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  1. I'd pay double, since I currently have disposable income.

    What we could have are Ultra VIP accounts who get a unique badge (Cashier?) and a coloured forum title in exchange for paying more. No other in-game benefits over regular VIPs though.

    Either that or more things in the store that I would actually spend money on.
  2. Allow your victims... I mean volunteers to spawn as radio/newspaper bosses and victims too

    You could give each possible 'type' three options: No, Self Only and For Everyone. No means it won't be used for that type of event, Self Only means it will only be used for a mission belonging to one of your alts, and For Everyone means everyone gets a chance to face them. Obviously, a particular toon is not a valid choice for a mission belonging to that toon, and I'd argue that a toon can't be chosen if its currently logged in, to minimise the chances of you joining a team and meeting yourself. Or if the toon is logged in, the doppelganger uses inverted colours.

    Different types would be like Mayhem Hero, Safeguard Villain, Radio Kidnapper, Radio Thief, Radio Kidnap Victim etc
  3. I bought the 50% XP booster today. It applied a 50% boost automatically to me, and added a 50% ally boost clicky power with 1 use. Did you check your active powers after claiming? All XP boosters are applied automatically, they do not go to your power tray as clickies.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
    Next step. Completely eliminate zone scenery and just have all kinds of mission doors lined up in neat little rows in one nondescript area for quickest transport yet.
    We call this the AE. It's so streamlined, you only need one mission door for your entire levelling career

    On topic, team mission teleport sounds moderately useful, but I already have personal mission teleport and recall team, and my main has recall friend on top of that... I don't see it being a must have.
  5. Last Night...

    Alice had a brief chat with the Evaluator, before he parted. Rumour has it that ghouls are getting out of the city. Alice doesn't see this as a bad thing, because it means less trying to eat her.

    After than, Pun turned up, being her usual strange self. Her strangeness was forgiven, however, because she engaged in a dance-off, which Alice clearly won, being the best dancer ever.
  6. It wouldn't need to be any different than it is now: any click power that isn't either from your weapon set or flagged as compatible (only Brawl atm iirc) causes the weapon to vanish (and redraw the new weapon if needed). The only extra bit needed is to automatically redraw the original weapon after the attack is done.

    A point to consider though is Dual Pistols and Dual Blades, which would look silly with one weapon always out and one combat only.
  7. After a very quiet week, Alice danced for a very strange person, who thought fighting demons was fun, and also thought it would be more fun to fight Praetor White than sign up for powers division. Since Alice thinks that people who claim to live in the sky are probably a bit loony, she later did her civic duty and reported the stranger to the friendly neighbourhood PPD office.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Primal Earth also investigated Axis Earth before Reichsman was aware of Primal Earth - Nazi Coles are always going to be a security risk, so it's the sensible thing to do to keep an eye on what they're up to.
    Except that if Webb hadn't gone to Axis Earth in the first place, Reichsman wouldn't have captured him and thus invaded Primal Earth.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Since we're talking about Praetoria (sorry Sam!), I was wondering one thing though: What is the state of the rest of the world? Comments in this thread has suggested that human civilisation is strictly contained to Cole's city.

    But the game has several references to other locations. For instance, when wondering where Arachnos and Longbow are coming from, it is originally theorized that they might be groups from out east. At another point, you need to talk to Cole, but are told that he's at a conference in Europe, talking to other heads of state.

    Are these supposed to be lies? There's not really anything in game to suggest that, that I've noticed, and every instance is very senior members of the regime talking to other senior members of the regime, so being all secretive about the size of the world seems weirdly unnecessary.

    So are they lies? Retcons? Is there really more of the world out there?
    Praetoria City is referenced, somewhere, as one of the last exporters of high tech goods. Given the relatively extensive dockyards and the airfield in Neutropolis, there has to be somewhere worth travelling to.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The Keyes Trial gives us control of the sonic fences before the loyalists can use them as a weapon against the people, just like they did in First Ward - it's one of the main reasons for the Trial, along with the need to stop another crazed loyalist sending the reactors into meltdown.
    Who built the fences in the first place? Oh, the loyalists.

