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  1. Tanglefoe

    Online gaming

    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post

    When I was in school I would add into my written answers to questions, "If you are reading this I will buy you a coke." Made me think of that.
  2. 1. Are they gonna sell the IP?

    2. Can we get Bio Armor on live servers?

    I don't expect the first to be answered.

    As far as Bio Armor, well we did get the next release of SSA somehow. Maybe the date for Bio Armor was predetermined and it will somehow make its way out. I'm gonna sit on 800 points never spent if it doesn't. I'd rather go down with the points than for it to come out and I can't buy it because I don't have the points.
  3. Katie Hannon, cuz I dig goth chicks!
  4. Tanglefoe

    The Last Resort

    I saw this show. Normally I can't stand military dramas because I used to be in the military and TV and movies just don't get it. I did like it (a lot more than Revolution too) but there is just one thing that bugs me. In RL, when you get an order that you think is out of line, you are obligated to question it. The military even gives you classes on how to do it correctly. It is well scripted (but it has been a minute so I don't know the script perfectly). You ask the person giving the orders to repeat and clarify before following the order you think is BS. The captain did this (kind of).

    I still thought it was pretty entertaining and I will probably keep up with it.
  5. I work effing third shift and work that night!!! It sucks!!!
  6. This just keeps getting better and better every time I read it!
  7. I'd pay $500 if lifetime meant lifetime. If 10 years from now there was no longer any sign of interest, I would want to be able to at least play this solo any time I want.

    I'd give $1000 if my wife would let me. If she argued over $500 I'd remind her who makes the money here
  8. Tanglefoe

    Where to now?

    1. I will probably try CO just to get my superhero fix. I'll probably even pay the money for a subscription just to be able to try everything out before I make my final decision on this game, but I'll probably try it out.

    2. I have multiple EVE accounts. I have reservations about going back to this game though. There were days of playing it that I logged out with the same satisfaction I get when I pull a 12 hour shift at work in my RL job. Honestly, the only thing that would really get me hardcore back into EVE would be if a big enough group of CoH refugees banded together to do something big. Honestly, this would be a thrill and I would totally be willing to head it up if it hasn't happened already, but I just don't think there would be a big enough interest from this community. Again I would be thrilled to be proven wrong here. My EVE character's name is Horrorshow Ellie. Send me an email in EVE and I'll probably get it sometime this week, or message me in CoH.

    3. I am really drawn to The Secret World. Like CO, I will probably give this game AT LEAST a short run, and when I do I'll try to find other CoH refugees, and we'll see what happens. Among other things, this game is fairly new and a large community here will be starting that game from its near beginning which in a weird way is a perk for me.

    4. Last and probably least, I have a Diablo 3 account. Like I've read before in this thread, I really wanted to like this game, but I honestly don't. I played Diablo 2 at launch and stuck with it for about 3 years, but D3 was the biggest let down I have ever experienced. Every bad thing you read about it, yeah it's true.

    Also, if this game lives on, I might never play another video game ever again.
  9. Tanglefoe

    Boost Morale

    I saw in another thread that he had answers written and was waiting on executive signatures. That doesn't sound good to me, and I was actually really optimistic about the answers not being given yet until I read that. Sorry, I don't remember exactly what post it was in but I'm pretty sure it was here on the forums.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    I brought this up on the Titan forums because it applied to the campaign and that there are still players out there who still don't know this is coming. It's interesting to note that if you don't do a lot of web surfing and/or don't ever come to these forums, you'd have no clue that a termination was coming. NOTHING in the NC Launcher or loading into the game (how hard would it have been for a little system message to appear at login?) gives you any indication that the game is counting down to oblivion. It's unbelievable to me that the only chance those players have at finding out is by word of mouth/keyboard.
    I don't post on the forums much but I have been a player for a long time. I logged into the forums the day of the announcement just to see if there was any new news on the release of Bio Armor, which I had been saving points for. I saw the "farewell" thread but when I first saw it I thought that someone of note in Paragon Studios must be moving on and didn't click on and read the thread. It wasn't until the day after the announcement when I logged in again that I saw all the doomsday threads that I realized something was up. I had to do investigating in order to find out that it was closing. The info may have been right there in front of me, but as a casual gamer I, at the time, was only interested in one thing when I logged in and had to read into it to find out the game was closing.
  11. Tanglefoe

    AP33 Forever!!

    Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
    Even Castle:

    send the kudos to eabrace on the titan network forum !
    I was on lunch at work when I saw this for the first time. It almost made me spray my drink across the screen!
  12. I always wanted to see a good Native American costume set.
  13. I'll probably try Champions Online mainly because I prefer the superhero genre. I'll even give it the benefit of the doubt and pay for the gold subscription (been doing a little research). I have looked at other types of games and nothing else at all really interests me.
  14. If I had no problem with it at all do I still need to redo this? Worst nightmare is I have all these saved files and one day we summon this game back to life but my files are not compatible because I had an old version.

    If I need to do this that is fine, but logging into characters over and over that I loved that I may never have time to play out and midmax is kinda depressing.
  15. I'm just keeping these in the hopes of a private server. If something legit came open but we all had to start from scratch, I'd still be happy.
  16. This is awesome! It kind of reminds me of the ending of the movie AI.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_DEVIOUS View Post
    Ya know Scythus I think you're onto something with that pic. If you really want to get everyone's attention...like REALLY get their attention...dress up as your character and stand in front of NCSoft headquarters with a boycott sign.

    I'm sure it will get the media's attention "faster than a speeding bullet"

    It'll be media gold. Just imagine the headlines:

    "the thousands of costumed heroes/villians take to the streets in protest to save their City...of Heroes"

    ...just a thought.
    OMG This!!!
  18. I had been somewhat inactive (but still subscribed VIP) over the past couple of weeks. I got the news Saturday by simply logging in to see if there was any new news on the release of Bio Armor. I held off for a couple of months of spending points, resisted Water Blast and Nature so I could pay for Bio Armor. I just wish I could rock out this set in the last 3 months. That is the biggest change that comes to mind right now.
  19. I hope you guys might be able to provide a "how to for idiots like me" manual. I'm not very computer savvy and a lot of what is being discussed here doesn't make any sense to me, but if I gotta figure it out in order to play this game, by god I will try.
  20. This is more sad than when Lost ended only possibly more unanswered questions. Thanks for the great game! I'll cherish this game's memories like the Nintendo games I played as a kid up until the day it wouldn't play anymore.
  21. I got the news of the shut down just by logging in to check and see if there was any new news on the Bio Armor release. I held out on Water Blast and Nature to save points for that. That's all I want to rock out the next couple of months.
  22. I wonder how much LoTG would go for on the RMAH.