Will You Miss Galaxy City?
Galaxy City will still be available via Ouroboros, but it won't have any mission content there - so it won't be gone completely, unlike the current Atlas Park
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I would hope that Galaxy City, which I will definitely miss, is the only zone that's "sacrificed", i.e. changed beyond recognition with no regard to its traditional role. Mercy Island's revamp is a much better method to emulate in future.
The idea that the devs can "improve" the game by trashing its older content instead of refurbishing it needs to be headed off at the pass.
Yes. (See prior thread, slipped down a few pages, about "What will you miss about Galaxy City?")
I would hope that Galaxy City, which I will definitely miss, is the only zone that's "sacrificed", i.e. changed beyond recognition with no regard to its traditional role. |
Galaxy City will still be available via Ouroboros, but it won't have any mission content there - so it won't be gone completely, unlike the current Atlas Park
![]() |
And to answer the question, yes I will miss Galaxy. It's where I currently run my tip missions. Its small so I don't have to run around much and has none of the atlas farm chatter.
As unpopular as I'm sure this statement will be, the truth is:
No, I will not miss Galaxy City.
Why? The only reason I ever went to Galaxy City is during the Winter Event to get my lower level alts to open Winter Event zone presents, otherwise, badge hunt for the zone exploration badges and plaques. I'd spend maybe 10 minutes max on Galaxy on any given character.
I'm sure there are many here who will have greater and fonder memories of the zone; for that, my heart goes out to you and the loss of Galaxy City. For me, it's an 'oh well for Galaxy City; so what's this new First Ward zone?'.
R.I.P., Galaxy City. I will not miss thee.
Galaxy City was the spiritual home of our SG, so yes, I will miss it dearly :/
That being said, it's understandable that the devs would want one primary zone for starting characters, to increase low-level concentration while removing mission doors. The improvements to Atlas Park are gorgeous, so in a way, it makes up for the destruction of Galaxy City.
My 2 inf.
PS: Also, if you want to see "old" Atlas Park, just head to Recluse's Victory, since that map hasn't been updated at all. Of course, you'll need it to be under hero control to reminisce
Yes. (See prior thread, slipped down a few pages, about "What will you miss about Galaxy City?")
I'm betting we'll see more zones "improved" this way, unfortunately. Y'know, ones we've been asking for a story to be added to for years. |
It WAS interesting to me that when I did Twinshot's meteor arc and saw how much of the zone was NOT destroyed in that mission instance that my first thought was that it was not nearly devestated enough. *laugh*
On thread topic response: I'd sacrifice Perez Park, often times I forget it's there.
Off topic: (I think) The Dev's have said they're revamping another zone, and its not one we've been asking for, so that more than likely eliminates Boomtown and Dark Astoria.
I'm thinking it's Talos or Independence Port.
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
I will not miss galaxy city. I will miss mercy island though. At least the way it used to be.
My very first character went to Atlas Park, every other alt has gone to Galaxy City.
Much less hastle than Atlas, I certainly will miss it.
Nope. Low level content goes by in the first hour of play, even solo without power leveling. I can't think of any good reason to miss it.
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
It's painfully obvious that Perez Park is completely obsolete under the revamped newbie experience. Considering that it's a hub between four different zones, I'd see Perez as the next zone to get a remake of some kind.
I will miss Galaxy City, but I feel it's sacrifice was not in vain.
The roleplayer in me feels really bad for Back Alley Brawler, though.
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
You know, speaking of remakes, I'd really like to see a tram station added in Fault. Due to its secluided location a lot of new players will miss out on a fun zone. I know people have mixed feeling about the place, but I personally love it. A tram will give the zone some much needed attention.
On some level it still strikes me as odd that they would basically "retire" an entire zone, but I understand the reasons for why it's being done. I never had much use for Galaxy City myself but at least they are keeping the old version in Ouroboros for those who want it.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I always liked Galaxy City. Picked it as my very first starting zone when I came to the game. Couldn't help myself. I was offered a chance to go see "Back Alley Brawler" or "Ms. Liberty", and I mean, really, with names like that, the choice was clear. So Galaxy became my first home. Liked the layout, always felt it was a lot more "scenic" than Atlas Park as well. But that said, I rarely go back there anymore for anything other than the occasional fedex mission, though when I do visit, I'm always reminded of how nice a zone it is.
So yeah, I'll likely miss it from time to time, though not in a major way. And at least if i suffer a major nostalgia bomb, there's always Ouroboros, which is more than Faultline got. I wonder if the "memory" will be fully functional? Like with BABs for training, Jack Wolfe, working arena, and all the rest?
Brings up a good question that might have been addressed elsewhere: did Jack Wolfe move to AP, or is there a new contact with whom we claim earned respecs?
The echo does not have any trainers or mission givers in it. Everyone who used to be in Galaxy has been relocated to Atlas, including Jack and BaB.
Can you at least do radio missions in it, or is it just like... there?
I was also wondering if it was a instance or a actual zone?
I will miss Galaxy City because it's just not worth slotting for accuracy to hit it!
/em rimshot

Thelonious Monk
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
What does the loss of Galaxy mean to the Atlas Medallion? How does one acquire the badges currently in Galaxy?
And how is Atlas changing? Guess I'll see tomorrow...
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I know I will. I really enjoyed the quieter alternative to Atlas Park but I'm sure not everyone felt the same.
If you knew sacrificing other pre-GR zones could get you new/merged/better zone content, which zones would yiu sacrifice?