Hybrid slot
The wording on Paragonwiki is slightly different than the official page was, but still about all we know so far. Is it a passive? A click buff power? Does it add extra effects, like Interface, or enhance existing effects, like Alpha? All we've got is the little blurb describing it in not-very-specific terms, so one guess is about as good as another.
It doesn't seem to be like any kind of stance mechanic, though, at least not if it's anything like how the other Incarnate powers are structured.
The wording on Paragonwiki is slightly different than the official page was, but still about all we know so far. Is it a passive? A click buff power? Does it add extra effects, like Interface, or enhance existing effects, like Alpha? All we've got is the little blurb describing it in not-very-specific terms, so one guess is about as good as another.
It doesn't seem to be like any kind of stance mechanic, though, at least not if it's anything like how the other Incarnate powers are structured. |
I don't see how a Control or Support tree can work for all ATs. If you don't have buff powers, does it give you some for the Support tree? Or just affect your Destiny buffs?
Or the Control tree? I mean, it could improve your control durations like Power Boost, but what does that do for say a Fire/Fire Scrapper? Not much. And if that's all it does, how is that functionally different than an Alpha?
Welcome to speculation hell
The description sounded like it's supposed to let you choose between improving things you already do, or gaining new capabilities. Control and Support would almost certainly have to do something on their own, not just improve existing powers, for pretty much the reasons you've given. Similar for Melee, really, since many characters have little or no mitigation or mez protection to improve upon. Just from the description, Assault could technically be a passive damage buff or something boring, but we already have that with Alpha, and we already have damage procs with Interface, so maybe/hopefully it will be something different.
Yeah, not a lot to go on. I hope it gets a passing mention in the dev stream at MMORPG.com
I don't see how a Control or Support tree can work for all ATs. If you don't have buff powers, does it give you some for the Support tree? Or just affect your Destiny buffs? Or the Control tree? I mean, it could improve your control durations like Power Boost, but what does that do for say a Fire/Fire Scrapper? Not much. And if that's all it does, how is that functionally different than an Alpha? . |
It might also act as a double power. For example a t4 control hybrid power might be a passive increase to all existing control powers and also be a clickable control power as well, ie it would come in 2 parts.
Really there are alot of ways they could go about it, we'll just have to wait and see at this point.
It's also interesting to think about what the core/radial in each tree might do, assuming it follows that structure like the slots we have so far.
A little more came out of the dev stream at MMORPG.com
Assault has a Fury like branch of stacking +Dam buffs. Personally, I'd avoid that on many of my Tankers if they're not going to do anything about the damage cap.
The Scourge-like branch for the Control(?) tree sounds promising, especially if it works in conjunction with Bruising. Have to wait and see what the numbers look like and what all the options are.
No, it almost certainly does not make all tanks as awesome as Superman.
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Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
They told us this about The Hybrid Slot.
Issue 23 Hybrid Incarnate Tree, - The Assault Tree increases your damage, the Control Tree raises your ability to lock down foes, the Melee Tree increases your defense and status protection, and the Support Tree grants bonuses to you and your teammates.
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Global:@Greenflame Ratz
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It would be cool if it actually encouraged hybrid abilities. The game generally rewards improving what you're already good at the most, so we'd end up with Melee ATs taking the Melee Hybrid, Controllers taking Control, etc. I hope it will create some variety.
Arbiter Hawk said there were four trees:
Assault - stacking damage buff
Control - designed to mimic Scourge, Containment, Overpower or combinations of the three
Melee - stacking regen, defense or resistance, status protection; PBAoE scaling buffs like Rise to the Challenge
Support - like leadership powers: accuracy, defense, damage, +special buffs to leaguemates
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
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I believe he mentioned they're all toggle powers as well.
The suspense is killing me. This could potentially be awesome. I hope that it doesn't blur the lines between ATs -too much-.
I am intensely interested in this.
Oh my, am I.
Since the Dev's seem utterly betermined to leave Debuff as King, the Support branch has my undivided attention for....well, every single toon I have.
I await.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Arbiter Hawk said there were four trees:
Assault - stacking damage buff Control - designed to mimic Scourge, Containment, Overpower or combinations of the three Melee - stacking regen, defense or resistance, status protection; PBAoE scaling buffs like Rise to the Challenge Support - like leadership powers: accuracy, defense, damage, +special buffs to leaguemates |

Sounds intriguing.

Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Arbiter Hawk said there were four trees:
Assault - stacking damage buff Control - designed to mimic Scourge, Containment, Overpower or combinations of the three Melee - stacking regen, defense or resistance, status protection; PBAoE scaling buffs like Rise to the Challenge Support - like leadership powers: accuracy, defense, damage, +special buffs to leaguemates |
53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.
Fiery Embrace used to work differently. It used to buff all damage for an amount of time, and then buff only fire damage for a longer period of time.
Basically, every damage buff in the game works this way:
+x% strength smashing
+x% strength lethal
+x% strength energy
+x% strength negative energy
+x% strength fire
+x% strength cold
+x% strength psionic
+x% strength toxic
When assault is buffing only certain damage types, assault looks like this:
+x% strength smashing
+x% strength lethal
Why would assault be so bad exactly?

Well, it's very expensive to run, costing .5 end/sec.
If you have a Super Strength tank with stacking Rage, you won't see full benefit from assault. If you have a Super Strength tank with stacking Rage and musculature, you won't see any benefit from assault.
If you have a controller, defender, or corruptor with Kinetic support, you won't see any benefit from assault (in most situations).
Johnny is essentially arguing that, since the Tanker damage cap is +300% (with typical slotting, that means roughly +207%) assault just isn't worth it because you're rubbing against the damage cap already.
ahhh but im a fire/fire tank so without a double stacked rage it seems it might be ok for me more then other tanks..

Anyone catch that little tidbit of information before they yanked the page? I didn't, but I heard about it.
Thoughts on how it may relate to Tankers?
Quoting from Paragonwiki.com:
"Incarnate System: Hybrid Slot and its four trees, Assault for damage, Control for locking down enemies, Melee for defense and status protection, and Support for buffs."
Apparently it's like stances, but not?