297 -
Sounds fun to me. Not likely I'd be using an emulator for super serious balanced gameplay purposes anyways.
If other people power leveling is what ruined the game for you, I feel sorry for you.
Quote:I wouldn't want that content to be cut out. I'd want it to be made soloable. One of my biggest regrets is that I never was able to solo an ITF on my Tanker. Not because I couldn't do it; actually it was going very well when I got booted on the third mission because the person I had filling a slot on my team disconnected.Dunno. CoH obviously wasn't designed as a purely single-player game, so there are aspects of it that would probably be considered inadequate in the single-player market -- but that said, CoH also has a veritable mountain of content, love it or hate it.
Hell, even if a single-player port of the game simply cut out all of the group content in CoH (task forces, trials), the amount of story-arc content is absolutely staggering -- hundreds and hundreds of hours' worth. What's the playthrough time of the average single-player RPG these days? 20 hours? 40ish if you're lucky?
I'm not saying the game would be competitive as it is on the single-player market; the age of the engine alone would make CoH a hard sell there -- but I don't believe the game would have to be altered all that much to be a great value as a single-player game. In short, there are advantages and disadvantages to the game's MMO-focused development history, and the good far outweighs the bad.
(EDIT: Also, the character creator in COH absolutely crushes any character creator in any single-player RPG that I've ever played. You're simply not going to find a development house willing to put anywhere near as much time and attention into a character creator for a one-off-sale game. To the extent that single-player games give people more-than-MMO customizability, it's usually through a given game's after-market modding community.) -
Awesome Tony. I really hope you guys get something going. The prospect of playing on a private server isn't particularly appealing, but it's better than having no City of Heroes at all, and the news that we could possibly even retain our character investment as-is is very welcome as well.
Yup. It'd be great if all MMO publishers would at least modify the game to allow for people to host their own servers before they shut down the games. Updates and patches could even continue in the form of a dedicated mod community.
Quote:Plus, we never got to see them fix Tankers, right Johnny?Dear NCSoft
City of Heroes, an eight and a half year old title, is trending on Twitter.
Efforts to save it have met with almost unanimous support from the gaming community as a whole; nobody wants to see the game, the studio or the property, die.
You have something very special here. Something special created by a dedicated group of artists for a dedicated audience who will fight so it will continue to live and thrive...if you will only let it.
Why do you want to throw that away?
. -
Personally it just seems like a bad idea to drop a superhero franchise like a bad habit if only because it eliminates diversity from your games line-up. Everything else is fantasy-based. I really thought there'd be a CoH2 but there's no way that will be happening now that CoH has been chopped.
I was cleaning out drawers from an old dresser I was getting rid of and found my original City of Heroes manual with all of the launch powersets and powers listed inside.
I think you need to read this.
I believe this was my first character:
Project Hellfire
But he didn't get very far
One of my oldest still (somewhat) active characters and my forum namesake. Created in June 2004 and named "Not Rhino" just prior to the whole Marvel lawsuit thing. Didn't expect to play him as it was mostly a joke, but I ended up really enjoying Inv/SS tanking. Kept that name for quite a while too until someone reported me and he got generic'd, renamed him Ceros, then transferred from Infinity to Virtue with the name Rhino Rampage. Now level 50 and has all the anniversary badges even though he's not my main.
Dancing in Steel Canyon
Me and my buddy's first 50s levelin' up together, False Terror and Cryotenacity
My current and I guess final main Patriot of Paragon mourning the loss of his primal Earth counterpart
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3016793/scr...7-16-13-27.jpg (Linked so as not to stretch the forum) -
Signatures powers.
Personally I think the wisest thing that can be done right now isn't pestering celebrities, but news outlets like Kotaku and Joystiq to run news about the movement to save the game. I look on Google News for City of Heroes and all I can find is news about it being shut down. There isn't a single site running a story about the movement to save the game even though there is a petition with what, nearly (more than?) 10,000 signatures now?
Quote:The thing is, if NCSoft wanted to sell the property they probably would have done so already, or at least looked for a buyer rather than just shutting it down.To the naysayers:
Remember the story of the mmo APB. That game died extremely early after launch. Some months later another company bought it, changed the business model up a little and it's been doing well since.
