The Top 10 Things That Sting




...after hearing of the NCSoft decision:

10. The realization that we'll never see Power Pool customization on the live servers or new power pools such as Sorcery on the live servers.

9. And then the realization that I will never know how the rest of the incarnate slots get fleshed out.

8. Never again being able to watch the antics and camaraderie of the Paragon staff as it happened while being broadcast originally on UStream and later TwitchTV.
- No more Hosun 'Black Pebble' Lee - Keetsie 'Tunnel Rat' Braz da Cunha nerf gun wars.
- No more Sean 'Dr. Aeon' McCann Batman voices (those were as entertaining as Chuck Norris jokes. No, seriously.* ).
- No more Melissa 'War Witch' Bianco saying 'taking it to the next level' then getting zinged by devs and community mods alike for that.
- No more impromptu visits from devs on the broadcasts.
- No more of those annoying Andy 'Zwillinger' Belford tangents (and one that I remember to this day that was infuriating at a big round table discussion for, I think, Issue 20.5. But you're still the best community manager ever, Z! You gave over 100% for this community! Your efforts are applauded and appreciated! Thanks for it all! ).

7. Knowing that the Superspeed powerset that I just started working on a few weeks ago (prior to the announcement) will never become part of the CoH universe (it even had a mechanic called Velocity!). This would have been my first suggestion on the forums! Hahahaha

6. Likely no more updates to Mid's Build Planner that I used to enjoy. Thanks for that app!

5. The realization that I'm not going to see Energy Aura powerset proliferated to my tanker, so that I can finally reroll her as she was supposed to be made.

4. No more Player Summits. I went to the first one primarily to physically show my support for CoH. Meeting the devs and getting reveals was exhilarating but I figured if they didn't get enough attendees to the Player Summit then that could be the first and only CoH Player Summit. If only 30 showed out of the 200 tickets available then it would have bombed. So I was going to be damned if I didn't do my part to help make sure there could be others. I hate airline trips. I took 4 overall to get there and back home. Yes, I'm crazy. ( note: first trip to CA though, or really, anywhere out that far west. )

3. The realization that my own personal Mayan calendar is becoming fulfilled (see my sig).

2. The realization that in order to get my superhero goodness on after the blackout, that I'm going to have to try a cryptic competitor but only after I take a small hiatus ( I want to see if anything happens a few months after the end).

And the #1 reason that the NCSoft decision stings:

1. Never more being able to say that I subscribe to the greatest superhero MMO in the WORLD!!!!!

*No seriously, I loved them! They were hilarious. Thanks for the laughs, Dr. Aeon!



Steel... track?

But we will know many of those things! Positron said so.



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
8. Never again being able to watch the antics and camaraderie of the Paragon staff as it happened while being broadcast originally on UStream and later TwitchTV.
Yeah seriously. Gonna miss those Coffee Talks somethin' fierce.

- No more Hosun 'Black Pebble' Lee - Keetsie 'Tunnel Rat' Braz da Cunha nerf gun wars.
Those two were hilarious even when they weren't armed.

- No more Sean 'Dr. Aeon' McCann Batman voices
It wasn't the impression we needed, but it was the impression we deserved. (No, I have no idea what that means)

- No more Melissa 'War Witch' Bianco saying 'taking it to the next level' then getting zinged by devs and community mods alike for that.
I loved that phrase. That phrase was awesome.

- No more impromptu visits from devs on the broadcasts.
A wild Hawkward appears!

- No more of those annoying Andy 'Zwillinger' Belford tangents
Hey some of those were epic. I always got a kick out of it when Z and Co. would chain a bunch of tangents together one after another until it seemed like someone offscreen was about to shout "Ultra Combo!!!"

I kept waiting for them to tangent so hard that they forgot they were on the air, and just wandered off to get lunch with the camera still running. Or for Zwill to show us a "sneak peek of something on beta", and then just rickroll us. Woulda. Been. AWESOME.

7. Knowing that the Superspeed powerset that I just started working on a few weeks ago (prior to the announcement) will never become part of the CoH universe (it even had a mechanic called Velocity!). This would have been my first suggestion on the forums! Hahahaha
Ooh, Velocity. Sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind hearing more about that sometime

6. Likely no more updates to Mid's Build Planner that I used to enjoy. Thanks for that app!

On a side note, I fully plan to keep using that now and then, if only to make "one of every combo". Y'know, for nostalgia and all that.

