decide isn't for me.

    And that's precisely my point; if it's not being made clear that there are going to be changes, and things are not just going to be business as usual be it long-term, short-term or anything else, then that in itself is going to cause quite a lot of problems for everyone.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Just an FYI, I don't have time to enter a protracted debate about this, so all I'm aiming to do here is correct a couple of misunderstandings.

    No. No. No.

    This is actually a very dangerous perspective, whether you're trying to stop a local neighborhood business from discontinuing a product, whether you're fighting zoning changes in your city, fighting for government reform, or fighting a big scary corporation's service disruption. Whenever the odds are stacked this high against you, you need to be many in number, very loud, very public, and very newsworthy. And you still might lose. But without those things, you certainly cannot win. For the long version of this, read here. The short version is, with every hint that the franchise producer has thrown our way, he has reminded us of one thing: we are his ammunition. The bulk of this fight rests on our shoulders. Not his.
    I haven't got a problem with that, Captain. I'm not blind or even selectively blind to what's making the difference in terms of pressure on NCSoft to even enter negotiations. Honestly, City of Heroes is lucky to be in the situation of utilising social media to champion their cause because even five years ago, this would be a done deal and players would have no recourse.

    My statement about the attitude displayed is the one probably the most prevalent on the forums, followed closely behind by 'I'm angry at NCSoft, I want revenge'. Some would argue (and I can speak from personal experience) that these are stages of grief being played out and I'm not going to deny that they are genuine. What I am and will always take issue with is no clarification of these points. I do honestly believe a lot of people will think that the solution will be that the game will be switched back on, without pause, without change, and things will continue unabated. It really genuinely needs to be made clear that there will be casualties. Some people from Paragon Studios will possibly choose to find other employment. Zwillinger himself acknowledged that even if CoH is resurrected under some other banner, he would most likely not be part of Paragon Studios. It's just the nature of the beast.

    All I really want is an acknowledgement that the game isn't being reborn, it's being recreated. And not everyone may like the form in which it takes, because by its very nature the game won't be the same. I'd rather have people prepared for that than a storm of rage posting on whatever forums the game migrated to about how much things have changed.

    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    I'm singling this line out not to dishonestly "selectively quote" you (lame tactic that gets used a lot on these forums), but because I think a lot of what you typed afterward was backing this line up. And it's all worth considering. Probably not in this thread, but okay, now that we're here, what the Hades.

    City of Heroes has peaked. No one will argue this. (Although, as unlikely as it is to happen here, I can name two MMOs who saw multiple "peaks" during their lifetimes, Ultima Online and Eve Online, both still alive and kicking and receiving updates.) And I've made no assumptions related to the realities you're forecasting. I think most of us are prepared to "cross that bridge when we get to it," including the franchise producer, obviously, otherwise he wouldn't be batting for us.

    But do keep in mind, that assumptions on either side of the fence are only assumptions and nothing more. I've personally seen revivals of resources breath new life into Ultima Online, Eve Online, and City of Heroes long after these properties seemed forgotten. I know other games out there that I haven't played have enjoyed similar "mini-revivals" after their peaks, such as Vanguard and Anarchy Online. A new publisher might just give City of Heroes a steady home to live out its days with no more big issues, or we might see the complete opposite. You don't know what's going to happen if we win, and neither do I.

    City of Heroes is still the world's most popular super powered MMORPG. It doesn't need to be peaking to earn millions of dollars every year.

    Again, with all due respect, I think some people are coming at this from the angle of, "Well, things end, that's life, and I'm pretty okay with City of Heroes ending now, hey look at me, I got all these years out of it, so I think it may as well just end now." Well, what about the thousands of customers who've only been playing for three years? One year? Six months? And what about our eight-year vets who weren't really gamers to begin with, and can't imagine playing anything else? How about if I could just pick anything that you can't seem to get enough of (go ahead, take a few moments to think of a few things), and snap it away from you for good based on the simple reality that "It's old hat to me, I think you ought to be willing to move on now, too. How's them apples?"

    Whenever thousands of customers are involved, you can't overlay your own personality and experience onto the situation before analyzing it, and then call your assumptions reasonable. This isn't about YOU or ME. This has NOTHING to do with YOUR life experiences. The ONLY thing that matters here is the fact that a business is discontinuing a service and a large number of that business's customers are demanding uproariously for the business to reconsider its decision. That's it. Period. "You did X. NO! We want Y!" This does not qualify any customer, ever, for an automatic victory, or even a compromise. But sitting quietly ALWAYS qualifies customers for getting what they demanded: nothing.
    All valid points that I have no issue with. I've contributed to the cause through signing petitions and writing a letter to NCSoft and attending what events where I can. I however accept that people like TonyV are the sorts of people with the right skillset and organisational skills to handle such movements, and I'll simply be present to lend my support against an unfair and unjust handling of a situation.

