Whatever Happened to Golden/Silver Age Costume Parts?




Wouldn't mind seeing more tights patterns and whatever comes with them. I'd love seeing some Kirby-esque costume pieces too.



I keep hoping we'll end up with a new torso model for women, with a chest that actually looks like it's wearing tights and not body paint.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I keep hoping we'll end up with a new torso model for women, with a chest that actually looks like it's wearing tights and not body paint.
If we do end up with a new torso for women and it's NOT a more muscular one, I'm going to cry foul.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
While not a red/blue side thing this issue only ever seems to crop up one of two ways.

*Pack get's released*
"Ugh this is horrible this kind of thing(and by extension the types of characters it is based on and/or their players) Don't belong in this game. it's Supposed to be about superheroes Who would ever want to be such a horrible thing? "
After which the poster will proceed to

1: Pigeonhole many potential ideas and goes on at length to use terms like "weaboo" "generic geek stuff" and anything of that nature to insult the people who might like this sort of thing and these sort of characters.
2: Talk about "taking our game away from us the true fans" or anything else to make one sound like a grumpy old person talking about "the True Americans" e.t.c.
3: Do either of these while also playing the victim

"I'mma just go ahead and be unhelpful and sarcastic about this any time it comes up."

*proceeds to do any of the above.*

I am very sympathetic and would love pretty much anything a Golden Age, Silver Age, or Pulp pack would bring. It's just very hard not to treat the people attempting to give it it's deserved attention any kind of respect when they refuse to come with any.

You can go ahead and use my name for "some people," if you like. Won't hurt my feelings a bit.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
If we do end up with a new torso for women and it's NOT a more muscular one, I'm going to cry foul.
I'm talking about clothed, not visible skin!

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Just to add my 2 cents in.

The classic tights options we currently have are about 10 years old at this point (considering CoH's original development time) and frequently look poor standing next to new, more technologically advanced costume items.

I'm certainly not suggesting that we scrap anything, but some new items, with seams, and zippers, and masks. Real masks. And textures that make the character not look like a Russian body builder. (Not that there's anything wrong with Russian body builders.)

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Having created well over 2000 golden age hero/villain micros for my golden age micro website, I am somewhat familiar with what sort of costume pieces Golden Age heroes/villains used and how they differ from Silver Age and modern heroes. I had to create most of my own micro hero costume piece templates because more modern costume pieces simply didn't work.


There are huge Golden Age gaps in the current COH costume creator.

The biggest gap imo is the lack of sleek tight options. (Sleek tight should be the COH default, not plain tights.) There is no slight tight option, for example, for male boots/flat. Most of the boots of the tight-fitting costumes of the golden age would be boots/flat option (no boot heels). Another big gap is if you select the brief pattern for Lower Body/Legs/Tights, no other pattern or striping can be selected. There should be a tights briefs+pattern option.

Other GA gaps in the COH costume creator:

• Turbans (esp. large round turbans w/ and w/o jewel) used by GA magicians
• Fez hats w/ and w/o tassles also worn by GA magicians
• WWI-style "tin pan" helmets worn by several GA heroes
• Jodhpur pants worn by countless GA male and female characters
• Buccanneer boots (soft leather boots with tops rolled down)
• Pilot helmets with googles up on forehead
• Bird-like "Ruin" cowls with nose-beaks
• Montana Peak hats (Smokey Bear hat)
• Headsman's full cowl (sack-like hood with eyeholes cut out)
• Headsman's half cowl (sack-like hood with eyeholes that shows nose, mouth, chin)
• A plain Baggy top option w/o the collar details. A better options would be a plain baggy option in the Jackets section so that sleeves/sleeveless could be added to it.
• Patriot tights patterning. Star-spangled pattern for chest/legs/gloves/boots/capes. Two-toned vertical and horizontal striped briefs for flag stripe effect.
• High collars w/o capes option
• Crossed leather chest harnesses (wide glossy leather)
• "Suspenders" vertical leather chest harnesses
• Sam Browne belt
• Leather bets with closed-flap gun holster
• Pilot scarf
• Clark Gable/Errol Flynn mustache
• Brylcream (a little dab'll do ya) male hair
• Tailless Wedding tuxedo
• Coveralls and overalls
• Broomstick-handle Mauser and Luger pistol options. A receipe temp power for these weapons, also, so that non-Dual Pistol GA characters can wield them.

Female-specific parts

• Sleek/leather "Merry Widow" one-piece strapless top/brief (both skin and tights underneath options)
• Veronica Lake hairdo
• Lauren Bacall hairdo



Personally, I've always been a big fan of Silver Age heroes and I'd love to see a new Golden/Silver Age costume set. You can definitely create Golden and Silver Age style costumes using the existing tools in the costumer creator--I've been doing it for years. But we could use some more options for classic costume pieces, and even more importantly, I think many of the original pieces need a face-lift to bring them up to par with the newer sets (high on that list are masks that look like worn material instead of just painted-on).

But I'm not holding my breath waiting for a new Golden/Silver Age costume set. There are lots of themes and costume styles that are not represented at all (or only maginally) by the current costume options, and it seems like introducing something new and shiny will almost always take priority over upgrading something familiar and old. It's the same with game content--there are lots of zones and story arcs that could use a make-over, and while a few do get revamped, more often they are left alone in favor of introducing new zones and story arcs. Same with adding a whole new costume theme rather than improving upon an existing theme.

What I hope they might do is add a few new Golden/Silver Age costume parts as freebies and save the new and shiny costume themes for the paid sets. That I could see happening.



