96 -
I haven't played since the original release of STO and I logged in about a month ago to find my old character (lv28) has had his skills reset. I've looked around a bit but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to build a character that makes any kind of sense to me.
Is there any guide I can reference that will explain to a complete novice what skills should be chosen for what build types? The amount of information and options just appears staggering at this point.
Ground skills, space skills, bridge officer skills, consoles, equipment, ship equipment.
Makes IO builds seem kinda simple. -
I was really looking forward to trying out a crashless Nova.
I would have liked a total revamp of all the city zones into a cohesive contiguous city.
A total revamp of the base system would have been nice.
Bank and roll.
More alternate animations for all powers.
More options for costumes including reflectivity settings and glow masking.
Less rooting
I'm sure theres more. -
I would hazard to say that most of us as children (regardless of how long ago that was) spent endless hours dreaming of being a superhero, leaping into danger to save the day and fight for justice.
I can still remember that same wonderous feeling washing over me running the streets of Paragon for the first time, I remember the cheezy grin that I couldn't wipe off my face when I finally got Nova to LV14 and took to the skies. I could FLY!!!
To this day, I still log in sometimes just to enjoy the experience of flying through the familiar vistas of a city that feels almost real to me.
No matter what happens with the IP, you have given us all something we will remember fondly for the rest of our lives and that is something special, something priceless.
Thank you and best wishes to all the developers, and thank you Matt, you will always be Positron to us. -
I just found out now...
There really are no words...
Goodbye -
Mids + Sentinel = Awesome
I'd rather just start a new character than respec without them. (I hate respeccing that much) -
All kinds of customizations of course (Pools, alternate animations for existing powersets, costumes etc).
Mostly, I would like to see the city redone from the ground up and modeled more closely to a real city (ie. very few if any war walls, zones designed more like neighborhoods than standalone zones... everything Pretoria quality or better)
The one thing I really enjoyed about that game with the initials the same as Direct Current was how the city was built and presented. -
Gundam homage anyone
I would really like to get these costume parts, but I only just filled out my T8 this month. -
*waves to everybody*
Nice to be able to post again -
My very first character went to Atlas Park, every other alt has gone to Galaxy City.
Much less hastle than Atlas, I certainly will miss it. -
I have a stealth in sprint on one character, on login the stealth toggles immediately with the power.
However I have noticed that if I transition with the power toggled, the stealth acts like a 120 second proc ... and the effect seems to stack.
Toggle sprint on = Stealth Radius 30' - toggleoff = 0'
1 x transition with sprint on = Stealth radius 60'/120s - toggleoff = 30' until 120s then 0'
2 x transition with sprint on = Stealth radius 90'/120s - toggleoff = 60' until 120s then 0'
And so on.
They gave us plenty of notice that there was an extended maintenance today, then after finishing early they realized there was a problem and told us immediately in the form of a post that maintenance would be extended.
Sounds like good communication to me, better than the guys that fix the elevator in my building that's for sure. -
I wouldn't worry about the vehicles too much until they scale the current ones to a usable size and perhaps add some designs from this century.
I think they should try a new mission map layout that reflects better a modern office tower with elevators near the center and office space all around.
It would require an up-down choice dialog of some sort I suppose. -
Quote:The way the game is going, if things remain with the 'same' focus, I give it 2 years, at most. People 'will' get tired of running the same content over and over again and getting tons of characters to 50 and Alpha'ed out.Quote:...you need PvP for people to have something to do 'after' 50 and Alphas.
We hear this every year, and still CoX continues. It is however a seven year old game, eventually they will close down the servers and someone will be very pleased with themselves at how they "predicted" the end.
I've been here for six years because more than any other MMO I have played City of allows me to create, as close as possible, the character I have in my imagination, and it allows me to play the way I want to play. No other game has delivered that for me. -
Before my second monitor and the sentinel build export feature I did a grand total of three respecs, and two of those were mandatory VEAT respecs.
