Whatever Happened to Golden/Silver Age Costume Parts?




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment. Just because we aren't working on one specific costume set we're not being responsive? Are we discounting all of the other changes and additions, not just costume specific, that we're working on and have accomplished in the last year+?

In the end, we're going to make some costumes that are fan favorites and we're going to make some that inspired us, either from fan inspiration or personal. There's no specific cadence we're stuck with as it's all released as development and marketing schedules allow.

You have a development team that is extremely responsive and balances player sentiment fairly well with development and business requirements. Losing sight of the bigger picture through hyperbole does a disservice to not only them, but all that the game has accomplished.

This is partly the comuintys fault. You asked us if we would want revamped old costume parts or new ones. We told you OMG NO DON"T TOUCH THE OLD ONES!

This resulted in the "Keep moving Forward" Mantra we hear from you guys when ever we ask for costume parts we already have. So now that we have clairafyed that what it is we want is in point of fact not in the game, steps can be taken to make it happen.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment. Just because we aren't working on one specific costume set we're not being responsive? Are we discounting all of the other changes and additions, not just costume specific, that we're working on and have accomplished in the last year+?

In the end, we're going to make some costumes that are fan favorites and we're going to make some that inspired us, either from fan inspiration or personal. There's no specific cadence we're stuck with as it's all released as development and marketing schedules allow.

You have a development team that is extremely responsive and balances player sentiment fairly well with development and business requirements. Losing sight of the bigger picture through hyperbole does a disservice to not only them, but all that the game has accomplished.
But ya'll ARE losing sight of the bigger picture. I'm not. I've got nothing but good things to say about what ya'll have produced over the last year, and what you're producing now. Boy, if you only knew. I really do sell your hard work to my friends and super group mates. In my corner of Virtue, I'm often where people learn about new and upcoming features. I'm your website to many people. I have to tell people that I'm not a dev.

Take some time out of your ordinary day for just a moment, and think about what the "bigger picture" means to a super hero comic book reader who plays your game. Then ask yourself if it's truly enough that this portion of your fan base's concerns are being heard but not prioritized in a significant way, beyond honorable mentions within product management meetings. I don't want to argue with you over small points, Zwillinger. I'm not going to quibble with you over the meaning of hyperbole. You know what I'm getting at. It's a big point. It's significant and it means something to me, and I don't believe I'm alone, and I'm being real and honest with you about it.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What people want is still the classic tights but with a less painted on look.

You can make tights but still give them some details to look like they're wearing something. Body hugging spandex but you see the difference between the neck and head. The sleeves and the hands.

Also face masks would be nice that werent painted on.
Sounds like someone DOESN'T want the usual Hero-Grade spandex any more

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment. Just because we aren't working on one specific costume set we're not being responsive? Are we discounting all of the other changes and additions, not just costume specific, that we're working on and have accomplished in the last year+?
People bring this up constantly, Zwill, that we want to see this specific type of costume part. As I've posted, it's been such a big issue Noble Savage discussed it with us over the course of two large threads where we brought up loads of various ideas. This was seven months ago that we finally made such a break through.

And yet since then we've seen hardly anything in the way or progress on our ideas. It doesn't help you're coming in here and pretty much saying "Maybe someday." And it's not just a a few of us that are asking for costume pieces along this theme, either. Sure, a small handful of us are more vocal about it than others, but we've both seen so many people show incredible interest in wanting to make Captain Marvel, or Green Arrow, or Green Hornet, but fall flat due to the limitations of our costume creator.

So what do we have to do to actually make you guys legitimately care? Shell out a few hundred bucks on plane tickets and express these ideas at the next Player Summit? Because that's all it took for you guys to make Post Apoc, and we're already seeing progress on that.



Originally Posted by CentralNexus View Post
Sounds like someone DOESN'T want the usual Hero-Grade spandex any more
All it needs is a small raised area along any of the edges, like real spandex has - the current tights don't have that.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment.
I'd agree that 'unresponsive' is an unfair characterization.