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
We can make Captain Marvel in game now.
I'm pretty sure someone would have noticed a male sash by now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I keep hoping we'll end up with a new torso model for women, with a chest that actually looks like it's wearing tights and not body paint.
That's what I'm hoping for too - even if they just use normal mapping to give the impression of more curves and less straight lines then it'd be cool.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



in premonitions posts and in images i continue to look up all i keep seeing is:

-sashes on males, loincloths, hercules' thigh high boots... basic quivers...

and i'm so ANGRY.



Yeah we could really use:

Close to eyes masks
Baggy pants/tights
Gun holsters
Folded boots
Many hairstyles for women...from the 30s (think thin hair with buns, or coiffed rolls on side and so on)
...and for men (more moustaches, beards, slick haircuts)

Please spend SOME time doing a Golden Age/Silver Age set or add-on at some point.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All separate eye maskes need a white eye option too
For sure.

I'm tired of all the white face options having brown shading, or being barely visible. I know why it does that, but its time we made options that didn't.

Edit: What, misunderstood your post.

But yeah, that too.



I didn't expand upon the comment in that thread because the thread was about the Post Apoc armor, not new variants of Tights and Golden/Silver Age costume parts.

We most certainly did get a lot out of exploring what could result from a Golden/Silver Age themed Costume Bundle. I think we grokked the idea that what was expressed had more to do with materials used and textures and how the costume bits laid on the characters body. I want to be explicitly clear when I tell you that we don't think it's a bad idea, in fact we definitely think it has some merit. It's just not something that's in our immediate line up.

And no, I can't tell you when/if we're working on anything like that.

Right now, we've got a line up of Costume Bundles coming down the pipe. Some we've announced (Post Apoc, New Tights, Cybertech) and some are still in the works. I do know that many players here on the forums are very enthusiastic about the possibility of Golden/Silver Age costume parts and these requests are expressed in our regular product management meetings .

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



New tights?



Ah, yes. Gold lamé tights are in order, I think.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
New tights?
The ones from the concept art posted on the first page of this thread.

Although, like x-zero said, they were announced around the same time as all the other bundles, and unlike them we haven't heard another word about them. I'm going to hedge any bets about them till I see work done on them past concept art.

Zwillinger's post doesn't leave me feeling enthusiastic about new golden/silver age pieces anytime soon either.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
in premonitions posts and in images i continue to look up all i keep seeing is:

-sashes on males, loincloths, hercules' thigh high boots... basic quivers...

and i'm so ANGRY.
I was too, so I took a long break. Now I am merely frustrated at the lack of those things.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Hornet View Post
Female-specific parts

• Sleek/leather "Merry Widow" one-piece strapless top/brief (both skin and tights underneath options)
• Veronica Lake hairdo
• Lauren Bacall hairdo
And Victory Rolls hair, please!

Great list, and I still hope to see at least some of these pieces in-game eventually. My money is waiting to be taken.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I didn't expand upon the comment in that thread because the thread was about the Post Apoc armor, not new variants of Tights and Golden/Silver Age costume parts.

We most certainly did get a lot out of exploring what could result from a Golden/Silver Age themed Costume Bundle. I think we grokked the idea that what was expressed had more to do with materials used and textures and how the costume bits laid on the characters body. I want to be explicitly clear when I tell you that we don't think it's a bad idea, in fact we definitely think it has some merit. It's just not something that's in our immediate line up.

And no, I can't tell you when/if we're working on anything like that.

Right now, we've got a line up of Costume Bundles coming down the pipe. Some we've announced (Post Apoc, New Tights, Cybertech) and some are still in the works. I do know that many players here on the forums are very enthusiastic about the possibility of Golden/Silver Age costume parts and these requests are expressed in our regular product management meetings .
And I'm sure this admission will put a big smile on the competition's faces, Zwillinger. And I type this without even a hint of snark. That's not my M.O. Read it for what it is: certainty.

My M.O. 99 percent of the time is to support the dev team. And I absolutely support the designs they're coming out with currently. Nevertheless, I am disappointed by what can be genuinely labeled as a prioritization of resources that is largely unresponsive to the community. The community won't shut up about this, Zwillinger. Don't be CCP. I know your job is to toe the line, but it's also to communicate our desires to the team, and our desire is pretty much burning like a thousand suns. This is not new news. Please consider this during your next dev meeting. Put this in your notes somewhere.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Nevertheless, I am disappointed by what can be genuinely labeled as a prioritization of resources that is largely unresponsive to the community. The community won't shut up about this, Zwillinger. Don't be CCP. I know your job is to toe the line, but it's also to communicate our desires to the team, and our desire is pretty much burning like a thousand suns. This is not new news. Please consider this during your next dev meeting. Put this in your notes somewhere.
I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment. Just because we aren't working on one specific costume set we're not being responsive? Are we discounting all of the other changes and additions, not just costume specific, that we're working on and have accomplished in the last year+?

In the end, we're going to make some costumes that are fan favorites and we're going to make some that inspired us, either from fan inspiration or personal. There's no specific cadence we're stuck with as it's all released as development and marketing schedules allow.

You have a development team that is extremely responsive and balances player sentiment fairly well with development and business requirements. Losing sight of the bigger picture through hyperbole does a disservice to not only them, but all that the game has accomplished.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



What people want is still the classic tights but with a less painted on look.

You can make tights but still give them some details to look like they're wearing something. Body hugging spandex but you see the difference between the neck and head. The sleeves and the hands.

Also face masks would be nice that werent painted on.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What people want is still the classic tights but with a less painted on look.

You can make tights but still give them some details to look like they're wearing something. Body hugging spandex but you see the difference between the neck and head. The sleeves and the hands.

Also face masks would be nice that werent painted on.
This is understood, and as stated further up the thread, has been communicated to the team.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios