The fate of Praetorian Earth in Dark Astoria? (spoilers)

Agent White



I finally got a chance to give Dark Astoria a shot, and for the most part, the stories were consistent, events followed logically and every plot which referenced previous in-game events I'd mostly heard about. Right up until I finished Duncan's arc, then I was told that Praetoria is in ruins, the Toiler Paper Network is broadcasting anti-Cole propaganda, most of the Praetoris are either dead or missing and on and wait, what? I was in the Magistrarium yesterday and everything looked fine. Hell, I fought all of the Praetors and their sidekicks to stop Tyrant from using a duplicate of (a distinctly alive) Statesman to shut down the war walls. Then today I set foot in Dark Astoria and suddenly everything's gone to hell? Did I fall into a coma and miss, like, half a year?

Then I was informed that this is taking place after the TPN Trial. Ignoring the fact that the guy who sent me to Dark Astoria popped up the SECOND I unlocked my Alpha slot, which I did the minute I hit 50, this still leaves a ton of plot that I really have no way of knowing about. No, I haven't run many of the Trials, but I highly doubt I'd know more if I did. The few Trials I've run have passed before my eyes like a drunken memory of blur and haze that I can glean no meaning or understanding out of, so this REALLY leaves me out of the loop. Who's dead? What has happened?

To this effect, I wanted to ask if anyone can give me at least a basic explanation of just what the devil I'm supposed to already know about to "get" the situation in Praetoria just so I'm not so unprepared. At the very least, I'd like to see a body count so I know who's supposed to be alive and who's supposed to have gone down to feed the writers' obsession with death. It doesn't seem like this is vital to understanding Dark Astoria, but so long as we're involving Praetorians in it, I still want to know.

If at all possible, I'd like to keep this to spoilers JUST about Praetoria and NOT about Dark Astoria.

Mod Edit - Fixed the title as it was making me twitchy - Z

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Basically the stuff in Dark Astoria technically takes place after the last released trial (TPN) but before the upcoming Trial and takes place after the Signature Story Arc IIRC.

So the 'body count' is all the Praetors we've faced in the iTrials up until that point (Siege, Nightstar, Marauder, Antimatter, Mother Mayhem, Malaise and whatshisface...Maelstrom) the ones still alive at the time of Dark Astoria are Dominatrix, Praetorian Infernal (who nobody knows what on earth happens to him even with the new trial, he never appears outside of Maria Jenkins arc) Diabolque, Chimera and Shadow Swan being the key Praetors IIRC.

Of course Diabolique is killed off in her own Trial and the last two are killed off along with Tyrant...leaving Praetor Duncan and the mystery that is Praetorian Infernal.

Though the ones from the iTrials may not be 'killed' but 'arrested'.

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The new Belladonna Incarnate arc also happens after DA and DD, followed by Tyrant's personal story mission, which takes palce a few hours before the Tyrant Trial.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Since the Praetorian zones are starting areas, don't expect to see them updated with everything that's going on. They can't really update stuff everytime some new big event changes things, otherwise we'd see stuff like Steel Canyon wrecked up from battle Maiden's attack.

And, really, the DA arc pretty much just sums up the trials. The big points in every trial is pretty much we're taking down one or more praetors.

BAF - We beat up Siege and Nightstar, at the least disabling them, and wrecking the Empire's mind control facility

Lamnda - We take down Marauder and the Empire's biggest Weapons Depot.

Keyes - We take down Anti-matter (Though it's explicitly revealed in MoM we do not -kill- him, as we have Metronome lamenting we didn't) and stop the Keyes Island Reactors from going nuclear.

Underground Trial - Vanessa DeVore has uncovered -extremely- important information and is being hunted down by IDF and Devouring Earth. Taking Desdemona, we find DeVore's battered and lifeless body next to the avatar of Hamidon, an agent sent by the Hamidon to monitor the empire and ensure that Cole was keeping his deal.

TPN - Given the revelation from the Underground, we now seek to broadcast the news to Praetoria and alert the citizenship that Cole never stopped the Hamidon, merely brokered a deal with it. Maelstrom is put down.

Minds of Mayhem - The TPN broadcast is actually unsuccessful because Mother Mayhem turns on the seer network and basically mind controls all but a handful of -every living person in Praetoria-. Desdemona aids us in opening portals into the network where we pull out Penelope Yin, the conciousness of the real Aurora Borealis, kill Malaise (explicitly revealed in night Ward) and seal Mother Mayhem inside the network, effectively killing her.

