Just U and I - your UI setup?
Mine is the default with an extra (4th) tray I use for macros like Wentworths and the Vault.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I tend to have a lot of trays open ... -shrug-
i would have to take some new shots cause most of the screenshots i have are at least a year old if not more

Trays 1-5 and 9 are standard across all my alts, this is my main and has a stupid number of powers :P
My MM alts use 6 set up the same way as 2, slotted into the gap above inspirations and filled with pet commands and summons.
As an aside, 9 only became standard post Freedom, when my *starting* travel powers overspilled a single tray. Some alts don't even take a real one. At the rate the market is going, tray 8 will overflow soon as well
Had to go in and snag some new ones...
Typical: (Using my first 50 from way back...few accolades, all the incarnate so far, bunch of temps)
Kheld - triform - mostly the same, what's not immediately obvious is that there are two extra trays in use that get swapped with a bind as I swap forms:
And MM, with the extra pet window. (Holds true for controllers, too.) Pet control via binds on the numpad:
My UI is in my TPN video guide (shamelessly pimping it). It is a basically the original setup the game came with. I put attacks in the first row, toggles and heals and buffs in the second row, other things in the third row, and I put things like travel powers at the end of each row.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
Huh, it's funny... this made me fully realize something.
I was admiring some of the layouts people have shown, in how many toolbars they managed to spread out across the screen.
And I realized that I can't stand to have anything at the bottom center of my screen. And, actually, the same applies for the top center. I tap N to check/use the Nav window, but then always tap it again to keep it hidden.
I've been meaning to play around with individually-sized windows all around, to see if I can cram some more things into the corners to leave a wider viewing area without keeping things hidden so much.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Trays 4, 5, and 7 I sometimes hide and sometimes show, and 4 in particular is the only one I haven't really deliberately filled up yet (it really just holds those mastermind command powers and Hasten which I have set to autofire).
1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9 all have the powers that are either used more or less either continuously, or in situations where when I need it I don't want to hunt for it.
And there's always an open slot or two in the main trays for drops.
Not shown is that when I happened to cap this screen I did not have the powers menu open, which I often do - always in the upper right hand corner near the story icon. The Nav bar is off center to the left so that if I decide to open the map window, it opens away from the center of my screen (and the target box ends up nestled in the corner just above it).
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
This is how I roll most of the time:
Sometimes a little more like this:
Trays? Trays! Traaaaaaays!
Blood Red Arachnid and Arcanaville, what's up with putting sprint in slot 1? That would drive me crazy. Unless you use ESDF perhaps?
Also odd to me, though apparently I'm in the minority: not displaying your own character's name. It would make them the only floating name-less character amid a sea of floating named characters! Too eerie for me.
#9 tray is just a bunch of the goof off crap like pets n stuff XD and 8 is sorta like that but switch out the stuff in 8 for the temp powers in Trials the 3 AE macro are for /vault /ac and then the normal AE commlink thing. stuff in my trays constantly change so.... eh.. but 1-4 are usually the same for the most part
and YES all my global channels are colored! cause the default colors are blinding!

Blood Red Arachnid and Arcanaville, what's up with putting sprint in slot 1?
However, and conversely, I'm a mouse-clicker and less so a keyboard short cut player. So I click my powers in the tray. If I put a frequently used power in slot one, there's a chance I might slip up in the middle of combat and accidentally click the tray arrow. So every single power in slot one in the first three trays are powers that I toggle off and on occasionally, but do not actually click off and on in the middle of combat. I've found that works well for me. Every once in a while I discover in the middle of combat that I have sprint toggled on. That means at some point in that fight I did in fact drift a bit and click the wrong thing, and if sprint wasn't there that wrong thing might have jumbled my trays.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
One of my first steps on character creation is /bind v "powexecname Sprint" but of course that precludes the use of v for other things.
One of my first steps on character creation is /bind v "powexecname Sprint" but of course that precludes the use of v for other things.
I also bind P to take both a screencapui 0 and screencapui 1 screen capture, so I always get one with and one without the UI visible whenever I take a capture (although some old alts I haven't gotten around to back porting that, and still use P = screencap with no UI, Shift+P = screencap with UI).
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Ms Terry
Autumn Turning
In case it isn't obvious, I play at 2560x1440 resolution on my iMac.
(warning: full size images are 1 MB in size)
I've got a customized default keybinds file so as to keep everything straight on all my alts, because a while back I realized I needed to "standardize" a lot of my controls across all my characters or I'd never be able to remember HOW to play different characters (you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different). So I settled on the above layout(s) because by far my Kheldians had the greatest "Tray Slot Pressure" of any of my alts (being Tri-formers).