However, expectations were set by the excellent thread and discussion on this topic in the past. That thread, fairly or not, acquired a feeling in line with the pummit costume discussions - for input and seeming attention. There was as much (or more) 'work' accomplished, IMO as an participant and observer as with the pummit items. And consequently and equal level of excitement. So... the sudden absence with no public notice or acknowledgement is disengaging.

I reading your responses they seem a tad defensive, and I'd like to say that I think most of the comments (mine certainly, and hopefully I can gamble and speak for others) are related to those expectations, even if they were misguided, and not an attack against the dev team.

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I just want to add to what I said above and assure you that this isn't me stamping my foot. This isn't some unrealistic demand for the schedule to be realigned after the fact. What this is, I believe, is a collective trumpet call. I don't care how far out it is on the schedule. What disappoints me, given the name and scope of the game, is discovering today that it's not on the schedule at all.

I am surprised, and confused, and disappointed. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not typing out bait, I'm not part of the forum's peanut throwing gallery. I'm really one of your biggest fans.

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Originally Posted by CentralNexus View Post
Sounds like someone DOESN'T want the usual Hero-Grade spandex any more
I find WitchTop does wonders as Hero-grade Spandex while still giving a feel of not being painted on

That's one of the reasons I switched from it from Shiney Tights.

Edit: And mind you, I'm still in favor of body hugging costume pieces. Just that I think a little detail can go a long way.

Also, I think just altering current pieces could go a long way, and I think (admittedly not sure) would be easy to put in. Like...

Disco Costume Piece with Skin, but with bikini bottoms instead of the hot shorts, so the bottom can connect to the top tights.

Baggy Sock sandals, but without the baggy socks (love those shoes! Which I didnt always have to have the socks with them).

Bikini bottoms that are Shiney, so they can match the Shiney Tights (Top) Option. Which is another reason I switched from Shiney Tights to WitchTop. I just thought the non shiney bikini bottoms matched up better with the WitchTop better.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This is understood, and as stated further up the thread, has been communicated to the team.
Silly I hadn't read all the thread when I wrote that post.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Take some time out of your ordinary day for just a moment, and think about what the "bigger picture" means to a super hero comic book reader who plays your game. Then ask yourself if it's truly enough that this portion of your fan base's concerns are being heard but not prioritized in a significant way, beyond honorable mentions within product management meetings.
As part of my job, I spend the whole day putting myself in the shoes of the developer AND of the player. Community professionals walk a very thin line of understanding both sides of the spectrum and having to represent the interests of both parties. Heck, I just spent the better part of a meeting discussing this very topic in detail .

As far as the bigger picture, there's two things I have always consider: Sentiment expressed and actual numbers.

Sentiment is easy. I can read a thread and understand the general gist of what's being said and pull out the finer points of what's actually being requested. That simply requires time invested in reading and knowing and understanding the poster.

Numbers are a bit trickier. We report actual number, but we also have to extrapolate from that how representative of the Community those numbers are. This is accomplished in part by knowing your players and how they've interacted not only with you, but also with each other in previous posts.

Here's an example of a thread breakdown we did (by the numbers only...leaving out the qualitative remarks also discounting off topic posts) about the Post Apoc thread:

At time of writing, the thread had 5,814 Views and 147 Replies, with 89 Unique Posters.

13 People Posted more than 2 times.
14 People Posted 2 times.
28 People Posted 1 time.

Posters who Posted 4 Times or More:
  • Golden Girl (10)
  • Chad Gulzow-Man (8)
  • Bronze Knight (7)
  • Kirsten (7)
  • Hyperstrike (5)
  • Aurora_Girl (4)

General Breakdown:
  • Positive: 60%
  • Neutral (trending towards positive): 5%
  • Neutral (requesting other/additional pieces): 10%
  • Negative: 20%
  • Other: 5%

Overall the mood of the thread is solidly positive. Especially toward the beginning of the thread, where excitement is high. Players are pleased with the variety of pieces and the art direction. In some cases they would like additional pieces or alternative pieces.

