Guess what? You guessed it, another reboot!




Van Helsing is being rebooted...this time Tom Cruise will be Van Helsing! Thats right folks....Tom Cruise!

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Tom Cruise lost all star appeal to me right around the time we all found out how insane he is in real life.



Let me guess. At first he's a charming yet reluctant vampire hunter who constantly alienates himself from his peers and his superiors. But his natural talent and willingness to take risks to himself and others (while the things people criticize him for) is actually what allows him to save the day eventually winning him over to his peers and superiors. And he eventually becomes the greatest there ever was.

Van Maverick, you can be my (bat)wing man anytime.
Or race my car.
Or play linebacker.
Or be my agent.
Or be my lawyer.
Or raise money for my school project.
Or rack up some eightball.
Or be my secret agent.
Or run my bar.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Like many he was on my list at 0 (due to the crazy) but he went up to 1 with that part he had in Tropic Thunder. That was freaking funny.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



All of this rebooting of old movies. You'd think someone would have figured out by now that all the movie studios need to be power cycled.



Considering how bad the original was, I can't see this being any worse.

Too many alts to list.



Yes Cruise is a horrible choice, but it could have been worse.

or even

Or they could completely reimagine Van Helsing as a chick.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yes Cruise is a horrible choice, but it could have been worse.

Or they could completely reimagine Van Helsing as a chick.

"You know what happens when a vampire is hit by lightning?"

Too many alts to list.



Why reboot it at all?

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Of course the key answer to this is

"because it's public domain and so we don't have to pay someone to use the liscense."

Hell I'm surprised that mainstream hollywood hasn't caught on to the internet fuelled HP Lovecraft boom going on at the moment since his works are also Public Domain in both the US and the UK.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
"You know what happens when a vampire is hit by lightning?"



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Hell I'm surprised that mainstream hollywood hasn't caught on to the internet fuelled HP Lovecraft boom going on at the moment since his works are also Public Domain in both the US and the UK.
Guillermo del Toro was working on a version of At The Mountains Of Madness but gave up due to some problems with the studio, if I recall the details.



Hmm i imagine the other problem is that a lot of HP Lovecraft work is a 'downer'.

There are these big, unknowable things that drive a man insane simply by looking at them, they cannot be defeated once arisen by mortal man and the universe is a cold, horrid place that finds humanity insignificant.

Pretty hard to do a blockbuster based around that I suppose.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Hmm i imagine the other problem is that a lot of HP Lovecraft work is a 'downer'.

There are these big, unknowable things that drive a man insane simply by looking at them, they cannot be defeated once arisen by mortal man and the universe is a cold, horrid place that finds humanity insignificant.

Pretty hard to do a blockbuster based around that I suppose.
Too true. I love reading some HPL stories, but they don't have the kind of subjects that appeal to everyone. The other downside is horror movies these days have gutted budgets compared other genres unless the film gets whittled down to a PG-13 to bring in bigger crowds. AT the Mountains is probably one of the easier to adapt HPL stories, I was disappointed that it got cancelled. I'd also love to see a new Herbert West: Reanimator movie and a version of the Case of Charles Dexter Ward.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Hmm i imagine the other problem is that a lot of HP Lovecraft work is a 'downer'.

There are these big, unknowable things that drive a man insane simply by looking at them, they cannot be defeated once arisen by mortal man and the universe is a cold, horrid place that finds humanity insignificant.

Pretty hard to do a blockbuster based around that I suppose.
Too true. I love reading some HPL stories, but they don't have the kind of subjects that appeal to everyone. The other downside is horror movies these days have gutted budgets compared other genres unless the film gets whittled down to a PG-13 to bring in bigger crowds. AT the Mountains is probably one of the easier to adapt HPL stories, I was disappointed that it got cancelled. I'd also love to see a new Herbert West: Reanimator movie and a version of the Case of Charles Dexter Ward.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Well, a Lestat joke has already been posted... I have nothing else...

Although, I will say, I do find Tom Cruise to be entertaining. Sometimes he works exceptionally well... sometimes it is just a bit too much of the same... I do think he is an extremely talented guy and quite a unique personality. I don't care if he's insane... that's nothing to hold against a performer!

While I felt like the previous Ven Helsing was terrible... I'm not looking forward to this one...
Anthony Hopkins was a great Van Helsing!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Hmm i imagine the other problem is that a lot of HP Lovecraft work is a 'downer'.

There are these big, unknowable things that drive a man insane simply by looking at them, they cannot be defeated once arisen by mortal man and the universe is a cold, horrid place that finds humanity insignificant.

Pretty hard to do a blockbuster based around that I suppose.
Do it as a christmas musical?

Rudolph the Red Nosed Cultist
had a few insanities
and if you ever saw him
he'll be chanting with great glee
Cthulhu fthagn Ia - aa
He is sleeping 'neath the foam
as he stared out the window
through the bars where he made his home
Then one foggy moon streaked eve
Cthulhu came to say
Rudolph with your mind so brave
won't you be my eternal slave
then all the other cultists
join Rudolph the mighty high priest
has joined Cthulhu in his lair.

Over the River and through the Woods
To the Plateau of Leng we go
We hope that someday
we can finally say
that we saw the god on the slooo ope
Over the River and through the Woods
To Kadath so cold we go
Nightgaunts pull the sleigh
to hurry their way
past the Shantaks O, we hooo ope
Over the River and through the Woods
I fear that we've gone too far
the Gods don't condone
a mortal at home
farewell those who listened this far......

God Rest Ye Scary Great Old Ones
God rest ye scary great old ones;
Let everything dismay.
Remember Great Cthulhu shall rise up from R'lyeh
To kill us all with tentacles
If we should go his way.

O tidings of madness and woe, madness and woe
O tidings of madness and woe!

In Yuggoth an din Aldebraan
The Great Old Ones were spawned
Imprisoned by the Elder Gods to wait for eons,
Enticing humans to release them,


An arab said: "That is not dead
Which can eternal lie,
And with Strange Eons even death may die."
The Great Old Ones will rule once more
And all will be destroyed.


Victims roasting on an open fire,
Deep Ones ripping off your nose,
Mindless chanting 'round the funeral pyre
And folks strung up by their toes.
Ev'rybody knows how festive open wounds can be;
You'll go crazy at the sight.
Tiny tots with their eyeballs aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight.
They know Cthulhu's on his way;
The beast is rising from the depths of dark R'lyeh.
And ev'ry mother's child is gonna cry
And beg for mercy and pray quickly to die.
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety two;
Although its been said many times, many ways,
"Barra na zu absu."



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Do it as a christmas musical?
Have a Scary Solstice.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Damn it...Beet got there first.

But yes there is HP Lovecraft themed Christmas album as linked above.

Ooh here is an idea, how about a movie based on the Cats of Ulthar?

Kitty protagonists, evil villains get their just rewards (by being eaten alive by said cats)'s all there, fun for the whole family!

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
But yes there is HP Lovecraft themed Christmas album as linked above.
Nothing says Christmas like ancient evil rising and loved ones going insane, am I right?

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Nothing says Christmas like ancient evil rising and loved ones going insane, am I right?
Exactly my good man, that is what Christmas is all about...well it is in this household.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!