    I would like to say though that I do honestly feel that the era of CoH 1.0 (and that's my subjective viewing of what's happening) is over. I can understand the desire for casual gamers, new players, veteran players and complete newbies to the game to play it. But I'm also not going to sit here and say there aren't alternatives, because to do that would inherently denigrate and demean many stellar games, some even smaller and older than this (Asheron's Call, for instance) that are welcoming, friendly, playable and just as worthy of community support in their own spheres.

    Yes, City of Heroes is special because of the passionate community behind it, but we are not unique. And Cap...I mentioned in another thread about not being too upset about this game being gone, because from my perspective and having lost my parents and having experienced that loss, this isn't remotely on the scale from my personal experience. So when you say how would I feel if something else I was passionate about was taken from me and 'how about them apples?' I'd be sad, sir. And if it wasn't able to be returned to me, I'd mourn it. But I have personally mourned far worse, and I survived. And I became a stronger and better person for it and have a deeper understanding of what that means, even if I didnt want the original experience.

    I am by no means sitting here and saying my experience makes me morally superior or gives me a sense of entitlement to dictate how people should feel. I would not even dare to be that presumptuous. I also know you're not criticising me personally for my views, because as you say, I backed up what I said.

    Ultimately, I'm only responsible for my own emotional reactions and responses to things. I can't control how passionately people will and do feel about losing this game, from one extreme of not being too upset to the other of being emotionally devastated. I've tried only speaking for myself and hopefully have asked politely to step back a little from something terribly emotional to try and get some perspective, as I think that's always a good thing to do, no matter the circumstance.

    I think you hit the nail on the head, though. People are on both and all sides of the fence overlaying their personal experiences into this situation, and that brings its share of problems. I didn't start making any comments until I worked out somewhat how I felt about the news and the reactions to it, and I feel comfortable in the space in which I'm doing it.

    I think it'd be nice if more people did the same if for no other reason than their own peace of mind.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    The point of the thread may have been to dream or to hope, but is it any less realistic than revenge fantasy threads, or does it pose any harm when we've already got many dozens of threads full of posters who are pointing out everything you just did? With all due respect (and that's not an empty gesture, hero ) I could list a counter-argument for every single one of your points (like the fact that the City of franchise producer is still negotiating with NCSoft for our game and he has not been told "no" yet), or how a complete divestiture package is likely to come with the game and all related data intact, just like it has almost any time in history when an MMO has changed hands, but the simple fact is, almost every other thread out there is full of those discussions already.

    No one is going to die if we don't fill up every single thread on the forums with the same exact arguments, over and over and over and over.
    I'm not saying it's wrong to hope whatsoever, Captain. I am hopeful that something positive can be worked out for the game's future, but I am not going to indulge false hopes or fantasies.

    And you could certainly try and address all my points, but the simple fact is that whereas I'm simply pointing out realistic hypotheticals based on past events and likely outcomes, you're simply arguing from the 'everything will be fine' perspective. It's a fact, plain and simple, that the game cannot and will not be the same game regardless of how positive the outcome is.

    And I mean by that player confidence, player numbers, player interest, public interest, consumer interest, corporate interest and corporate investement are going to change here from this point on. Numbers will not magically restore. Numbers will not magically increase.

    If the most positive outcome were likely, there would've been more people playing the game before the announcement. That's a simple fact. Regardless of whether the game was performing in the black or not, the numbers were the numbers and the game was leeching numbers just like it had before. This is a simple reality any iteration of the game has to address moving forward.

    Sure, CoH might move forward with a core group of intensely loyal customers and continue to be a moderate performer, but the market for MMO's is on increasingly shaky ground. That too is a fact.

    These are my ifs, sir. Not doom-crying or wishing ill on the game nor decrying the efforts of those in their attempts to save the game in some form. They're realities and questions that have to be faced and thought about now rather than any thought that a switch will be flicked and the game will be started again. Because it won't.

  14. I'm really empathising with the OP, because like them and a few others, I feel the same for the most part. But it's a matter of perspective.

    When I started on the game back in 06 (I'm officially 5 years and 10 months subscribed as of this month), I had gone through the hardest time of my life to date with both my mother and my father having died within 18 months of each other; one to leukemia and the other to a heart attack.

    For me, the game became a virtual and literal retreat from the grief I was experiencing and and the people here became a makeshift family where unfortunately people were exposed to the emotional extremes that came with my experience. So the game became somewhat of a safety blanket to me.