The #1 complaint among users is that there are only dirty versions of the pieces, instead of clean versions. Mood on this is split between being upset about dirty pieces, and understanding that there is limited time to produce costume pieces, with the majority trending towards the former. Players feel clean versions would add to the versatility of the set, as well as making them less (in their opinion) villain-centric.

There are other varied complaints among users that generally point to dissatisfaction with a few pieces. Some players feel that there are enough Mohawks in the game, and that another hairdo would be more appropriate. Others would like more costume pieces. Finally, there are some players (very few) that ultimately just hate the concept of Post-Apoc, or have preconceptions about what Post-Apoc should look like.


Numbers allow us to put things in perspective. How many people are actually posting in the thread? How many people are making up the majority of the conversation? How many people are positive? Neutral? Negative?

Anytime there's an post which is a hot topic for the Community, we usually do a breakdown of this and pass it along to the interested parties along with our evaluation of what the numbers mean. The Community team remains impartial in our analysis, as doing otherwise would skew the numbers one way or another. I imagine that I will request a similar breakdown for this thread, just as I did for the original discussion many months ago.

I get it. I understand that you're passionate about it. The arguments I, and the rest of the OCR team, makes advocating your causes to the development and business team are just a passionate. Just remember that our current development schedule is in no way a reflection that we don't appreciate your enthusiastic requests and that in all likelihood, we agree with it.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



That is a really interesting post, Zwillinger. Thanks for sharing the detail there. I am always curious about how things work internally at the studio. Often, I think we as players and forumites get to see only a couple square inches of what is actually a very large elephant, leading many of us (sometimes myself included) to include those few inches are all there are.

Also, thank you once again for doing your job so thoroughly. As always, it impresses me that anyone can manage this sort of thing and stay (sort of) sane!

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

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Golden Girl (10)

I refuse to believe GG posted less than 10 times in any thread!

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That is a very interesting post Zwill thanks for showing us that.

Wow 7? I didn't think it was that many... I should post less...

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All it needs is a small raised area along any of the edges, like real spandex has - the current tights don't have that.

It's like the difference between the Tanker top, and the Tank Top. They're both tops, and they're both suppose to represent cloth or plastic, but the Tanker top is painted on, and the tank top has raised edges where it meets the skin. Also, the tanker top doesn't work well with lighter tones (white being shaded with brown etc.) where the tank top is a solid color.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I find WitchTop does wonders as Hero-grade Spandex while still giving a feel of not being painted on
They did a similar visual trick for Mother Mayhem's top - the geometry of the chest isn't actually changed, but it looks more realistic than the spandex chests available to players.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I get it. I understand that you're passionate about it. The arguments I, and the rest of the OCR team, makes advocating your causes to the development and business team are just a passionate. Just remember that our current development schedule is in no way a reflection that we don't appreciate your enthusiastic requests and that in all likelihood, we agree with it.
So are we supposed to just be quiet and hope for the best, then? I didn't see a dev create a thread centered around figuring out the meaning of Cybertech, Chinese Dynasty, Cosmic Corsair, or many of the other sets we've gotten. But in this case we did work so closely with a dev, and so far it's gotten us nothing. And all you've had to tell us is "Guys, calm down. We'll get to it when we get to it."

I'm not putting you, specifically, in the fire here, Zwill. But we'd have more to hold on to than "hope for the best" if there wasn't an actual problem here.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I get it. I understand that you're passionate about it. The arguments I, and the rest of the OCR team, makes advocating your causes to the development and business team are just a passionate. Just remember that our current development schedule is in no way a reflection that we don't appreciate your enthusiastic requests and that in all likelihood, we agree with it.
Feelin' a lot of respect for you after reading your response, and I owe you a lot more credit than I've given you here, Zwillinger.

