Can't give macro to other players
I... don't recall ever being able to drag and drop a macro to someone else, to be honest. Though I also can't say I'd tried very often, either.
if anything you could always just copy/paste the code in the macro and just add /macro macroname before the code segement
then they just copy it and paste it in chat and hit enter and it will make them their own macro

I remember that I long time ago was able to give a macro to a friend by drag and drop, similar to how I give an inspiration or enhancement. You did also get a flashy text, similar to when you're given an enhancement.
But when I try it now, it just vanish from my tray and it don't show up in her tray. If I right-click on the macro, there's a menu saying I can give it to team members. I tried it, but nothing happens.
We're both VIPs and she have empty slots in the visible power trays.
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