    Arachnos also tried to take down one of Keyes reactors, as I mentioned previously. Who stopped them? Oh, the loyalists.

    All the problems loyalists face come from their own actions, and the Trials are karma on an epic scale as we sweep through their evil empire, smashing the dictatorship at every turn, and giving the Praetorians their freedom again.
    Did you ask them if they wanted your idea of freedom first?

    The total rout and humilaition of the loyalists is one of the heroic highlights of the whole game - instead of the necessary game mechanic of the stalemate with the Rogue Isles, we actually get to permanently defeat a cosmic scale villain along with his henchpeople and his armies, and liberate an entire world - it's kinda hard to top that.
    I would rather see them deal with the Rikti first, rather than rushing through the Praetorian plot and making all the stupid decisions that have happened as a result.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They should have just waited for Tyrant to do it for them:


    You have no idea what a neutron bomb is, do you?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Tyrant and the loyalists were always the main threat to Praetoria - but now that they've been crushed, the anarchist elements in the Resistance will also need to be dealt with.
    The loyalists who stop a serial killer, prevent a hospital being blown up, break up an organised crime syndicate, get IVy fixed so she can help the people of neutropolis, and stop arachnos blowing up one of Keyes' reactors? Those are the main threat to Praetoria?

    Good thing we have the resistance to save the day by detonating a neutron bomb in nova praetoria! Or maybe by blowing up the only source of clean water in the city!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    We weren't at war with Praetorian Earth until Tyrant and the loyalists invaded us - like almost all the probelms the loyalists have to deal with, it was self-created
    The responsibility loyalists did not invade primal earth, they were sent there before the invasion by Provost Marchand (a loyalist) to try and prevent a war.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I think you are probably right. It's just a shame, because the storytelling in Praetoria (at least from 1-20) is really superior to anything else in the game. IMHO!

    There are some really powerful moments scattered through those early levels. Whether it's a loyalist deciding that they have to clean up the Cole Regime from the inside while struggling to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, or a resistance member who reprogram clockwork to murder civilians right on Cole's lawn just to make the regime look vulnerable.

    Or that one invading Longbow agent who wonders "are we really sure all Praetorians are evil? Their PPD mostly carry non-lethal weaponry. Look what we are carrying!"
    I have to agree with this. I personally find low level Praetoria to be the best part of the game (I will still happily solo new alts through it, whereas I'm already bored of the new atlas park content and only level heroes through DFB runs). We have contacts we can empathise with, who actually invoke feelings, rather than just being yet another person on the street we get thrown at. My last resistance warden got all the way to 20, before stumbling at the final hurdle: taking out the water supply was just a step too far for her. We don't get anything like this anywhere else in the game, and even the first ward content throws most of the choices away. We might get a passing comment about something we did, but we're all treated the same regardless.

    The itrials just don't click with me. I've done lambda and baf runs, keyes once, but they are just smash-fests and I haven't any interest in running the newer ones. There are too many people and they are too fast paced for the story to be told properly, and in my opinion they suffer for it. They are also, as has been stated, totally one-sided. My responsibility loyalists came to Primal Earth to try and stop the war. That hasn't happened, but it doesn't mean they want to go back at the head of an army of conquest. They should have the option to stand at Cole's side and defend their home, or at least continue to protect the people while Cole's regime comes down around them.

    Praetoria has so much wasted potential, and even though First Ward and Night Ward are good in their own ways, I don't think we will see anything that measures up to those early levels again
  15. I probably spend more time in the CC than playing the game Some of the costumes people come up with are awesome, especially when combining unrelated sets. All we need now is moar costumes!
  16. Last Night in Studio 55...

