what changes did you wish would have happen to the game




we are all sad about whats going on in the community, but i cant help but wonder what amazing things might have happened if the game was still going strong, here are a few things i wish the devs. would have added/changed to the game before they announced they would be shutting down and you are all welcome to add the things you wish would have been added/changed to the game

1.a one handed glove/claw, i always wanted my character to have a normal looking right hand and a metalic silver claw for his left hand, i asked for that a few times but it never happened.

2.more tip missions, i enjoy doing my daily 5 villain tips, but it gets boring doing the same thing over and over again, i was really hoping they would have added more verity to those missions

3.radiation melee, i figured when they first made kinetic melee that rad.melee would soon follow, i was wrong.

4.rebalancing regens in pvp, im sure a few of you will debate that there is nothing wrong with them and yea it might probably be possible to defeat a regen scrapper in a duel under certain conditions, but its impossible to defeat a regen brute in a duel (dont want a debate in the thread about this, its just my opinion)

so what changes or additions to the game did you wish would have happened?



I had been somewhat inactive (but still subscribed VIP) over the past couple of weeks. I got the news Saturday by simply logging in to see if there was any new news on the release of Bio Armor. I held off for a couple of months of spending points, resisted Water Blast and Nature so I could pay for Bio Armor. I just wish I could rock out this set in the last 3 months. That is the biggest change that comes to mind right now.



Of realistic or teased changes:

I wish all of i24 could have been polished and made it to live.

I wish all the costume sets in production could have made it to live.

I wish we finally got proper domino masks.

I wish all 5 of the origin based pools made it to live.

I wish a 6th premium pool made it to live with some sort of guy wire/zip line/cable based travel power came out.

I wish all the power sets that pigg divers found had made it to live.

I was honestly not too excited by the primalist. Never been one for EATs of any sort.

I wish a whip power set with customizable whips (energy or otherwise) was possible and made it to live.

I wish a thrown weapons/signature weapons set with fully customizable sprite sets was possible, realized and made it to live. (Crystal skulls, derby hats, hand fans, throwing knives, playing cards, you name it.)

I wish double cape rigging was possible.

I wish 3 or 4 color costume parts were possible.

I wish a vanity motorcycle travel power made it to live (zone porter, mission porter or super speed type power). Same for super powered roller skates.

I wish all existing vanilla powersets got at least two full sets of alternate animations to increase the flavor.

I have other pie in the sky new engine type dreams, but that's about where I'll draw the line today on the wishing. This penny is wearing out the more I rub it.



A revamp of the AE. Crazy, I know, but it's what IO wish for.



Jetpack costume pieces.



I wish that the devs hadn't killed Statesman.

I can't help but feel that his demise and the impending destruction of Paragon City are connected in some way.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



I wish Tough Hide and Resist Physical Damage had gotten switched in INV for tankers.



Signatures powers.



I was really looking forward to trying out a crashless Nova.

I would have liked a total revamp of all the city zones into a cohesive contiguous city.

A total revamp of the base system would have been nice.

Bank and roll.

More alternate animations for all powers.

More options for costumes including reflectivity settings and glow masking.

Less rooting

I'm sure theres more.



I24 was going to fulfill the majority of my wish list.

Aside from that, a single pistol power set (using dual pistols makes you a badass, using a single one? Now that's hardcore).

A knife fighting power set.

A dominator secondary that combined dual pistols with martial arts. Martial Assault seems fine but it's not what I had in mind.

A control set that used something natural origin could explain. Maybe grenade launcher control/grenade launcher assault.

An assault rifle set that wasn't completely ridiculous (I just want the gun, not like 10 guns in one).

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.