And just in case anyone is curious, here's my default keybinds file (below). On top of this default keybinds "foundation" ... every single alt of mine has their own "modifiers" keybinds file that customizes a few of their keys to suit the unique needs of that character. Kheldians and Masterminds (of course) have multiple bindloadfiles to handle all of their requisite keybinds in the necessary multiplicity of combinations necessary to "manage" those characters.
The thing that *I* do, which seemingly not all that many other people do, is set up my keys to bind to specific Tray Slots so that I can move my power icons around in my trays without needing to rebuild all of my keybinds every time I need to re-sort everything (or after a respec).
l "beginchat /send "CapeRadio" ($name, $level $archetype): $$startchat" shift+l "beginchat /send "BaseBuildersInc." ($name, $level $archetype): $$startchat" alt+l "beginchat /send "Roleplayers" ($name, $level $archetype): $$startchat" ; "beginchat /send "ROBOKiTTY" ($name, $level $archetype): $$startchat" shift+; "beginchat /send "Virtue TFs" ($name, $level $archetype): $$startchat" alt+; "beginchat /send "TankHQ" ($name, $level $archetype): $$startchat" ' "nop" shift+' "nop" alt+' "nop" - "nop" ctrl "nop" alt "nop" SHIFT+- "nop" ALT+- "nop" / "nop" lshift+lctrl "targetenemynext$$targetcustomnext enemy alive sapper$$targetcustomnext enemy alive quantum$$targetcustomnext enemy alive void$$targetcustomnext enemy alive cyst" lshift+lalt "s $target." t "powexectray 1 1" y "powexectray 2 1" u "powexectray 3 1" g "powexectray 4 1" h "powexectray 5 1" j "powexectray 6 1" shift+t "powexectray 7 1" shift+y "powexectray 8 1" shift+g "powexectray 9 1" 1 "powexectray 1 2" 2 "powexectray 2 2" 3 "powexectray 3 2" 4 "powexectray 4 2" 5 "powexectray 5 2" 6 "powexectray 6 2" 7 "powexectray 7 2" 8 "powexectray 8 2" 9 "powexectray 9 2" 0 "nop" shift+1 "powexectray 1 4" shift+2 "powexectray 2 4" shift+3 "powexectray 3 4" shift+4 "powexectray 4 4" shift+5 "powexectray 5 4" shift+6 "powexectray 6 4" shift+7 "powexectray 7 4" shift+8 "powexectray 8 4" shift+9 "powexectray 9 4" shift+0 "nop" shift+lbutton "powexecname Teleport" ctrl+1 "powexectray 1 7" ctrl+2 "powexectray 2 7" ctrl+3 "powexectray 3 7" ctrl+4 "powexectray 4 7" ctrl+5 "powexectray 5 7" ctrl+6 "powexectray 6 7" ctrl+7 "powexectray 7 7" ctrl+8 "powexectray 8 7" ctrl+9 "powexectray 9 7" ctrl+0 "nop" lalt+1 "nop" lalt+2 "nop" lalt+3 "nop" lalt+4 "nop" lalt+5 "nop" lalt+6 "nop" lalt+7 "nop" lalt+8 "nop" lalt+9 "nop" lalt+0 "nop" F1 "powexectray 1 3" F2 "powexectray 2 3" F3 "powexectray 3 3" F4 "powexectray 4 3" F5 "powexectray 5 3" F6 "powexectray 6 3" F7 "powexectray 7 3" F8 "powexectray 8 3" F9 "powexectray 9 3" F10 "nop" F11 "s RUN!" F12 "s $battlecry$$emote attack" shift+F1 "powexectray 1 5" shift+F2 "powexectray 2 5" shift+F3 "powexectray 3 5" shift+F4 "powexectray 4 5" shift+F5 "powexectray 5 5" shift+F6 "powexectray 6 5" shift+F7 "powexectray 7 5" shift+F8 "powexectray 8 5" shift+F9 "powexectray 9 5" shift+F10 "windowtoggle contact$$em cellphone" shift+F11 "s HELP!$$em whistle" shift+F12 "nop" ctrl+F1 "powexectray 1 8" ctrl+F2 "powexectray 2 8" ctrl+F3 "powexectray 3 8" ctrl+F4 "powexectray 4 8" ctrl+F5 "powexectray 5 8" ctrl+F6 "powexectray 6 8" ctrl+F7 "powexectray 7 8" ctrl+F8 "powexectray 8 8" ctrl+F9 "powexectray 9 8" ctrl+F10 "nop" ctrl+F11 "nop" ctrl+F12 "nop" alt+F1 "nop" alt+F2 "nop" alt+F3 "nop" alt+F4 "nop" alt+F5 "nop" alt+F6 "nop" alt+F7 "nop" alt+F8 "nop" alt+F9 "nop" alt+F10 "nop" alt+F11 "nop" alt+F12 "s Ready!