I'd be lying if I said this erased all disappointment over learning that more (and long-requested) super hero parts aren't on the schedule at all. I am disappointed over this news because my personality and characteristics are exactly what City of Heroes marketing tugged on to get me into this game. I'm a super hero comic book fan. I want more of THAT. NONE OF THAT is currently on your schedule. There is only ONE WAY to erase your community's disappointment over this.

I know you're busy and I'll stop posting after this, but there is something that concerns me about your data collection. When I think about my City of Heroes friends who never even come to the forums (almost all of them), friends who spend money on the game and have preferences and opinions that are never heard and collected and analyzed, it bothers me knowing that you don't have access to any of that data. And that's your true-blue fan base, Zwillinger, that's where they're at. Playing the game.

So here's a suggestion: an opt-in program allowing its participants to fill out occasional polls from within the game itself, using the same pop-ups ya'll use to give us news about current issues. Give players the ability to opt in at its launch or any time in the future through their Options menu. If you framed it in the right way, I'm sure many of the players would really love to participate and proof of their wishes would be in the pudding with all the charts and graphs you'd get out of it.

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They can't give you an answer since it's not on the schedule.
I'd love more Golden Age/Silver Age costumes but Marketing needs to balance that with new releases to get impulse point spending, new powersets, currently planned stuff and so on.

Hopefully in the near future we'll hear more about this, but not holding my breath at the moment.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
So here's a suggestion: an opt-in program allowing its participants to fill out occasional polls from within the game itself, using the same pop-ups ya'll use to give us news about current issues. Give players the ability to opt in at its launch or any time in the future through their Options menu. If you framed it in the right way, I'm sure many of the players would really love to participate and proof of their wishes would be in the pudding with all the charts and graphs you'd get out of it.
Sure, they can just whip up some code on that.

Better yet, tell your friends that if they want to be heard, they should give feedback on the forums.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
Sure, they can just whip up some code on that.

Better yet, tell your friends that if they want to be heard, they should give feedback on the forums.
A lot of these people don't WANT to be on the forums, Rosa. Believe me, I've gotten some feedback regarding that. In a perfect world, what you're saying makes perfect sense. But in actuality, this will just continue to be a source of feedback that is missing from data collection and analysis.

And, Rosa, I don't, and never would suspect the team could just whip up code on that. It would be a lot of work to get their hands on a lot of data. This is the kind of reply that makes me just turn off the forums. I'm in the position of either ignoring you, or arguing with you over semantics and split hairs. I'm the kind of person who genuinely enjoys listening to people and considering what they have to say--so I hate having to choose between options like that.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Okay, let me rephrase what (I think) Rosa said less snarkily:

"Perhaps while the idea may possibly be beneficial, we don't necessarily know whether or not it would be practical enough for the benefits to offset the difficulty/tedium/memory/usage/what-have-you required to execute such a system."

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
When I think about my City of Heroes friends who never even come to the forums (almost all of them), friends who spend money on the game and have preferences and opinions that are never heard and collected and analyzed, it bothers me knowing that you don't have access to any of that data. And that's your true-blue fan base, Zwillinger, that's where they're at. Playing the game.
We know this and understand it. I take this into account every time we give one of these reports.

The fora represent a segment of the population, and a very narrow one at that (I've posted the numbers before so I won't rehash that). We recognize that it's a representation of the population at large and temper our evaluation of the feedback accordingly.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
So here's a suggestion: an opt-in program allowing its participants to fill out occasional polls from within the game itself, using the same pop-ups ya'll use to give us news about current issues. Give players the ability to opt in at its launch or any time in the future through their Options menu. If you framed it in the right way, I'm sure many of the players would really love to participate and proof of their wishes would be in the pudding with all the charts and graphs you'd get out of it.

I know it would require coding but I think the shear amount of feedback the devs would get from this would be MORE than worth it.

The one thing I would have to say is that Free accounts would not... could not count. VIP and Premium only for many reasons.

But /signed so very much. Please Zwill pass this idea on.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The fora represent a segment of the population, and a very narrow one at that
We're the 1% - you must serve our every whim.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork