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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Not sure I agree here. If CoX did not have the distinct ATs, with defined roles..the game would have held less appeal to me. Like the recentish super hero MMOs. End up with everyone a tankmage and not needing anyone else, while all doing broadly the same thing.
    Yeah the Freeform power choices of the Certain Other competition allowed for ridiculously overpowered builds which...kind of don't mesh with any superheroics.

    My hero had the follow:
    Super science style devices: Chainsaw gauntlets, Nanites, Sonic blasters, death ray, Orbital cannon from space.
    FPS style weaponry: Minigun, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher.

    He was only 'mildly' overpowered compared to someone going all out. Considering that game operated under Jacks old rule about 3 minions = player character, using a combination of the various Nanite buffs and Debuffs (which were 'on next attack'), call in the Anvil of Dawn orbital cannon and while that was doing the 'build up' animation, unleash a Rocket into the group to stun them.

    He could basically wipe out an entire room of minions by himself.

    Plus there's the old joke:

    We do have tankmages, they're called VEATs!
  2. Yeah they are, they're actually non-copyrighted sounds which is why you hear them everywhere since nobody has to pay a fee to use them.

    You buy the CD collections but that's more for convience than anything and those Sound Effect CD collections (the professional ones) are freaking MASSIVE.

    Let me put it this way, my college was fortunate enough to have an ex-professional sound designer as a teacher in media studies and he bought in a mere 10th of his collection, about 40 CDs, there were atleast two whole CDs dedicated purely to door relate sounds. They had an ungodly number of sounds of doors opening, closing, slamming etc. at various speed, various materials.
  3. A lot of the games noises are from stock industry sound CDs.

    The Police chatter has showed up in virtually every single show involving the police in some manner and in several games (the version we hear ingame is a shortened version of it, the original Grand Theft Auto had the full 2 minutes-ish version of it).

    This is why you can often hear sounds from other games in movies, the Doom door sound crops up quite frequently for the same reason as do a lot the sounds from Quake.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Our devs have a habit of introducing something really new and shiny, abusing the crap out of it, then forgetting about it completely a few issues later. For awhile, it was doppelgangers. Recently it was the dog model. I'm just glad they added the doppelganger stuff to AE.
    Pretty much this, Dopplegangers, the Four legged rig, the AE (which is a prime example of caring about it for like half a year and then stopped giving a toss about it).

    Our devs have this weird ADHD, they'll introduce something be all "OHMYGODTHISISTHEBESTTHINGEVER!", spam the crap out of it until people aren't just tired of it but utterly fatigued with it and then move on to the next new hotness.

    Thankfully they haven't been as bad over the past year as they were the last couple of years...apart from the Praetorian Storyline which is now ending after most people got sick to death of it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Athena Six View Post
    Being new to CoH I have heard this " Masterminds were originally meant to be Redside tanks" I say hogwash Brutes were. Can a MM tank? Oh sure and i can do it quite well Do I feel I can or should replace tanks/brutes? No way. I have always thought of MMs to be a support/DPS Hybrid
    I'd just like to point out that this isn't hogwash.

    It's not something the community made up, a conspiracy theory.

    No it was actually stated by the developers themselves at the time that Masterminds were originally designed to be a Tank/Support hybrid. Brutes were the Tank/Damage hybrid admittedly.

    Keep in mind that all the CoV ATs were designed around being hybrids of things unlike their CoH counterparts, the only one that is a straight up 'deals damage' is Stalker, everyone else is either a Damage/support (Corrupter), Damage/control (Dominator), Tank/Support/Damage (Mastermind) and Tank/Damage (Brutes) hybrid.
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    Worst MMO ever

    Does the game feature a crafting/gathering system ala most fantasy MMOs?

    If so technically you could completely screw with the game using out of game knowledge unless they're physically limited into what they can and cannot craft.

    I mean sure gunpowder isn't exactly easy to make and it's highly volatile but with the right chemical knowledge plus a local friendly blacksmith crafting copper sphere outer casings, a tailor making parafin soaked fuses of various lengths you could really screw the game over by become "the mad bomber who bombs a midnight" in a sword only fantasy game.

    Of course if it lacks a gathering and crafting system then you're pretty much out of luck.
  7. Actually I like to call this the 'Christoper Reeve' problem.