So, ya, most of the Praetors, dead or missing. The populace aware of Cole's indiscretions and lies and in a panic. basically we've been systematically disabling a lot of the empire's key personnel and facilities. And then Dark Astoria happens. And then Dilemma Diabolique happens. Followed up by an upcoming incarnate arc in I23 that sets up the finale trial against Cole.

Edit: Oh and we can't forget the Apex and Tin mage task forces, which set up that we incarcerate Battle Maiden. No known word about whether Neuron and Boobcat were killed or arrested yet.



Did DD really die, I didnt get the impression, though I got the impression that was suppossed to be the impression. Maybe it's just me thinking DD should be stronger than that, and enemies dieing left and right is just a terrible thing for a comic book game

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAETORIAN SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Praetors and their cronies:

- Neuron - Killed by PC villains in Tin Mage TF
- Bobcat - Killed by PC villains in Tin Mage TF
- Anti-Matter - Killed in Keyes iTrial
- Battlemaiden - Arrested by PC heroes in Apex TF
- Marauder - Killed in Lambda iTrial
- Siege - Disabled in BAF iTrial
- Nightstar - Destroyed in BAF iTrial
- Mother Mayhem - Killed by Malaise off-game
- Aurora Borealis - Freed from Tilman's spirit in MOM iTrial, joined the Resistance
- Malaise - Killed in Minds of Mayem
- Diabolique - Ghosts can't die, can they?
- Infernal - Arrested by hero PCs in Maria Jenkins' arc
- Chimera - Alive
- Black Swan - Alive
- Dominatrix - Alive
- Miss Liberty - Killed off-game
- Emperor Cole - Alive

Small Fries:

- Maelstrom - Killed in TNP iTrial
- Sorceress Serene - Killed in First Ward
- Col. Duray - Killed by Emperor Cole off-game
- Col. Duray, clone - Arrested by hero PCs during Admiral Sutter TF
- Fusion - Arrested by hero PCs during Admiral Sutter TF
- Jane Tremblor - Arrested by hero PCs during Admiral Sutter TF
- Riptide - Arrested by hero PCs during Admiral Sutter TF
- Reese - Survived 3 attempts at his life by the Power Loyalist, apparently redeemed
- Stern - Arrested by hero PCs at the end of Twinshot's arc
- Zane - Arrested by hero PCs at the end of Twinshot's arc
- Aria - Arrested by hero PCs at the end of Twinshot's arc
- Warrant - Killed by Reese
- Provost Marchand - Alive
- Hamidon - Alive and pissed

Good guys:

- Calvin Scott - Revealed to be a mental patient, his "marriage" to Aurora was only a delusion
- Vanessa DeVore - Killed in the Underground iTrial
- Desdemona - Took Vanessa's mask and became the leader of the Resistance
- Penelope Yin - Joined the Resistance in MOM iTrial
- Metronome - Took control of Siege's robotic frame, joined the Resistance in MOM iTrial
- Noble Savage - Alive and in First Ward
- Palatine - Alive and in First Ward
- Katie Douglas - Trapped in the Seer Network after the events of First Ward

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAETORIAN SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hope this helps



considering that the Dream Doctor used the Dagger of Jocas on her, I'm pretty sure she's dead.

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#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Did DD really die, I didnt get the impression, though I got the impression that was suppossed to be the impression. Maybe it's just me thinking DD should be stronger than that, and enemies dieing left and right is just a terrible thing for a comic book game
Well In the Cut Screen right when Dream Doctor Shows up, with The Cool God Killing Blade, He took the Knife and things fade to black, you can even hear a Women Voices Scream at the end, if you listen well.

The thing is when The Devs make a Trial Tough , people start Complaining that it too hard and then they need to Nerf it, too make it easy.

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Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post

- Anti-Matter - Killed in Keyes iTrial
Actually Metronome says he's still alive at the beginning of the MoM trial.
Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
- Belladonna - Took Vanessa's mask and became the leader of the Resistance
Actually that was Desdemona not Belladonna

Things happen in Night Ward.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Actually Metronome says he's still alive at the beginning of the MoM trial.
Missed that line, apparently.

Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Actually that was Desdemona not Belladonna
Meant her, names sound similar and it's late, thanks for letting me know.

Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
We get her *******************.
If you don't mind, please edit your post and erase that line. I read that and already regret it. The tag spoilers in this thread is clearly directed towards spoilers taking place *before* Dark Astoria. Things currently in beta should be off-limits.



Why is Miss Liberty listed as a Praetorian?



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
The tag spoilers in this thread is clearly directed towards spoilers taking place *before* Dark Astoria. Things currently in beta should be off-limits.



EDIT, thanks d and 37, good on ya both.

off topic slightly, but you mention finally doing da. how far have you gotten? having just finished it tonight,based on stuff you have said, id like to hear your reaction. shoot me a pm when you finish with your thoughts sam .



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
{Stuff happens} in the first mission of the Night Ward arcs.
Which has no bearing on what occurred pre-DA.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Why is Miss Liberty listed as a Praetorian?
Because it's refering to the Praetorian Miss Liberty, listed as dead if you read the plaque under Praetor Duncan's statue in Nova Praetoria.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Which has no bearing on what occurred pre-DA.
Actually, it does - NW takes place before DA.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, it does - NW takes place before DA.
That's just confusing.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
That's just confusing.
It's level based
The story of Night Ward follwos on directly from First Ward - the first NW arc even starts in FW, and quite a few of the characters and events from FW show up again in NW.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's level based
The sotry of Night Ward follwos on directly from First Ward - the first NW arc even starts in FW, and quite a few of the characters and events from FW show up again in NW.
Hm. Then why is Malaise there already? That'd imply MoM has already happened.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Hm. Then why is Malaise there already? That'd imply MoM has already happened.
Psychics can't astral travel to the world of the dead now? Geez, they've been doing that in every other piece of fiction I've watched and read, so why not City of Heroes? Hell, a few tip missions imply that Sky Dragon and the Legacy Chain do it all the time.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Hm. Then why is Malaise there already? That'd imply MoM has already happened.
Malaise is taken down along with Mother Mayehm during MoM - MoM is the finale for both of them, and NW gives a bit more backstory for Malaise before we get to MoM, just like FW gave Mother Mayhem more backstory leaidng into MoM, and NW also gives backstory for Pendragon, Shadow Hutner and Black Swan leading into the Tyrant Trial.
The Trials are the end of each AVs current storyline - that's why they always escape or avoid defeat in any of the lower level non-Trial content - even the Maria Jenkins arc mentions them being broken out of the Zig or being teleported to safety.
That's one of the roles Sorceress Serene plays in FW - she gives the players a sense of closure, even though Mother Mayhem and Diabolique are just as responsible for the evil there as she is.
And even when players are taking on gods in DA, Diabolqiue still manages to give them the slip, because the Praetorian storyline is set up so that the AVs can only be brought to justice during the Trials.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
So, ya, most of the Praetors, dead or missing. The populace aware of Cole's indiscretions and lies and in a panic. basically we've been systematically disabling a lot of the empire's key personnel and facilities. And then Dark Astoria happens. And then Dilemma Diabolique happens. Followed up by an upcoming incarnate arc in I23 that sets up the finale trial against Cole.
I really wish praetorian PCs could be involved in this, because it's such a fundamental point of the responsibility story arc that yes, maybe the Cole regime is wrong, but if something has to be done about it, it has to be done without inciting a mass panic that will result in heavy civilian casualties.

I know my Praetorian would fight tooth and nail against the outcome of the last iTrials, if given a choice. Sadly, the only option is to pretend they don't exist.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




And now I remember why I told myself to stop going to the general forums after I get into a beta.

Fortunately that was probably the least spolierish thing about Night Ward.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And even when players are taking on gods in DA, Diabolqiue still manages to give them the slip, because the Praetorian storyline is set up so that the AVs can only be brought to justice during the Trials.
I kind of wish they didn't do this. I mean, I get these are epic incarnate stories, but you lose a sense of personal achievement when you're just one point of damage from twenty four other sources.
If I could have done the Praetorian war thing, I probably would have flipped it around a bit: Trials are the AV making their super grab for power requiring a small army to take'em down, an then story arcs where you go mono a mono with them when they're a bit stronger than normal but now possible to face one on one.
Maybe have Cole just skip that to being only a one on one fight to let you see how far you've come.

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