    But in the last couple of years as time and experience mellowed things, I began dabbling more heavily (as I always had) with other games. Galaxies, DCUO, CO, LotRo, AoC and so on. I could never just limit my broad range of interests to just one game. What CoH couldn't provide, LotRo could and so on. And while I'd made good and long-standing friends here, it became obvious only a handful of them I became friends with outside the game and that was telling.

    So by the time of the announcement, I'd recently come to a position where I could log in a few times a week comfortably and that I was going to keep the game to the game and my personal life personal. For me, it was a necessary seperation. So when the news came, I was a bit teary, but it wasn't for what was happening, it was for what the game had meant to me in the past. Death had taught me to be pragmatic and realistic, and on the grander scale of things, none of my friends from here were dying. None were suffering from disease or cancer. All that was happening was that a game was closing. Just a game, nothing more. If my friendships couldn't survive beyond that, then they weren't solid friendships to begin with.

    I can see and understand that those the most angry, upset and vehement with NCSoft are deeply emotionally invested in this game and at my most judgemental, I would say far too much. But that's coming from my own position where I was the same way, and grateful for the experience, but also seeing the downsides and potential damage that can do.

    But it's just a game. I have three decades of experience in tabletop roleplaying and I have a folder and a half of characters I've created and been invested in and told rich, interweaving stories with. But those games too were 'sunsetted' and I had to move on.

    Ultimately for me it's become about perspective. I can move on from City of Heroes be it restored or ended. And ultimately, I'm not upset.

  15. I don't really understand the question, because the premise is flawed. NCSoft doesn't want the game, and the players because of how that decision was handled don't want NCSoft.

    Therefore, should the game be saved, it'll be on new servers in a new building, possibly independent and not reported on these forums which will be gone. In addition to that, any iteration of the game will not be CoH as you know it. It cannot. If NCSoft considers the game engine proprietary software, then a new engine needs to be coded. If NCSoft considers that the physical hardware of the game cannot be removed and relocated, all characters will be deleted. Even if Titan Network's program to save characters is used on a broad and extensive basis, it will take significant time to re-establish all those characters with all those badges, all those rewards and all those benefits back onto servers.

    There is a ridiculous amounts of ifs in this situation and it's frankly naive to think a switch will be flipped and CoH will continue as is. This whole notion really needs to be disabused from people's perspectives.

  16. SuperOz

    Good news all..

    And in spite of all of this, there's very little consideration for any changeover date, the impact of lost servers and a lost playerbase (people may be staying on, but a lot of people have also left) and also people who may or may not accept job offers in the interim.

    I am not so invested or selfish or foolish enough to think that industry professionals such as the team at Paragon Studios will not seek other employment; to ask people not to put food on the table for ones family is a little hypocritical in my book.

    All I'm asking is for people to look at the situation a little pragmatically and a little realistically. It's not a matter of flipping a switch and magically playing again come December 1st. If the game comes back, and I expect it very unlikely at best to be under an NCSoft banner, there will be a lag time to put together a new infrastructure. And Paragon Studios may not have significant things such as the core game engine. These are not flights of fancy; these are realities that will and may be as I type this, negotiating points between the parties.

    So yes, remain hopeful, but also give a little thought about just what going out from under the umbrella of one publisher to another or even more significantly on their own means in real-world terms. Because this game will not return magically as it stands now. Things have and will change between now and the end of November.

  17. It completely tallies up with certain events; the complete closure and minimal support for the European branches and servers particularly.

    I was certainly concerned when that happened as I'm in the even more marginal category of the Asia-Pacific region and should've had an inkling then that there were contractions happening in the company.

    It's likely given that scenario Guild Wars 2 could be their last big North American game; and it's not alone. The Old Republic announced today server consolidations and that's within a year of release.

  18. Wow. Way better than I was expecting.

  19. It's the age of the little guy, really. Small games are getting huge markets. Someone mentioned Minecraft, I'll offer up Day Z.

    A one-person project doing a mod for a moderately successful shooter franchise known as ARMA, which in alpha got over three million unique characters made on it and inspired tons of Youtube videos, because the game mod which simply added zombies and a pure sandbox environment where the game never plays the same way twice got not only glowing player reviews for a sense of freedom, but a developer contract to produce a stand-alone game with a support staff of eighty people.

    Add to that Kickstarter, allowing people to make the games they want. ANYTHING is possible.

  20. Hey Captain.

    I was lucky enough to bump into you last week when you and I were both in Ouroboros, having a bit of fun and we got into a nice extended conversation about the state of play here with this game. For your reference, I'm with the Gods of the Golden Age and was wearing the green/yellow outfit.