The company who bought ABP took a risk.
*IF* a company were to buy CoH it would be a lot less risky. CoH wasn't dying. It has an extremely loyal and dedicated fanbase who will be here for a long, long looooong time to come if given the opportunity. Taking a chance on CoH would be more of a sure thing than a gamble.
There's hope as long as we keep hope alive. Send the e-mail to Valve. Send it to EA. Send it to anyone! Don't give up before we've even gotten started. Sure it may seem like a long shot if a small handful of people send e-mails to Gabe Newell. But if hundreds do? Thousands?
Anything is possible if you try. So let's try. -
City of Heroes has probably helped contribute to making me a more socially introverted internet zombie to be honest. But I'll miss it all the same.
Yes... out yourselves... * tents fingers. *
Haha, I see you play STO too (or else just posted the same thing as a user on their forums). I played for a while as I'm a big Star Trek nerd but never really got into it. But yeah, it's kind of weird running into people on the forum here that I haven't seen in like 6 years. For a person who never got too involved in the forum or community, it really drives it home that I was still a part of it. Anyways, all the best.
If the rumor is true, wouldn't it mean Perfect World was unwilling to sell the license back to them or at least at a reasonable rate in order to drive NCSoft out of the superhero genre? In other words, meaning it's not NCSoft's fault, really?
Hey folks, Statesman here.
Nah I'm just kidding. Thanks for all your hard work over the years, congratulations on lasting as long as you did and making a more enjoyable game than the Competitor's Online RPG and the Distinguished Competition Universe Online. City of Heroes has been a consistent part of my life since I was a sophomore in high school and now I'm 24. Over a third of my life I've played this game... it's going to feel a little empty not having it there anymore.
By the way, if any of you devs still have any capability to manipulate the in-game world, how about unleashing a little anarchy? Level bumps for everyone, free incarnate content for all, 9999 Empyrean merits (or whatever the maximum number is), maybe make all set IOs purchasable from a vendor for 1 inf apiece... things like that... c'mon, you know it'd be a great way to go out. -
Yeah Marvel characters are so relatable with their nondescript "money problems" and "relationship problems". They are "relatable" because they were designed to be relatable to the lowest common denominator. DC characters weren't designed that way because they're older, but they've gained plenty of relatability from their writing over the subsequent decades. Their relatability is there, it's just not OUT there for everyone to see at first glance, it's deeper than that. That doesn't mean Marvel characters aren't relatable in a deep way as well, but I get so tired of hearing this contrived argument that DC characters aren't relatable. I've found it easier to relate to Superman than I have Spider-Man lately, especially when he goes psycho and makes deals with the devil just to safeguard the life of a woman who's been 80 years old and knocking on death's door for the last 50 years anyways. Just because Superman has invulnerable skin doesn't mean he has invulnerable emotions. He is not morally incorruptible as has been evidenced by countless numbers of elseworld versions of himself that have all become tyrants, evil, etc. for one reason or another. If people actually read any Superman comics they would probably stop making claims like this. His morality and the "incorruptible force of good" image that he has is something he has cultivated publically and something he strives to maintain, but not something that comes easily.
Quote:So why aren't these listed in the combat attributes the same way defense and resistance are?Actually, you can't apply a straight damage buff at all.
Fiery Embrace used to work differently. It used to buff all damage for an amount of time, and then buff only fire damage for a longer period of time.
Basically, every damage buff in the game works this way:
+x% strength smashing
+x% strength lethal
+x% strength energy
+x% strength negative energy
+x% strength fire
+x% strength cold
+x% strength psionic
+x% strength toxic
When assault is buffing only certain damage types, assault looks like this:
+x% strength smashing
+x% strength lethal -
Regen, extra max endurance and defense? Pretty good imo, could use it to replace a set like Touch of Death or whatever you currently might use to get Melee defense into your build. The extra resistance is something I could take or leave, (would prefer a health bonus), especially considering I know the Purple version will only increase those 2.21%s up to a whopping (note the sarcasm), 2.52% as is the case with the current Tanker ATO set, but the bonuses aren't bad, just wish it had some global recharge or max health.