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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    It sounds interesting, but after glancing at the required system specs, it's definitely a no-buy for me.
    No Mac, so no deal.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Funny thing about the Black Panther series is that I have seen in on BET, really late/early (3am) but it's on.
    I saw this on Netflix a while back and took in the first episode. Bleah. The review was far to charitable.
  3. As I have my annual drive to Vegas for my vacation coming up, I'll say I'd love to have a self driving car. The ability to hop in my car and say "Get me to Las Vegas" would be great. I could admire the scenery, read a book, or watch a movie (or a few) on my iPad. While I don't particularly dislike the drive out there, it is somewhat tedious.

    The downside to a self driving car would be that I have the fun windy road sequences taken away. However on balance I would consider it worth it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    About time...
    I do hate the utterly random nature of TV seasons these days.
  5. Heck I was quite looking forward to i24 owing to the fact that inventions could finally be used to boost resistance. That would have been amazing.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I dunno like I said, to me, it seemed more like a 10th doctor moment than an 11th. 11 has his 'darker side' but it usually takes a lot of pushing (like threatening his loved ones).
    Solomon killed his Triceratops, he deserved to die.

    It is interesting that nobody noticed this was a larger Harry Potter reunion since Solomon was David Bradley who played Argus Filch.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Because the year after that they'll release the Super Platinum Unlimited Edition that includes a fully-functional 1:1 scale Helicarrier.
    How long do I have to wait for one which comes with Black Widow in a catsuit?
  8. I'm going to have to echo the kudos for the enhancement system. You can build simple, and you can build complicated, but either way it's something which can be viewed completely in the abstract rather than somehow trying to rationalize Superguy putting on a fancier cape for those extra strength bonuses (that is just one of a number of things which put me off of DCUO, even though their graphics were spectacular). Also the fact that the power effects were just a function of the powers themselves and enhancements kept things relatively simple. I also play Diablo 3, and there's just tons of things here and there to be considered between skill interactions, stats, and items.
  9. I enjoyed the episode. It was fun. Story was decent, acting was decent. Like the woman who is to be the new companion.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I went through a phase of going around trying numerous MMOs, and out of every MMO (heck, every game *period*) I've ever played, EVE Online was by far the most tediously boring. Couple that with the fact that the game is essentially about socio-political-PVP of the most despicably cutthroat variety and EVE Online gets the number one spot on my list of Worst Games Ever.
    Yeah, this is basically what I've heard so I'm not willing to even try it. Sounds like pure grief.
  11. I'd kick in something. It's a worthy cause for a game which has been good to me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

    Sure, from an outside view, it can seem detestable. But you want to be paid for your time and effort right? You don't work for free do you? Investors don't go into an investment looking to get nothing out of it or, heavens forefend, lose money.
    It is worthwhile to also consider those investors. Many of them might well be pension funds or mutual funds. This means people's retirements are banking on these investments making enough return so as to be able to live on the proceeds. If the company does not make a worthwhile profit, it is their responsibility to find a way to do that. If it means they have to cut things to enable profitability, so be it. That is their duty to those who actually own the company, the shareholders.

    I'm quite upset about this game being on the chopping block. However I really don't fault NCSoft since as TonyV stated truthfully, they have thrown plenty of cash at the game at times when I would have assumed it was due to be put out to pasture in maintenance mode.

    It would be nice if it gets saved somehow, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that. Things come to an end. That is the nature of reality.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    If there is, I want to know about it, too. Oh, but it also has to include:
    • Mac-compatible. Specifically, three-year-old low-end Mac laptop compatible.

    You'd think, with all the dozens upon dozens of MMOs that have come out in the near-decade since CoH launched, at least ONE game would have followed in its footsteps. But apparently not.

    They're all grindy WoW or Maplestory clones, where your only choices for character appearance are "look and play just like everyone else" or "get mocked for not being just like everyone else."
    I'm in this boat.

    Cursory search on Mac MMOs gives This

    So there's a few fantasy ones, the 800 lbs gorilla (that I have tried an hated), and 2 space ones. I may well try a space one since I really don't have any interest in a fantasy MMO. After trying WoW and DDO, I'm simply not interested. I've heard things about EVE Online which make me want to avoid it, so I think I might give Vendetta Online a shot though I will likely look up more opinions on it first. Looks like it might be rather PvP oriented and I can do without that.
  14. OK, 3 and 4 are good stuff. Much better than the first 2.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

    While I think Casino Royale is the crisper of the two Craig Bonds, Quantum of Solace feels to me a perfect continuation of CR. I like that it changes things up a bit and brings the overall reintroduction story of Bond to a close. So I wasn't remotely disappointed in this movie.
    I though Quantum was one of the worst Bond flicks overall (ok, not as bad as Never Say Never Again, or some of the late Moore films). The plot was simply moronic. Yes, Craig was still a good Bond, and the action was fine, but the premise was simply too dumb to bear.

    We'll see how this next one does. I suspect it will be better since it won't be filmed during a writer's strike.
  16. Bait and switch. It's hardly about them. Meh.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post

    Edit: Any new version had danged well better include all the words to "Begin the Beguine," as the original does.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Yeah I realize Hollywood has been remaking movies for decades now.
    Doesn't stop me from pointing out that maybe 95% of the remakes are worse than the originals.
    Personally I'd say they go up and down. Consider how many Sherlock Holmes, Three Musketeers, or Shakespeare movies there have been. Those are all over the map. Just because it's not a classic work being redone does not inherently doom it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    At least they have the decency to wait a couple of decades after the original release. Then again why should Hollywood develop new ideas when people will line up to see remakes? And sadly even Starship Troopers isn't immune from this reboot nonsense...
    Hollywood has always done the rehash and always will. It's not worth getting worked up over.

    I'll go see this movie. I quite enjoyed the original, and hope to see a good pulpy reincarnation.
  20. I think the problem with the list (OK, one problem), is the lack of the definition of 'cult'.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
    X-Files was cult?
    About as much as ST:TNG.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    they have a really loose definition of "cult".

    and as usual with these stupid things, "of all time" = "of the last ten years".

    Two hooves down.
    Considering how many were from the 90s, I don't know that I agree. Perhaps "last 20 years". Now granted these lists always favor the short memory, but this one does at least cover a 20 year span to be honest.

    If I were going all time though, ST TOS would have to way up there. I'd also submit The Prisoner, and Monty Python.
  23. I'm shocked I didn't think of #1. I had #2 in place of it in my mind (even though I don't like #2).
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    My mind is blown.
    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.