    Your positivity that night buoyed me no end, I have to say. I'm not as upset as yourself or as others may be simply my real life I've had the loss of family members, and in the grander scheme of thing, this doesn't stack up quite as much, at least to me personally.

    But it's good to vent and it's good to express your anger at the situation, trust me on this. I am however quietly confident that something will occur, as these things often do. Social media is a powerful tool, and even NCSoft can't help but notice that their public image is just a wee touch tarnished.

    My first hero in this game was a tank, and the motto often is first one into the fight, last one standing. I intend to take that attitude here. If you need a sounding board, hit me up.

  21. Hey folks.

    Just wondering if this isn't a podcast/site that isn't worth considering given how huge of a geek Chris Hardwick is, and he has a direct connection to the mainstream given the number of celebrities he gets on a very regular basis to interview.

    He's a diehard Whovian, he's incredibly passionate about comics, movies, you name it...he just also happens to be a comedian who's parlayed his skills into making his own company, become the head of a leading internet geek news outlet, and routinely is able to score Comic-Con and other large-scale convention spots and interviews.

    I will myself send him an email, but I'd urge TonyV and the Titan Network with their far more considerable resources to consider this.

  22. Arcanaville,

    I can say that something like this is actually happening, at least in genesis terms on another game. I had the opportunity to listen to a mmorpg podcast concerning Age of Conan, and one of the technologies they are working on right now is the ability to splinter off player experiences into seperate shards that are only playable by a player and their friends list, for example.

    I can't recommend enough for you to go and have a listen to that interview, because as soon as I started reading your proposal, the interview immediately popped into my head as being very similar. So this is well beyond a pipe dream. In fact, I have a tremendous respect for FunCom and their desire to make non-mainstream games (I cite Anarchy Online, Age of Conan and Secret World particularly) as commendable, because they're not always safe and 'business sensible' decisions. In fact, I would be more than personally pleased if they made a bid for City of Heroes if the IP became available because of that more mature approach. They even have a similar feel to Paragon Studios in their outlooks and desire to make experiences for players.

    Just a thought.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I added a Twitpic link in the post, though it shows for me just fine. Weird.

    Guess it's a glitch or something....I like that design, but as Jack_NoMind said, I got the impression too that it was a bigger, bulkier version of his current. Which follows the Iron Man armor philosophy of constantly streamlining the design (like the Mark I to the Mark II, for instance), at least in my mind. I love the faceplate, though. I didn't have all the Tech Knight pieces unlocked, else I would've tried those...but I was still trying to suggest an evolution of design whilst keeping the basic look.

  24. I think it's unfortunate to condemn a game based on association with the publisher. Paragon Studios, born of Cryptic, did not have to be picked up by NCSoft at all, yet they chose to reinvest in the game. Similarly, ArenaNet was backed to try a lot of things in their game that are risky, distinctly breaking with a lot of MMO standard practices and was supported by NCSoft.

    If you're angry and hurt about the still potential loss of this game, then I feel for you, I really do. I have many friends hurt and upset by this decision. But if you choose then to personalise it at the publisher and blind yourself deliberately to the possibility that another studio can also make a good game, then that's a bias you'd accuse the OP of having in their decision (and mine also as I'm playing it too). I have never once during my six years here stayed solely with this game. I like superheroes, I like Star Wars, I like Lord of the Rings, I like Conan, I like modern-age magic stories. I am not naive enough to think that just one game will address and engage my interest in those things, so I play MMO's that do.

    There's no betrayal of trust there, just as there's no implicit and intended maliciousness by NCSoft to anyone here on these boards on a personal level. None of us were contacted individually and taunted. Again, I appreciate that people's feelings are hurt, but it's worth trying to come to terms with that hurt and not impose that on others, because that is in a sense what you might perceive NCSoft is doing to you.

  25. Is it productive to hate someone because they found a game they like playing? I like GW2 as well, and I don't regret doing business with NCSoft, because in reality it's ArenaNet that has made this game and I personally find it superb on many levels.

    I can dislike and even hate NCSoft for its business policies on one hand, but I'd be a hypocrite to boycott them after Dungeon Runners, Exteel, Tabula Rasa and did nothing except continue my subscription to this game. I feel I can be justified in taking a step back, saying 'hey, I like this game, and I'm going to play it' and still support CoH.

    NCSoft on a personal level does not care what I personally may or may not feel about them. And I have better more productive uses of my energy than to be angry at a faceless corporation, such as help out with the saving of the game in some form. So that is my choice to act so. I don't think given just how many other studios and from far bigger corporations than NCSoft are letting go employees and killing games that I can make an exception and call them 'evil'.

    Australia lost 18 studios in the last calendar year alone. I choose to see things in that context.
