151 -
And maybe Aaron Walker. -
Not fair. Pure and simple.
I'll miss everyone, though I hope to keep in touch with some people, it just won't be the same.
It's hard to imagine not having CoH. A game I've been playing since it came out in 2004, when I was 14.
CoH, Virtue in particular, has done so much to help me. The people here are the best. Bar none.
Virtue helped me grow up and learn good values.
Virtue helped me develop amazing friendships.
Virtue helped me in a time that I thought was so hard, when I had to come out to family and friends.
Virtue's always been there. And it's... mind boggling to think it won't be around in a few months.
I suppose all I can really say is "I will truly miss you all. Devs included." -
Quote:Back in the early alpha days of CoH's development. Building interiors were actually... inside the building. The door opened and you simply walked in. Instead of the current 'teleport' to an underground room.Can somebody explain, for us relative newcomers, the comments about griefers and building interiors?
The devs stated that one of their main reasons for taking this out, was it was too easy for players to intentionally (or otherwise) pull enemies into the buildings and cause issues for other players.
And I'm sure, as said above, it was a memory issue as well. -
Well. It appears that building was originally considered the Freedom Phalanx headquarters. So, there's that.
And look at that! We're still using the same mission maps ten years later!
I have to admit, the map looks okay for being that old.
Fame = Statues? :O I want a statue!
The game seemed so much more... action-y back then. But the system they had for using your powers seemed a little clunky.
I wish we had kept the building interiors in the buildings. Darn griefers!
Original Costume Creator:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?featur...mSgzBOE#t=390s -
I don't recall exactly where I saw this, but I remember a video of the early CoH. And there were a lot of cool things that they dropped. One of them being clouds or fog sitting around the top of the zone.
This wasn't a skybox like we have now, but rather.. real clouds.. that we could fly over and see the night sky more clearly.
Wish we still had that. -
Quote:Gadget control, please!The problem I have with Martial Assault is just no natural primary to go with it. Shurikens + Martial Arts works awesomely for a Batman style character, but not if I have to pair it up with Mind Control or something.
EDIT: Not to say that the set isn't interesting. This is just a nitpick. I'm still rather excited to be able to try this out.
We already have a lot of powers that could fit into it! Devices' Taser (with more range/damage added), EMP powers, Smoke Grenade*, Caltrops*, etc
*- would need some gimmick tagged onto the power. -
Just to add my 2 cents in.
The classic tights options we currently have are about 10 years old at this point (considering CoH's original development time) and frequently look poor standing next to new, more technologically advanced costume items.
I'm certainly not suggesting that we scrap anything, but some new items, with seams, and zippers, and masks. Real masks. And textures that make the character not look like a Russian body builder. (Not that there's anything wrong with Russian body builders.) -
On Virtue, I see numerous trials being formed at almost any hour, though mostly at night. Some are badge runs, some not. I'd say its about half and half.
Finding random teams is getting a bit more difficult these days for anything in the range of 20-40, but that's not to say it's really hard to find them.
As far as population, it always surprises me that Virtue is in the red (server load) almost every night lately. People tell me CoH is dead and a ghost town these days, but Virtue alone disproves that.
Find a nice global channel or two and you'll never be without a team/trial/conversation on Virtue. -
Quite a few names on Virtue I'm proud of.
Here's the short list:
Red Patron
Might Girl
Thundergait -
Quote:"You don't get locked down in combat."Speaking of what things were meant to be, a friend of mine found an old City of Heroes press video which has Jack Emmert describing what feels like an entirely different game.
Sigh... I want /that/ game. I like CoH, but sometimes it just feels like my job is to stand still and press buttons. -
Quote:You can also use the command /unbind KEYI tend to prefer binding keys to "" (empty quotes) just because NOP used to generate system spam at one point. I don't know if it still does, but pressing a button bound to NOP would paste an empty line in your system channel.
Quote:This may speak pretty badly of my personality...It makes me cranky to see the Immobs go out the instant we see spawns, before the Tanker can gather them, freezing them in their (widely separated) places.
But whenever I'm tanking and someone gets overzealous with their powers, I'll let them go at it, get insta-killed by the spawn, and THEN go about my normal tanking moves. :P
Getting their rear handed to them typically helps them understand that they're doing something wrong.
On another power. I hate, hate hate hate hatehatehatehatehatehate Claws' Shockwave. Who's idea was it to have a cone THAT massive do massive knockback on a melee set? It wouldn't be so bad if people didn't use it in their normal attack chain like it was totally okay to toss every enemy out of AoEs/Taunts/etc. >.< -
Not exactly something new or exciting, but building on the F1-F5 for Inspirations comment...
I frequently stack 'important' insps that I don't want to accidentally use on top of Awakens. As the game won't let you use an Awaken unless you're dead, it protects anything stacked on top of them from pressing F# by accident. -
Right one is the main computer monitor, and while the left is technically a monitor, I use it more for movies and entertainment :P
Well. At least I know I'm not the only one with a messy desk now.
Yes, those are holiday themed beanie babies.
Yes, that is a Batman figure on the monitor.
Yes, that is a CoV mousepad.
Gather 'round, forumites and listen to the tale of the unlucky Psi!
It was not three moons ago that I was joyously riding down the road, looking forward to grabbing some dinner at the nearby eatery.
Little did I know that luck was not on my side this day. For my credit card hath been declined!
Fraud they told me. A thief, the scoundrel, had stolen my digits. I was forlorn, but took heart in the fact that a new means of spending money was soon on its way by carrier!
Then. It happend. Staff Fighting was announced for Tuesday, April the seventeenth, 2012.
My heart sank. My eyes misted. And my mind went dark.
But a glimmer of hope!
My stipend! Perhaps it had come through and would save the day!
I threw up my login. Raced to the market. And not five minutes ago I discovered that I had...
720 Paragon Points. Mere hours before staff was to be released.
Dear Life,
Pancake you. -
I'll throw my hat in the ring.
I usually scale the UI down to around 97% so I have enough room to fit things without taking screen space away from, you know, being able to see where I'm going.
My humble suggestion was to just have the contact offer two identical missions. One with the baseline EB, and one with the powered up AV.
Differentiate them with something like:
Stop the evil Dr. Aeon
Stop the evil Dr. Aeon (Team Mission)
Futher on, you could have the Team Mission state in red text that that version of the mission would be spawned as an AV and would be a more difficult experience intended for team play. -
You'll have to forgive me, but the response you gave me to that sounded condescending, at best.
I fully understand the desire not to alter the existing EBs, but I fail to see the logic in denying an option that in no way effects said EBs. -
Good thing it's not all about how you see things then, Arcana.
Different viewpoints are the best way to move interesting content forward. -
Sounds like it's time to petition NC Soft to dump another several thousand dollars into a Non-Solo, Non-Trial, Team Incarnate zone! That sounds much more reasonable than giving us an AV option!
Ahem, on a little less snarky note. :P
Is it entirely impossible to give two mission choices when accepting one of these EB missions? You have BOLD RED TEXT between the two missions that point out that one version is an EB (As they are now, no change to the purple patches or stats), and the other version is the powered up AV version intended for team play? -