2571 -
Quote:I think xkcd's got it spot-on.Personally I prefer the star ratings to likes...but then, there's xkcd's take on it....
Still playing, made two new characters this week and got compliments on one, too. The population's a little lw during of hours, but it's not terrible just yet. Oddly enough, Freedom-ers seem to be leaving more quickly than Virtue-ites.
I haven't been posting here at all lately, but I still check back at least once a day to see if there's news or anything else of interest. I haven't given up hope yet, seems there's no reason to just yet.
Time will tell. -
One of my regrets is never making a character that went anywhere (meaning past the first level or two) with the big, bushy beard.
I often start new characters just because "I hardly ever see anyone using those Rhino horns" or something, the beard falls into that category (not to say it's NEVER used). A few years back I had started an MM, but for whatever reason I ended up deleting him before he reached 12th I think. -
Quote:IIRC, people who ran the various fire farms said they weren't seeing the marty effect affecting any of them. So if that's what the OP was saying, I think he's wrong.I think what the OP is getting at is the MA reward nerfs in response to farming contributed to the death of the game.
There's some truth there I suppose. MA was touted as an alternate path to 50 and the future of the game. That reality never manifested in part due to the anti-farming changes.
MA always was fine for leveling in, even if you weren't farming though. -
All things fade and I've had many moments before, but here's a recent one I can easily remember.
Just days before the announcement I was playing my current fave Controller, Poltergeist Prince (Storm/Elec) on an eight-man PUG. We were running through a Orebanga (sp?) map that was experiencing that weird portal bug thing where sometimes you stepped through it and it took you to another portal, not the one your team-mates came out of. So our team was split about evenly and we thought we might try or fight our way back together... or maybe some players just rushed on thinking everyone was behind them.
So yah, at some point I ended up standing there over the prone bodies of my half of the team, with my HP bar looking about one sneeze away from joining them, facing a whole lot of angry orange- and red-con CoT. Holds, Jolting Chains, pulling out the Ghost-Slaying Axe when appropriate, clicking what Insp's I still had... and I noticed that a lot of the CoT were already low on HP too so I started concentrating my efforts and was seeing results and somehow wasn't dying.
At one point, one of the prone players says "Go Prince go" which was nice.I survived and got rid of over half the CoT in my area before the rest of the non-dead team-mates came around a corner. What really impressed me is this troller of mine doesn't have any sort of uber-build or anything, mostly just things taken for fun and slotted with IOs.
Well, Doc A said they decided it would take too much coding time to be possible. Parsing that can mean "it's really really complex, way more than you might think" or "we don't want to waste another pico-second on that %#@& if we don't have to."
I'm leaning towards the second interpretation. My guess is all the mess surrounding AE was seen as a distraction when they "should have been focusing on making more new stuff, not patching up this mess", so when they got it into some semblance of a stable configuration, they swore off it never to return. -
I was just discussing these in-game with someone. I think the costume editor shouldn't be gold account-only. Heck, if they sold it for $5, I'm betting 90% of us would buy it, that'd make a great revenue stream right here - assuming it wasn't expensive to create in the first place.
Just a thought, but y'know, it seems many of us would be willing to pay more, so if the game does make it back in some form, please plan to DO SO. Buy points off the market each month, or every other; maybe keep a second account VIP'ed.
Great work! Great success! Great guys!
Quote:Whoa, what's up with that?! We have over 13K on the petition, but haven't broken 2K there yet???More importantly please scroll to the end and sign up and click the "this belongs on CNN" button. We need 2000 recommendations and we only have 425 with over 4000 views wtf. Click the recommendation or a producer will not look at it and it will go no further. We want this on CNN not as an ireport.
C'mon folks! Sign up for it, even if you never go back, and click that button! -
Same, we'll have to see what the future holds. I have lots of fan-interest stuff I've been meaning to eBay for awhile like Sandman HBs, some Geiger books, etc. Should be able to generate some cash with those and others. But we'll see what comes of everything.
Just 4. I play what I want when I want. I have one or two, including my name-sake stalker, that are close, so I might get around to pushing one more up. Right now I'm focusing on logging in on a character, playing him through a couple of missions while /demorecord'ing the whole thing. That way I'll have some movies to look back on should our efforts not work out.
You've reminded me of another thought I had: reforming sans the staff working on "project X" might help too. I'd be sad to have missed the project though.
I was just thinking about a server merge to hold down costs last night. It's not an easy thing nor liked by everyone, but if it'd help... I'd happily give up some names just to help out anyone who's name conflicted with mine.
I haven't seen anyone mention it anywhere else yet, but I wanted to throw out couple of what I assume to be homages in this episode:
The beginning when we see Oswin inside her "retreat space", looking at the boarded up door and turning up her music to cover the sound of the Daleks outside? Totally I Am Legend there. (I'm referring to the Vincent Price classic. The Will Smith one may have the scene as well but if it did, I've forgotten it, plus it totally blew the original story by changing the ending. The 70s Omega Man also may have had it, but the overt 70s-ness of it has burned it from my mind... but in a good way!)
The scene with Amy under the influence of the nano-cloud transformation, seeing the Daleks as people? Very Carnival Of Souls I thought, although this isn't as solid an obvious ref as the first.
It makes sense that if Moffat was after making the Daleks "scary again", he'd drop in a few refs to scary films. I like that both were there just long enough to establish the moment, without over-using them. -
I tried to email a macro for bodyguard mode from one MM to another on my account (which is VIP) a couple of months ago, and it too just vanished, so this isn't exactly new. May be we've never been able to, as suggested. I ended up mailing myself the code too.
Quote:I did so, and added in a kind comment on the community. I think this would be a really good idea for others to do as well.Hey more media coverage on CNN. I recommend registering on this site and click on ADD to CNN so they can air our story.
http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-837330 -
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's spent some time with Google looking for the phrase "City Of Heroes Closing", but I found a number of links to various gaming sites that mentioned it. Some of them though didn't have any follow up from Friday about efforts to save the game.
If I were you guys (and I - meaning you - hadn't thought of it already), I'd Google up such sites and send them the press release about our efforts, "Just thought you might want more info..."
Another thought I had is how other games' forums have threads about the news and some of their reactions - might make for more good fodder in the press release, something like "other gamers expressing displeasure" or something.
I wish there was more I could add to the efforts, I feel like a level 5 hero showing up just as the 50 swoops in and takes out that purse-snatcher. I've written my letters, send the emails, signed the petitions (and got my non-gaming family to as well!) and made the little image below my post here, but it doesn't feel like enough... but my time is limited and I don't appear to have any needed skills atm, so I thought I'd toss out these ideas in case no one else has had them yet. :P -
I alt a LOT and only once have I had a 'main', so it wouldn't bother me at all.
Duuuude! I didn't know those even existed! I may have to get one of those...
Quote:Imagine if someone "of stature" within the geek community tweeted something about this and urged his/her followers to sign the petition. Or imagine if some more media/gaming sites picked up on it and ran a story about it. Then it's not just what a minor American celebrity said about it but the way people who pay attention (of any sort) to them feel about NCSoft, or about the way a potential buyer might think about the property.Not to be insensitive, but I can't imagine that a bunch of Korean businessmen would give even the smallest crap about what a minor American celebrity of any sort has to say about anything.
More press is more press. -
A revamp of the AE. Crazy, I know, but it's what IO wish for.
I'd pay that and drop 50 smackers on the market each month, probably.