    Titan Twelve, her dog and an attendant seer found themselves joined by an oddball bunch of loyalists. Talk of 'official business' soon drifted onto the subject of ghouls and who was responsible for them. The idea of rounding up a bunch of glory-seeking powers division types and tasking them with clearing the tunnels met with general approval. After briefly skimming over whether questioning if the ghouls came from Lambda sector was appropriate thinking for a loyalist, the conversation diverged onto other topics, such as Praetor Duncan's powers, or lack thereof, and Praetor White's love of dancing.

    After everyone left, TT went to report interesting things back to her boss, and send her seer in for recharging, or whatever it is seers do when they aren't on duty.
  17. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=287470 (VIPs only, I'm afraid) And I use 'imminent' in the release schedule sense, its like 'soon' but with more letters

    Also, I forgot one!

    6. Cancel Objectives

    A new option for objectives, 'Objective Cancelled When ...' which takes a standard objective trigger. When the condition is met, the objective is removed. If set to required, it would be unflagged, as would all objectives chaining from it, and no objective completion clues would be issued. Objectives chaining from the cancelled objective would not fire.

    This would allow different methods of completing a mission, such as arming a bomb, or rescuing a civilian, each of which cancel the other, so if one objective is completed, the other dissapears. Chained objectives would then allow, for instance, an ally to betray if one path is chosen over the other.

    Objective Cancelled would also be a trigger condition for other objectives, if possible.
  18. With the imminent updating of the AE with new enemy groups, I would like to see the following added so we can make even better missions

    1. New Factions

    In addition to 'Enemy', 'Ally' and 'Rogue', I would like to have 'Neutral' and 'Civilian'.
    - Neutral mobs would have yellow borders, be friendly to Enemy and Ally factions, but hostile to Rogue factions. If attacked by a player, they turn hostile in the same way as yellow-bordered Praetorian mobs.
    - Civilian mobs would have no border, no name overhead, be unselectable, untargetable, unaffected by any powers and friendly to all factions. Their purpose would be to add background detail to maps which aren't required to be full of enemies.

    Kill All objectives would not require the killing of mobs in either of these factions. Neutral mobs *could* be set as required boss objectives, civilian mobs cannot be set as required objectives at all, and would (if possible) not display any objective text.

    2. Mass Betrayal / Surrender

    A new objective: Change Allegience.
    - Option: NAME, the name of the objective (internal use only)
    - Option: TRIGGER, a standard objective trigger (such as On Mission Start, When Objective X Complete etc)
    - Option: BECOME, the faction (ally, enemy or rogue) to change to

    When triggered, all the default background mobs (those spawned by the Enemy Group setting for the map, rather than boss/ally/etc objectives) will change to the specified faction. It can be used to have a map where everyone is ordered to surrender, or suddenly turns hostile mid-mission.

    3. Friendly Base Enemy Group

    The option to specify that the Enemy Group for the map will spawn as allies instead of enemies. This is mainly intended to work with changing allegience, above, but would be useful for story missions on its own.

    4. New Maps!

    There have been some very high quality maps in recent content, and I would love to have access to more of them in the mission architect. The various flooded offices from First Ward / Dark Astoria, the Survivor Compound and Seer Network Building from First Ward, offices with the textures from the Tibet mission in Dark Astoria, the flooded Grendel's Gulch from Who Will Die 1, and many many others would all be really appreciated. If its possible, the maps from the various trials would be nice too, so we can have stories set in the TPN, or around all three reactors, and so on, but I'm guessing these might have special design considerations for the trials that might make them harder to port over. But I can dream There are some gorgeous new maps on beta too, but asking for them before it hits live is probably a bit cheeky

    Also, though there isn't one that I know of, a map centred on the fallen seed in First Ward would be awesome. I love that island

    5. Updated Glowy List

    Praetoria added some new glowies (like the static box), and I'm sure others have appeared since in subsequent new content. It would be great to have these put into the list in the AE so we can use them.
  19. In Praetoria, on the static:

    Something big going down somewhere. T.E.S.T. moving a lot of equipment through the tunnels. Got close enough to hear bits, something about a ship. RD sure she saw D.U.S.T. as well, not verified though. Couldn't get enough people in to take a good look, lot of ghouls, more than normal. Coming now in fact, talk later.
  20. Last Night in the First Ward

    Seer 4032 was loitering near a rock, and overheard an interesting discussion between Mistress Vyera and Exo Harvard regarding secret matters. She then noticed some people she couldn't read, and tried chatting to them, but they mostly ignored her and one even got quite angry.
    Then things turned violent, and she decided that the big imposing suspect would be suitable to help her out, so she attempted to make sure he didn't get caught. But he didn't listen to her, and ran off, so she returned to her rock briefly, before heading off to find someone to fix the bullet wound in her arm.

    Subsequently, Provost Walker's tea and crumpets were rudely interrupted by Mircala and her gang smashing up his D.U.S.T. office. Not caring *why* they were in his building, he went to smash things himself. He is pretty sure Deathelocke will be in pain for some time, after been on the receiving end of a Caleb-Walker pile-up, after being shoulder-slammed by full power force gauntlets, but ultimately he was outnumbered and surrounded by incompetent rangers, and was forced to withdraw to patch himself up. His opinion of D.U.S.T. is lower than ever, and he is going back to Nova Praetoria to see Marchand and petition for the deployment of his Titans.

  21. Trays 1-5 and 9 are standard across all my alts, this is my main and has a stupid number of powers :P

    My MM alts use 6 set up the same way as 2, slotted into the gap above inspirations and filled with pet commands and summons.

    As an aside, 9 only became standard post Freedom, when my *starting* travel powers overspilled a single tray. Some alts don't even take a real one. At the rate the market is going, tray 8 will overflow soon as well
  22. Bubble_Wrap

    Cannot find map!

    Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
    All of the maps seem to be Unknown, except for Midnighter Club, and Underground Nova.... The old Breakout map is also available.
    Galaxy City and Underground Imperial are up, Imperial City itself is down though.
  23. Reported in the Rogue Isles

    Arachnos suffered a blow last night when one of its flyers was destroyed during an operation in Mercy Island. Eye witnesses reported seeing some kind of terrifying creature sweeping down and engulfing the flyer in a bright light, disintegrating it. The Arachnos soldiers who had disembarked just prior to the event were forced to flee as the creature rounded on them, before dissapearing as suddenly as it had appeared.
    Further details on the exact nature of the creature are not forthcoming, owing to the confused and contradicatory reports of the witnesses and the lack of official comment from Arachnos. The nature of the operation that bought the flyer out, as always, remains a mystery.

    Reported in Paragon City

    Portal Corp. has reported the theft of numerous items from a warehouse in Independence Port where they were being stored after arriving by ship. The items, which had arrived yesterday morning and were due for delivery to the Peregrine Island facility today, were intended for use in stabilising devices, allowing portals to reach dimensions where dimensional static or other effects interfered with the normal operations of the portals.
    "We really don't know why anyone would want these specific devices," said a spokesman for Portal Corp., "They are certainly advanced technology, but are only part of a complete device. Without a portal they are totally useless."
    Given the highly precise nature of the raid, in which no other freight container was even opened let alone looted, the PPD are working on the assumption that the parts were stolen to order. They are continuing to question the warehouse guard on duty last night, who was found unconscious but otherwise unharmed by when his replacement arrived.
  24. 9th March 2012
    Reported amongst other notifications of Heroes wounded in the cause of duty.

    The Phoenix medical centre in Talos Island reports that the hero Bubble Wrap has been admitted there after arriving via the emergency mediport system. The specifics of her injuries have not been released, and the reasons for her operating in Talos Island instead of her usual haunt in the Rikti Warzone are currently unknown. A Vanguard official visited the medical centre shortly after her arrival, in the company of another unidentified hero, but declined to comment. As always, we wish her a speedy recovery.