5. The realization that I'm not going to see Energy Aura powerset proliferated to my tanker, so that I can finally reroll her as she was supposed to be made.
I hear ya. From the day she was born, shortly after Going Rogue, my DP/Energy blaster was meant to be Martial Combat. She came thaaaat close, too. *sighs*

2. The realization that in order to get my superhero goodness on after the blackout, that I'm going to have to try a cryptic competitor but only after I take a small hiatus ( I want to see if anything happens a few months after the end).
Well for me at least, it's not that CO looks bad, because it doesn't. It looks like it has plenty of things to enjoy about it. Just... not the magic combination that this place had. That game has a slightly wrong visual style, a slightly wrong combat system, a slightly wrong atmosphere. I'll like it, but I don't see myself ever fighting to keep it from shutting down.

And the #1 reason that the NCSoft decision stings:

1. Never more being able to say that I subscribe to the greatest superhero MMO in the WORLD!!!!!
*sighs heavily* I'm just gonna go sit over here in the corner for a while. Don't pay any attention to the little whimpering noises, they'll pass.

(Holy guacamole... this was a long post )



Having recolorable APPs show up in the beta for the issue before the game gets cancelled.



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
...after hearing of the NCSoft decision:

10. The realization that I will never know the details of the Coming Storm.
The Doctor

is the Coming Storm.

See Asylum of the Daleks Season 7 Episode One at 46:40

Daleks: Identify yourself!
The Doctor: Why it's me. You know me. The Doctor. The Oncoming Storm. The predator.



Shhh. There's no way that the police boxes in Dark Astoria were actually power conduits used by the Dream Doctor to destroy the Bataleks.



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
Steel... track?
I'm sorry? No idea what that means.

Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
But we will know many of those things! Positron said so.
Ok, wasn't aware of that. I'll edit #10.



The big thing that stings for me?

Issue 24 was going to bring a lot of awesome stuff to the party. And fix a lot of things that people have been asking for.

And NCSoft kills Paragon and City of Heroes right as the thing goes on the test servers.



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
Yeah seriously. Gonna miss those Coffee Talks somethin' fierce.

Those two were hilarious even when they weren't armed.
Haha, yes they were!

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
It wasn't the impression we needed, but it was the impression we deserved. (No, I have no idea what that means)
LOL, that's good!

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
I loved that phrase. That phrase was awesome.
I think it was about that time I realized they all really enjoyed working together, that they were a family.

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
A wild Hawkward appears!
I remember Nate 'Second Measure' Birkholz coming in at times, sometimes Sean 'Dr. Aeon' McCann, and a few others. Any time any of them surprised us with a visit was a good time!

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
Hey some of those were epic. I always got a kick out of it when Z and Co. would chain a bunch of tangents together one after another until it seemed like someone offscreen was about to shout "Ultra Combo!!!"

I kept waiting for them to tangent so hard that they forgot they were on the air, and just wandered off to get lunch with the camera still running. Or for Zwill to show us a "sneak peek of something on beta", and then just rickroll us. Woulda. Been. AWESOME.
Any of those scenarios would be entertaining to me. Was a great peek into their little world and any antics would have been fun.

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
Ooh, Velocity. Sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind hearing more about that sometime
Maybe I'll post it but I've had 3 iterations of how Velocity should work exactly. Most of the powers are done but still need to figure out how Velocity should work ( I know what I want it to do, just not how it goes about doing it ).

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
On a side note, I fully plan to keep using that now and then, if only to make "one of every combo". Y'know, for nostalgia and all that.
I hope, assuming they were working on it, that they patch for what I24 would contain. Then I'd use it again, to upgrade old builds.

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
I hear ya. From the day she was born, shortly after Going Rogue, my DP/Energy blaster was meant to be Martial Combat. She came thaaaat close, too. *sighs*
It it my sincere hope that you get that chance, that the effort into getting City of Heroes reinstated works. I don't hold out much hope for NCSoft keeping it up and running, but my hope in it stands on the chance that some other company buys the IP and keeps it running.

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
Well for me at least, it's not that CO looks bad, because it doesn't. It looks like it has plenty of things to enjoy about it. Just... not the magic combination that this place had. That game has a slightly wrong visual style, a slightly wrong combat system, a slightly wrong atmosphere. I'll like it, but I don't see myself ever fighting to keep it from shutting down.
I'm with you on this. I will give CO a try, but probably not until early 2013 when I believe, in my opinion, that CoH won't be coming back.

Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
*sighs heavily* I'm just gonna go sit over here in the corner for a while. Don't pay any attention to the little whimpering noises, they'll pass.

I feel your pain. Got any room in that corner for me? Think I'm about to well up with tears.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Having recolorable APPs show up in the beta for the issue before the game gets cancelled.
I edited my OP to reflect this. My list was actually more than 10 things but had to be culled down to 10.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
The big thing that stings for me?

Issue 24 was going to bring a lot of awesome stuff to the party. And fix a lot of things that people have been asking for.

And NCSoft kills Paragon and City of Heroes right as the thing goes on the test servers.
Yeah, I can't believe we got sucker punched like that. Out of the blue. Just weird and cruel at the same time.

I24 would have brought me back from my Diablo III addiction.



Oh god I wanted to recolor Hasten so bad. So so so bad.



Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
Oh god I wanted to recolor Hasten so bad. So so so bad.
I know how you feel!

I would have taken the VFX out of Hasten and Superspeed for most of my characters. Those that had anything at all to do with energy concepts would likely have kept the VFX but just recolored.



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
I'm sorry? No idea what that means.
Heh, it means that just seeing the phrase "Top Ten" makes some of us think it's Steelclaw posting. Worked on me too!

Maybe I'll post it but I've had 3 iterations of how Velocity should work exactly. Most of the powers are done but still need to figure out how Velocity should work ( I know what I want it to do, just not how it goes about doing it ).
Ah, the life of a designer.

I hope, assuming they were working on it, that they patch for what I24 would contain. Then I'd use it again, to upgrade old builds.
That would be really nice. Y'know, one day when they're a bit less busy. I think I remember them saying that all the numbers for things like powers and enhancements and such are stored in the client, and if that's the case then they have all the time in the world to get to that later.

It it my sincere hope that you get that chance, that the effort into getting City of Heroes reinstated works. I don't hold out much hope for NCSoft keeping it up and running, but my hope in it stands on the chance that some other company buys the IP and keeps it running.
Tell you what, I'd gladly team up my DP/Martial Combat with your Energy Aura tanker to run a few mishes. Any day.

And yeah, I really don't see them picking it back up either, but passing on the torch is much more likely and worth holding out hope for.

I feel your pain. Got any room in that corner for me? Think I'm about to well up with tears.
*Pats the floor and slides over what's left of the kleenex box*

Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
I24 would have brought me back from my Diablo III addiction.
Yeah I was getting ready to take a couple months "burnout break" myself, to go play some Torchlight 2. :/

Well THAT'S just gonna have to wait. We've got a city to protect first.

/e knuckles



Loss of the game

Loss of the amazing dev team

The fact that the dev team will be seperated

The fact the dev team members are probably going to be forced to have their talents used to make some crummy game we all know they could do better on.

The fact NCsoft won't just name a price and get money they otherwise wouldn't have.

The fact NCsoft handled this with the grace of a dead elephant falling off a building and through a trampoline on it's privates.

The fact that there will not be another game like this.

The fact that there will be no dev team like this

I'll really miss the power balancing in this game. You felt like a powerhouse and not just "Another guy". You have super strength, You smash things till they die. You control fire? You burn everything before they get a chance to get you. In -other- MMOs, The apparent game design methods aren't "Buff everything underperforming." but "Nerf everything that kills things too much even if it was meant to be like that." City of Heroes empathized -Fun- over balance.

TLDR, CoH had the best way to handle balance in PVE

The lack of loot in this game was amazing, The enchancement system needs to be adopted in MMOs instead of this "Helmet magically makes you take a arrow to the knee and still adventure" is just clearly a lack of any innovation.

And let's not forget the avatars, The game world, The costume creator and all the things other games will either not do, or copy and fail.



#0. Not being able to ogle Fasttrack while flipping purples in Steel Canyon's WW.

(I've always liked your costume. )



nothing really stings here sad to say

I guess not being able to get the cosmic corsair outfit sucks cuz that looked beast



I was looking forward to the power pool customization and the sorcery pool hitting live.



Oh yeah all that.
I24 was full of my wishlist suggestions, so you can imagine how I feel with this.



Originally Posted by Fasttrack View Post
Yeah, I can't believe we got sucker punched like that. Out of the blue. Just weird and cruel at the same time.

I24 would have brought me back from my Diablo III addiction.
I second this. I was taking a break from the game for Diablo 3, but I did NOT unsubscribe. I was waiting on i24.
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