    The problem being that Reeves was so iconic and played the role so damn well that every other actor who now takes on the role as Superman is always going to be measured up to him.

    The Christopher Reeves problem also extends to such things as "any animated version of the Joker not voiced by Mark Hamil" on the same note, "Any animated version of Batman that isn't voice by Kevin Conroy" "any none Frank Welker voiced Megatron". There are some actors who just freaking nail the role and are so iconic that anyone else following them is in for a tough ride.

    He wasn't the first person to play Superman but he has been the only one to really nail the role in live action.
  8. is it possible that Staff could also get chainsaws...

    something like this...
  9. Iconic in my mind, yes Superman: The Quest for peace is bloody awful but that's down to the script more than anything.

    As I've said several times he has been the only actor that can play both Clark Kent and Superman, some actors can play one or the other but none have matched him for both.
  10. Bah you Americans!

    My first computer was the good old British Spectrum.

    Fond memories of games taking 20-30 minutes to load with screeching sounds from cassette tapes.

    We also had the Commadore Plus/4 which was the business version of the Commadore 16.

    See back then what the local council use to do was every 2-3 years they'd dump all their old computers in a skip out back (even if they were working) and upgrade to the latest hotness in computing, my Dad, working for the council at the time just took one of the ones he knew worked out of the skip and brought it home.

    Popular games:
    Fire Ant.
    Treasure Island (which was completed and one deeply peeved mother about only getting a 'congraturations' type screen..in her words, "Not even a picture of boat! Come on!")
    Thrust (with simulated gravity fields...oooh!).
    One game about a Rhino in a space suit in a mine...god knows what that one was called...been so long.
    Jet Set Willy.
    Skool Daze.

    Now I think we had Elite on there but that may have been a later computer.
  11. It is a CoH T-shirt.

    Funny story which some will remember, there was an internet Seller that made a copy of the shirt and tried to flog it off as a 'Mr Sweatpants' shirt not realising the logo was actually owned by NCsoft.

    Some enterprising forum goer noticed this and posted a topic about it, NCsoft legal team pounce and pounced hard on the guy and the website he was selling through, forcing the website to withdraw his ability to sell the T-shirts completely.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The Dr. Khan TF is a good example. It's a bad TF, it's one of the game's WORST stories by far, and it serves to utterly castrate any potential coolness Reichsman might have had when he was still just a concept. Before, when the 5th Column was still "gone," we had fun times imagining what it would be like if Reichsman woke up and took control of it. Seeing it in action ruined that plot, any potential future plots on the subject may have had and pretty much buried the 5th Column entirely since its one remaining named character isn't interesting.
    That problem boiled down to the fact the guy writing it and absolutely no freaking idea about any of the background lore whatsoever...like not even a passing glance. Do you know how many iterations on beta that taskforce went through?

    Was about 5 or 6 before it got to the stage it finally got put into the game.

    The archvillains were changed several times (originally for some ungodly reason they used Arkarist as the CoT AV and it took players pointing out the Arkarist is a Circle of Thorns defector for them to change it), the dialogue was changed god knows how many times (people kept questioning why the hell would the assembled AVs even bother to help Reichsman).

    Basically the Taskforce got such a huge slating that the guy who wrote it, never did anything else at Paragon Studios after that...he quietly just disappeared, it actually took players to discover that he had left Paragon Studios IIRC.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That was my thinking, since the Discworld Death seems to be a comparable entity to the DC Endless Death. That would make Azrael the Death of all Deaths.

    Depending on how you define "more powerful" nothing can destroy Azrael in the Discworld multiverse because in effect all agents of destruction work for him. Not only are all Deaths servants to him, even the Auditors of existence seem to be at least subservient to him and have no power over him. Since Azrael is the ultimate destroyer of everything and nothing can destroy him in any realm of existence, that's one definition of most powerful.
    Pretty much, Azrael is the end of all things, not just our universe but the very end of the multiverse, existence itself in every shape or form will simply cease to be once he is done.

    However Azrael is obviously not proactive about seeking the end to the universe, for him it is merely a task, just as collecting and escorting the souls of the departed are for each of his individual Reapers.

    Azrael is simply beyond reproach as you mentioned, no other being in any universe that ever existed can best him because he is the end of all things.