I despised respecing before, and now it's still a complete PITA.
And yes, some characters I can't decide what to take ... my PB already has a bunch of powers with no slotting. -
Quote:Buildings need more variety. And whoever built Praetoria needs to be given free reign to demolish and rebuild existing city zones so they look like, y'know, actual cityscape instead of some random, horribly laid out garbage?
/mini rantQuote:I believe this is the general idea of the thread. but rather than recycle Praetoria (IN PRIMAL EARTH) David's looking for specific suggestions for the various zones and their architecture styles.
Primal Paragon would be wonderful with a total redesign from the ground up as it were, so that the city feels and looks and travels like you are in an actual city, and not a bunch of "zones" slapped together. I would definitely pay the full price of an expansion to see something like that happen. -
Right click on the City of Heroes bar, choose properties and add -uiskin 2 to the extra command line parameters box.
My main has no superhuman powers when outside of his armor so I do my best to limit him to the medicine poor tricorder and his captured crey pistol. He also has the ability to access to an invisibility circuit. (used for costume changes before we had CCEs)
While it might be nice to be able to limit power availability by costume slot, I think I'd rather just do my best to adhere to the self imposed RP limitations and let the Devs work on more important features. (Like walk, god it's so nice to walk!) -
It doesn't seem like anything you need to worry about, some people just like to complain.
I created a villain once, athletic female form with the chest slider turned down to just under 1/4. Masks with hair and a full dark blue and purple costume.
While I was futzing with my UI getting it just right and setting up my vet stuff I get a tell ... "Real creative a**hole, another scantily dressed female".
I have to admit I was confused because except for a few bits of her face she was showing no skin whatsoever. Unfortunately the player notes system was not yet in place so I just politely asked what his problem was as she was fully covered and I may have made some passing reference to his acuity, both visual and mental -
Sign me up for the "I'm gonna die! Holy snarky where's my mouse pointer!" Club.
They got rid of the CRTs, but they still have circa 1980's business telephone sets on the desks
Quote:I've used both and sentinel has made the badge tracking process a complete breeze. Open your personal info window and that's it ... and the Mids build export is a respecing godsend!I use HeroStats and Badge-Hunter.com
(Mainly because I already had a badge-hunter account before the Titan Sentinel existed. I dunno if Sentinel is okay/good/better.)
I'm looking forward to see what they will come up with next, it's been hinted that salvage/recipe tracking might be coming. -
I wouldn't say it's necessary ... I just took it for the first time ever in six years of playing when I respec'd my Dark/Fire brute for inherent fitness.
He's the only character I have that is thematically based on fire, so the annoying flaming fists sorta work. -
Bypassing the EULA only allows you to skip confirming that you agree, you are still bound by the EULA by playing the game as stated in section 1a.
Quote:Your use of the Game(s) constitutes your agreement to all such terms and conditions and your agreement to comply with the Rules of Conduct. -
I found this reference online, I give it as much or more credence as those claiming the word is offensive considering this cites a published work.
Just FYI.
There is a lot of misinformation about the true origin of the word "gypped". It comes from the Greek word "gyp" for vulture, not from the word "gypsy".
Gyp (Jip, Gip, Gypsy, Gippo, Gypper, Gypster)
A person who cheats or swindles people. A trickster. A person who is not quite honest. Gyp is the Greek word for vulture. In the 19th century, the Universities of Cambridge and Durham in England provided servants, who attended one or more undergraduates. Students called the servants gyps because the gyps found many ways of obtaining ale and tips from them and preyed upon the students like vultures. Gyps made beds, ran errands, helped their young masters over the college walls late at night, and provided other services. Sometimes they ran away with everything they could lay their hands on.
Jordan Almond, Dictionary of Word Origins: A History of the Words, Expressions, and Clichés We Use, Citadel Press, New York, 1985, page 113.
Now you can enlighten anybody who thinks the word stems from Gypsy. It does not.