An impossible thing we might have seen one day




Primantiss, I tried your suggestion and it worked for me.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Dang it, now I'm going to have to go trawling through texture files to find out what that is used by...

Though it wouldn't surprise me if somebody thought it would be funny and used it as a bump map or something. I mean, have you ever looked at the ceiling in Arachnos bases?
To add fuel to the fire, you only seem to rip that texture when you have males in the scene...

I've seen a norm map, and what could either be an alpha map or a specular map, along with what Arcana posted (which could also be a spec map, or masking).. really the grayscale things can be for a wide array of material settings.

Also, glad to hear it helped VoodooGirl =3



Now I just need to find out how to re-map the textures that are pulled from the model and how to work the Material information.

For those looking to Figure Print, it'd be worth it, I imagine, to export the character in the busted T pose, seam it back together, create a skeleton, and create any desired you pose you'd like.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
Arcana, in simple terms you need to turn the Tris (3 vertices per poly) into Quads (4 vertices)

This allows loop cuts, and better Subsurfing.

Quickest way to do this in Blender is Alt-J, though its automated and still leaves some funky edgeflow.

Highest quality way to do it is Retopo(Retopology), but that can be time consuming.
I might have stumbled into doing something like that, without the whole "understanding what I'm doing" part, because back in 2010 I posted this image as a work in progress regarding my experiments in this area, where I attempted to take a model and generate a smoother version:

Man those spatula hands are something. I believe she's praying to the 3D gods to give me eight years of 3D modeling experience overnight.

By the way, smoother models would be useful for certain 3D printers like fused deposition technology based printers. But extrusion printers are in effect auto-smoothing given the way the technology works, and such steps are less important for that technology.

It would also, of course, be more interesting for creating stand alone renders of the models in different software.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Yup, gotta love them spatula hands! lol



Snapped this on Live in Dark Astoria (Villain Stance 1). Spent forever removing those floating flat planes; I do believe it is possible to either disable them on Live or if I saw in one of the Plugin Configs, it won't save square planes - I'll double check.

I gave my character, center, some subsurface love - but the cape had some issues even with double vertices removed. The poor guy in the back lost his hands while I unburied him the *********** of planes all around him, but I gave him some subsurf love too.

It would be possible to "save" moments - group scenes - along with the surrounding scenery and print them. Even if Textures/Materials can't be imported it is possible to color group regions.



Durrrrh, forgot about /suppressCloseFxDist



That's really cool. Yes, capes offer interesting challenges. When you try to make solid shapes out of them, they often end up with lots of holes. Also, capes are two capes back to back: inside and outside, which can be confusing at first glace as well.

That looks practically good enough to Figure Print, if they supported this game of course.

Incidentally, Figure Prints is the company that inspired me to look at this in the first place. I saw a video on them once: how they work is you give them your character details, they look it up in the WoW online character database, and use their own tools to basically rip the geometry right off the site with a DX ripper. Then they have special software that recognizes all (or almost all) of the Warcraft primitives, so they can use scripts to autoreplace those with ones they have already made print-ready by hand.

If you think about it, our character bodies are basically all the same except for some scaling, so someone could make three generic models that match the CoH ones and reproduce what their scalers do. Then they could take all the costume parts one by one and export them, touch them up by hand so they are more print-ready, and make a database of them. Then whenever someone asks to print a character, we could take just the costume file and convert that into geometry from the library, and then print that. Posing would require a separate translation library of skeletal positions.

That was my ultimate dream. Someone gives you a costume file, and a program turned that into a model and then printed it. You wouldn't even need to log the character in, all you would need was a costume file or an excerpt from a demorecord.

There would be a lot of front-loaded work, but if Paragon went for it their own 3D modelers could help with generating more print-ready geometry, or alternatively feeding them into special blending scripts that would soften them into more print-ready shapes.

What I mean by "print-ready" is certain things wouldn't print well. Floating geometry, for example, or things that are too thin. Some models would literally fall apart because they aren't actually fully connected. That could be fixed with small alterations that made the model have sufficient structural integrity.

My guess was that if we could get the price point down to around $100 or so depending on size and complexity, they would have sold like hotcakes. Once we had volume, we could think about making smaller and simpler models more affordable.

That would be for something like a fused deposition figurine. If Paragon popped for a couple of Replicators and used extrusion printing, we might have been able to eventually get the price down to about $40-$60. The big problem would be making them fast enough to meet demand at that price.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Also, cloth materials - capes, skirts, dare I say: hair - could be baked to adjust to the position the figure is posed in.

VFX/GFX like powers could also be worked in, possibly, since some of Blenders Particle Systems do work like solid objects; like fluids for instance.



After you mentioned the double cape effect I found eliminating the interior one helped with the issues I was having.



As someone that knows zilch on 3D rendering, I'm becoming insanely jealous. If I could turn some of my favorite characters into figures, I'd be all over it. Is there a "simple" (for dummies) tutorial someone could make? Recommended programs?

Of course, I don't own a 3D printer, but perhaps I could find someone who does...

I wonder if something like this could have generated enough revenue to make NCSoft reconsider. I can only imagine the number of people who'd jump all over this.

[edit] Just found some information on demorecording on the Wikia page, and browsing Shapeways (after seeing Voodoo's post). Mouth is watering... oh yeah, I'm suppose to be working!


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Printing my main from Shapeways, after smoothing, would cost me between $39 - $700 depending on the mayerials and finished. Those are the prices after uploading a copy.



Getting a root canal atm, but when i grt home i will try to work ip A dummies guide



Ill be fine. I uave root canals befor and thry nevrr bothersx. Just aiting for the drilling to stop



You know, after all these years of reading your posts Arcanaville, I thought I had a pretty good estimate of how awesome you are. Now I find out that I was off by an entire order of magnitude. Wow.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Ill be fine. I uave root canals befor and thry nevrr bothersx. Just aiting for the drilling to stop
Well, that post looks like the painkillers are kicking in, so yeah, take the afternoon off.

By the way, a thread like this should be moved to another forum site. Maybe Titan or something. If the game can't be saved, I'd hate to see this incredibly cool idea erased from the interwebs.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



I was just going to say the same thing. I have saved this thread off-line up to this point, but if the folks involved can't continue the discovery/exploration discussion, a huge potential would be lost.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Well, if we can manage to port out each costume piece (in the T-Pose.) build a new skeleton system, work on poses/etc. - it may be possible. We'd need a (python?) script that could read costume file information and swap in the appropriate costume piece geometry.

What'd go on from that point would be the artistry aspect. The models, once made more hi-res, can be sculpted on a case by case basis. I.e. more detailed faces, costume pieces, bases for the statues etc.

Oh, I'm home from the dentist now.



Copied and pasted Arcana's posts and Primantiss' posts on the Titan Networks forums as a back-up



I've been spending as much time here as possible, because honestly its entirely possible we could lose forum access before Nov 30. But I've saved the entire thread, pics and all, and do so regularly. Regardless of what happens my intent was always to continue this discussion on the Titan and/or Unleashed forums as long as people were interested in the topic.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Arcana, are you knowledgeable with Python Scripting?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Arcana, are you knowledgeable with Python Scripting?
Very. Although I'm weaker on 3.x because I'm old and curmudgeny and 3.x can get off my 2.x lawn.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)