    Well probably maybe "Ted" Theodore Logan and Bill S. Preston Esquire might be able to beat him in a game of Battleship or Twister (always did love that in the movie, challenge Death not to a game of skill such as chess but games where the winner is randomly decided)...
  14. Not read the whole thread but has someone suggested a Water blast/fire manipulation Blaster called 'Smoke on the Water'?
  15. Sorry but I think good old Dr Q needs a revamp before any of them.

    It didn't just get the title 'worst taskforce in city of heroes' for no reason, it earned that damn title.

    When four hours is considered a 'good run' you know something ain't right.

    Atleast Synapse will take you...what...hour and a half at most?
  16. Gah it's really annoying me now...saw the film I mentioned above years ago (like 8-10 years ago) at some ungodly hour of the morning on Channel 4...wish I could remember its name.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
    For those of you that think mortality is a terrible prize I recommend you watch a movie called "The Man from Earth". It's also about an immortal without the fight to the death thing and the fact that he's been alive for about 14,000 years. In order to avoid raising suspicions you need to move every 10 years or so otherwise people will start to notice that you don't age. Even if you didn't have that problem how many times would you have to live through seeing everyone you care about dying while you remain exactly the same before you wanted to live a normal life or felt your humanity slipping away?
    Not sure whether it's the same film or not but there's a french film (wish I could remember its name) where a guy finds a potion of immortality a long time ago and this isn't just 'you don't age' it's the whole 'you simply will not and cannot remain dead through any means' level of immortality, he first tested it on some mice, snapped their necks and lo and behold 30 minutes later they come back to life, perfectly fine.

    During one of the conversations with the female lead he mentions how he has a horrible reccuring dream where humanity has long since died out, the sun has grown scorching the earth and the only thing left is "myself and those damned mice."
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
    Nothing says Christmas like ancient evil rising and loved ones going insane, am I right?
    Exactly my good man, that is what Christmas is all about...well it is in this household.
  19. Damn it...Beet got there first.

    But yes there is HP Lovecraft themed Christmas album as linked above.

    Ooh here is an idea, how about a movie based on the Cats of Ulthar?

    Kitty protagonists, evil villains get their just rewards (by being eaten alive by said cats)..it's all there, fun for the whole family!
  20. Hmm i imagine the other problem is that a lot of HP Lovecraft work is a 'downer'.

    There are these big, unknowable things that drive a man insane simply by looking at them, they cannot be defeated once arisen by mortal man and the universe is a cold, horrid place that finds humanity insignificant.

    Pretty hard to do a blockbuster based around that I suppose.
  21. One thing did surprise me that it wasn't included in the film.

    The talking bomb from the book.

    But then IIRC (loooong time since I read the book) this was too did with the other insectoid species that were the allies of the bugs that actually had a developed and understandable language.

    I enjoyed the movie but one scene always irked me. The knife throwing scene, the book version (where the soldier doesn't get his hand pinned to the wall) is basically saying to the soldier, "sometimes you can't use a nuke...or worse, your gun, so you've got this as a backup or when the situation requires it", which just makes a whole lot more sense than the version in the movie.

    I know the line, "You wouldn't use an Axe to spank a baby," was used.

    Edit: Also another vote for the CGI series actually being quite good, strange that a spin off series from a dumb action film is actually pretty good.
  22. Of course the key answer to this is

    "because it's public domain and so we don't have to pay someone to use the liscense."

    Hell I'm surprised that mainstream hollywood hasn't caught on to the internet fuelled HP Lovecraft boom going on at the moment since his works are also Public Domain in both the US and the UK.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    A bunch of immortals fighting to the death for the prize of mortality. That makes absolutely no sense. Now a bunch of mortals fighting to the death for the prize of immortality makes sense. Or immortals fighting to the death for the prize of omnipotence makes sense as well. If an immortal wants to die, then they have the fun of finding an interesting way to die like being ground zero of a nuclear test or flying a spaceship into the sun. Mortality is the most boring way to commit suicide.
    Actually if I remember correctly the Prize WAS Omnipotence, that the final one would become a God...atleast that was what it was in the original movie but been a while since I've seen it
  24. It had music by Queen in it and led to the most kickass music video ever...your arguement that the movie was bad is invalid
  25. Admit the Third one was fairly terrible...even if they did FINALLY include the mecha suits from the books in it.

    First one was ok, the second one was a bit crap and the third one was terrible.