$$em thumbsup" numpad1 "nop" numpad2 "nop" numpad3 "nop" numpad4 "petcomall Aggressive$$em attack" numpad5 "petcomall Passive$$em raisehand" numpad6 "petcomall Defensive$$em getsome" numpad7 "petcomall Attack$$em slash" numpad8 "petcomall Stay$$em alakazam" numpad9 "petcomall Follow$$em waiting" lctrl+decimal "petcomall Dismiss$$em goaway" lctrl+lbutton "petcomall Goto$$em point" lshift+numpad1 "unselect$$teamselect 1$$face" lshift+numpad2 "unselect$$teamselect 2$$face" lshift+numpad3 "unselect$$teamselect 3$$face" lshift+numpad4 "unselect$$teamselect 4$$face" lshift+numpad5 "unselect$$teamselect 5$$face" lshift+numpad6 "unselect$$teamselect 6$$face" lshift+numpad7 "unselect$$teamselect 7$$face" lshift+numpad8 "unselect$$teamselect 8$$face" lshift+numpad9 "nop" lctrl+numpad1 "inspexecname insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname uncanny insight" lctrl+numpad2 "inspexecname enrage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname righteous rage" lctrl+numpad3 "inspexecname break free$$inspexecname emerge$$inspexecname escape" lctrl+numpad4 "inspexecname luck$$inspexecname good luck$$inspexecname phenomenal luck" lctrl+numpad5 "inspexecname sturdy$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname uncanny robust" lctrl+numpad6 "inspexecname ambrosia$$inspexecname essence of the earth" lctrl+numpad7 "inspexecname respite$$inspexecname dramatic improvement$$inspexecname resurgence" lctrl+numpad8 "inspexecname catch a breath$$inspexecname take a breather$$inspexecname second wind" lctrl+numpad9 "inspexecname awaken$$inspexecname bounce back$$inspexecname restoration" lalt+numpad1 "inspexecpettarget insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight" lalt+numpad2 "inspexecpettarget enrage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage" lalt+numpad3 "inspexecpettarget break free$$inspexecpettarget emerge$$inspexecpettarget escape" lalt+numpad4 "inspexecpettarget luck$$inspexecpettarget good luck$$inspexecpettarget phenomenal luck" lalt+numpad5 "inspexecpettarget sturdy$$inspexecpettarget rugged$$inspexecpettarget uncanny robust" lalt+numpad6 "inspexecpettarget ambrosia$$inspexecpettarget essence of the earth" lalt+numpad7 "inspexecpettarget respite$$inspexecpettarget dramatic improvement$$inspexecpettarget resurgence" lalt+numpad8 "inspexecpettarget catch a breath$$inspexecpettarget take a breather$$inspexecpettarget second wind" lalt+numpad9 "nop" \ "menu" LSHIFT+\ "powexecname walk" ` "targetenemynear" LSHIFT+` "targetfriendnext$$face" LCTRL+` "targetfriendprev$$face" LALT+` "targetfriendnear$$face" A "nop" ADD "nop" LSHIFT+ADD "nop" B "++first" BACKSPACE "autoreply" C "+down" COMMA "nop" D "+backward" DECIMAL "nop" DELETE "face" DIVIDE "nop" E "+forward" END "+zoomout" ENTER "show chat$$startchat" EQUALS "nop" LSHIFT+EQUALS "nop" LALT+EQUALS "nop" ESC "unselect" F "+turnright" HOME "+zoomin" INSERT "nop" LALT "nop" LCONTROL "nop" LCONTROL+RBUTTON "nop" LALT+RBUTTON "+camrotate" LCTRL+RBUTTON "nop" LSHIFT+RBUTTON "nop" LCTRL "nop" M "nop" MBUTTON "nop" MouseChord "nop" MOUSEWHEEL "+camdistadjust" MULTIPLY "nop" N "nop" NUMLOCK "nop" NUMPADENTER "nop" Q "follow" P "nop" PAGEDOWN "unloadgfx$$sync$$camreset$$camdist 30" PAGEUP "unloadgfx$$sync$$camreset$$camdist 60" R "+right" RALT "nop" RBUTTON "+mouse_look" S "+turnleft" SPACE "+up" LSHIFT+SPACE "nop" SUBTRACT "nop" SYSRQ "screenshot" TAB "targetenemynext" LSHIFT+TAB "targetenemyprev" LCTRL+TAB "nop" LALT+TAB "nop" V "+ctm_invert" W "+left" X "nop" Z "powexec_unqueue" LSHIFT+Z "powexec_abort" DOWN "powexectray 4 6" DOWNARROW "powexectray 4 6" LSHIFT+DOWN "powexectray 5 6" LSHIFT+DOWNARROW "powexectray 5 6" LEFT "powexectray 6 6" LEFTARROW "powexectray 6 6" LSHIFT+LEFT "powexectray 7 6" LSHIFT+LEFTARROW "powexectray 7 6" RIGHT "powexectray 8 6" RIGHTARROW "powexectray 8 6" LSHIFT+RIGHT "powexectray 9 6" LSHIFT+RIGHTARROW "powexectray 9 6" UP "powexectray 3 6" UPARROW "powexectray 3 6" LSHIFT+UP "++autorun" LSHIFT+UPARROW "++autorun"

I run on a smallish laptop (14" screen), so I usually go default, turn the global window scale down to 90ish%, and add a 4th tray above the 3 standard ones for my travel temps, and float the pets window up next to the target selector when applicable. Gets a little crowded, but I rarely ever go nuts with UI customization.
