An impossible thing we might have seen one day




So a couple years ago the subject of City of Heroes figurines came up. The problem was, apparently, that the models used for CoH were not conducive to making figurines: they aren't actually solid models, and don't form solid structures. So it was basically impossible to make figurines from the models we use in the game. So we were told.

Well, I didn't think it was impossible. I happen to have a Makerbot, and I did experiments last year to see what was possible in terms of extracting 3D information from the game, and then printing it.

Honestly, the results were rather rough:

But over time, I refined both the model clean up process and the printing process, and I now believe it would have been possible with a slightly better printer (the Cupcake I have wasn't quite precise enough in my opinion) and a slightly better Blender jockey (I know the math inside and out, but I'm not a 3D modeler).

It was getting much better:

That's *almost* good enough in my opinion. I think it would have been possible to make professional grade City of Heroes figurines of our characters. However, real life intruded and I had to temporary shelve my Makerbot. I was planning on revisiting this idea with a more advanced printer next year. I may still do that eventually, but with the game shut down the impetus to do so may fade. In either case, whether I figure out the best way to do this, there won't be a Paragon Studios to pitch the idea to anymore.

But I thought I would share anyway. If anyone wants to know how I got the models, I used OGLE. It should be searchable through google, and what it does is extract 3D models from OpenGL software. This isn't a pigg-dive, those two models were basically ripped from the OpenGL driver as the game ran.

It ain't that simple. You end up with your character, and all the geometry surrounding them, and you'd be surprised what invisible geometry is floating around. But sift through it, and you'll see your character there. Probably microscopically small because of the strange scaling that the game does to things. Scale it up, and you have the two models shown above.

I stuck them into Blender, fixed them up a bit, and specifically used some Blender filters to make the cape "thicker" so it would print (the thing is essentially two-dimensional in the game). Ditto the skirt, which is actually a real skirt in that print: its not solid it actually wraps around the legs. Then its just STL convert and send to the 3-D printer of your choice.

And spend a month calibrating the best possible print.

But yeah, if we had survived through 2013, I would probably be bugging Paragon to figure out a way to offer these. That second model took maybe two bucks of ABS to print. Factoring in the cost of my time, and it only cost about twelve thousand dollars to make.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Just one more thing we won't get to see now. I am sorry, Arcana.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Wow... That would have been awesome...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Would these models have had animated hair?



Yes, this would get all of my want. If such a thing were possible, myself and others would like to have characters set in mold by sending you their costume files, should you get better refinement and equipment.... This could be glorious for those attached to their characters.

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When are we getting to buff resolution for blaster models?



I would totally be up for that...what would you charge honestly? My Brute main toon would look amazing as a 3D figure.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
I would totally be up for that...what would you charge honestly? My Brute main toon would look amazing as a 3D figure.
Honestly, it never occurred to me to charge for them myself. As I said, I can do proof of concept, but I don't have a way to do everything consistently yet. Different parts or poses would likely be very problematic until the system was researched fully.

What I'm going to do is try to grab OGLE captures of all my characters in a couple of poses, so when the lights go off I have the models at least. I have all the time in the world to figure out how to 3D render them after that.

Anyone who wants to do likewise, I'm available if they have any questions about how to make OGLE work, although all I know really is how to get it to work for me. I'm not an OpenGL expert per se.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Neat! I would have bought many, many character figures.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
What I'm going to do is try to grab OGLE captures of all my characters in a couple of poses, so when the lights go off I have the models at least. I have all the time in the world to figure out how to 3D render them after that.
Thanks for the headsup on that tool.

Does it extract materials and textures along with the model?



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Thanks for the headsup on that tool.

Does it extract materials and textures along with the model?
Unfortunately, no. But you could pigg-dive the textures in theory, and those are in the client and won't vanish if the game shuts down.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Hmm, so it's an OpenGL version of 3DRipper DX, nifty.

Sadly their webpage seems to be nonexistent, or down at the moment.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Unfortunately, no. But you could pigg-dive the textures in theory, and those are in the client and won't vanish if the game shuts down.
How about the UV mapping?

Gonna guess no.

Not like that matters for 3D printing.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
How about the UV mapping?

Gonna guess no.

Not like that matters for 3D printing.
Yea thats my fear. I don't care for the 3d printing much, I was just hoping to take this into blender and be able to rig the models with a skeleton and then just play action figure with my 3d toys



Aye, pigg diving the textures is one thing, but its a true hassle to re-UV map stuff in accordance to said textures.

At that point I'd just redo the textures by hand, unless they were laid out in a sane manner..

Still, even ripping the geometry gives you the mesh, and you could always do the textures at a later date/take your time.

Quick, somebody figure out how to hack the animation files so we can force everyone into a T-Pose for easier rigging!



What about demo files and the demo launcher? Could OLGE capture the data from that while the launcher is playing back recorded scenes?



I'm more curious about pigg diving now than ever before. There are a variety of ways to convert models from one engine to another, and frankly... stick what we have in the Source engine and I'd be happy as a very, very happy coh player.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
... happy as a very, very happy coh player.
I remember being one of those...

Nice work, Arcana... speed it up and have it on my desk by November.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
What about demo files and the demo launcher? Could OLGE capture the data from that while the launcher is playing back recorded scenes?
Don't see why not. And I've noticed its really hard to find OGLE on the internet now, since its now unsupported software, so I will see what I can do about finding a place to upload my copy, and post some instructions on how to use it. Don't expect that to happen today, I have a rather busy weekend unfortunately, but I will make it a point to get the files and some documentation on not just how to use OGLE but also how I turned OGLE captures into STL files for my Makerbot, which would also work with any 3D printer in existence - although extrusion printers are more forgiving about non-solid geometry with odd normals or holes than other 3D printing technologies.

I will post everything in this thread as I have time to make it which will be soon. Like within a week soon: I need to fire up Blender again and remember what I did. As I said, I'm not a 3D modeller any more than understanding Fourier transforms makes me a musician.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
How about the UV mapping?

Gonna guess no.

Not like that matters for 3D printing.
I did not explore that. My guess is that OGLE cannot do that, but OGLE is actually an extension of another bit of software called GLintercept. GLintercept is what it sounds like: its an OpenGL shim driver that sees the calls and forwards them to your real OpenGL driver. Which means it sees everything, and could theoretically be programmed to dump anything and everything to a text file. But OGLE never got to that stage as far as I can see before development on it ceased.

An enterprising OpenGL programmer could probably add a module to GLintercept to do that, though.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Thanks for the headsup on that tool.

Does it extract materials and textures along with the model?
Correction: I just reapplied OGLE to my test client just to make sure I remembered how it worked, and it actually does extract textures.

The problem is it doesn't apply them to the model itself. You could, if you knew how to do it right. Particularly those entity textures that look like some weird projection.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Arcanaville--I just wanted to say that I will miss your contributions to the game community, and your brain in general. If I ever get zombiefied, well...I expect you'll kill me with your mind.