701 -
I did not know if I was going to post again or not.
I am only logging in for screen shots now. I have not played in more than 6 months or longer.
I wish all of you the best. That includes LF, Pingus, BOSS, EG, WG, RdlV, and everyone else I have teamed with since playing this game.
On a happy note, have a happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah , and a Happy New Year.
(and a baby Pingu is on the way.) -
NC Soft... fail.
that is all. -
Quote:My elec/elec blaster lives on the test server... at least it was there the last time I logged in on it. Beta server gets nuked periodically so i dont know if it is there or not.I have nothing against powersets being "improved". On the other hand if you can have over 7 years of genuine good fun with something like this (as I have) then I would have to argue that your definition of "under-performance" or being "punished" for a selection is very subjective at best.
This game is a system that will naturally provide some powersets that are going to be qualitatively better than others. If they were all equally perfect then they would all be equally identical and boring. For what it's worth to you I have never had any problem soloing or teaming with my particular alt in this case. Once again I'll just say if you don't like Electric Blast and/or don't understand how to make it work then don't play it, but don't blindly believe it needs massive changes just because it doesn't suit YOUR playstyle.
I deleted my elec/elec off of live during/after ED when it could not sap a spawn. I tried every option I could think of on respecs to make it a fun sapper. When elec was buffed, however long ago that was, it still did not have that "cool" feel to it.
I love electrical powers. The graphics are great. My elec/sonic controller is fun and can sap an entire spawn quickly. It can cause a spawn to flop around with Jolting Chain, which is great. i enjoy it as an electric set. i also enjoy my elec/energy scrapper. Both have a "feel" that I enjoy.
I am simple and my request for elec is to add a further increase to the energy drain of the set and especially short circuit with an added AoE KD (NOT KB)
Adding KD to Ball Lighting and Lightning Bolt would be cool too I think.
After watching various TASER videos on youtube most of them have one thing in common... who ever gets zapped... gets knocked down.
Adding damage to Tesla Cage is also very important.
for voltaic sentinel, is it possible to have it only attack your target? A longer duration would be good too. One minute goes by fast. -
Dont do energy melee, the above poster already mentioned why.
I really enjoy my kin/energy brute, but kin melee is better on stalkers and scrappers.
I am currently playing an elec/energy scrapper which is a blast.
the down side to fire melee is no mitigation. Once you get to capped defense it is not an issue, but the way their will be painful.
I took barrier on my kin/energy brute because energize is up quickly. it was a tough call between the two, barrier and rebirth, and i may go for both. -
Quote:Energy aura looks way cool. I'm wondering how well it holds up in incarnate action, with all that psi getting thrown around. What do you to make it hold up?
I should note here that I'm looking for or at least hoping foran intermediate answer. Not "IOs lol", nor full Mids builds, but something like "3 sets of Psi Be Gone, and two solitary Blankominds in mule slots somewhere", if it's feasible to do so. Thanks!
I really enjoy my kin/energy brute in incarnate trials. Without showing you my mids build there are too many to list. My s/l is above soft cap and near the incarnate cap with energy drain. my recharge is high to keep it stacked. my endurance is very high to keep it all non stop stop. -
Depends on what you want for the end game. I have a SS/SD brute and a fire/SD tank. The tank doesnt get played. My wife has a fire/sd scrapper.
The scrapper doesnt have as many hit points as the brute. The brute has access to more endurance than the scrapper.
Both are soft capped+ to everything. Both farm the same map with out a problem at +3 X8 with bosses. The fire/sd scrapper I think goes faster, but I ahve not timed it and I dont farm them for speed. Just a feeling.
I do not have SJ, staff, or TW, so I cannot offer anything on those.
I am currently working on an elec/energy scrapper just to see how it compares. -
fire/storm corruptor is awesome and probably my favorite offensive toon. Freezing Rain and Rain of Fire cause enemies to melt. Fireball is great.
I rarely use Hurricane when teaming because there is no need. I rarely solo with it, but it is very capable. It is soft capped to S/L/E which greatly helps.
It is my primary incarnate trial toon for a good reason. -
some people like it and some people dont. I hate kb and I avoid most kb powers. This IO will allow me to take powers I have skipped, such as kinetic melee cone attack. I might even play my PB again because this IO was made for powers like Solar Flare. My PB has been level 38 for about 6 years or so... and I moved it to a different server because before this IO I didnt see myself playing it any more.
Quote:Yeah, I think I'll go with this stance, too on that IO. Go ahead, abuse it. See what happens. Maybe nothing does, maybe it turns out that the IO is too powerful in some powers, maybe even to the point of breaking something. I kind of hope it does, really. Not quite sure what power it'd be that would get that awesome from this, although I have a kindling of an idea.
There is an issue with knockback, but this thread isn't the one to deal with that. There's way too much joy of getting break the game in this thread to have any kind of constructive debate on knockback here.
there is only one IO made that was too powerful for the powers it was slotted in. Instead of fixing the IO, the devs removed the entire IO type from being slotted into the powers that use it a specific way.
Key game show music....
That IO was Triumphant Insult : Chance to Disorient. That one IO changed changed taunt auras to no longer accept IO sets. It is by far the most powerful IO ever made. -
kinetic melee/energy armor. I have one as a brute and have been told it is much better on scrappers because of power siphon recharging on critical hits.
I really enjoy mine, but I HATE the mechanic of power siphon. -
Ice melee will not get ported as is because it is still pitiful damage. As GREAT as Frozen Aura is now, ice melee still doesnt compare to other sets.
I still think that frost needs to be an AoE.
Ice Sword is still better than Greater Ice Sword, which is sad.
Frozen Fists... if it wasnt for the -resistance and the that it has to be taken... -
Had to swap jump kick for kick to make it legit.
No fault? mitigation wise, it is a great power and I would not skip it. -
it also helps to know how much you plan on spending, or you will get all purpled out builds...
I always put the stealth proc into sprint. No need to waste a slot in a movement power with it.
my wisdom is not conventional, but i slot 4 GotA and the Lot +recharge in the armors and weave. Boosts the endurance up and adds in recovery. My kin/EA never has endurance issues with non stop fighting.
dark/fire brute is very survivable, but i dont care for fire armor, especially in the end game.
stone melee is great and provides mitigation and damage. Aoe damage is weak, but AoE control is strong with Fault and Tremor. Seismic Smash is awesome, just awesome.
Some people have created great electric armor builds. I am not one of those people. I have deleted every one of my electric armor toons so I cannot offer any advice there.
I am liking my electric melee/energy scrapper. The build would be the same as a brute. electric melee/fire armor would be a strong combination. However, fire armor is still weak to me when compared to the other sets I have. Some people love it and swear by it. I am not one of those people.
Ion and Pyronic are both great. I ahve both on various toons and it is based on concept. I also have Void on some. I will not take the cold or lethal attacks, what ever they are called.
Now that you ahve identified which power sets you are using, now look up builds for them. Or, request that people show builds they use for those power sets. Since you are wanting them as brutes, we will need to go to the brute forum.
I will have to revamp the dark/fire brute build I have. I ahve not looked at it in a while.