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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    You don't?

    Check out Serpent Lantern or Resistance. Both gave me that feeling.
    Yeaaah, Resistance just gave me a feel for the support button and asking globals only to figure out it's broken. :/
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Yep, and in those games, you *cannot* disable it.
    CO's cel shading is not on the level of BL2, WW, or hell, JSR.
  3. Atlas. I could probably handle a Hellion or two.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    Come on now, with the nature boy as your avatar you gotta say something like

    "All the fine ladies of Paragon City and the rogue isles that wanna get with the jet flying, wheeling, dealing, limosine riding son of a gun need to head on down Hilton in Founders Falls VIP sweet tonight at eight, the doors unlocked and baby..WOOO! You can ride space mountain ALLLL Night long!..WOOOOO Now can you get with that Mean gene?! WOOOO!"

    I don't know why anyone would even bother continuing to try and post after this.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cag View Post
    There is a real world out there guys, go explore it.

  6. Sister Solaris, so I could steal her costume and redistribute it's parts among the people.

    Among a couple other reasons.
  7. IndyStruck

    Why bother?

    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    Why bother?
  8. IndyStruck


    Sad there wasn't a WW Easter Egg reveal, but, that's not exactly lore... granted some of those questions weren't lore at all either.
  9. IndyStruck


    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    And man, some of the stuff... the Dimensionless, Ultimatum, the True Rikti... all sounds awesome. Little concerned about the bit with us releasing Rularuu in the middle of their empire... wouldn't that be, y'know, the deaths of billions? I get that it's an "us or them" situation, and Rularuu's our last ace in the hole, but still...
    It'd be one hell of a Vigilante morality mission.
  10. I don't see how fists+energy=silly... but I see alot of people beat me to that.

    So, yeah! CO... is... different. I won't say worse, I won't say better. It's something that would take getting use to if indeed CoH doesn't pull through.
  11. IndyStruck


    I used Group Fly to help net a successful Master Of Statesman's Task Force attempt.

    I also get scrapperlock. On my Dark/Dark Defender.
  12. I don't think I've ever used Charismatic to describe a video game, but, that's the impression the BL2 gives me.

    Some CoH friends tried to lasso me into WoT, and despite me apparently being really good at it, I can't really get into it.
  13. IndyStruck


    Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
    I've only seen 2 episodes of Dr Who ever. And the first one sucked....I barely convinced myself to keep going.
    Same boat.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Better than just being a curmudgeon.
    Bam. From the coal giver himself.
  15. Night Widow - When the Reichsman SF (Barracuda's? I forget right now) was initally released and those ambushes were crazy as all hell, the group was getting swarmed, so I ran back to the choke point and started spamming my AoEs. Held the hallway full of Arachnos for the duration of the fight and kept on going, was awesome.

    Dark/Dark Defender - Soloing a Kronos GM. <3
  16. IndyStruck


    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    That was stress. This is pissed.

    Bahahahahahaha. It's funny cause it's true.
  17. IndyStruck


    Ascendant appears to be a leading cause of client crashes.

  18. Oh god I wanted to recolor Hasten so bad. So so so bad.
  19. How much money do you think it would cost to raise the A-Team? Anyone?
  20. I wonder if Kelly is a Night Widow.
  21. This isn't Nam, Smokey, it's City of Heroes. There are rules.
  22. Fantastic. Thank you sooo much Titan Network peoples.