1920x1080 @ 42", Window scale is 75% Most characters have this same layout, my MM does have a extra tray, and the right chat window is pushed over to allow it to fit (4x3), next to the main bars there.
I also run Corva's Power icon mod, and my SO/DO Standardization pack
Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer
I'll throw my hat in the ring.
I usually scale the UI down to around 97% so I have enough room to fit things without taking screen space away from, you know, being able to see where I'm going.
"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw
<-- boy
Not shown: 3 trays of macros that I use when leading keyes, ugt, and mom trials
Mouse side button - super speed
2nd mouse side button - combat jumping
T - sprint
Y - Jump Pack
U - Fly Pack
Q/W/E vary between toons. Typically contain Ice Shields/Speed boost for kins/cold, vet attacks for SS rage crashes, taunt for melee toons, etc.
num0 - targetting macro
My map is always open and occupies the upper right corner. With the advent of all these new special mission objectives windows, I allocated the upper left corner to those. When the League window gets huge because of extra large League events like the Mothership Raid, I'll put it up on the upper left corner to get it out of the way. Otherwise, the League window is at the bottom of the screen (as shown) where the Team window usually is.
The Team window's placement depends on the type of character I'm playing. For a non-buffer like this Blaster in the screenshot, the Team window is on the lower-middle left side. This way, my lower center of the screen is clear in case I need to drop a ground targeted AOE (Rains, Caltrops, etc) right next to myself. Now if the character was a buffer, then the Team window would be on the lower-middle right side, ie next to the Powers Tray, so there would be less mouse travel for when I need to go back and forth between team mate selection and power activation quickly.
Extra Powers Tray #4 is set up the same on all characters.
Extra Powers Tray #5 is set up mostly the same on all characters.
For the main Powers Trays #1, 2 and 3, the layout is generally similar in all characters. I don't want to bore you, so I'll just mention that Fly, Sprint and Ninja Run are always in the same spots. and if I have a self heal, it is also always in the same spot. The middle of Tray #3 is always armors.
Except for Mastermind and Illusion characters, whose Pets windows are huge and need to be kept down in the lower center of the screen along side the Team window, all other characters have a small Pets window placed as shown here.
Also, you'll notice that I have Options-->Show Player Health Bars = Always set.
I play on a 24" monitor in windowed mode, so the resolution is slightly less than 1920x1200
By the way, my screenshot looks extra "vivid" because I used the Sharpen function on my image processor. After I scaled the original down in size, it looked a bit fuzzy.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I think everyone must be on larger monitors at higher resolutions than me. I can't do a screenshot at the moment, but I can tell you how my UI is setup:
On the top of the screen, from left to right:
Hit Point/Stamina Bar, Target, Nav, Inspirations, the basic three-tray bar with Enhancements bar open. In the rare instance I need to use more than three trays, I set up macro buttons to switch between them. I think I've only needed to do that on a Warshade that uses forms.
At 90%, when my Inspiration tray is at its maximum size by level, all those windows are shoulder-to-shoulder.
On the bottom left of my screen is the Chat interface. The upper portion of it is Broadcast, Request, and NPC chatter. The bottom portion is Team, Tells, and Local.
On the bottom right of my screen is my Map. I always have the map open.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
So, during the ustream today, a question came up about having mroe than 9 trays, which led into a little discussion about UIs. Figured it's as good a reason for (another) "Show us your UI" thread.
(If you don't know how to capture it, /screenshotui 1 will show the UI in your screen capture, /screenshotui 0 will turn that back off for your normal shots.)